Provide arguments and counterarguments. — КиберПедия 

Общие условия выбора системы дренажа: Система дренажа выбирается в зависимости от характера защищаемого...

Поперечные профили набережных и береговой полосы: На городских территориях берегоукрепление проектируют с учетом технических и экономических требований, но особое значение придают эстетическим...

Provide arguments and counterarguments.

2022-12-20 38
Provide arguments and counterarguments. 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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Task 5. Do you agree with the following statements? Give your reasons and examples.

1) The emphatic refusal to grant autonomy rights increases support for independence movements.

2) A shared language promotes distinct identi­ties and serves to legitimize claims for self-determination.

3) The crea­tion of new states within the EU seems un­likely.

4)  The economic crisis fans the desire for autonomy – nowhere more than in the regions that are economic pow­erhouses

Task 6. Work in pairs. Discuss the following using agree/disagree expressions from Unit 5.

What are the threats and opportunities of fragmentation of geopolitical space?

Task 7. Read the following text and discuss the legal aspect of secession. What is the role of referenda? Are referenda necessarily held in the case of secession? Should the admissibility of referenda be mentioned in the national constitution? Why is the referendum in Crimea not recognized by the US and European countries?

The core question of whether a part of a country has a right to secede is rooted in the contradiction between the self-deter­mination right of nations and the territo­rial integrity of states. Both of these princi­ples are part of the UN Charter; however, interpretations differ. In practice, the fol­lowing principles apply in dealing with se­cessionist movements: Amicable, peaceful separations are respected as a matter of principle. On the other hand, unilateral declarations of independence without the consent of the remaining state are only considered legitimate in exceptional situa­tions, in particular, in cases where a colo­nial status is ended. Beyond this, though, there is no right to secession. If a majority in one part of a country demands more rights by democratic means, however, the government in question may be regarded as having an obligation to deal with the mat­ter politically.

In Europe after 1989, new states were cre­ated in Central and Eastern Europe. The Soviet Union, Yugoslavia, and Czechoslovakia were dissolved. A separation took place in 2006, when Montenegro sepa­rated from Serbia and Monte­negro. In this case, the option of a referendum was included in the constitution. When it comes to the admissibility of referenda, the national constitutions are a crucial factor. In Spain, for instance, regional referenda are explicitly ruled out in the constitution. The population may only be consulted at the national level.


Task 8. Hold a round table discussion “What a Cram When Together, What a Bore When Apart: Democracy and Separatism”. Each student should prepare a five-minute speech on the subject.

Task 9. Negotiation qualities from around the world

Study the table below and answer the following questions:

1) Are you familiar with these countries? If so, do you agree with this information? Do you have any additional information?

2) Which country would you have the most problems with? Why?

3) What qualities are typical of Russian negotiators? Fill the bottom row, compare your observations and discuss them.

  Educational Background Sex Age Technical knowledge Seniority/ Experience Power and authority Symbolic position of authority Follows standards Personal connections Social competence Social status
USA   male/female   +   +          
Japan + mostly male + + +   +        
Mexico + INA*   + +       + +  
Brazil + INA             + + +
France + mostly male           +   + +
Germany   mostly male + + +            
South Korea + mostly male   +             +
Spain + mostly male             +   +


*INA – information not available


Task 10. Study the table below and discuss negotiating styles typical of different national cultures. Can you add information about other national cultures? What can you say about Russian negotiators?

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