What is a paragraph and how is it organized? — КиберПедия 

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What is a paragraph and how is it organized?

2022-12-20 47
What is a paragraph and how is it organized? 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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- a paragraph introduces and develops one main idea

-  the main idea is introduced through a topic sentence, which is usually the first sentence

-  all sentences in the paragraph need to relate to the main idea in a logical way

- paragraphs are linked together and flow logically on from each other

- in-text references need to be included in the paragraph if supporting ideas come from other sources.

Generally, your personal statement is not supposed to be longer than 4000 signs (better a bit shorter). It is important to organize your text in clear and compact paragraphs. Although you do not need to follow a set structure, here is a rough guideline of how you could order your personal statement for university:

1. Reasons for wanting to study a particular Master’s programme. This may include your personal story of how you got interested in the subject, show your passion as well as career goals. You may also write about the university’s reputation and what aspects of the department and the programme are especially appealing to you.

2. Why you are suitable. Write about how undergraduate study has prepared you for the further stage in your education, mention your independent research work (e.g. dissertation) and topics that most interest you.

3. Your skills and achievements. Highlight all your relevant skills and knowledge that will enable you to contribute to the department. Summarise your abilities in core areas (such as teaching, IT, numeracy, organisation, communication, time management and critical thinking). Also cover any grades, awards, work placements, extra readings or conferences that you've attended and how these have contributed to your readiness for Masters study.

4. Your related hobbies and interests that may provide more information about you as an independent creative and enthusiastic person.

5. Clearly explain how the Master’s programme will help you in your career aspirations.

(Source: Prospects https://www.prospects.ac.uk/postgraduate-study/masters-degrees/personal-statements-for-postgraduate-applications)

v 3.6. Read the example of the personal statement again and match paragraphs and numbers of the points in the plan above. Suggest possible improvements to the text for it to be more winning.

v 3.7. Vocabulary work. What expressions does the author employ to signal transition to a new idea? Below are some important functions and examples of expressions used in this text. Add some other relevant expressions, given at p. … in Appendix.

· To give more examples to illustrate the idea: In addition to this(that); additionally, moreover; more importantly… _____________________________________________________________

· To provide examples from another area: Outside of my studies…

· To conclude the text: In conclusion… __________________________________________

v Task 3.8. Writing. Write your own brief personal statement for a Master’s programme of your choice, which will contain about 1000 signs and submit it to your teacher.

If you are applying for a Master’s in Teacher Training, remember to write about your passion to teach. Focus on what categories of learners you are interested in most. If you have gained any school experience, tell your potential readers about it, paying particular attention to what you have learnt from it.For a sample teacher training personal statement, see Appendix, page …

Keep in mind that when writing a personal statement you need to show your enthusiasm and emotional involvement. At the same time, you need to be careful so as not to overemphasise your enthusiasm in order not to sound inadequate, imposing and a little bit of a maniacJ

Ø Task 3.9. Follow-up: develop your statement into a longer text of about 3000 signs, adding more details about your motives, experience and current studies. Exchange your statements with your partner. Check his / her text for language errors and provide written feedback on the quality of the statement. Use the following criteria:

o Logic of organisation (1-5, where: 1 - absolutely illogical, 5 – very logical)

o Presence of all necessary information (1-5; where 1 - all information is irrelevant, 5 – information is relevant and full)

o Usage of academic language (1-5; 1 – language does not satisfy the criteria for an academic text; 5 – strictly academic)

o Adequacy of emotionality: (1 – unemotional and uninterested; 2- moderately emotional and somewhat interested; 3 – emotional and quite enthusiastic – 4 – very emotional and enthusiastic; 5. excessively emotional and hyper-enthusiastic)

ü Task 3.10 is supplementary: see Appendix, page

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