Flowers and Flowering Plants — КиберПедия 

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Flowers and Flowering Plants

2022-09-11 39
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alfalfa noun

a plant with purple flowers that is fed to animals Some people eat alfalfa sprouts young plant stems in salads.

amaryllis noun

a tall plant with a long stem and several red, pink, or white flowers shaped like trumpets

anemone noun

a small plant with white, red, or purple flowers that are shaped like cups

arum lily noun

an African plant with a single large white flower

aster noun

a plant with small white, purple, or pink flowers

baby’s breath noun

a type of plant with many small white flowers that is often used for decoration with other flowers

begonia noun

a plant grown for its bright red, pink, yellow, or white flowers and coloured leaves

bird of paradise noun

a plant with brightly coloured flowers that look similar to birds flying

bluebell noun

a plant that grows in the countryside or in gardens, with small blue flowers shaped like bells

bougainvillea noun

a plant with purple or red flowers that grows up walls, especially in hot countries

bulrush noun

British a tall plant that grows near water, with long thin leaves and a dark brown flower that looks like a stick

busy Lizzie noun

British a small plant with pink, red, orange, or white flowers

buttercup noun

a plant with small bright yellow flowers

camellia noun

a red, white, or pink flower shaped like a rose

camomile noun

a plant with small white flowers with yellow centres, used for making a type of tea

carnation noun

a flower with a sweet smell, often worn as a decoration on formal occasions such as weddings


another spelling of camomile

chickweed noun

a weed a wild plant that spreads quickly with small leaves and small white flowers

chrysanthemum noun

a plant with large round brightly coloured flowers

clematis noun

a plant that grows up walls, fences etc and has large flat flowers

columbine noun

a purple or blue flower grown in gardens

convolvulus noun

a plant with large flowers that twists around other plants as it grows

cornflower noun

a small wild plant with bright blue flowers

cowslip noun

a wild plant with yellow flowers

crocus noun

a small yellow, white, or purple flower that appears early in spring

cyclamen noun

a small plant with pink, white, or red flowers

daffodil noun

a tall yellow flower with a centre shaped like a cup that grows in spring

dahlia noun

a large brightly coloured flower that is grown in gardens

daisy noun

a type of small white flower with a yellow centre

dandelion noun

a wild plant with a large yellow flower that changes into a furry white ball of seeds called a dandelion clock

deadly nightshade noun

a poisonous plant with purple flowers and black fruit

delphinium noun

a tall plant with many small blue flowers

evening primrose noun

biology a plant with yellow flowers that open in the evening. An oil used in herbal medicine is obtained from its seeds.

fern noun

a plant with leaves shaped like feathers and no flowers

flax noun

a plant with small blue flowers that is grown for the fibres in its stem and the oil in its seeds

flower noun

a flower and its stem that have been removed from a plant

forget-me-not noun

a very small blue flower with pointed leaves

foxglove noun

a tall plant with purple or white flowers shaped like bells

freesia noun

a small plant with yellow, pink, purple, or white flowers that have a sweet smell

gardenia noun

a large white flower that smells very sweet

gentian noun

a plant with small dark blue flowers that grows in the mountains of western Europe

geranium noun

a plant with soft round leaves and bright flowers that are usually pink, red, or white

gladiolus noun

a tall plant with long thin pointed leaves and several flowers

heather noun

a plant with small purple or white flowers that grows on hills and mountains

heliotrope noun

a small garden plant with purple flowers that smell sweet

hemlock noun

a poisonous plant with small white flowers

hollyhock noun

a plant with tall stems and several large flowers on each stem

honeysuckle noun

a climbing plant with yellow or pink flowers that smell very sweet

hop noun

a plant whose flowers are dried and used for making beer

hyacinth noun

a plant with small blue, pink, or white sweet-smelling flowers that grow close together along the stem

iris noun

a tall plant with large purple, yellow, or white flowers and long pointed leaves

jasmine noun

a climbing plant with white, yellow, or pink flowers that have a strong smell

lavender noun

a plant with small purple flowers that smell nice

lily noun

a large flower in the shape of a bell that is often white but can be many other colours

lily of the valley noun

a plant with small white flowers that are shaped like bells and have a pleasant smell

ling noun

a low wild plant with green leaves and purple flowers that grows in open areas Ling is a type of heather.

