HD’s Unauthorised and Unqualified Translation — КиберПедия 

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HD’s Unauthorised and Unqualified Translation

2022-11-14 29
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a) However, HD admits that he later specifically disobeyed Çréla Prabhupäda’s order to stop learning Sanskrit and began to learn Sanskrit just so that he could finish the Bhägavatam:


“in Brazil in 1978 in late November […] in my heart I just heard Kåñëa telling me, “Okay, you passed the test. Now you need to learn Sanskrit and finish the Bhägavatam .”


(HD Talk, 18/8/17)


It is interesting to note his methodology for this disobedience. He claims “in my heart I just heard Kåñëa telling me”. By this ‘method’, one can disobey any instruction Çréla Prabhupäda ever gave. One just has to claim one heard Kåñëa in one’s heart stating the opposite of Çréla Prabhupäda’s orders.


b) We earlier quoted Çréla Prabhupäda stating that:


“The order of the spiritual master is the active principle in spiritual life. Anyone who disobeys the order of the spiritual master immediately becomes useless.”


(Cc., Ädi-lélä, 12.10)


Thus, having produced his Bhägavatam directly as a result of having disobeyed Çréla Prabhupäda’s order to not learn Sanskrit, HD is


12                                        The Authorised Bhägavatam




“useless” rather than “very realized” spiritually. Yet, we saw in Proofs 8 and 9 that Çréla Prabhupäda stated that being “very realized” spiritually was the qualification required by a scriptural translator.


c) In addition, HD lied about this disobedience. In the confession quoted in the previous proof, HD had truthfully explained that Çréla Prabhupäda forbade him to learn Sanskrit permanently. Yet, HD later told the same story but lied about this permanent ban, stating that Çréla Prabhupäda only told him that he should not learn at that time:


“I found a very special book. It was by Macdonell […] a Sanskrit Grammar for Students […] I had studied that book in 1972 just after I took sannyäsa and Prabhupäda said now’s not the time for you tostudy Sanskrit. ”


(HD Talk, 19/10/19)


HD going to the trouble of lying about his disobedience to cover it up, and thus trying to justify his disobedient acts, just makes the significance of his disobedience even more prominent. The lie reveals he is aware of the significance of having been forbidden to study Sanskrit by Çréla Prabhupäda – as it renders his whole Çrémad-Bhägavatam project unauthorised – and hence he has no choice but tocover up this fact.


d) Hence, HD’s translation is both unauthorised and unqualified, as it arose only because he specifically disobeyed Çréla Prabhupäda, which in turn made him useless rather than spiritually “very realized”, as required.



13) HD Not “Very Realized”


We shall present proof which is particularly irrefutable for HD that he was not “very realized” when he translated the Bhägavatam as required by Çréla Prabhupäda. Irrefutable because, as we shall see, it is proof that HD himself must accept.


a) HD is a loyal member of the current ISKCON and fully accepts the authority of the GBC. Indeed, when referring to his own position as an ISKCON dékñä guru, he states:


“since Prabhupäda ordered us to follow the GBC, a guru can only be bona fide by following the GBC.”


(HD, “ Darshan ”, 15/9/19)


b) As noted in the Introduction, it is a historical fact that when HD

Hridayänanda Forbidden   13


completed the Bhägavatam, he was part of the group of 11 men who had taken over Çréla Prabhupäda’s position as ISKCON’s dékñä guru. These 11 men were part of a system that was known informally at the time as the “zonal äcärya ” system. About this system, the GBC stated that:


“the GBC Body allowed for an unauthorized “zonal äcärya ” system to evolve in ISKCON, elevating eleven exclusive successor dékñä gurus; […] being weakened due to the Zonal Äcärya deviation


(GBC Resolution 403, 1999)


In addition, ISKCON’s official magazine, Back To Godhead, gave a similar statement about this system:


“But by the influence of mäyä, illusion, a different idea soon evolved


– that Çréla Prabhupäda had appointed eleven “pure devotees” to serve as the only gurus after him.”


