Part 1. History of Philosophy — КиберПедия 

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Part 1. History of Philosophy

2022-10-10 32
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Topic 1. Philosophy, its subject and role in society

Table 1. Philosophy and pre-philosophical worldview systems

Table 2. The main question of philosophy

Table 3. Historical forms of materialism

Table 4. The relationship between philosophy and the individual Sciences

Basic concepts of the topic


Topic 2. The history of philosophy as a source of philosophical ideas

Table 5. The main stages of the development of Western European philosophy

Basic concepts of the topic


Topic 3. Philosophy of the Ancient East

Table 6. Philosophy of Ancient India and Ancient China

Basic concepts of the topic


Topic 4. Ancient philosophy

Table 7. Stages of development and characteristic features of ancient philosophy

Basic concepts of the topic


Topic 5. Philosophy of the Middle Ages

Table 8. Stages of development of medieval philosophy

Table 9. The dispute about universals in the philosophy of the Middle Ages

Basic concepts of the topic


Topic 6. Philosophy of the Renaissance

Table 10. General characteristics of Renaissance philosophy

Table 11. The principle of humanism in the culture of the Renaissance

Basic concepts of the topic


Topic 7. Philosophy of the New Age

Table 12. General characteristics of the philosophy of Modern times...Twenty nine

Table 13. Francis bacon was the founder of empiricism in the philosophy of the New time

Table 14. Rationalism in Modern Philosophy

Table 15. Subjective idealism in Modern Philosophy

Basic concepts of the topic


Topic 8. German classical philosophy

Table 16. The main representatives of German classical philosophy

Table 17. Hegel's Philosophy

Basic concepts of the topic


Topic 9. The philosophy of Marxism

Table 18. The main sources

of Marxist philosophy

Basic concepts of the topic


Topic 10. Western philosophy of the twentieth century

Table 20. Conditions of formation, characteristic features and main directions of Western philosophy of the twentieth century

Basic concepts of the topic


Topic 11. Russian Philosophy

Table 21. The main stages of the development of philosophy in Russia.

Table 22. Russian Religious Philosophy

Table 23. The materialist tradition in Russian philosophy

Table 24. The philosophy of Russian Cosmism

Basic concepts of the topic




Table 1. Philosophy and pre-philosophical worldview systems

Basic worldview systems Socio-historical conditions of formation Features of the worldview Form of reflection of reality
  Mythology   Ancient society: adaptation to nature, subsistence farming, collective labor, lack of social inequality. Syncretism of world perception. The idea of the unity of the world, the inseparable relationship of man and nature. Fantastic performances, emotional-figurative form.
  Religion   Formation of the social division of labor and the system of social inequality. The emergence of privileged social strata (priests, ministers of worship). The world is divided into 2 parts: 1) earthly, natural, perceived by the senses, 2) heavenly, supernatural, inaccessible to sensory perception


the basis of the religious worldview is the belief in the supernatural.

Illusory representations, emotional-figurative form.
  Philosophy   A class-organized society. The emergence of groups of people who are free from physical labor and have the opportunity to professionally devote themselves to spiritual activities. The concept of the unity of being, in which two basic types of reality are distinguished: material and spiritual. Rational, logical-conceptual form.

Table 2.

                           The «main question» of philosophy,

                                its two sides are the wording



Ontological (what is primary?) Epistemological (is the world cognizable?) Main philosophical directions  
  The primary material principle   the world is cognizable, a person is able to reveal the laws of nature and society, to make a reliable picture of the world (epistemological optimism).     materialism
The primary spiritual (ideational) principle:   a) objective, i.e. existing independently of the human will and consciousness;     b) subjective-individual human consciousness  


usually: the world is knowable, but within certain limits;


usually: reliable knowledge about the objective world cannot be obtained (agnosticism)

  idealism:     objective     subjective
Material and spiritual-equal, independent of each other principles     usually: the world is cognizable     dualism  


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