Underline the correct options in bold. — КиберПедия 

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Underline the correct options in bold.

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3. Translate the sentences from Russian into English.


GRAMMAR Making comparisons

4. Open the brackets and put the adjectives into the correct forms.


5. Translate the sentences from Russian into English.


VOCABULARY Pain relief

6. Match the words with their Russian equivalents.

1. epidural a) рожать
2. gas and air b) обезболивание
3. give birth c) закись азота («веселящий газ»)
4. wear off d) исчезать, выветриваться (об эффекте)
5. go numb e) эпидуральная анестезия
6. take away the pain completely f) справляться с болью
7. pain relief g) полностью блокировать боль
8. bear the pain h) переносить боль
9. lose sensations i) потерять чувствительность
10. cope with the pain j) онеметь
11. feel light-headed k) чувствовать сонливость, головокружение


Translate the sentences from Russian into English.

VOCABULARY Alternative methods of pain relief

Match the types of pain relief (1-8) to the definitions (a-h).

1. aromatherapy a) use of fragrant oils for well-being
2. analgesia b) a pad used for warming of parts of the body in order to manage pain
3. yoga c) use of fine needles to relieve pain
4. hypnosis d) medicine taken by mouth or by injection which stops pain
5. acupuncture e) a system of exercises for mental and physical health
6. meditation f) a practice of concentrated focus upon a sound, object, visualization, the breath, movement, or attention itself in order to relieve pain.
7. chiropractic treatment g) the therapist manipulates the bones in the spine to help treat pain
8. heat pack h) the therapist talks to the patient when he or she is “asleep” to influence their feelings about pain.

Match the pictures to the types of pain relief in Ex. 9.


Fill in the gaps with the words from the box in Ex. 9.


SPEAKING Questions to assess pain

11. Add question words to form pain assessment questions.

1.             does it hurt? 2.             does the pain last? 3.             do you have pain? 4.             does it hurt? 5.           is the pain? 6.           kind of pain is it? 7.           did it start? 8.           makes it worse?


Complete the table. Use SOCRATES in the history of the present complaints to help you remember the main questions you need to ask about pain:

Feature Typical question
  What makes it worse? Does anything make the pain feel better?
  Does it go anywhere else? Does it stay in one place or move around?
  How much pain do you have? How much does it hurt? How bad is the pain? What would you rate your pain out of 10?
  Does it hurt all the time? When does it stop? How long does it last? How often do you get the pain?
  When did your pain start? When did it start hurting?
  Do you feel anything else wrong when it's there? Have you any other problems related to the pain?
  Where do you have pain? Where does it hurt? Show me where it hurts.
  Can you describe the pain? What kind of pain is it?

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