Тема1: введение: цель изучения иностранного языка. — КиберПедия 

Поперечные профили набережных и береговой полосы: На городских территориях берегоукрепление проектируют с учетом технических и экономических требований, но особое значение придают эстетическим...

Двойное оплодотворение у цветковых растений: Оплодотворение - это процесс слияния мужской и женской половых клеток с образованием зиготы...

Тема1: введение: цель изучения иностранного языка.

2022-10-27 35
Тема1: введение: цель изучения иностранного языка. 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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Сборник тематических текстов и заданий для самостоятельной работы студентов по дисциплине: Иностранный язык(английский) для 1 курса/сост. Сибгатулова С.В., 2017.-84



Сборник тематических текстов и заданий предназначен для студентов 1 курса средних медицинских заведений. Сборник направлен на формирование и дальнейшее развитие у студентов навыков самостоятельного чтения, письма и говорения как важных компоненов речевой деятельности на иностранном языке.Цель сборника – формирование коммуникативной компетенции студентов, а также подготовка студентов к самостоятельной работе с иноязычным текстом с целью полного понимания заложенной в нем информации.


©ОГБПОУ «Ульяновский медицинский колледж»


ПОЯСНИТЕЛЬНАЯ ЗАПИСКА..................................................................5.

Тема 1: ВВЕДЕНИЕ.ЦЕЛЬ ИЗУЧЕНИЯ ИНОСТРАННОГО ЯЗЫКА В МЕДИЦИНСКОМ КОЛЛЕДЖЕ...............................................................6-7

Тема 2: Описание людей (внешность, характер, личностные качества, профессии)...............................................8-11

Тема 3: Межличностные отношения.......................................12-19

Тема 4: Человек, здоровье, спорт...............................................20-24


Тема5: Город.Деревня.Инфраструктура..................................25-28


Тема 6: Природа и человек..........................................................29-31

Тема 7: Части тела человека........................................................32-33

Тема 8: Гигиена тела.......................................................................34-37


Тема 9: Структурная организация человеческого тела. Скелет.................................................................................................38-39

Тема 10: Государственное устройство, правовые институты.......................................................................................40-42

Тема 11: Диетотерапия. Диета. Витамины. Продукты питания.............................................................................................43-45

Тема 12: Научно-технический прогресс................................46-47

Тема 13: Повседневная жизнь. Условия жизни...................48-51

Тема 14: Досуг....................................................................................52-57

Тема 15: Новости. Средства массовой информации.....58-63

Тема 16: Навыки общественной жизни...............................64

Тема 17: Культурные и национальные традиции, краеведение, обычаи и праздники........................................65-68

Тема 18: Общий инструментарий. Предметы ухода за больными.....................................................................................69

Тема 19: Работа медицинской сестры в терапевтическом отделении.....................................................................................70-76

Тема 20: Первая помощь (ушибы, переломы, обморок, солнечный удар, шок, отравления).....................................77-79

Тема 21: Работа медицинской сестры в хирургическом отделении..........................................................................................80-83



Данный сборник содержит необходимый текстовый материал и большое количество упражнений различного характера, предназначенных формированию у студентов коммуникативной компетенции.

Сборник направлен на формирование и дальнейшее развитие у студентов навыков чтения, письма и говорения как важных компоненов речевой деятельности на иностранном языке.Учебные тексты, расоложенныеот простых к более сложным, позволяют студентам в ходе работы над ними контролировать уровень усвоения полученных знаний.

Основное внимание уделяется чтению тематических текстов и усвоению лексического материала. Пониманию текстов служат упражнения различного характера.Учебный материал учебника, подлежащий усвоению, обогащен свободными и устойчивыми словосочетаниями, речевыми фигурами, фразеологическими единствами и аутентичными фразами, активно используемыми носителями немецкого языка.Подготовительные предтекстовые упражнения способствуют развитию языковой догадки.Послетекстовые задания учебника направлены на смысловую переработку и структурирование почерпнутой из текстов информации.Словарь каждого урока содержит основной лексический материал, подлежащий усвоению в рамках темы.


Цель сборника –– формирование коммуникативной компетенции студентов в области иноязычной речевой деятельности и  подготовка студентов к самостоятельной работе с иноязычным текстом с полным пониманием информации, заложенной в нем.

Содержание пособия соответствует знаниям, умениям, навыкам, заложенным в программе дисциплины: Иностранный язык (немецкий).

Разработанное пособие моет быть использовано студентами средних и высших учебных заведений, а также преподавателями немецкого языка.











