Every minority group will represent an increasing share of the future U.S. population. — КиберПедия 

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Every minority group will represent an increasing share of the future U.S. population.

2022-11-14 29
Every minority group will represent an increasing share of the future U.S. population. 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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As every minority group increases its share of the future U.S. population, the race and ethnic distribution will become even more diversified as the nation progresses through the 21st century (Figure 2-4). The Black population will grow from 13 percent to 15 percent of the total U.S. population, and American Indians' share also will grow (from 0.9 to 1.1 percent). Asian and Pacific Islanders and Hispanics will considerably expand their portion of the total U.S. population. The Asian population will more than double its 1995 proportion of 4 percent to become 9 percent in 2050. The Hispanic-origin share of the total population will increase by 2.4 times. In 1995, 10 in every 100 people in the United States were of Hispanic origin; by 2050, 24 in every 100 will be Hispanic.


(from   Dynamic Diversity:

Projected Changes in U.S. Race and

Ethnic Composition

To 2050)

Text 4

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Intercultural Communication



Intercultural communication or communication between people of different cultural backgrounds has always been and will probably remain an important precondition of human co-existence on earth. The purpose of this paper is to provide a framework of factors that are important in intercultural communication within a general model of human, primarily linguistic, communication. The term intercultural is chosen over the largely synonymous term cross-cultural because it is linked to language use such as “interdisciplinary”,that is cooperation between people with different scientific backgrounds. Perhaps the term also has somewhat fewer connotations than cross-cultural. It is not cultures that communicate, whatever that might imply, but people (and possibly social institutions) with different cultural backgrounds that do. In general, the term” cross-cultural” is probably best used for comparisons between cultures (”cross-cultural comparison”).

What is a culture?

Let us more closely analyze the concepts that can be found in the expression intercultural communication. One of them is culture which has been analyzed in several different ways by different researchers. See Kroeber and Kluckholm (1952) for an account of about 200 ways to define the concept. It will be used here in the following way. The term “culture” refers to all the characteristics common to a particular group of people that are learned and not given by nature. That the members of a group have two legs is thus not a cultural characteristic but a natural one, while a special but common way of walking would probably be cultural. Analytically, we can  

(i) Patterns of thought – common ways of thinking, where thinking includes factual beliefs, values, norms, and emotional attitudes.

(ii) Patterns of behavior – common ways of behaving, from ways of speaking to ways of conducting commerce and industry, where the behavior can be intentional/unintentional, aware/unaware or individual/interactive.

(iii) Patterns of artifacts – common ways of manufacturing and using material things, from pens to houses (artifact = artificial object), where artifacts include dwellings, tools, machines or media. The artifactual dimension of culture is usually given special attention in museums.

(iv) Imprints in nature – the long lasting imprints left by a group in the natural surroundings, where such imprints include agriculture, trash, roads or intact/ruined human habitations. In fact, “culture” in the sense of “growth” (i.e. a human transformation of nature) gives us a basic understanding of what the concept of culture is all about.

All human activities involve the first two dimensions. Most activities involve the third dimension, and ecologically important activities also involve the fourth. When a particular activity lastingly combines several of these traits, one usually says that the activity has become institutionalized and that it is thus a social institution.

Similarly, one may speak of a culture or a subculture when one or more of the characteristics are lastingly connected with a certain group of people. In the context of intercultural communication, the groups are often associated with national states, and we may speak about Swedish culture, French culture, etc. However, a group does not necessarily have to be a national group. It may be any group at all that is distinguishable over a longer period of time. We can thus speak about teenage culture, male culture, working-class culture, bakers’ culture or the culture of the city of Gothenburg. Cultural differences between groups of these types are often just as great or even greater than those that exist between national cultures.

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