lobelia noun

a plant that produces many small blue or white flowers on long stems that hang down

lotus noun

an Asian water plant with large white or pink flowers

lupin noun

a tall plant with rows of small flowers on each stem


an American spelling of lupin

mallow noun

a plant with pink, purple, or white flowers

marguerite noun

a plant with white or pale yellow flowers with a bright yellow centre

marigold noun

a plant with bright yellow or orange flowers

marshmallow noun

a plant with pink flowers that grows in wet areas

morning glory noun

a climbing plant with flowers of various colours

narcissus noun

a white or yellow flower that appears in spring

nasturtium noun

a plant with round leaves and red, yellow, or orange flowers

oilseed rape noun

a plant with bright yellow flowers, used for producing food for animals and oil for cooking. Oilseed rape is often simply called rape.

orchid noun

a type of flower with an unusual shape and often a sweet smell

pampas grass noun

a plant with very tall stems and long white flowers that look like feathers

pansy noun

a small plant with large bright flowers

passionflower noun

a tropical American climbing plant with large brightly coloured flowers

peony noun

a plant with large pink, red, or white flowers, or one of the flowers

periwinkle noun

a small blue or white flower

petunia noun

a garden plant with purple, pink, or white flowers

phlox noun

a garden plant with white, red, or purple flowers

pimpernel noun

a small wild plant with red flowers

pink noun

a garden plant with pink, white, or red flowers and a sweet smell

plantain noun

a small wild plant with wide leaves and a small green flower

polyanthus noun

a small garden plant with bright flowers

poppy noun

a flower with large red petals and a black centre

primrose noun

a pale yellow flower that grows wild in the countryside

primula noun

a flower that comes in many colours and is grown in gardens

ragwort noun

a common plant with small yellow flowers that is poisonous to many animals

rape noun

a plant with bright yellow flowers that is used for feeding animals or making oil

rose noun

a flower that has a sweet smell and thorns sharp pieces on its stem

scarlet pimpernel noun

a bright red wild flower

snapdragon noun

a plant that has stems with brightly coloured flowers growing along them

snowdrop noun

a type of small white flower that appears in early spring

stock noun

a garden plant with a strong sweet smell and pink, white, or purple flowers

sunflower noun

a very tall plant that has large yellow flowers with a round brown centre. Sunflowers produce seeds that are used for making cooking oil.

sweet pea noun

a climbing plant with colourful flowers that have a strong pleasant smell

sweet william noun

a plant with white, pink, or red flowers

teasel noun

a plant with flowers and leaves that have sharp points


another spelling of teasel

thistle noun

a wild plant with a thick round purple or white flower and leaves with sharp points. The thistle is often used as a symbol of Scotland.

tiger lily noun

a large orange flower with black spots

tulip noun

a colourful flower shaped like a cup that grows on a long stem in spring

vetch noun

a wild plant with small flowers

violet noun

a small plant with dark purple flowers and a sweet smell

violet noun

the flower of a violet

wallflower noun

a plant with yellow, orange, or red flowers and a pleasant smell

wisteria noun

a large climbing plant that has purple or white flowers that hang down

yucca noun

a large plant with stiff pointed leaves


Species of Bird

bantam noun

a type of small chicken

barn owl noun

a type of owl with white and brown feathers and a face shaped like a heart

bird of paradise noun

a brightly coloured bird that lives mainly in New Guinea

blackbird noun

a type of bird common in Europe and North America. The male is black with an orange beak.

