Use the following verbs in the Past Simple Passive: — КиберПедия 

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Use the following verbs in the Past Simple Passive:

2022-11-27 54
Use the following verbs in the Past Simple Passive: 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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to discover, to invent, to write, to make, to sing, to compose, to design, to name, to build, to paint, to shoot


A Mickey Mouse

Oliver Twist

Lord of the Flies



Lord of the Rings


the telephone


  A Farewell to Arms


the safety razor

  St. Paul’s Cathedral

Porgy and Bess

the Statue of Liberty




  the light bulb






Thomas Edison

King Camp Gillette

George Orwell

Alfred Hitchcock



Sir Christopher Wren

Eric the Red

Alexander Bell

Walt Disney

Alexander Fleming

J.R.R. Tolkien

Gustav Eiffel

Ernest Hemingway


The Beatles

George Gershwin

William Golding


Isaak Newton



Exercise 3. How much do you know about entertainment and the media? Choose answers for the quiz. Use the passive form in the correct tense.

e.g. The James Bond books were written by Ian Fleming.

a) Who directed the film ET? 1 The Beatles
b) Who wrote the play Hamlet? 2 Eddie Murphy
c) Who sang Heartbreak Hotel? 3 Leo Tolstoy
d) Who played James Bond in Goldfinger? 4 Steven Spielberg
e) Who wrote the novel War and Peace? 5 William Shakespeare
f) Who first recorded the song Help? 6 Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
g) Who played the ‘Beverley Hills Cop’? 7 W.A. Mozart
h) Who composed The Magic Flute? 8 Elvis Presley
i) Who invented the character Sherlock Holmes? 9 Sean Connery

Exercise 4. Rewrite each sentence, so that the meaning remains the same.

e.g. Oswald shot Kennedy. – Kennedy was shot by Oswald.


1. The Ancient Egyptians built the Pyramids. – The Pyramids_______. 2. Plutonium was discovered by Glenn Seaborg in 1940. – Glenn Seaborg_______. 3. Shakespeare wrote Romeo and Juliet.Romeo and Juliet _______. 4. La Dolce Vita was directed by Fellini. – Fellini_______. 5. Paul McCartney sang Yesterday. – Yesterday _______. 6. The police shot Bonnie and Clyde. – Bonnie and Clyde_______. 7. The picture was painted by Picasso. – Picasso_______. 8. Daimler invented the motorcycle in 1885. – The motorcycle_______. 9. Mahfouz won the Nobel Prize in 1988. – The Nobel Prize_______.


Exercise 5. Write general questions, as in the example.

 e.g. Mary was given a ten days’ leave. (John)

Was John given a ten days’ leave?

1. Mr. Black was sent a visa. (Mr. Green) 2. The letter was brought in the evening. (the telegram) 3. The article was typed by the secretary. (the letter) 4. The documents were left in the drawer. (the money) 5. Mary was promised help. (Dick) 6. The parcel was sent by Jane. (the letter) 7. John was invited to the picnic. (Alec) 8. I was informed about her arrival. (you) 9. I was allowed to use his dictionary. (you) 10. The key was lost yesterday. (the book)


Exercise 6. Write negative answers to the questions in Exercise 5, as in the example.

e.g. John wasn’t given a ten days’ leave.


Exercise 7. Ask your partner:

when the parcel was brought; what mark he was given at his last English exam; when he was sent abroad; when he was last sent a letter; what foreign languages he was taught at school; when the documents were photo-copied; when the tickets were booked; when dinner was served.


Exercise 8. Answer the following questions, as in the model.

Model: (I think)

it was

made in (England)



they were








I don’t know

where it was



I’m not sure

  they were




a) Where was your watch (pen / pencil / shirt / dress / jacket / tie) made?

b) Where were your shoes (socks / jeans / glasses / trousers) made?

c) In your house, is there a television? (cooker / refrigerator / washing machine / clock / camera / cassette-player / vacuum cleaner / hair-dryer / electric fire / computer) Where was it made? Ask your partner 1) if he (she) has the things and 2) where they were made.


Exercise 9. Do you know the answers?

1. The first book was printed in a) France; b) Germany; c) England
2. Jaguar cars are made in a) England; b) the USA; c) Italy
3. John F. Kennedy was assassinated in a) Houston; b) New York; c) Dallas
4. Mount Everest was climbed for a) 1953; b) 1961; c) 1957
the first time in  
5. The Eiffel Tower was built in a) 1976; b) 1889; c) 1901
6. The motor car was invented in a) 1850; b) 1885; c) 1903
7. Christopher Columbus was born in a) Spain; b) Italy; c) Portugal
8. Uranium was discovered in a) 1932; b) 1798; c) 1944
9. Coffee is produced in a) Colombia; b) Scotland; c) Canada

Exercise 10. Translate into English.

1. В прошлом году его не посылали за границу. 2. Когда заказали билеты? 3. Соглашение было подписано вчера. 4. Где проходила конференция? 5. Сколько писем было получено вчера? 6. Нас не пригласили на вечер. 7. Гостям показали лаборатории. 8. Этот вопрос обсуждался на нашем последнем собрании. 9. Документы были подписаны вчера. 10. Письмо было написано моим секретарем два дня назад.




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