And Adamantine Particles within the Earth — КиберПедия 

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And Adamantine Particles within the Earth

2022-09-12 31
And Adamantine Particles within the Earth 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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While in deep meditation, Archangel Michael told me that there are historical and scientific MEMORY SEED CRYSTALS stored within great subterranean caverns in strategic places around the world. These etheric SEED CRYSTALS are in the same caverns as the Eternal Violet Flames, and both have an integral part to play in our present ascension process. The various Sacred Sites and holy places around the world have, most often, been built over or near one of these great caverns – or where there is one of the great crystal clusters and spires. You will also find portals to the inner Earth near some of these special Sacred Sites.

When we are guided to visit one these special places, we may experience a most wondrous event of which we are not even aware of at the time. If your intentions are pure, and your Energetic Signature and Soul Song resonate at a higher Fourth-Dimensional level or above, you will automatically activate the appropriate Memory Seed Crystals stored within the cavern below the Sacred Site you are visiting – for quite possibly, you have performed this service before; perhaps, many Ages ago or quite possibly in a more recent past life.

In turn, you will be gifted with an activation of some of the White Fire Seed Atoms stored within your Sacred Mind. These will most likely be Memory Seed Atoms, some of which hold advanced information that you will need in the future; or Memory Seed Activation Atoms, which will trigger the activation of a particular talent; or perhaps Healing Memory Seed Atom, which will help you overcome some affliction or release a troublesome, addictive habit.

Throughout the Earth’s history there are stories of masters and great Beings who accomplished amazing feats, won great battles, created many magnificent edifices and performed amazing miracles through their own, seemingly, super-human efforts.

What has not been known, heretofore, is that these great Ones knew how to draw forth some of the Memory Seed Atoms from the great caverns within the Earth. They had the capacity to draw forth a full measure of the First Ray of Divine Will Power, along with an added measure of Creator Particles of Light, and also Life from within the storehouse caverns deep within the Earth.

It is important that you understand that a good portion of the Adamantine Particles of Light allotted to the planet were stored within these great caverns when it was first created. The balance was stored within the Earth’s Sacred Heart Core. Every planet, galaxy, sun, star system, Sub-Universe, and Universe within the Omniverse have repositories of Adamantine Particles of Life/Light – and so has every Soul ever created.

Just as we must activate the Adamantine Particles we carry within, and the ones we draw forth from the unlimited supply of Creator Light, we must also activate the Adamantine Particles stored within the Earth through our loving intention and action. We are now moving into the vibrational patterns of mastership, and we are being offered special gifts, talents and specific dispensations to assist us in assuming our role as World Servers.

A NEW CLARION CALL has gone forth for those of us who came to Earth as members of ARCHANGEL MICHAEL’S LEGIONS OF LIGHT. We are being called together once more in order to complete our current earthly mission. We have spent many lifetimes and endured tremendous trials and tests ─ in order heal our past and harmonize our physical vessels − so that the MEMORY SEED ATOMS that were encoded, so very long ago within our Sacred Hearts and Sacred Minds, could be activated. These were keys and codes that have assisted us to complete the GROUP DIVINE MISSION we were assigned by our Father/Mother God of this Sub-Universe.

SHINE ON, dear friends. Love and Angel Blessings, Ronna

Transmitted through Ronna * Sacred Scribe * As transmitter of this article I, Ronna Herman Vezane, claim the universal copyright in the name of Archangel Michael. Personal sharing with friends, or posting on websites and in publications is permitted as long as the information is not altered, excerpted or added to, and credit of authorship and my website address is included.

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