Ex.1. FindtheEnglishequivalentsintheenquiries. — КиберПедия 

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Ex.1. FindtheEnglishequivalentsintheenquiries.

2022-11-27 47
Ex.1. FindtheEnglishequivalentsintheenquiries. 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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Рекламное объявление в июльском номере; разместить заказ в компании; предоставить скидку; платить аккредитивом; равными партиями; через равные промежутки времени; уступка с чьей-либо стороны; срочно нуждаться в чем-л.,выслать предложение на что-л., заниматься экспортом; указать цену каждой позиции отдельно;брошюры и проспекты в двух экземплярах; крупный магазин с целым рядом торговых точек по стране;обратиться в Торговую палату; на ежегодной выставке; передовая технология; на рынке; информация относительно условий платежа.


Ex.2. Fill in the blanks with one of the following words. Mind your grammar.


in equal lots; advanced technology;to make every effort; regular buyers; outlet; by an irrevocable Letter of Credit; concession; to place; selection; competitive (2); to apply to; in duplicate; for collection; to find out


1. We are going _____ a considerable order with your company.

2. We trust you will _____ to meet our particular requirements.

3. We should appreciate it if you would send us your brochures _____.

4. As a _____ on our part we are ready to pay 50% in cash.

5. We have seen the _____ of your medical instruments displayed on your stand at the exhibition held in London last week.

6. We applied to the Chamber of Commerce and _____ your address.

7. They are interested in shipment _____ within the next six months.

8. We hope that your prices and terms of payment will be _____.

9. We are _____ of Medical Equipment and Instruments on your market.

10. The company _____ the Chamber of Commerce for information.

11. We have a number of _____ all over the country.

12. If your prices and terms of payment are _____ we will place a substantial order with you.

13. Our terms of payment are payment _____.

14. Taking into account your _____ and attractive prices we would ask you to send us further data concerning your terms of payment and delivery as well as technical documentation.

15. We are ready to pay the balance_____.


Ex.3. Complete the sentences.


1. We are a large store in the centre of Milan (сцелымрядомторговыхточек) all over the country.

2. We hope your prices as well as (условия) will be competitive and look forward to (размещениязаказа) with you.

3. We shall appreciate it if you will send us your prospectuses (вдвухэкземплярах).

4. They are going to (разместитьзначительныйзаказ) with us.

5. We should be obliged to you if you would send us an offer for these goods (указавценукаждойпозицииотдельно).

6. (Наежегоднойярмарке) last month we saw your (приборы) and got some publications covering the latest models.

7. We have seen (Вашерекламноеобъявление) in the August edition of the “Medicine” journal.

8. Our terms of payment are 50% (наинкассо) and 50% (аккредитивом).

9. We are interested in tinned fish (сотгрузкойравнымпартиями) during the next three months.

10. Could you send us an offer for these goods (указавценукаждойпозицииотдельно).

11. (Принимаявовнимание) your advanced technology and attractive prices we would ask you to send us further data concerning (Вашихусловийплатежа) and delivery as well as technical documentation.

12. We would ask you to send us (дополнительнуюинформациюотносительно) terms of payment and delivery.

13. We are ready (предоставитьВамскидку) from list prices.

14. The goods will be shipped (черезравныепромежуткивремени) during the second quarter.

15. We represent (сетьресторанов) and cafeterias in Russia and are looking for a company (занятую) in the export of fish and fish products.


Ex.4. Fill in the blanks with articles where necessary.


1. We have seen your advertisement in _____ June edition of _____ “Furniture & Office Equipment”.

2. We are inclined to place _____ considerable order with your company and would expect _____ discount off _____ list prices.

3. As _____ special concession on our part we are ready to pay by _____ irrevocable Letter of Credit.

4. We shall appreciate it if you will send us your prospectuses in _____ duplicate.

5. We are interested in _____ canned fish for _____ shipment in _____ equal lots at _____ regular intervals.

6. Could you send us _____ offer for _____ goods stating _____ price for each item separately.

7. We are _____ regular buyers of _____ medical equipment on your market.

8. _____ Chamber of Commerce has informed us of your address.

9. At _____ annual fair _____ last month we saw your instruments and got some publications relating to _____ latest models.

10. We are _____ large store in _____ centre of Manchester with _____ number of _____ outlets all over _____ country.


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