Read the text and answer the following questions: — КиберПедия 

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Read the text and answer the following questions:

2022-11-24 42
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  1. What features of business etiquette are characteristic for the UK?
  2. Which features of business etiquette are typical of Russian business?
  3. What similarities and differences are there between Russian, British, European, American and Asianbusiness etiquette?

British Business Etiquette [40]

British business etiquette takes foundation in this country’s principles and values of the national business culture. It has some specific features.

Everybody knows that British are very polite and courteous. It gives much to their style of communication. British practice of giving evasive answers to direct questions is often ambiguous. To understand exactly what they are telling you, it is necessary to closely monitor the tone and pitch of voice and expression on the face.

The British always show restraint and composure in difficult situations. Also they prefer humorous approach to various situations in life and business isn’t exception.

The peculiarities of business etiquette in Britain include the following features. In communication you must adhere to a distance, because the British are very sensitive about personal space. Manifestation of politeness is handshake for the first acquaintance. In conversation direct eye contact is welcomed. However, do not do it for too long. Business communication with the British did not provide with personal questions. Do not forget that the suave British often give instructions in the form of polite requests. Also we should not forget the important small things. Entering the room it is necessary to skip to the senior positions. At the business meeting it is unacceptable to keep your hands folded. The British take it as a sign of boredom and disinterest in business. Also the British avoid number 13. When you are going to visit your British partner, it is better to be a bit late than to come earlier. Because coming before the appointed time is considered indecent. Sometimes a meeting invitation can be used for reference to what clothes you should come in. Like many European nations, the British are actively fighting for the rights of animals, so do not come in clothes made ​​of natural fur and leather.

The British are very erudite and professional, they have a high culture. In terms of their interests often include literature, sports and the arts. In the business environment, the British are among the most qualified businessmen in the world.

Avoid "sharp corners": The British are famous for their politeness and courtesy. This is one of the key moments in British culture and a fundamental aspect of British style of communication.

"Stiff upper lip" - this figurative term is used to describe traditional British qualities - self-restraint and self-control that the British often demonstrate in difficult situations. In British culture open demonstration of emotions (positive or negative) is very rare, so if it’s possible, try to avoid expressing of your feelings in public. At the business meetings, this principle means that your British colleagues intend to build a dialogue in an atmosphere of formality and impartiality.

Humor is a key element in all aspects of life in the UK. The importance of a sense of humor in all situations, including the business context, is hard to overestimate. Humor is often used as a protective mechanism, mainly in the form of irony and self-irony. Ironic notes can be hidden, veiled with the voice or context and it is also a feature of the British communication style.


UNIT 10. Management and Logistics


Lead in:         definitions of management

Vocabulary: key logistical management terms

Reading:        SCM and logistical approach

Grammar:       gerund and infinitive

Case study:    decision making

Translation:   key terms

Writing:         cover letter and essay

Culture:         humour rules


Lead in

Read the two definitions of management and discuss main differences between them. Which one do you think is the recent definition?


a) “Management is getting things done through other people.”

b) “Management is working with and through other people to accomplish the objectives of both the organization and its members.”


Read the following definitions of management. Make a list of all the different areas/activities/notions of management you can think of by completing the diagram below. In pairs or small groups, discuss the diagram.

1) “Management is about human beings. Its task is to make people capable of joint performance, to make their strengths effective and their weaknesses irrelevant” (Drucker Peter. The Essential Business. Collins, NY, 2005: 10).

2) “Management is the process of planning, organizing, directing, and controlling an organization’s functional, physical, human and information resources to its goals” (Ebert Ronald. Business Essentials. Pearson Education Inc., New Jersey, 2005: 144).

3) “Management is the running of an organization or part of it. Management has 3 main components: an organizational skill, an entrepreneurial sense, and an ability to get out of the followers” (Dictionary of Business and Management. Oxford University Press, NY, 2006: 65).



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