Журнальная статья как вид научно-технической публикации — КиберПедия 

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Журнальная статья как вид научно-технической публикации

2022-10-27 141
Журнальная статья как вид научно-технической публикации 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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Журнальная статья как вид научно-технической публикации

  Статья – это научное или публицистическое сочинение небольшого размера в сборнике, журнале или газете. [ ]   

Общими отличительными признаками статьи являются осмысление и анализ значительного явления; аргументированные обобщения и выводы, подтверждающие выдвинутую концепцию или идею. В зависимости от целевого назначения статьи могут быть проблемными, критическими, научными и т.д. [ ]  

Среди источников научно-технической информации журнальная статья – самый массовый вид научно-технических публикаций. Статья обладает компактной формой и доступным для восприятия и осмысления содержанием. Она оперативно и динамично отражает изменения и новые направления исследований в различных областях науки и техники.

С точки зрения адресата, т. е. исходя из того, на какой круг читателей рассчитана публикация, различаются общенаучные, научно-популярные и узкоспециальные статьи.

По предметно-тематическому принципу выделяются следущие основные разновидности статьи: собственно научная, обзорная (историко-научная), дискуссионная, научно-техническая и др.

Научно-техническая статья, кроме фактических сведений,содержит элементы логического осмысления результатов проведенного исследования: научно-исследовательских работ (НИР) или опытно-конструкторских работ (ОКР). Она предназначена для узкого круга специалистов данной отрасли науки и техники.

Среди журнальных статей, освещающих такие направления  развития железнодорожного транспорта как  “Электрификация железных дорог”, “Энергетическое хозяйство железнодорожного транспорта”, “Электрический подвижной состав”, а также  состояние отрасли “Энергетика и электротехника”,  можно назвать следующие виды научно-технической статьи:  

  Table 2.1

Types of a Scientific and Technical Article


(Виды научно-технической статьи)




Brief information

краткое сообщение



  1.1 News Flash

хроникальная заметка

  1.2 Technical Information

информационное сообщение






Scientific (Theoretical) Article

научная (теоретическая) статья






Scientific and Methodological Article

научно-методическая статья






Scientific and Historical Article

научно-историческая статья






Scientific and Technical Article

научно-техническая статья






Technical and Economic Article

технико-экономическая статья






Debatable (Polemical) Article


дискуссионная (полемическая) статья






Subject Survey Article

обзорная статья






Advertising Article

рекламная статья







Каждый вид научно-технической статьи обладает характерными отличительными  особенностями, которые даны в Таблице 2.2.  


Table 2.2

Classification of Scientific and Technical Articles and Their Peculiar Features


(Классификация научно-технических статей и их отличительные особенности)     




Type of an Article


Peculiar Features


(Тип статьи)


(Отличительные особенности)






Brief Information




(краткое сообщение)





  1.1 News Flash

Представляет сжатое изложение научно-исследовательских (НИР) и опытно-конструкторских работ (ОКР).

3 – 15 строк (3 – 4 предложения). Называет страну, из которой поступила информация, фирму, железную дорогу; даты начала / окончания работ, испытаний, строительства.

    (хроникальная заметка)


  1.2 Technical Information

Дает более развернутое описание НИР и ОКР.

2 – 7 абзацев, заголовок. Дает описание технических характеристик новых единиц электроподвижного состава (ЭПС), электрооборудования, систем энергоснабжения (ЭНС); воспроизводит ход испытаний, строительства, реконструкции, иногда с элементами оценки значения описываемого вопроса.

    (информационное сообщение)





Scientific (Theoretical) Article

Описывает результаты теоретических исследований, проводимых с целью выявления закономерностей объектов, разработки научных гипотез, теорий и т.п.

Заголовок, аннотация (на англ., нем., франц., исп. языках), введение, основной раздел, заключение / выводы, ссылки на литературу (библиография), выражение благодарности, иллюстративный материал (фото, чертежи, рисунки, таблицы и т.п.).


(научная / теоретическая статья)








Scientific and Methodological Article

Излагает методику научных исследований, испытаний, измерений в области ЭПС и ЭНС.


– II –


(научно-методическая статья)








Subject Survey Article

Освещает основные данные по описываемому вопросу, приводит общепринятые оценки того или иного явления. Нередко отсылает читателя к другим публикациям по рассматриваемому вопросу, побуждая его к поиску и чтению дополнительной информации по теме публикации.