1. Human - человеческий

2. Body - тело

3. Head - голова

4. Hair - волосы

5. Face - лицо

6. Cheek - щека

7. Eye - глаз

8. Ear - ухо

9. Healthy - здоровый

10. Tooth (pl. Teeth) - зуб, зубы

11. Mouth - рот

12. Hand - кисть (руки)

13. Leg - нога

14. Foot - ступня

15. Nose - нос

16. Arm - рука

17. Strong - сильный, крепкий

18. Finger - палец (руки)

19. Toe - палец (ноги)

20. Forehead - лоб

21. Shoulder - плечо

22. Chest - грудь

23. Back– спина

 Для описания внешности женщины используем слова:

AFigure– Фигура

slim - стройная

neat - изящная

little, small -маленькая

thin, skinny - худая

beautiful –красивый (о женщине)

Для описания внешности мужчин мы используем слова:

bodybuild - телосложение.

slender -стройный.

lean - худощавый

short - низкого роста

plump / overweight - полный.

muscular - мускулистый


beard -борода

Moustache- усы

hair (Волосы)


black -черные

red]- рыжие

grey - седые.

blond - светлые

brown hair - шатен

brunette - брюнет.

long - длинные,

short -короткие,

shoulder-lenght - доплечей,

waist-length - до пояса.

bald-лысый, слысиной

straight - прямые,

wavy -волнистые

curly- кудрявые, вьющиеся.

richhair - красивые, густые волосы —

thin - редкие

thick - густые

Face (Лицо)

oval - овальное,

round - круглое

square -квадратными square

beautiful— красивое (о женщине)

handsome - красивое (о мужчине)

pale - бледное

gloomy - мрачное

pretty, nice- приятное, симпатичное

plain - некрасивое

Thin - худое


snub -курносый

aquiline- орлиный

straight - прямой

skin (Кожа)

cream-white - белоснежная                                 

sunburnt / tanned - загорелая

Hands (Руки)


softhands - мягкиеруки,

tenderhands - нежныеруки,

delicatehands - утонченныеруки


skilful – умелые

Еyes (Глаза)


close- / deep- / wide-set- близко, глубоко или широко посаженными

big -большие

jolly -весёлые

cheerful -радостные

expressive -выразительные

serious -серьёзные

cunning, sly -хитрые

sad -грустные

Colors of the eyes

brown -карие

green зеленые

grey - серые

blue -голубые,

light -светлые

dark - тёмные

Forehead (Лоб)

high - высокий

open - открытый

narrow - узкий

low - низкий

broad – широкий


Straight hair




· Parents- родители

· Privacy- личная жизнь

· To respect feelings-уважать чувства

· To show point of view- показывать точку зрения

· To praise- хвалить

· Opinion- точка зрения

· privacy ['praivqsi] – личная, частная жизнь

· toinvade [in'veid] – вмешиваться (в чью-либо личную жизнь)

· topraise [preiz] – хвалить

· totakeoutbadmoodson – вымещать свое плохое настроение на ком-либо

· tobribe [braib] – давать взятку, подкупать

· softy – слабый, бесхарактерный

· tofeelleftout – чувствовать себя никому не нужным, изолированным

· never, but never – никогда-никогда

· to give the silent treatment ['tri:tmqnt] – неразговаривать.



More than a million American teenagers run away from home every year. Their parents are often puzzled and hurt. Why do they do it?

There is usually a lack of understanding on both sides – parents and children – problems in communication.

More than half of these runaways are girls. Their average age is fifteen. For one reason or another, they refuse to stay at home. Of course, the great majority of young people never run away from home. Nevertheless, the problem is a serious one. There is no “typical” runaway, though. Many come from homes broken by divorce or homes where there is an alcoholic parent. Some run away from parents who beat them. But there are also many runaways who come from seemingly healthy homes where no such problems exist.

Steve, aged 15, ran away when he was 13. His father drank, and everyone in the family suffered when he got drunk. One night his father grabbed a gun and with his finger on the trigger, threatened to kill everyone in the family. Steve ran away – and stayed away. His chief concern was getting enough food and a safe, dry place to sleep.

“It’s frightening to be homeless because you don’t know about tomorrow,” Steve says. “Everything you have is what is on your back. You wonder where you’re going to eat or live. You don’t know if you’ll be all right”.

Sharon’s parents are divorced, but she says she had no real problems at home. She lived in a small town in Vermont. One evening she was watching TV when a friend rang up. “We are going to New York. Want to come along?” Sharon – 14 years old – hesitated, then shrugged her shoulders and agreed. When the police finally traced her, she had become a drug addict.

Unfortunately, these young people often run into trouble. Few runaways have any idea of how to get along in the lonely and often dangerous world they find after leaving home.

Most take off with only a few dollars in their pockets. When this is spent they find it is not easy to make money if you are only fifteen or sixteen years old. It’s useless for them to look for a proper job, because legally they are too young to get a job. The police say that most runaways return home within a few days. Often a phone call home is enough to patch things up. However, the longer a runaway is away, the more likely he or she is to get into trouble. One set of problems is often replaced by another. Runaways often think that they will find friendly people willing to help them out. But the sad fact is that cities are full of people on the lookout for runaways, who only want to take advantage of them.

