The Early History of Rostov-on-Don — КиберПедия 

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The Early History of Rostov-on-Don

2022-10-29 51
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It is very difficult to determine the exact date when our native city, Rostov-on-Don, was founded. There is no agreement among the historians and authorities: since what year should the Rostov chronology be started?

· since 1749 when the Temernik custom-house was set up;

· since 1761 when the fortress named after Dmitry Rostovsky was founded;

· since 1797 when the fortress was proclaimed the main town of the Region;

· since 1806 when the town was for the first time called Rostov according to the decree of Alexander I.

In 1912 the Local Society of History decided to consider December 15, 1749 the foundation Day of Rostov-on-Don. However we are used to celebrate the Day of our city in late September and are happy to congratulate our compatriots with its 250-th anniversary. In any case Rostov-on-Don is a comparatively young town.

The appearance of St.Dmitry Rostovsky’s fortress accelerated the construction of different buildings, both inside and outside the fortress. Its population grew too because several regiments were transferred there from Annenskaya Fortress. At the end of the 18-th century there were already 19 cross-streets and 11 longitudinal streets in the town with 1400 buildings in it. Its population reached 2000 people.

When the fortress had lost its military significance the settlement continued developing thanks to trade. It was surrounded by villages Dolomanovskaya and Soldatskaya (now it is the very centre of the city between Voroshilovsky and Budennovsky avenues) inhabited by people from former St.Ann’s fortress, retired soldiers, merchants, cossacks and the Kalmyks who served in the fortress.

In 1797 the Rostov Region («uyezd») was formed and at first it was a part of Novorossiyskaya Gubernya. In 1806 the territory near Dmitry Rostovsky’s fortress was named Rostov for the first time by the decree of Alexander I. At that time Rostov occupied the territory on the right bank of the river Don up to the present Bolshaya Sadovaya street (which was then a distant suburb and beyond which a long and deep ravine – Generalnaya Balka – stretched. At first it was a place for cattle breeding and then beautiful gardens appeared here. That is the reason why the main street of our city is called so.

In 1811 the town got its plan and the coat-of-arms (a tower against a blue background); and the later symbolized significance of the town in defense of the Russian borders. But after 1835 when there was no more need in the fortress, the troops were sent to Anapa and the custom had been transferred to Taganrog in 1776. The merchants left the town, Rostov lost much of its population and became very quiet.

But some decades later Rostov was reborn. Rostov started growing rapidly and became a typical merchant town with numerous storehouses along the river and large, solid dwelling houses of their owners in the centre of the town.

Russia achieved isolation from Turkey and the later tried to undermine Russian economy and threatened the Christian nations which lived close to it. On this reason in 1779 the Armenians from the Crimea came to live in Rostov. In accordance with the decree of Katherine II, 948 were given to them. On this territory a town of Nakhichevan was founded. Armenian and Greek people who moved to Rostov possessed the developed industry and agriculture. At first Nakhichevan was self-governed but then in 1905 it joined Rostov. Nowadays Rostov-on-Don has become a large city, but still its region Nakhichevan preserves its charm and peculiarity. 


1 authority – представитель власти

2 to accelerate – ускорять

3 a regiment – полк

4 the coat-of-arms – герб

5 cross-streets and longitudinal streets – поперечные и продольные улицы

6 self-governed – самоуправляющийся

7 the later – последний (из двух упомянутых)


1 Answer the following questions:

1 Why is it difficult to determine the exact date when our city was founded?

2 What was the name of the tsar who gave the present name to our native city?

3 Why do we say that Rostov had a second birth?

4 What was a structure of Rostov by the end of the 18-th century?

5 Why did the Armenians and the Greeks move to Rostov?

6 What town did they form? What do you know about it?

2 Complete the following sentences:

1 The population of Rostov grew because...

2 When the fortress lost its military significance...

3 In 1779 the Armenians came to Rostov from the Crimea because...

4 Rostov resumed its strength and population because...

5 The Armenians and the Greeks taught much the inhabitants of Rostov: in the first place...

6 Now Nakhichevan is...


3 Translate into Russian:

· there is no agreement among the historians and authorities

· several regiments were transferred

· the plan and the coat-of-arms

· numerous store-houses and solid dwelling houses of their owners

· they possessed the developed industry and agriculture


4 Find the English equivalents for:

точная дата; в соответствии с указом царя; Ростов – сравнительно молодой город; подрывать экономику; простирался глубокий овраг; герб, который символизировал значение города в защите границ; продольные и поперечные улицы; складские помещение вдоль реки; город стал очень тихим (спокойным); типичный купеческий город; ускорять строительство.

5 Make a short story using the following words:

to undermine; to threaten; developed culture, industry and trade; the Christian peoples; to protect her people; to be aimed at; the empress Katherine II, to sign the decree, a wise historical decision; to give land and privileges; a settlement; to grow rapidly; to be-self-governed.





Nowadays we use this name – Nakhichevan – when we speak about Proletarsky region of Rostov. But before 1905 it was a separate town which was called Nakhichevan-on-Don.

The Armenians who lived in the Crimea suffered greatly due to the yoke of Tatar and Turkish feudals. They had a developed agriculture, trade and paid high taxes. When the Russian Army entered the Crimea (Tavrida – this name we can often meet in Rostov) in 1772 the Armenians were suggested to move to Russia and to choose any place in Azovskaya and Novorossiyskaya Gubernyas. The delegation of the Crimean Armenians preferred the lands near St.Dmitry Rostovsky’s fortress and some other places not far from it.

In 1778 Katherine II signed the decree on re-settlement of the Armenians to the South of Russia. A famous military figure of her time – Prince Potyomkin was responsible for providing them with the lands, loans and food. However this process turned out to be exhausting and long. People suffered and died from hunger and illnesses. Only 12 thousand people at last reached the Don lands. A.V. Suvorov took an active part in the organization of this migration and even paid his own money for their transportation (partially his activity is explained by the fact that he had been married to the Armenian woman). Those Armenians who reached the St.Dmitry’s fortress made their first camp at the location of the present monument to Karl Marx. This place became the centre of the town. The grateful Armenians constructed a monument to Empress Katherine II according to whose decree they had been allowed to settle in Russia. After the revolution this monument was, unfortunately, dismantled. The new town was called Nakhichevan in honour of the ancient Armenian town of Nakhichevan-on-Araks. The word «Nakhichevan» means «the first refuge».

Besides Nakhichevan-on-Don the Armenians founded 5 villages: Chaltyr, Krim, Bolshye Saly, Malye Saly and Nesvetai. New inhabitants were granted a number of privileges by Katherine II. All the taxes were lifted for 10 years, the people got a free hand in trade, managing their settlements, they were liberated from the Army service, etc. They also got a freedom of religion. Each settlement had its independent bodies of governing which comprised police, law and executive authorities. They functioned according to national customs and used the Armenian language.

By the end of the 18-th century Nakhichevan had become a large town with the population of 10 thousand people. The Armenians developed export of goods and especially leather, silk, textile industry. Their engineers started building stone and brick houses. Nakhichevan is known now as a native town of such famous people as artist M. Saryan, writers M.S.Shaginyan, R. Patkanyan, a revolutionary figure M.L. Nalbandyan and others.


1 yoke – гнет

2 a feudal – феодал, помещик

3 refuge – привал, прибежище



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