Заголовок, аннотация, подзаголовки, основной раздел, заключение / выводы, ссылки на литературу.


(обзорная статья)










Advertising Article

Сообщает читателю достоверные сведения о новом продукте, обеспечивает надежность усвоения потенциальным потребителем этих сведений, воздействуя на его эмоции, память, эстетическое восприятие.

Состоит из заголовка, собственно текста и изобразительного ряда. В тексте указывается название фирмы, точное наименование товара, его технические характеристики, цена, контактные сведения (телефоны, адреса), обозначение сроков поставки, процент скидки и т.п. Лексика, синтаксис, графические средства подчинены созданию положительного образа рекламируемого оборудования и должны убедить покупателя в высоком качестве товара. 


(рекламная статья)






The Title (The Headline)





The Introduction Section






 The Main Section

Основной раздел

  4.1 The Materials and Methods Section –

Материалы и методы исследования

  4.2 The Results Section –

Результаты исследования

  4.3 The Discussion Section –

Изложение других точек зрения по рассматриваемому вопросу




The Conclusion Section

Заключение / Выводы




The Acknowledgement Section

Выражение благодарности




The References Section

Ссылки на литературу




The Illustrative Materials / The Supplement (Photos, Schemes, Figures, Tables, etc.)


Иллюстративный материал / Приложение





Рассмотрим функции отдельных элементов композиции.


Заголовок – в лаконичной форме отражает основную идею статьи.







Cutting the Energy Bill


Выражение благодарности









The authors would like to thank the Director of Research BRB of British Rail Research & Development Division for permission to publish this article, many colleagues who have assisted in the development of this pantograph, particularly A.J. Peters who was responsible for so much of the initial work, and Brecknell, Willis & Co Ltd which undertook mechanical design and construction of the pantographs.


Ссылки на литературу









D.L. Dixon. “A New British Lightweight Single-Arm Pantograph.” Rail Engineering International November/December 1974.


D.L. Dixon. Developments with Carbon for Current Collection.” IMechE 1973.


A.E.W. Hobbs. “Practical Prediction of Overhead Line Behaviour.” Railway Gazette International September 1977.


A.R. Beadle, A.I. Betts and W.R. Smith. “Pantograph Development for High Speeds.” IMechE December 1975.


M. Cook. “Validation of Pantograph Response Prediction Methods For Trolley Wire Equipment.” BR Technical Note TNDA 48 July 1979.


Prof. A. Tustin and R. Broomfield. “Trolley Wire Overhead For Main Line Railways.” Railway Gazette International March 1969.



Очевидно, что знание базовых элементов композиции журнальной статьи и их функций, несомненно, облегчает работу с любой журнальной статьей, ускоряя чтение и поиск нужной специалисту информации. Часто достаточно ознакомиться с заголовком и подзаголовками статьи, аннотацией, выводами, иллюстративными материалами, чтобы составить общее представление о содержании публикации и решить, требуется ли подробное чтение и перевод материала, или стоит ограничиться первичным просмотром статьи.

Также следует помнить, что не каждая конкретная журнальная статья будет содержать все элементы композиции. Число и роль отдельных элементов композиции зависят от типа статьи, её тематики, объёма, адресности материала и тех задач, которые ставит перед собой автор публикации.

Comprehension Questions


1. What is a magazine article?
2. How can specialized technical articles be classified according to the information they publish?
3. What is the difference between a news flash and technical information?
4. What items does a scientific (theoretical) article cover?
5. What does a scientific and methodological article report on?
6. What type of an article deals with historical aspects of the problems in question?
7. What can you say about the contents and peculiar features of a scientific and technical article?
8. Why are technical and economic articles becoming more and more popular among the railway engineers?
9. Have you ever come across a debatable (polemical) article in the magazines relevant to your professional interests?
10. Why are subject survey articles important for readers?
11. What is your attitude to advertising articles? What are their pluses and minuses?
12. Speak about the composition structure of a magazine article.
13. Name those composition elements which, to your mind, are more/less or the most/the least informative?
14. How often do you look through the latest publications concerning your professional interests?





Exercise 1

Study the Key Words for the lesson. Get ready to read and translate the following word combinations from English into Russian.