On the street, there are four main means of survival: begging, stealing, prostitution and drug dealing. It’s like a quicksand: the deeper in you go, the deeper down you sink. Sometimes, inevitably, it leads to suicide.

There are a lot of charity organisations which try to protect street children. But unfortunately, the number of teen runaways is rising and the kids are getting younger.

Street children

There are about 100 million people around the world who call the streets their home. And their numbers are rising by the hundreds of thousands each year. In Africa, they are orphans of civil war or victims of famine; in Latin America and Asia, they are victims of poverty. In the capitals of the Western world, they are runaways.

Street children have to look after themselves, living off rubbish, trying to earn money by odd jobs.

The two most difficult cities in the world right now are Rio de Janeiro, Brazil and Bangkok, Thailand. Many of the street children are beaten, raped and sold for sex. They cannot turn to the police for help because the police often do the same things to them. In some Latin American countries, street children are rounded up and imprisoned or killed, just to tidy up the streets for an important foreign visitor.




· survey- исследование

· footballteam –футбольная команда

· idiom – идиома, характерное для данного языка выражение

· jokingly – шутливо

· to watch a match live – смотретьматчвживую(т.е. в прямой трансляции непосредственно с места события)

· WorldCup –Кубок Мира

· CupFinal - Суперкубок

· Cricket - крикет

· horse-racing - скачки, лошадиные бега, конный спорт

· motor-carracing - авторалли, гонки на машинах

· boat racing -соревнование по гребле

· International games - международные игры

· Tournament - турнир

· Wimbledon - Уимблдон

· Ascot - Эскот

· Vintage cars - старые, винтажныеавтмобили

· Brighton - Брайтон

· Oxford - Оксфорд

· Cambridge–Кэмбридж




o Ulyanovsk,

o BogdanChitrovo,

o Ulyanov' sfamily - семьяУльяновых

o Monuments -памятники

o inhonour of - вчесть..

o Memorial

o Sights - достопримечательности

o the Museum of Regional Studies - Краеведческиймузей,

o thePedagogical University

o Volzhanka

o technical schools -технические колледжи,

o universities

o knowledge - знание





EX.1. Words

ankle – лодыжка, щиколотка

arm – рука

back – спина

belly – живот

body - тело

chest – грудь

elbow – локоть

finger – палец

fist - кулак

foot (plural: feet) – стопа (стопы)

hand – кисть руки

head – голова

hip – бедро

knee – колено

leg – нога

nail - ноготь

neck – шея

palm – ладонь

shoulder - плечо

thumb - большой палец

toe – палец ноги

waist – талия

HeadandFace - головаилицо

cheek – щека

chin – подбородок

ear – ухо

eye – глаз

eyebrow – бровь

eyelash - ресница

face – лицo

forehead – лоб

hair - волосы

lip – губа

mouth – рот

nose – нос

tongue – язык

tooth (plural: teeth) – зуб (зубы)

Внутренние органы

Heart - сердце

Lungs - язык

Tongue - язык

Pharynx - глотка

Esophagus - пищевод

Stomach - желудок

Liver - печень

Gallbladder - желчный пузырь

Pancreas - поджелудочная железа

Duodenum - двенадцатиперстная кишка

Small intestine - тонкаякишка

 Appendix – аппендикс

 Rectum - прямаякишка

 Kidney - почка

 Bladder - мочевойпузырь

 Uterus – матка






  • Rule - правило
  • Air - воздух; (to) проветривать
  • Towash - умываться
  • Waist - пояс
  • Shower- душ
  • Tohurry - торопиться
  • Meal - еда
  • Rest - отдых
  • To eat - есть
  • Torise - подниматься
  • Early — рано
  • Habit - привычка
  • Daily - ежедневный
  • To cover - закрывать
  • To cough - кашлять
  • To sneeze - чихать
  • Neatly - опрятно; аккуратно
  • To hang up- вешать
  • Anybody - любой
  • Dry - сухой
  • To protect - защищать, предохранять
  • As…as - как…как
  • Without - без
  • Weather - погода





parietal - теменной                     v ertebra - позвонок

frontal - лобный                         vertebrae - позвонки

temporal - височный                  clavicle - ключица

occipital - затылочный               scapula - лопатка

skull - череп                                r ib - ребро

cervical - шейный              thorax - груднаяклетка

dorsal - спинной                         ulna - локтеваякость

spine - позвоночный столб         radius - лучевая кость

lumbar - поясничный                 phalanges - фаланги

pelvis - таз                                   femur - бедро

sacrum - крестец                         fibula - малая берцовая кость

coccyx -копчик                            tibia - большая берцовая кость.

humerus - плечеваякость



· tobesetupbysmth -быть учрежденным основанным в соответствии с чем-либо

· undertheConstitution- в соответствии с конституцией  

· a presidential republic -президентскаяреспублика

· thefederalgovernmentalbranch -федеральное правительство власть (как часть правительства)