bluebird noun

a small blue bird found in North America

bluejay noun

a common blue North American bird with feathers that come to a point at the top of its head

blue tit noun

a small European bird with a blue head, tail, and wings, and a yellow chest

budgerigar noun

a small bright blue, green, or yellow bird often kept as a pet. Budgerigars are often called budgies.

budgie noun

informal a budgerigar

bullfinch noun

a small European bird with grey and pink feathers

buzzard noun

American a vulture 1

canary noun

a small yellow bird that is kept as a pet, known for its beautiful singing

carrier pigeon noun

a pigeon that has been trained to carry messages

chaffinch noun

a small bird that is common in Europe and Asia. The male has a red-brown breast and a grey head.

chicken noun

a bird kept for its eggs and meat. The sound it makes is called clucking. The female chicken is called a hen and the male is called a cock or a rooster. A baby chicken is called a chick.

chook noun

Australian informal a chicken

cockatoo noun

a large light-coloured Australian bird with a crest of feathers on its head. A cockatoo is a type of parrot.

condor noun

a large black and white bird that lives in South America and eats dead animals

crow noun

a large black bird that makes a loud sound called cawing

cuckoo noun

a grey bird that leaves its eggs in other birds’ nests and makes a loud call that sounds like its name

dodo noun

a large bird that no longer exists and could not fly

dove noun

a white bird often used as a sign meaning peace

emu noun

a large Australian bird that has very long legs and cannot fly

finch noun

a small bird with a short thick beak. There are many types of finch.

flycatcher noun

a small bird that eats insects by catching them in the air

goldfinch noun

a small bird with yellow feathers on its wings that is common in Europe

grouse noun

a large brown bird that lives on the ground and is hunted for its meat

hedge sparrow noun

a small brown bird that is common in woods in Europe

homing pigeon noun

a type of bird that can fly home across long distances

hornbill noun

a tropical bird with a large beak

house martin noun

a small black-and-white European bird that often lives under roofs

hummingbird noun

a very small brightly-coloured bird that makes a low continuous noise when it moves its wings

jackdaw noun

a bird with a black head and a grey body that steals shiny objects. It is a type of crow.

jay noun

a noisy colourful bird that lives in Europe, Asia, and North America

jaybird noun

American a jay

kiwi noun

the bird that is the symbol of New Zealand. It has a long thin beak and cannot fly.

kookaburra noun

an Australian bird that makes a sound like laughter

lapwing noun

a small European bird with dark feathers, a white breast, and raised feathers on its head. A lapwing is sometimes called a peewit.

lark noun

a small brown bird that is common in Europe and is known for singing while it flies

linnet noun

a small brown bird that makes a pleasant sound

lovebird noun

a small colourful parrot a tropical bird with a curved beak

macaw noun

a South American bird with a long tail and brightly coloured feathers

magpie noun

a noisy black and white bird with a long tail

marabou noun

a large African stork bird with long legs and a long beak

martin noun

a small bird with long wings and a short tail that flies very fast

meadowlark noun

a North American bird with a yellow breast, known for its sweet song

mockingbird noun

a small white and grey North American bird that copies the songs of other birds

mynah bird noun

a black bird that is often kept as a pet and can copy speech

nightingale noun

a small bird known for the beautiful way that it sings at night

oriole noun

a black and yellow bird that lives mainly in Europe, Africa, and Asia

oriole noun

a North American bird that is black and orange, or yellow

ostrich noun

a large African bird with a long neck and long legs that runs very fast but cannot fly

owl noun

a large bird with a big head and eyes and a small sharp beak. Owls hunt small animals at night and make a sound called hooting.

parakeet noun

a small brightly coloured bird sometimes kept as a pet

parrot noun

a brightly coloured tropical bird that is often kept as a pet and can be taught to say a few words

partridge noun

a fat brown bird that is hunted for sport and food

peacock noun

a large brightly-coloured male bird with long blue-green tail feathers that sometimes spread out and up. The female is called a peahen.

