Exercise1. Remember the words you may need. — КиберПедия 

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Exercise1. Remember the words you may need.

2022-10-27 31
Exercise1. Remember the words you may need. 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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1. higher education – высшее образование

2. postgraduate studies - аспирантура

3. Educational Methodical Association of Civil Engineering Specialties – учебно-методическоеобъединениеинженерно-строительныхспециальностей

4. International Association of Institutions of Higher Education of Civil Engineering – международнаяассоциациястроительныхвузов

5. NationalResearchUniversity – национальный исследовательский университет

6. MGSU graduates - выпускники МГСУ

7. Certificate of Conformity of Educational Activity of University – сертификатсоответствияобразовательнойдеятельностиуниверситета

8. requirements of International Standard – требованиямеждународногостандарта

9. creation of student construction teams – созданиестуденческихстроительных отрядов


Exercise2. Read the text and try to focus on its essential facts.


National Research Moscow State University of Civil Engineering (NRU MGSU) has a long history. It was established in 1921. Before 1993 it was known as Moscow Institute of Civil Engineering named after V.V. Kuibyshev (MISI). It is one of the oldest technical institutes of higher education of the Russian Federation. MISI was founded on the basis of the Civil Engineering College that had been functioning since 1907. The first departments werethe following: «Industrial and civil engineering», «Water supply and water disposal», «Hydro technical and special engineering», «Heat and gas supply and ventilation» and «Mechanization and automation of civil engineering». By 1933 more than 5000 students studied at the Institute. The first textbooks in all civil engineering disciplines were written there and large research laboratories with postgraduate studies were organized at that time.

In 1935 Moscow Institute of Civil Engineering was named after V.V. Kuibyshev and it held this title until 1993 when it was reorganized into Moscow State University of Civil Engineering. 

In 1960s – 1970s new departments were established: «Heat and energy engineering», «Automated systems of construction control» and others.

In 1980s – 1990s the Institute successfully developed. It improved its educational and research activities.

In 1988 the Educational Methodical Association of Civil Engineering Specialties was established on the basis of MISI. This association included 28 building institutes of higher education and about 100 industrial, polytechnic and technological institutes of higher education with civil engineering departments. In 1991 the International Association of Institutions of Higher Education of Civil Engineering was also establishedon the basis of MISI.

 In 1993 the Institute was renamed into the Moscow State University of Civil Engineering (MGSU).

In 2010 the University was given the status of «National Research University». The status of «National Research University» was established by the Government of the Russian Federation. This status was given for 10 years for the best achievements in the field of educational programs, for the implementation of fundamentalscientific and innovative researchin the field of design and construction of safe and comfortable buildings, structures and complexes.

 The University consists of 10 institutes and more than 50 departments, implementing the training of specialists in a wide range of scientific areas. There are 40 specialized scientific laboratories and there is a well-equipped Computer Centre. NRU MGSU has 6 branches in the Moscow region and one branch in the Samara region, 8 offices in the Moscow region, 3 offices in the Tyumen, Smolensk and Tula regions, as well as offices in the Republic of Bashkortostan and Stavropol region.

More than 18000 students are studying at the University now.The university has 10 dormitories for more than 5000 students. Food is provided by public cafeterias and buffets. The assembly hall of the university is used for holding cultural and entertaining events. Sport facilities include sports palace of university in which there are 8 gyms and also necessary extra rooms. In summertime sports competitions take place on sports bases of university: “Zolotie peski” (Krasnodar Krai) and “Bronnitsy” (Moscow Region).

The high level of NRU MGSU graduatesis confirmed by the Certificate of Conformity of Educational Activity of University to the requirements of International Standard ISO 9001:2008. Thiscertificate is recognized in 140 countries of the world.

One of the most interesting events in the history of MGSU was the creation of student construction teams. Starting from 1956 students annually spend summer vacations on construction sites throughout the country.

    At present MGSU is a leading civil engineering institute of higher education in the Russian Federation. Today NRU MGSU is headed by the Rector Volkov Andrey Anatolyevich.


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