· legislative -законодательный

· executive -исполнительный

· judicial -судебный

· to be checked by smb. - контролироватьсякем-либо

· Assembly- Федеральное собрание

· achamber- палата

· the Council of Federation -СоветФедерации

· to be headed by the Speaker -возглавлятьсяспикером

· to initiate a legislature- внестизаконопроект

· to approve a bill -принятьзаконопроект

· tobesignedbysmb. - быть подписанным кем-либо

· Tovetothebill -наложить вето на законопроект

· commander-in-cheif -главнокомандующий

· thearmedforces - вооруженные силы

· tomake a treaty -заключитьдоговор

· to enforce a law -проводитьзаконвжизнь

· to appoint a minister -назначитьминистра

· tobelongtosmb.- принадлежать кому-либо

· The Prime minister -премьер-министр

· to form the Cabinet- сформироватькабинет

· to be represented by smb.- бытьпредставленнымкем-либо

· the Constitutional Court- конституционныйсуд

· the Supreme Court -верховныйсуд

· a regional court -региональныйсуд

· to be elected by popular vote -бытьизбраннымвсенароднымголосованием

· thestatesymbol- государственный символ

· a national emblem-национальныйгерб

· tooriginatefromsmth. - происходить от чего-либо

· The heraldic emblem of the Ruricovitches - родовойгербРюриковичей






· Diet - диета

· carbohydrate-углерод

· Disease -болезнь

· fat-жир

· Careful - внимательный 

· Minerals-минеральные соли

· Physical-физический

· Fish-рыба

· Need- нуждаться

· Meat- мясо

· Mental- умственный

· Kidney- почка

· Important- важный

· Cheese-сыр

· Toconsist -состоять

· Butter-масло

· Protein- белок

· mixed- смешанный

· fruit-фрукт

· to pay attention to – обращатьвнимание

· high - высокий

· toprescribe – прописывать

· tobecome - становиться

· patient – пациент, больной

· weak -слабый

· temperature – температура

· caloric - калорийный

· poor- плохой, бедный

·  to do a lot – делатьмного

· appetite- аппетит

· to treat - лечить






Ex.1. WORDS.


togetup — вставать, подниматься

tohaveto + inf. — вынужден что-либо сделать

tomakebed — застилатьпостель

toputsmthon — надеватьчто-либо

 to have breakfast — завтракать

 to have a lot of work to do — иметьмногодел

 to prefer — предпочитать

 to sweep — подметать

 to dust — вытиратьпыль

 furniture — мебель

 carpet — ковер

 vacuum-cleaner — пылесос

 togoshopping — ходить по магазинам

to have opportunity — иметьвозможность

 family affairs — семейныедела






My hobby is painting and drawing. I have finished art school and now I paint and draw in my free time. I depict things that have impressed me deeply: beautiful flowers, poetic landscapes, ancient ruins. I like to paint portraits as well. It is very important to catch a person in a moment of action, feeling, perception and record that moment with unerring strokes. Only geniuses are blessed with this gift. Sometimes I create decorative compositions, large in scale and bright in colour. I paint on canvas and draw on paper. I work in oil and watercolour, pencil and pastel. For me painting is a means to understand the beauty and harmony of the surrounding world, a way to express my own emotions, feelings and perception of life. It is important for me to study the artistic heritage of great painters. That is why I like to visit museums and art galleries. My favourite painters are Vincent Van Gogh and Victor Borisov - Musatov. Painting is not the only hobby of mine. I read a lot of books. One of my favourite writers is R.R. Tolkien. In my free time I like to listen to music. Classical music is my favourite one. Mark




As British people say, “All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy”. Like everybody else, British people like doing things outside work.

Gardening is a well-known favourite. As the weather in Britain is relatively mild, British people manage to do gardening almost all the year round. Sometimes this can be just doing a bit of weeding and sometimes, serious vegetable and fruit growing. In fact, regardless of the size of the garden, the British can always find plenty to do in it. Mowing grass is also very important. Every Sunday morning they come out to mow their lawns. To outsiders, it almost seems like an obsession but to a British person it is an important social duty. The British see an unmown lawn not only as a sign of laziness, but also as disrespect to others (and you can get fined for it as well).

Walking is also very popular. Ask any British person if they have a pair of walking boots and the answer will probably be yes. Except for dry summer days, the beautiful British countryside is pretty muddy, so you need a good pair of walking boots or “wellies” to enjoy your walk. Walking as leisure activity has a long tradition in England. You can buy a variety of maps and guides to walking routes. Organised walking is also popular and is a good way to discover local sights of interest with a group of like-minded people and a good guide.

Cycling is another popular activity. Unfortunately, many British roads are busy and don’t have cycling paths, so cycling can be a bit dangerous in Britain. Many people find quiet country roads and spend their whole holidays exploring their homeland on their bikes.

