Text 3. Cargo master dies as ships collide — КиберПедия 

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Text 3. Cargo master dies as ships collide

2022-11-27 35
Text 3. Cargo master dies as ships collide 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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1. Rearrange the numbered parts of the story in a logical order. Explain your choice. Work in pairs.

10 October, 2001

1. The master, who has not been named, was airlifted to the Conquest Hospital in Hastings where he died.

2. Five crew members were rescued by the crew of the tanker, while a sixth was forced [6] to escape from his cabin as the vessel sank. After he managed to struggle free, he floated to the surface, where the Solent Coastguard helicopter rescued him.

3. When rescuers arrived with six boats and a helicopter, they searched for almost 30 minutes.

4. The master of a cargo ship has died after his vessel sank following a collision with a tanker in the English Channel.

5. At the time of the accident there were force five winds but visibility was good and there was no rain.

6. The Dutch-registered Aquamarine, which was carrying a cargo of vinegar [7], collided with the Ash, laden [8] with steel. The collision took place at 1535 BST, with the rescue launched after a mayday call from a crew member of the Ash.

7. The crew of the Ash was forced to abandon ship when the 1,000-tonne motor vessel took on water, after colliding with the tanker which was five times its size. A Dover coastguard spokesman said the Ash sank straight to the bottom of the 35-metre deep sea.

8. The 4,700 tonne Aquamarine sustained a dented bow, but was able to continue on to Swansea, Wales. The tanker leaked 83 metric tons of oil.


toescape бежать, спастись
rescuer спасатель
toabandon покидать, оставлять
to dent оставлять вмятину

2. Answer the questions to sum up the above information.

1. What ships were involved in the accident? Give their identities.

2. Which ship sustained serious damage and sank?

3. What happened with the crew of the distressed vessel?

4. Who took part in search and rescue operation?

5. Which ship survived the accident? Why?

6. What was the weather like when the ships collided?

7. What do you think about the cause of the accident?Express your opinion.

3. Group work. Complete the spidergram below and see how much vocabulary you can generate, with reference to the topic of collision.

Text 4. В Балтийском море столкнулись два судна, есть жертвы

Give a free translation of the story.

Три человека погибли в результате столкновения двух судов в Балтийском море. Инцидент произошел в субботу в первой половине дня у восточного берега шведского острова Готланд.

Спасательная служба Швеции сообщила, что столкновение произошло между кипрским судном и судном из Антигуа. В общей сложности на обоих судах находилось 16 человек.

После столкновения изолированными (trapped) оказались три человека на кипрском судне. Первые попытки извлечь их из перекрытого (blocked) отсека (compartment) не увенчались успехом. Позже, когда пострадавшее судно было отбуксировано к берегу, спасатели сообщили, что все трое моряков были найдены в отсеке мертвыми.

Причина аварии пока не установлена. Национальности членов экипажа и погибших пока также не сообщаются.


UNIT 2. Sinking

Text 1 (А). Rescuers in search for 50 missing after ferry sinks

I. Read the text and give answers to the questions below.

1. What happened with the ferry?

2. Why did it overturn?

3. How many people were able to survive?

May 4, 2002

Fifty people were missing today after a ferry sank in Bangladesh.

The boat, which had 150 people on board, ran into trouble while sailing in the south of the country.

About 100 of the passengers managed to swim to shore.

But this morning a search was launched for the remaining 50.

Officials said rescuers rushed to the scene and started looking for passengers in the water. "The mishap occurred when the overloaded boat capsized on the Kirtankhola River in fine weather", said a police officer at Barisal town, 190 miles from the capital, Dhaka.

He said the single-decker ferry listed to one side and sank immediately. The people on the roof were able to swim to safety. But there were concerns over the fate [9] of about 50 others on deck.

Ferry accidents are relatively common in Bangladesh, with hundreds dying every year.


ferry паром
to rush устремляться, бросаться
scene место происшествия, события
mishap происшествие, несчастье
to capsize опрокидываться
to list крениться
concerns вопросы (вызывающие озабоченность)
common частый, обычный

II. Vocabulary Practice

1.Find an odd word.

a) disaster, accident, mishap, event;

b) confirm, occur, happen, take place;

c) list, tilt, heel, hit;

d) overturn, capsize, undergo, keel over;

e) common, usual, occasional, regular.

2. Fill in the blanks with one of the words from the vocabulary.

a) Rescuers … to the place of the accident. (hurry)

b) The … happened when the overloaded boat keeled over in the river. (disaster)

c) The overloaded ferry … and … in fine weather. (heel, overturn)

d) Ferry accidents are quite … in Bangladesh. (usual)

III. Grammar Review

1. Find in the text the sentence with a modal verb. Explain its meaning.

2. Transform the sentences using modal verbs (be able to, have to).

a) The people were forced to abandon the ship.

b) About 100 of the passengers managed to swim to shore.

c) The rescuers were pressed to launch a search for passengers in the water.

d) Those remaining on deck failed to escape.

IV. Speech Practice

1. Say what the following words and word-groups mean:

an overloaded boat; a single-decker ferry; to run into trouble; scene; concerns.

2. Speak about the accident. Study the map of the country below paying attention to its natural conditions. The map will help you get an idea about the transport system of the country. Now you must be able to make conclusions about the causes of the accident. Work in pairs.

When discussing the point use the following conversational formulas:

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