1. to refer to scientific and technical publications
2. to read magazine (journal) articles
3. to publish a scientific (theoretical) article
4. to be interested in scientific and technical articles
5. to cover scientific and methodological aspects of the problem
6. to discuss the contents of a scientific and historical article
7. to cite some data from a technical and economic article
8. to prefer subject survey articles to debatable (polemical) articles
9. to carry advertising articles
10. to look through news flashes and technical information regularly
11. to determine an article type
12. to analyze an article composition


Exercise 2

Match each item from column A with its synonym in column B.


A:   B:  
1. an article structure (layout)  a. the conclusions section
2. a title b. the illustrative materials
3. the gist of an article c. an article composition
4. the introductory part d. the results section
5. the principal section e. references
6. the methodological part f. an annotation / a summary
7. the outcomes part g. the introduction section
8. the polemical part h. a headline
9. the deductions section i. the acknowledgement section
10. the section expressing thankfulness and appreciation j. the materials and methods section
11. the cited works (bibliography) k. the discussion section
12. schemes, diagrams, charts, photos, etc. l. the main section

Exercise 3

Match the terms from column A with their definitions in column B.


A:   B:  
  Terms   Definitions
1. The Title (the Headline)     a. The part of an article which enumerates the author’s judgment, opinion or conclusions he arrives at after having thought about them carefully and having considered all the relevant facts.
2. The Annotation (the Summary) b. Bibliography.
3. The Introduction Section   c. The part of an article that comes at the end of it to thank somebody officially for his/her help and support in some activity.
4. The Main Section d. The part of an article that in details describes the materials, methods and outcomes of the research or experiments in question. It may also give other scientific workers’ viewpoints.
5. The Conclusion Section e. An article synopsis; a short account of a published work, which gives the main points but not the details.
6. The Acknowledgement Section f. The name of a publication such as a book, an article or other artistic work.
7. References g. The preface or foreword to a book or publication that comes at the beginning and tells a reader what the rest of the book or publication is about.

Exercise 4

Two groups of extracts under A and B constitute composition elements of two different articles. Judging by the information they offer, put the extracts under the headings: a. The Title (the Headline); b. The author(s); c. The Annotation (The Summary); d. The Illustrative Materials; e. The Conclusion Section; f. The Acknowledgement Section; g. References. Use the Vocabulary Notes given below to help you if necessary.



Inspecting for bugs




In warm climates, railroads must be alert to potential damage from Formosan termites.






Of termite-infested

In Houston




Thus, we strongly advise that railroads should more actively pursue programs that offer population reduction of FST through the use of baiting programs and improved preservation methods of wooden materials used in the construction of rail lines and bridges.


Vocabulary Notes:




detection equipment

аппаратура системы обнаружения


baiting records

отчеты (данные) о веществах, используемых для борьбы с термитами



зд. насекомые





FST (The Formosan Subterranean Termite, an exotic pest from China)

тайваньский термит



Texas A&M University (Agricultural and Mechanical)

Техасский университет Сельского хозяйства и машиностроения (штат Техас, США)


USDA (United States Department of Agriculture)

Министерство сельского хозяйства США



пораженный термитами


piles and caps

сваи (моста) и насадки свай


preservation methods

методы защиты (консервации)






Интернет-ресурс: www.rtands.com


Exercise 5

Look through a set of articles printed under the heading Material for Study pp. mmm – mmm. Say what type each article under discussion refers to. Give arguments that prove your statements. Consult Table 2.2 Classification of Scientific and Technical Articles and Their Peculiar Features on page mm.



Stadler wins S-Bahn order




SWITZERLAND: Swiss Federal Railways announced the award of two major rolling stock contracts worth a total of SFr1·5bn on June 30.

The competition to supply Zurich’s third generation of double-deck stock has been won by Stadler, which will supply 50 six-car EMUs worth SFr1·02bn. They will be the first double-deck trains produced by Stadler, which saw off bids from Alstom and a consortium of Siemens and Bombardier. Siemens is supplying the city’s second generation of double-deck S-Bahn trains (RG 5.06 p274).










At Geneva Cornavin station.




In the early days of electric railways, dc was the most common power supply. As it was unfeasible at the time to step down dc voltages onboard the train, transmission between the substation and the train had to be set at between 750V and 3kV so that it could be fed directly to the traction motors. This had a major disadvantage in that the low voltage caused high conduction losses in the overhead line.


Later, single-phase ac electrification at 15kV 16.7Hz and 25kV 50Hz was introduced which reduced transmission losses, but with a penalty: the large and heavy transformers that had to be carried on the train. For historical reasons, railways today use a multitude of different electrification systems, often based on what was state-of-the-art when electrification first began in a particular country or area.