More extreme sports like rock climbing also attract people. And, of course, the famous British eccentricity is the cause of unusual sports like extreme ironing. Extreme ironing is a serious sport where teams of people compete at who can do their ironing in more extreme conditions. Extreme ironing is now an international sport with serious competitions and organized events.

Of course, not all British people keep fit by engaging in extreme sports. Many go to the gym, swimming pool or fitness classes. However, it has to be said that the British are not the sportiest nation in the world. Increasingly, British people spend their free time watching TV. Sad, but true. The only comforting thing is that they are not on their own – most of the world seems to be doing the same!

As far as actually going away on holiday, many British people choose to spend their holidays abroad, preferably somewhere warm and dry. Spain, France and Greece are regular destinations due to convenient location and kind climate. City breaks are also a good idea for changing the scenery and enjoying new places without too much trouble.




1) dishes - посуда

2) fruit - фрукты

3) carry - нести

4) sweep the floor - подметатьпол

5) vacuum-cleaner - пылесос

6) plant - растение

7) strawberry - земляника, клубника

8) twice – дважды




In Britain, Christmas is normally spent at home, with the family and is regarded as a celebration of the family. There are many preparations which begin on the 1st of December when children receive advent calendars to count down the days until Christmas. For each day of December, there is a little door to open and inside there is a picture of a traditional Christmas image such as an angel or a robin red breast. People also begin sending Christmas cards to their friends and relations. This is a tradition that dates back to 1846. Another old tradition is the Christmas tree. Almost every family has a decorated tree at home, although some nowadays are artificial. The Christmas tree was first popularized by Queen Victoria’s husband, Prince Albert, who introduced the custom from his native Germany in 1840.

Christmas trees are usually decorated with electric lights, toys, chocolate sweets and a star or fairy at the top. According to tradition, the tree is decorated on Christmas Eve, but in practice many people decorate their trees earlier. The tree should be taken down 12 days after Christmas.

As well as Christmas trees, people often decorate their houses with evergreens (plants which do not lose their leaves in winter): a wreath of holly on the front door and garlands of holly, ivy and fir indoors. Christmas mistletoe is an older tradition than Christmas trees. This green plant with white berries is often hung in bunches above doorways for good luck. The rule is that any couple passing under the mistletoe must kiss.

There are also usually decorations in most towns and cities. In most towns, there is a Christmas tree in a prominent place and in big cities, such as London and Glasgow, there are impressive displays of lights which people travel from all over to see. Every year the people of Norway give the City of London a Christmas present of a huge tree which stands in Trafalgar Square.

There are many special rituals connected with Christmas Eve which are followed by most families in anticipation of Father Christmas’ arrival during the night. Father Christmas is also known as Santa Claus in Britain, this comes from the European name for him, Saint Nicholas. Children often leave a snack for Father Christmas – traditionally milk and cookies – as well as a carrot for the reindeer who pull his sleigh.

Children usually leave empty stockings by the fireplace or at the foot of their bed for Santa to fill with presents. Nowadays, children receive many presents, most of which do not fit into a stocking, but the stocking is filled with small gifts like pencils, oranges, nuts, coins and small toys.

Now on Christmas Day at 3p.m. the Queen makes a speech on radio and TV. It’s ten minutes long. In it she talks to the people of the United Kingdom and the Commonwealth about the past year and congratulates them on coming Christmas and New Year.

On Christmas Day, after presents have been opened, people prepare traditional food for Christmas dinner. Although the tradition of turkey for Christmas dinner is not very old (goose was the traditional Christmas meat in the 1900s), most people have turkey for dinner. Some people prefer roast beef or goose. A typical Christmas dinner consists of roast turkey, cranberry sauce, carrots, Brussels sprouts and gravy. The traditional dessert is Christmas pudding that is covered with brandy and set alight.

Crackers are also usual at Christmas dinner. These came to Britain from China in the 19th century. Two people pull a cracker and the one who is left with the largest part, when the cracker bursts open, wins the contests – usually a joke, a paper hat and a small toy.

Families usually relax at home after Christmas dinner, playing games or watching TV. There are often popular films shown or special Christmas editions of popular comedies.



Ex. 2. Read the following texts about other British holidays. Do you have such holidays in Russia? Which text do you like most of all? Why? Ask your group-mates what information is the most interesting for them.

Guy Fawkes Night

In 1605 King James I was on the throne. As a Protestant, he was very unpopular with Roman Catholics. Some of them planned to blow up the Houses of Parliament on the 5th of November of that year, when the King was going to open Parliament. Under the House of Lords they had stored thirty-six barrels of gun powder, which were to be exploded by a man called Guy Fawkes. However, one of the plotters spoke about these plans and Fawkes was discovered, arrested and later hanged. Since that day the British traditionally celebrate 5th of November by burning a dummy made of straw and old clothes, on a bonfire, whilst at the same time letting off fireworks.

The dummy is called a “guy” and children can often be seen on the pavements before 5th of November saying “Penny for the guy”. If they collect enough money they can buy some fireworks.


