Тема 7 Russia in the international NGO system — КиберПедия 

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Тема 7 Russia in the international NGO system

2022-09-15 21
Тема 7 Russia in the international NGO system 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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Philanthropy in Russia: private and institutional giving. The great history of Russian private giving and 70 years of zero charity. The role of international humanitarian organizations after the collapse of Soviet Union – bringing back dignified living. The work of Russian NGOs in the fields of public diplomacy on the international platforms (the UN, European Council). Best practices of contemporary Russian NGOs (Naked Hearts foundation, AdVita). The Forum of Donors. Involvement of Russian NGOs in international humanitarian conflict resolution.

  Тема 8. NGOs as a leading force of the social innovation

Social innovations as the new social practices that aim to meet social needs in a better way than the existing solutions (in the spheres ranging from working conditions, education, community development or health). Socail innovations extend and strengthen civil society. NGOs serve as a starting point and incubator for many contemporary social innovations. The terms and methods of assessment of social change and innovation. Russian third sector as an incubator for social change: empirics. Innovations by Russian NGOs. The problem of accountability and impact in NGO discourse.

4. Материалы текущего контроля успеваемости обучающихся и фонд оценочных средств промежуточной аттестации по дисциплине


Текущая и промежуточная аттестация может проводиться с использованием ДОТ.


4.1 Формы и методы текущего контроля успеваемости, обучающихся и промежуточной аттестации:

Устный опрос, эссе, разбор кейсов, тестирование, доклад.


4.1.1. В ходе реализации дисциплины Б1.В.ДВ.03.03 «Nongovernmental organizations in world politics» используются следующие методы текущего контроля успеваемости обучающихся:


 - при проведении занятий лекционного типа: устный опрос, дискуссия;

- при проведении занятий семинарского типа: дискуссия, разбор кейсов, доклад с презентацией;

 - при контроле результатов самостоятельной работы студентов: тестирование, эссе.


Тема (раздел) Формы (методы) текущего контроля успеваемости
Тема 1 Устный опрос, Разбор Кейсов
Тема 2 Устный опрос, доклады
Тема 3 Устный опрос и доклады
Тема 4 Устный опрос, разбор кейсов
Тема 5 Устный опрос, тестирование
Тема 6 Устный опрос, эссе
Тема 7 устный опрос, разбор кейсов
Тема 8 Устный опрос



Материалы текущего контроля успеваемости обучающихся.

Типовые оценочные материалы по теме 1.

 1.1. Примеры вопросов для устного опроса по теме 1.

· What is the three-sector society approach by A.Ezioni?

· What is non-for-profit sector?

· Define nonprofit, NGO and nongovernmental organization?

· What are the key UN regulations in the NGO field?

· What are the EU key policies in the NGO field?

· What are the key features of the organizations comprising the third sector in comparison to business and public sector?

Примеры вопросов для устного опроса по теме 2.

· The welfare state by G. Esping-Andersen?

· What are the key features of the NGO management?

· How are the NGOs funded?

· What is the main criticism of NGOs?

Примеры вопросов для устного опроса по теме 3.

· What is the role of NGOs in provision of social security?

· How is the impact of NGOs being assessed?

· What are the activities of NGOs in the developing countries?

· Analyze world’s leading NGOs in the fields of ecology and humanitarian aid.

Примеры вопросов для устного опроса по теме 4.

· How does public policy influence of nonprofit sector in different regions of the world?

· What are the key challenges the NGOs in the fields of humanitarian aid face?

· What is the connection between the global and regional public society and the third sector?

· Please describe the methods of lobbying for international nongovernmental organizations

Примеры вопросов для устного опроса по теме 5.

· What is the classical membership model for NGOs?

· What are financial models for academic institutions?

· How can the religious NGOs described?

· When and where were the international sport NGO founded and how do they operate?

Примеры вопросов для устного опроса по теме 6.

· Why is private giving an important social practice?

· How can the “pro bono” and “in-kind” services be helpful for the third sector?

· What are the major examples of family philanthropy in Russia and worldwide?

· Why and when are foundations effective?

Примеры вопросов для устного опроса по теме 7.

· What is the history of Russian charity?

· What was the Soviet approach to giving?

· How are Russia NGOs involved in the world public diplomacy tendency?

· What are the best practices for Russian NGOs?

Примеры вопросов для устного опроса по теме 8.

· What is a social innovation?

· Why is the third sector a good ground for it?

· How can the innovation be assessed and measured?

· What are the main weaknesses for the third sector effectivity?

Темы для эссе

1. The welfare state in European union

2. The welfare state in Russia

3. American approach to charity

4. NGO as an actor of international relations: methods, strategies and limits

5. Fundraising as a precondition of the third sector independence

6. Humanitarian organizations: saving the world or implementing western agenda

7. Performance management in the third sector: evaluation, risk management and assessment

8. NGOs as an subject of social change: Russian and foreign examples

9. International NGOs as keepers of the world memory on example of the Red Cross and Red Crescent

10. Communicating the message: PR and marketing in the third sector

11. International humanitarian crisis and the role of NGOs

12. Contemporary nonprofit market in Russia: trends, tendencies, achievements

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