On locomotive-hauled trains, a heavy transformer is not necessarily a disadvantage as it contributes to adhesion. The maximum force that the locomotive can apply to haul a train without losing adhesion on the rails is limited by the weight of the locomotive.


In modern passenger trains, however, there is a trend towards multiple-units with distributed traction. With a higher number of powered axles, adhesion is no longer a limiting factor for acceleration, but the weight and size of the transformer remain a major constraint for train designers. An ideal train would combine the low weight and small equipment footprint of dc trains with the low transmission losses of high-voltage ac electrification. Essentially, the challenge lies in making the transformer lighter.


Unfortunately, the basic size and weight of a transformer is limited by the laws of physics. The minimum size of a transformer is determined by the frequency and the power rating – lower frequencies require larger transformers. A higher frequency transformer would be lighter and occupy less space. This is the motivation behind ABB’s power-electronic traction transformer.    


The power conversion path found in most modern ac trains is shown in Figure 1.








Current from the ac catenary flows through the primary windings of a low-frequency transformer (LFT) to the rail which provides the return path.


The reduced voltage available at the secondary windings of the transformer is fed into a four-quadrant line chopper converting it to dc-link voltage. An inverter converts this to variable-voltage variable-frequency (VVVF) ac for the traction motors. Auxiliary supplies can also be fed from the dc link.



To use medium-frequency transformer (MFT), a frequency converter must be placed before the transformer as shown in Figure 2. A rectifier on the secondary side of the transformer converts this to the dc-link voltage.







A major challenge is that a converter must be located on the high-voltage side. The present generation of semiconductor devices is unable to block the voltages used in ac railway electrification, so a series connection is required. Rather than a mass-series connection of semiconductors into single valves, the solution developed by ABB features a series cascade of converter modules on the high-voltage side, with the outputs connected in parallel on the dc side (Figure 3). This topology makes the solution scalable and provides scope for redundancy (the “M out of N” system). The incoming ac from the catenary passes through a filter inductor before entering the first converter module. Each module of the converter consists of an active front end (AFE) block and a dc / dc converter block (Figure 4). The AFE block is essentially an H-bridge that regulates the charging of link capacitors. This topology also allows for the active power factor control.      







The cascade topology makes it possible to switch every module independently, allowing the switching patterns of the H-bridges to be interleaved. If they are interleaved evenly (i.e. offset by 360 degrees/N, where N is the number of levels), the grid side of the converter sees an apparent (equivalent) switching frequency that is 2 N times higher than the actual switching frequencies of the individual H-bridges.







Lower harmonic distortion


This high apparent switching frequency, combined with the larger number of intermediate voltage levels, leads to a lower harmonic distortion than is possible with conventional traction converters, thereby reducing the need for input filtering.


Medium-frequency transformers provide galvanic isolation between the high voltage coming from the ac grid and the low voltage connecting the load, provide suitable voltage adaptation for the 1.5kV dc load voltage considering the 3.6kV intermediate dc-link voltage level, and help the IGBT (insulated-gate bipolar transistor) modules in the LLC resonant circuits to work in the soft switching mode. As overall size reduction increases the challenge from the dielectric point of view, this aspect has to be studied carefully.


 In the Pett demonstrator, all nine transformers share the same oil-filled tank, as does the line inductor and the start-up charger.

Each of the nine frequency medium-frequency transformers is a part of the associated dc/dc converter (Figure 3). By using the transformer’s leakage and magnetising inductances and the external circuit’s capacitors, a resonant LLC circuit is created (Lr, Lm and Cr as shown in Figure 4). The advantages of an LLC circuit include:

· wide output-regulation range

· a reduction of switching losses on the primary side through zero voltage switching (ZVS) over the entire load range

· low turnoff current controlled by the design (not truly zero current switching – ZCS)

· low-voltage stress and ZCS on the secondary side diode rectifier, and

· load-independent operation at resonant frequency. 


As an LLC circuit is based on the principle of resonance, varying the switching frequency can control the output voltage. However, in the present Pett implementation, this has not been used and the LLC resonant dc/dc converter operates in the open loop with a fixed switching frequency of 1.75kHz, which is below the resonant frequency.


The control targets can be summarized as:

· maintaining sinusoidal input current

· near-unity power factor

· constant average dc C-link voltage,  and

· grid harmonic rejection.