May is here

As summer comes, Britain likes to celebrate the end of the winter. In England on 1st May, Morris men* may be seen in country areas celebrating traditional dances, waving their white handkerchiefs to drive away the evil spirits and welcome in the new ones. In the Middle Ages the young men of each village tried to win prizes with their bows and arrows, and people danced round the Maypole (a long pole beautifully decorated with brightly coloured scarves). The people of the community usually chose May Queen and they leave baskets of spring flowers on their friends’ doorsteps before the holiday.


Easter eggs

At Easter time, the British celebrate the idea of new birth by giving each other chocolate Easter eggs which are open and eaten on Easter Sunday. On Good Friday bakers sell hot cross buns, which are toasted and eaten with butter. The first Christians in Rome made hot cross buns two thousand years ago. But now they are an Easter tradition in Britain. Here is a story about hot cross buns. In 1800 a widow lived in a house in East London. Her only son was a sailor and went to sea. Every year she made hot cross buns and kept one for him. He never came back, but she kept a bun for him every year. Then, after many years, she died. Now, her house is a pub. It’s called “The Widow’s Son”. For a long time people remembered the widow. Every Easter they put a hot cross bun in a special basket in the pub. Now the tradition is different. The owner of the pub sells the special hot cross bun, then he gives the money to the British Sailors’ Society.

Christians commemorate Good Friday as the day that Jesus Christ died and Easter Sunday as the day that He was resurrected. The Easter egg is a good example of a custom that began many thousands of years ago. For ancient peoples, the symbol of new life was the egg. For countless years it was the custom to give eggs as gifts during the spring festival. So we do today.

In some countries of Europe, decorating eggs has been a great art for many years. In Poland and Yugoslavia girls and women paint fancy designs on eggs before they are dyed. They paint the designs with beewax, and try to make each one a little different. Flowers stand for love, a deer for good health, the sun for good luck, a rooster for wishes that will come true.

* Morrismen – мужчины, исполняющие театрализованный мужской танец в средневековых белых костюмах с колокольчиками во время майских праздненств.


Ex. 3. Answer the following questions:

1. Why was King James I unpopular with Roman Catholics?

2. What did they plan to do?

3. Did they succeed?

4. What did they store under the House of Lords?

5. Why Fawkes was discovered?

6. How do the British usually celebrate 5th of November?

7. Who are Morris men?

8. In what competitions did they try to win?

9. What other customs (besides Maypole dance) do the English have on 1st of May?

10. Retell the story of hot cross buns. Did it impress you?

11. What is Good Friday? And Easter Sunday?

12. Was the egg or the sun the symbol of new life?

13. Is decorating eggs an art?

14. Have you ever painted Easter eggs?

15. Describe the process of eggs painting in some European countries.


UNIT 18.


to give an air-ring to a bed-patient



to give a bed-pan to a bed-patient

to take a way(убрать) a bed-pan from a bed-patient



to put a cold (hot) compress on …



to put cups on the back (chest)


Dropping bottle

to drop




to give a warm enema

to give a cleansing (очистительная) enema

to give a medicinal (лечебная) enema



to give a feeding-cup of milk (tea, water, soup) to bed-patient


Hot-water bag (bottle)

to fill a hot-water bag with …

to put a hot-water bag on …

to change water in the hot-water bag



to fill an ice-bag with ice (cold water)

to put an Ice-bag on …

to change ice in the ice-bag



to take a patient’ in a wheel-chair

into a ward



to pipette


Mustard plasters

to put mustard plasters on the back (chest, heart, neck)



to cut a bandage with scissors



to soap

a piece (кусок) of soap

Sticking plaster

to put a sticking plaster on …




to boil a syringe

to sterilize a syringe

to assemble (disassemble)

a syringe



to put a thermometer

to take a thermometer out

to read a thermometer

to shake a thermometer



to bring a basin to a bed-patient

for washing



to wash a patient with a sponge



to be on a stretcher

to carry a stretcher

to carry a patient on a stretcher


EX. 1 Learn the words

1.to take the temperature[ tempritʃƏ]                    


2.chart [ta:t] n карта; temperature chart


3. medicine ['medsin] n лекарство

4.to carry out ['ka'eri] v выполнять

5.proscription [pris'kripʃƏn] n предписание,рецепт

6.ward [wƆ:d] n палата

7. toexamine [ig'zaemin] v осматривать(больного)

8. wardnurse палатная сестра

9. condition [kƏn'diʃƏn] n состояние

10. toprescribe [pris'kraib] v прописывать,назначать

11. injection [in'dƷekʃƏn] n вприскивание,инъекция

12. practice ['praektis] n практика

13.attentive [Əʻtentiv] a внимательный

14.to observe [Əb'zƏ:v] v наблюдать

15.change [tʃeindƷ] n изменение


I am a nurse. I work at a therapeutic [tʃerapevtik] (терапевтический) hospital.