peahen noun

a large brown bird that is a female peacock

peewit noun

a small black and white European bird

pheasant noun

a large bird with a long tail that is hunted for sport and food

pigeon noun

a brown or grey bird that often lives in cities

pipit noun

a small bird that makes a musical sound

quail noun

a small bird that people shoot and eat

raven noun

a large bird with shiny black feathers

roadrunner noun

a small brown and white bird with a long tail that runs very fast and lives in deserts in North America

robin noun

a small brown European bird with a red chest. Robins are often used as a symbol of winter and are often shown on Christmas cards and decorations.

robin noun

a grey bird with a red chest that lives in North America

rook noun

a large black European bird that is a type of crow and lives in big noisy groups

skylark noun

a brown and white European bird that sings while flying

sparrow noun

a small brown bird that is common in the US and northern Europe

starling noun

a small European bird with dark shiny feathers

stork noun

a large bird with long legs and a long beak, said to bring people their new babies

swallow noun

a small bird whose tail has two points like a fork

swift noun

a small bird that flies quickly

thrush noun

a brown bird that has spots on its front

tit noun

a small bird that is common in Europe

titmouse noun

a small bird

toucan noun

a large, brightly coloured bird with a large curved beak mouth that lives in tropical America

turkey noun

a large bird similar to a chicken that has no feathers on its head and is often eaten at Christmas and Thanksgiving. The sound that turkeys make is called gobbling.

turtle dove noun

a bird similar to a pigeon that is sometimes used for representing love

vulture noun

a large bird that eats the bodies of dead animals

wagtail noun

a small bird with a long tail that quickly moves up and down when the bird walks

woodcock noun

a small brown bird hunted for food or sport

woodpecker noun

a bird that makes holes in trees using its long narrow beak

wood pigeon noun

a type of pigeon that lives mainly in forests

wren noun

a small brown bird with a short tail that points upwards

yellowhammer noun

a European bird that has a yellow head and a musical call



Parts of Trees

bark noun

the hard substance that covers a tree

blossom noun

a flower on a tree, or all the flowers on a tree

bole noun

mainly literary the trunk of a tree

bough noun

mainly literary a big branch on a tree

branch noun

a part of a tree that grows out of its trunk main stem with leaves, flowers, or fruit growing on it. A very small branch is called a twig

catkin noun

a long soft group of small flowers that hangs from the branches of willows and some other trees

chloroplast noun

biology a part of a plant cell that contains chlorophyll and where photosynthesis takes place

corm noun

biology a small round part at the base of the stem in some plants that stores food underground to use for growing new plants the next year

crown noun

the wide circular top part of some types of tree

fig leaf noun

a leaf from a fig tree You often see a fig leaf covering the sex organs of people in paintings.

foliage noun

the leaves of a plant or tree

fruit noun

the part of a tree or plant that contains its seeds

gall noun

a lump on a tree or plant caused by insects or an infection

knot noun

a round hard place in a piece of wood where a branch grew

leaf noun

a flat thin green part of a tree or plant that grows on a branch or stem

limb noun

a large branch on a tree

stump noun

the part of a tree that is left above the ground after it has been cut through near the base

treetops noun

the top parts of a group of trees

tree trunk noun

the central part of a tree that the branches grow out of

trunk noun

the main part of a tree that the branches grow out of

twig noun

a very small thin branch from a tree or bush


Miscellaneous Plants

agave noun

a plant with leaves with sharp points and flowers on a long stem that grows in the southern part of the US and in Central America

aloe noun

a plant with thick pointed leaves that contain a lot of liquid

aspidistra noun

a plant that has large leaves and is grown as a houseplant plant grown in a container inside

bamboo noun

a tall tropical plant with thick light-brown stems that are used for making things such as furniture and fences