The hardware is ABB’s ac 800PEC controller, a platform that integrates

the fast and slow control functions.


The existing Ee 933 traction transformer and GTO rectifier (gate turn-off rectifier) were removed to provide space for the new Pett cubicle, and some mechanical adaptations and electronic interface reworking was necessary to accommodate Pett.


The locomotive operates under 15kV 16.7Hz electrification. The pilot installation was completed in mid-2011, and certification by the Swiss Federal Office for Transport (FOT) was achieved by the end of the year, enabling the locomotive to start shunting at Geneva Cornavin station in February.



Pett has nine cascading modules, eight for operations and the ninth for redundancy. The unit has 1.2MW nominal power and can supply 1.8MW peak for short durations. The dc output voltage is 1.5kV.


The overall weight is 4.5 tonnes, including cooling. Compared with traction transformers of the same power rating, Pett not only replaces the actual transformer but also the low-voltage rectifier. The main aim of the pilot is to study the feasibility of this technology



Weight optimisation



Weight optimisation was an additional consideration. The power density (expressed in kVA/kg) of today’s transformer and rectifier combinations is in the range of 0.2 - 0.35. Future Pett generations under development will exceed this by a considerable margin, achieving values of 0.5 - 0.75.


Further advantages include:

· improved energy efficiency from ac input to dc output from 88-90% to more than 95% compared with today’s average efficiency of 15kV 16.7Hz standalone traction transformer which is in the range of 90 - 92%.

· reduced EMC and harmonics, and

· lower acoustic emissions.


All these factors make Pett ideal to provide a small, lightweight but powerful converter that can be accommodated on the trains of tomorrow, and is suitable for operation in close proximity to passengers.


 As most large transformers tend to be stationary, traction is probably the application that stands to benefit most from reducing the transformer’s weight, and hence the area where this innovation must occur first.


Although Pett is currently installed in a shunter, its real potential lies in multiple-units. Pett’s compact size means it can easily be fitted under the floor of the train or on the roof, maximising the space available for passengers while reducing the train’s power consumption. IRJ




This article was written by Max Claessens, Drazen Dujic, Francisco Canales, J ü rgen Steinke, Philippe Stefanutti, and Christian Vetterli from ABB.



IRJ September, 2012 p.p. 69, 70, 72, 74, 75


Exercise 6

Read the article The Sandwich Block ® 230 Rail Equipment Surge Protector: lightning protection of electrical and electronic rail equipment carefully. Pay attention to the article composition and its peculiar features. Then answer the questions to determine the article type correctly. 


1. What elements of composition, to your mind, does the article contain?
2. How many paragraphs does the article consist of?
3. Can paragraph 1 be regarded as an introduction? Why or why not? 
4. What paragraphs of the article may be treated as the main section of the article?   
5. What company has developed The Sandwich Block® 230 Rail Equipment Surge Protector (SB-230)?
6. What is the device intended for? What are its technical specifications?
7. Why has the device got the name the Sandwich Block®? Comment on its unique configuration and the materials used in its design.
8. Where is the SB-230 installed? What working conditions can the SB 230 withstand?
9. Who is the given article addressed to?
10. What linguistic and graphic means are used in the article to attract potential buyers’ attention to the new product?
11. Does paragraph 7, in your opinion, confirm that it is an advertising article or not?

The Sandwich Block ® 230 Rail Equipment Surge Protector:

Exercise 7

Analyse the composition of the article under the headline Modern Methods of Catenary Assembly and Maintenance. Then complete each statement with the appropriateanswerfrom the options provided.



Point out the elements of the article composition. The article in question includes: _____






Composition Elements






1, 4, 5, 8

1. Title 5.




1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8

2. Annotation 6.




1, 2, 4, 5

3. Introduction 7.


  4. Main Section 8.


the analysis of the latest railway technologies and specialized equipment introduced by Plasser & Theurer company to mechanize catenary assembly and maintenance process.



the analysis of the latest railway technologies and specialized equipment introduced by Plasser & Theurer company to make the company products technically feasible and economically reasonable.


There are 7 subtitles in the article. Study the contents under each subtitle to decide on the main idea of each part respectively.




Part 1. Machines to work on catenary systems deals with _____.



a series of catenary renewal machines produced by Plasser & Theurer company for European railway market.



a series of catenary renewal machines produced by Plasser & Theurer company for the world railway market.



a series of catenary renewal machines and trains produced by Plasser & Theurer company for the world railway market.