Many doctors and nurse work at the hospital. Our hospital is very large.

Work at the hospital begins at 6 o'clock in the morning The nurses begin totake the patients ' temperature¹ at 6 o'clock. They write it down in temperature charts². Then the nurses give the patients medicines³ and carry out other prescriptions of the doctors They open the windows and air the wards. The doctors come at 9 o'clock in the morning and begin to examine the patients. Each ward nurse tells the doctor about her patients. As I am award nurse the doctor asks me about the condition of my patients. Sometimes I tell him that they are well. And sometimes I tell the doctor prescribes some new medicine or injections. I like my professionvery mush. I know that mush of the nurse's work can be learnt by practice. So I am very attentive and  try to observe any changes in a patient's condition.

Ex.3.Learn the word combinations with 'patient':

bed-patient лежачийбольной

sitting-patient сидячийбольной

up-patient ходячийбольной

In-patient сидячийбольной

out-patient амбулаторныйбольной



A nurse takes care of people who are sick. This is her work (Men can be nurses, too). She goes to a medical school to learn what she must know to give good care to sick people. The nurse must be a good student in school she must be healthy herself, eat in time, get plenty of rest and exercises, use good personal hygiene [ʻhaidƷi:n]. She must be a happy person and must like people. When she is a student nurse, she wears a uniform [ju:nifƆ:m]. She is pround of her uniform and keeps it spotless, so she always looks professional.

During her practice she gives patients medicine, brings them meal. Sometimes she works in the operating room, helping the doctors who does surgery on a patient.

She helps people to walk and takes them in a wheel-chair. She loves to work in the nursery, where she helps to take good care of babies. Sometimes she reads or plays with small children, so they wonʾt be afraid of the hospital. She studies hard. She tries to make a better person of herself.


Nina Ivanova is our best ward nurse She works at our hospital and everybody respects her very much. It the morning she always comes into the ward with a smile on her face. And every patient when he sees her kind smile feels better. Everything she does in the ward she does quickly and quietly. If there is a bed-patient in the ward Nina comes up to him. She brushes his sheet or changes them if it is necessary. She shakes his pillow. Then Nina brings a basin and washes the patient's face and hands. She is especially patients with old people. Nina makes injections, puts mustard plasters and cups. She never hurts her patient with a rude word.

The doctors always say: «When Nina is at work we don’t worry. We know that everything will be all right.»

Some Good Rules for Nurse

1. Read the order of the doctor before you give medicine?.

2. If you made a mistake in your work you must fell the doctor about it at once.

3. Do not be rude when you speak with patients.

4. Learn to control your feelings. When you are angry – count to a hundred [‘h^ndrid] (100).

5. Don’t gossip [ sip ] (сплетничай) about your patients.

6. Never say the word «incurable» [in’kjuƏrƏble] (неизлечимый).



· Transportation of patients from the ambulance car to the reception department

· Medical records, filling out the front page of case history

· Entering the patients into the register

· Anthropometry

· Examination of hair and skin integuments

· Sanitary cleansing of patients (trimming the hair and nails, a bath, shower or wiping)

· Entering the temperature in the register

· Storage and use of thermometers

· Filling out temperature sheets

· Catheterization of the bladder

· Transportation of patients from the reception department to the inpatient department



· Familiarization with the layout, organization of work, and regimen of medical care institutions

· Familiarization with the medical records, rules of admitting and discharging patients

· Wet cleaning of wards

· Control of the sanitary condition of bedside tables

· Airing the wards

· Control of food brought by visitors

· Disinfection and storage of spittoons

· Transportation of patients with a drip stand or drain

· Making the bed

· Change of linen and bed clothes

· Placing the rubber ring or bedpan

· Transportation and relaying of patients

· Administering mustard plasters and cupping glasses

· Feeding of the patient. Notion of diet therapy. Nutrition regimen

· Feeding grave and bedridden patients







First Aid

Everybody must know how to give the first aid. The first aid saves many lives. The first aid is the help which you give to an injured person. You must know different methods of helping in accidents. When you give the first aid you must be calm and act without panic. Remember: «SOS» means «Save our souls».


When you fall on your knee you get a bruise on it. The bruised place looks red and swellen at first. If there is a scratch on your knee put iodine on it. If your knee hurts you very much, take some cloth, wet it in cold water and put it on the bruise. It will relieve the pain. If the bruise was very bad you must consult a doctor.



When the blood flows from an artery it is scarlet. When the blood flows from a vein it is dark red. Stop the bleeding as soon as possible. The simple method is to put clean cloth over the wound and bandage it tightly. If the bleeding is from an arm or leg raise the limb. If a person has nosebleed after a bad bruise you must put a cold compress on the nose. The person must breath through his mouth. In severe cases doctors make blood transfusions.