barley noun

a plant that produces grain used for making food, beer, and whisky

belladonna noun

a poisonous plant

betel noun

a plant of Southeast Asia with leaves that people chew

bindweed noun

a wild plant that grows among other plants and winds itself round them

bluegrass noun

a type of grass found in parts of North America, especially in the US state of Kentucky

bracken noun

a plant with leaves like large wide feathers, that grows on hills and in forests. It is a type of fern

briar noun

a plant with a hard root that is used for making pipes to smoke tobacco


another spelling of briar

cassava noun

a tropical plant with roots that can be cooked and eaten or made into flour

catmint noun

British a plant with a strong smell that attracts cats and makes them excited

catnip noun


Chinese lantern noun

a plant that has small orange fruits covered with a thin layer like paper

clover noun

a small plant with leaves that have three round parts

cotton noun

a plant grown in warm regions that has white fibres used for making cotton cloth

cress noun

a small plant with round green leaves that have a strong flavour and are eaten raw in salads or are used for decorating food

dock noun

a wild plant with large leaves

escarole noun

a plant with pale green leaves, eaten raw in salads

grapevine noun

a plant on which grapes grow

grass noun

a very common plant with thin green leaves that covers the ground. A single piece of grass is called a blade of grass

grass noun

informal cannabis in the form of leaves or flowering buds

hemp noun

a plant with strong stems used for making rope. The drug cannabis is made from some types of hemp.

horseradish noun

a plant with a long white root that has a strong taste

ivy noun

a plant that grows up walls or that spreads over a large area. It has shiny dark green leaves with several points.

jute noun

a plant that produces jute

lichen noun

a small soft plant that grows on surfaces such as trees and walls

maidenhair noun

a type of plant with thin delicate leaves

maize noun

British a tall plant that produces yellow seeds that are called sweetcorn when cooked and eaten. The American word is corn.

malt noun

a grain such as barley that is kept in water until it begins to grow, and then dried. It is used for making beer, whisky, and vinegar.

mustard noun

a plant whose seeds are used to make mustard

nettle noun

a tall plant with pointed leaves and small hairs that sting if you touch them

pea noun

a climbing plant whose seeds are peas

peppermint noun

a type of mint plant whose leaves are used for producing peppermint

poinsettia noun

a plant with red, pink, or white leaves that look like flowers

poison ivy noun

a North American plant that makes your skin red and painful if you touch it

potato noun

the plant that produces potatoes

prickly pear noun

a plant that grows in the desert, with a fruit that is covered with sharp needles, or the fruit of this plant

ragweed noun

a North American plant that produces a lot of pollen

rattan noun

a plant with long thin stems, used for making wicker furniture

rice noun

the plant that produces rice, often grown in fields called paddies or paddy fields

rubber plant noun

a plant with large shiny green leaves that comes from Southeast Asia

rye noun

a plant that produces grain used for making food or whiskey a strong alcoholic drink, and for feeding animals

ryegrass noun

a type of grass that is used for feeding animals

sesame noun

a plant that produces seeds and oil used in cooking

shamrock noun

a small plant with three round green leaves on each stem The shamrock is the national symbol of Ireland.

sorghum noun

a plant that produces grain and grows mainly in tropical areas

soya bean noun

a plant that produces soya beans

spearmint noun

the plant whose leaves produce this flavour

spider plant noun

a plant with a lot of long flat narrow leaves with stripes that people sometimes grow in their houses

stinging nettle noun

a nettle

sugar cane noun

a tall tropical plant with thick stems that is used for producing sugar

tobacco noun

the plant that produces leaves that are dried to make tobacco

tumbleweed noun

a round plant that grows in dry areas and rolls when it is blown by the wind

Venus flytrap noun

a plant with leaves that open and close to catch insects

vine noun

the plant on which grapes grow

Virginia creeper noun

a plant that grows upwards by fixing itself to walls or trees. It has leaves that turn red in the autumn.