Part 2. Components and controls of a modern catenary assembly and maintenance machine describes _____.



the design of the latest catenary assembly and maintenance units and the role of the personnel in their control and operation.



the design of the latest catenary assembly and maintenance units and the role of electronics in their control and operation.



the design of the latest catenary assembly and maintenance units and the role of the personnel and electronics in their control and operation.




Part 3. Business case for catenary assembly and maintenance systems characterizes _____.



significant potential of Plasser & Theurer company’s equipment to save time and money during catenary assembly and maintenance work.



insignificant potential of Plasser & Theurer company’s equipment to save time and money during catenary assembly and maintenance work.



significant potential of Plasser & Theurer company’s equipment to save time during catenary assembly and maintenance work.




Part 4. From classical tower wagons to long-reach tower and platform wagons covers _____.                                            



the ability of tower wagons and catenary maintenance and repair machines to achieve the complete mechanization of catenary work and ensure enhanced staff safety.



the ability of tower wagons and catenary maintenance and repair machines to achieve the complete mechanization of catenary work.



the inability of tower wagons and catenary maintenance and repair machines to achieve the complete mechanization of catenary work and ensure enhanced staff safety.




Part 5. Productivity improvements thanks to maintenance vehicles equipped with technical systems for every job considers _____.



obvious increase in productivity, fewer staff and provision of better and safer working conditions specified by introduction of modern catenary assembly and maintenance vehicles on Austrian Federal Railways.



obvious decrease in productivity, more staff and provision of unacceptable working conditions specified by introduction of modern catenary assembly and maintenance vehicles on Austrian Federal Railways.



obvious increase in productivity, more staff and provision of better and safer working conditions specified by introduction of modern catenary assembly and maintenance vehicles on Austrian Federal Railways.




Part 6. Contact-free measuring systems and the use of contact forces for measuring pantograph acceleration touches upon _____.



the types of measuring systems produced by Plasser & Theurer company to test the general state of the catenary and the track, diagnose their problems in order to eliminate them immediately.



the types of measuring systems and track recording cars produced by Plasser & Theurer company to test the general state of the catenary and the track, diagnose their problems in order to eliminate them immediately.



the types of measuring systems produced by Plasser & Theurer company to test the general state of the catenary and the track.




Part 7. Concluding summary says that _____.



new railway technologies and specialized equipment introduced by Plasser & Theurer company lighten staff’s work, lengthen service life of all railway infrastructure, resulting in increased usability period of railway tracks for trains and greater economic savings.



new railway technologies and specialized equipment introduced by Plasser & Theurer company neither lighten staff’s work, nor lengthen service life of all railway infrastructure, resulting in short usability period of railway tracks for trains and low economic savings.



new railway technologies and specialized equipment introduced by Plasser & Theurer company either lighten staff’s work, or  lengthen service life of all railway infrastructure,  resulting in increased usability period of railway tracks for trains and greater economic savings.




Look through your answers. Get ready to name the type of the article under discussion.



One may guess, it is a subject survey article.



I’m sure, it is a technical and economic article.



To my mind, it is a news flash.


And maintenance machine

The most modern catenary assembly and maintenance machine in service today is the 100.128, which is used by DB Bahnbau (Fig. 5). It is an eight wheel machine in standard vehicle design, with one carrying and one power bogie, with which it propels itself when working. All its controls are housed in its single cab. Two identical winch units with telescopic masts function independently of one another and can pay out either one contact wire and one carrying cable or two contact wires or two carrying cables. Each winch unit is mounted on a tilting table. The storage drum is laterally displaceable and is controlled by a directional device and realigned to ensure that, whatever its position on the drum, the wire always runs straight into the friction winch. The friction winch consists of four friction wheels with individual bearings. The necessary mechanical tension in the wire is built up continuously through hydraulic brake acting on the storage drum and the wheels in the friction winch. The actual value is measured by means of electronic strain gauges and the computed correction values are automatically output to the control valves of the friction winch’s hydraulic system. This results in automatic closed-loop control and monitoring unit. Each of the winch’s friction wheels is corrected individually through its own drive and valve control. This tensile stress is thus built up in a uniform and controlled manner and can be adjusted over a broad range from 4 kN to 30 kN.


Fig.5: FUM 100.128 catenary assembly and renewal machine


 One of the most critical movements when installing wires with their definitive tensile stress is when the machine moves off under l

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