The word fracture means a break in a bone. There are two kinds of fractures: closed and open. In a closed fracture there is no wound on the skin. In an open fracture there is a wound. Open fraсtures are more serious than closed ones. If a person breaks his arm or the leg he complains of pain in the place of the break. The pain becomes more severe if he presses the place or tries to move. Swelling appears quickly. Do not let the person move. Use a splint for the brocken limb. Bind the splints to the limb but not at the place of fracture. Doctors use X –rays to see the break and put plaster casts on the broken limbs.


The cause of fainting may be different^ strong emotion, want of food, fatigue or pain/ In fainting a person loses consciousness. Blood does not get to the brain. The face of a person before fainting gets very pale and sweat appears on his forehead. He feels dizzy and weak. His breathing is shallow. His pulse is weak and slow. If you help a person who lost his consciousness: 1. Lay the person flat on his back. 2. Raise his feet a little. 3.Loose his dress. 4. Cover him warmly and open the window. 5. Sprinkle cold water on his face. 6. Give the person to breath in ammonia water.


Shock is dangerous. Loss of blood can cause shock. Severe pain or strong emotion can cause shock too. The face of a person in shock is usually pale and the skin is cold. Breathing is rapid and shallow. The pulse is rapid. If you help a person who is in shock: 1. Lay him flat on his back. 2. Raise his feet little. 3.Cover him with blankets to keep him warm. 4.Give him a warm drink. 5. Keep him quiet.


The first aid for poisoning is to empty the stomach. Do it as soon as possible. Give much water to drink – 4-8 glasses. Some poisons cause shock, others – asphyxia. In every case the patient needs prompt medical care.


It is very dangerous to fall asleep in the open air when the sun is hot or to be in the hot sun for a long time without a hat. You may get a sunstroke. When a person has a sunstroke, he has a high temperature. His skin is very hot, dry and red. He has a bad headache and can even lose consciousness. If you help a person who has a sunstroke: 1. Take the patient into a cool and shady place. 2. Put him on his back. 3. Raise his head and shoulders a little. 4. Put cold cloth on his head. 5. Cool his body with cold water. 6. Rub his skin with a sponge to keep up blood circulation.


Ex.4. answer the questions

1. Where does Ann’s father work?

2. When does his work begin?

3.Whom does he ask about the patients’ condition?

 4. Has he many operations during a week?

 5. Have you been at a surgical department?



I saw some operations during my practice in the operating-room. Yesterday an ambulance1 brought a man to our hospital. The patients felt a severe abdominal pain. The doctor diagnosed appendicitis.

The patient was prepared for the operation and put on the operating-table. The doctor washed his arms and hands, dried them on a sterile towel, put on the gown, and the gloves. The assistant gave the patient anesthesia. The nurse gave the surgeon a scalpel and he began the operation. It l asted for about an hour and was successful.

Ex.8.translate into russian

· during my practice;

· an ambulance;

· felt a severe abdominal pain;

· diagnosed appendicitis;

· a sterile towel;

· put on the gown;

· the gloves;

· gave him anaesthesia;

·  a scalpel;

· lasted;

· was successful

Ex.7.answer the question

I. What was the name of the doctor who discovered chloroform?

2. Where did he live?

 3. how did he discover the possibilities (возможности) of chloroform?

4. Do you think it was a brave action? Why?

 5. Why was the discovery of chloroform very important?

 6. How did Dr. Simpson help the patients?


Для 1 курса



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Сборник тематических текстов и заданий для самостоятельной работы студентов по дисциплине: Иностранный язык(английский) для 1 курса/сост. Сибгатулова С.В., 2017.-84



Сборник тематических текстов и заданий предназначен для студентов 1 курса средних медицинских заведений. Сборник направлен на формирование и дальнейшее развитие у студентов навыков самостоятельного чтения, письма и говорения как важных компоненов речевой деятельности на иностранном языке.Цель сборника – формирование коммуникативной компетенции студентов, а также подготовка студентов к самостоятельной работе с иноязычным текстом с целью полного понимания заложенной в нем информации.


©ОГБПОУ «Ульяновский медицинский колледж»


ПОЯСНИТЕЛЬНАЯ ЗАПИСКА..................................................................5.

Тема 1: ВВЕДЕНИЕ.ЦЕЛЬ ИЗУЧЕНИЯ ИНОСТРАННОГО ЯЗЫКА В МЕДИЦИНСКОМ КОЛЛЕДЖЕ...............................................................6-7

Тема 2: Описание людей (внешность, характер, личностные качества, профессии)...............................................8-11

Тема 3: Межличностные отношения.......................................12-19

Тема 4: Человек, здоровье, спорт...............................................20-24


Тема5: Город.Деревня.Инфраструктура..................................25-28


Тема 6: Природа и человек..........................................................29-31

Тема 7: Части тела человека........................................................32-33

Тема 8: Гигиена тела.......................................................................34-37


Тема 9: Структурная организация человеческого тела. Скелет.................................................................................................38-39

Тема 10: Государственное устройство, прав

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