(Back To Godhead, Issue 25-01, 1991)


c) As proof of this mäyä (illusion) that HD was in when he completed the Bhägavatam, we can note what was inserted into the Bhägavatam he completed. In the pages of HD’s Bhägavatam, he was given the same exalted status of “His Divine Grace” as Çréla Prabhupäda. In his purports, HD’s illusion was so deep that he even went so far as to falsely promote as exalted, personalities who subsequently had to leave ISKCON due to engaging in illicit activity. Acknowledging HD’s illusion in writing such “purports”, all such references, along with HD’s honorific title of “His Divine Grace”, were removed in later printings.


Thus, neither the GBC nor HD, who claims to follow the GBC, can dispute that HD was in a deviant, illusory state when he completed the Bhägavatam, rather than being “very realized” as required by Çréla Prabhupäda.



Progression of HD’s Bhägavatam project


a) Çréla Prabhupäda warned about his disciples that:


“I am practically seeing that as soon as they begin to learn a little sanskrit immediately they feel that they have become more than their guru and then the policy is kill guru and be killed himself.”


(Çréla Prabhupäda Letter, 18/9/76)


We noted in Proof 11 that HD must have been such a person that Çréla Prabhupäda would be wary of learning Sanskrit and developing


14                                        The Authorised Bhägavatam




a mentality of thinking they are “more than their guru” and thus “kill guru”. Because, as soon as Çréla Prabhupäda heard that HD was learning Sanskrit, he stopped him. Indeed, the result of HD’s Sanskrit “learning” and his Bhägavatam project is that now he feels he is superior to Çréla Prabhupäda in translating, and he has therefore ‘corrected’ Çréla Prabhupäda’s Bhägavatam, claiming that Çréla Prabhu päda’s translations are “mistranslated”. Thus, he has gone from unauthorisedly completing Çréla Prabhupäda’s Bhägavatam to now correcting it. The evidence of this shocking behaviour from HD isdocumented here: www.iskconirm.com/correction


b) This “kill guru” mentality is also present when:


“And as soon as he learns the Guru Mahäräja is dead, “Now I am so advanced that I can kill my guru and I become.” Then he’s finished.”


(Çréla Prabhupäda, Room Conversation, 16/8/76)


And HD is guilty on both counts:


As soon as Çréla Prabhupäda physically departed, HD replaced him as ISKCON’s dékñä guru; and, as already noted, HD thinks he is superior in Sanskrit translation to Çréla Prabhupäda.


Thus, this is a project which:


HD defied Çréla Prabhupäda to produce;


HD then moved on from to correct Çréla Prabhupäda;


Has been produced by one who is a double “kill guru” person.




Therefore, the conclusion of this and the previous two chapters is that: HD’s Bhägavatam is not authorised, and therefore Çréla Prabhupäda’s Bhägavatam remains the only authorised Bhägavatam to be used inISKCON.


a) This has been proven in 13 different ways by Çréla Prabhupäda. For those who claim to follow Çréla Prabhupäda and accept his authority, even one proof should be enough, never mind 13!

b) This conclusion has also been proven through 3 separate paths:

i) That it is not possible for any Bhägavatam other than Çréla Prabhupäda’s to exist in ISKCON.

ii) That no one was authorised to complete Çréla Prabhupäda’s

Hridayänanda Forbidden   15




iii) That HD, the person who was responsible for completing the Bhägavatam, is particularly unauthorised and unqualified to havedone so.

c) Çréla Prabhupäda’s words, and therefore these proofs, can of course not be challenged, since Çréla Prabhupäda is ISKCON’s supreme authority and Äcärya. In addition, Çréla Prabhupäda’s answers in Proofs 8 and 9 are given specifically in the context of Çréla Prabhu päda’s final policy for ISKCON for the matter in question. Therefore, these proofs render anything else Çréla Prabhupäda may have said or done previously as being not relevant to this matter, thus making the challenge even more impossible.

d) It should be noted that the last 3 proofs showed specifically that HD’s Bhägavatam was:

i) Born out of disobedience.


ii) Completed under the influence of the deep disobedience of the zonal äcärya hoax.

iii) Executed by one who was in deep mäyä rather than “very realized” as required by Çréla Prabhupäda.


Therefore, it is a particularly inauspicious, unauthorised and diso bedient project.


Hence, the net result is that, for anyone who accepts Çréla Prabhupäda’s authority, the conclusion is overwhelming and irrefutable, leaving no


shadow of a doubt. HD’s Bhägavatam is not authorised and therefore should not be read.

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