wheat noun

a tall plant that produces grain for making bread and other foods

wheatgrass noun

a young wheat plant often made into a juice that people drink to be healthy


16) Trees

acacia noun

a tree with small white or yellow flowers that grows in warm countries

alder noun

a tree that grows near water and has round leaves and long thin yellow flowers called catkins

almond noun

a small tree with pink flowers that produces almonds

ash noun

a tree with a smooth grey bark substance that covers its trunk

aspen noun

a tall thin tree that grows in North America and Europe and has leaves that rustle make a noise as they rub against each other in the wind

balsa noun

the tree that this wood comes from

banyan noun

a tropical tree that produces new roots from its branches

baobab noun

a tree with a short thick trunk that produces fruit you can eat Baobabs grow in Africa and Australia and live for a very long time.

bay noun

a bay tree

bay tree noun

a tree with leaves that are used as a herb in cooking

beech noun

a large tree with smooth grey bark and small nuts

birch noun

a tall tree with thin branches and an outer layer that comes off in thin strips like paper

bonsai noun

a tree grown in a small container in order to prevent it from growing big

box noun

a tree with small shiny leaves that people grow especially around the edges of their gardens

cacao noun

a tropical tree, the seeds of which are used for making chocolate and cocoa

cedar noun

a tall tree with red wood and thin sharp leaves that do not fall off in the winter

cherry noun

a tree that produces cherries

chestnut noun

a tall tree with large wide leaves that produces chestnuts

citrus noun

a tree that produces fruit such as oranges or lemons

copper beech noun

a type of beech tree that has purple-brown leaves

cottonwood noun

a North American tree that has seeds covered with white fibres that look like cotton wool

cypress noun

a tall tree with dark green leaves that do not fall off in winter

dogwood noun

a bush or tree with red stems and berries small fruit, or the wood of this tree

ebony noun

a tree with hard dark wood

elder noun

a small tree with black berries small round fruits

elm noun

a large tree with round leaves that fall off in winter

eucalyptus noun

a tall tree originally from Australia with leaves that do not fall off in winter It produces an oil that is used in medicines.

fir noun

a tall tree with thin sharp leaves that do not fall off in winter. It produces large hard brown fruits called cones and can be called a fir or a fir tree.

gum noun

a eucalyptus tree

gum tree noun

a eucalyptus tree

hawthorn noun

a small tree that produces red berries and has thorns

hazel noun

a small tree that produces nuts that you can eat

hickory noun

a tree that produces nuts and grows mainly in North America

holly noun

a bush or tree with dark green leaves with sharp points and small bright red berries

horse chestnut noun

a large tree with white or pink flowers and wide branches that produces shiny hard brown seeds inside round cases with sharp points

jackfruit noun

a large tree that produces large fruit and grows mainly in tropical parts of Asia

laburnum noun

a tree with hanging yellow flowers that have poisonous seeds

larch noun

a tree with thin sharp leaves called needles that fall in the winter. Larches produce brown fruits called cones.

laurel noun

a small tree with shiny dark green leaves that do not fall off in winter

lilac noun

a pale purple or white flower with a strong smell, or the bush or tree that it grows on

lime noun

British a tree with heart-shaped leaves and yellow flowers that smell pleasant

linden noun

mainly American a lime tree

macadamia noun

the tree that a macadamia grows on

magnolia noun

a tree with large white, yellow, or pink flowers, or a flower from this tree

mahogany noun

the tree that produces this wood

mangrove noun

a tropical tree that grows beside water and has roots that begin above the ground

maple noun

a tree that grows mainly in northern countries and has wide leaves that turn red and yellow in the autumn

may noun

the hawthorn tree, or its flowers

mimosa noun

a small tree with yellow flowers that grows in hot countries

mountain ash noun

a tree with bright red-orange fruit that grows mainly in northern countries

mulberry noun

a tree that produces small purple or white fruit that you can eat

oak noun

a large tree that can live for a very long time and produces small hard fruits called acorns

osier noun

a willow tree with long thin branches that can be bent easily and are used for making baskets

palm noun

a palm tree, or a large plant similar to a palm tree

palm tree noun

a tropical tree without branches that has large wide leaves growing from the top of its trunk

pine noun

a tall tree with thin sharp leaves called needles that do not fall off in winter, and hard brown fruits called cones

pine tree noun

a pine 1

pitch pine noun

a type of North American pine tree that produces turpentine

plane noun

a plane tree

plane tree noun

a tall tree with wide leaves, round flowers, and round fruit, that grows in North America, Europe, and Asia, and is often planted along streets in towns

poplar noun

a tall thin tree, often grown in rows along the edge of roads or fields

pussy willow noun

a small tree with flowers that look like pieces of soft grey fur

redwood noun

a very large tree with red wood that grows in the US

rowan noun

a small tree that produces bright red berries small round fruits

sandalwood noun

a tree with a pleasant-smelling wood, grown in India for its oil and used for making soap and perfume

sassafras noun

a small tree that grows in Asia and North America

sequoia noun

an extremely tall tree that grows in the US, especially in California

silver birch noun

a tall thin tree with light grey or white bark

spruce noun

a tall tree that has thin sharp leaves that do not fall off in winter and produces hard brown fruits called cones

sycamore noun

a tree with large leaves shaped like a star and seeds shaped like two wings

tamarind noun

the African tree on which it grows

teak noun

a large tree with hard yellow-brown wood and white flowers

tea tree noun

a small tree from Australia and New Zealand that produces a special oil used for treating minor skin problems, or used in beauty products

walnut noun

a tree that produces nuts and wood

weeping willow noun

a tree with thin leaves and long branches that bend downwards

willow noun

a tree with long thin branches and narrow leaves that grows near water

witch hazel noun

a small tree with yellow flowers that have a pleasant smell

yew noun

a tree with dark green leaves that produces a bright red fruit


Types of Insect

ant noun

a small insect that lives under the ground in large organized groups called colonies

aphid noun

a very small insect that lives on plants and destroys them

bedbug noun

an insect with a round body and no wings that sucks people’s blood, especially when they are in bed

bee noun

a flying insect that has black and yellow bands and can sting you. Bees make honey, and bees that are not wild live in hives. The sound a bee makes is written as buzz.

beetle noun

an insect with a smooth hard back

black widow noun

a very poisonous spider that lives in parts of North America and Asia

bloodsucker noun

an insect that feeds on the blood of animals or people

blowfly noun

a fly that lays its eggs on meat or dead animals

bluebottle noun

a large fly with a shiny blue body

boll weevil noun

an insect that lives in North America and damages cotton plants

bumblebee noun

a large bee

butterfly noun

a flying insect with large colourful wings

caterpillar noun

a small long thin insect with many legs that eats plants and develops into a butterfly or moth

centipede noun

a very small insect with a long narrow body and many pairs of legs

chigger noun

a small insect larva, common in warm parts of the US, whose bite causes painful lumps on your skin

cicada noun

an insect that lives in trees and tall grass in hot countries and makes a loud high noise

cockroach noun

an insect similar to a large beetle that lives in places where food is kept

crane fly noun

a flying insect with very long legs

cricket noun

a small brown insect that moves by jumping and makes a loud noise by rubbing its front wings together

daddy long legs noun

British a fly with a thin body and very long thin legs

daddy long legs noun

American an insect like a spider with a round body and very long thin legs

dragonfly noun

an insect with a long narrow brightly coloured body and two pairs of transparent wings

dust mite noun

a type of very small insect that lives in houses and causes allergies in some people

earthworm noun

a type of worm that lives in soil

earwig noun

a brown insect with a pair of curved parts at the back end of its body

firefly noun

an insect that produces a flashing light when it flies at night

flea noun

a small jumping insect that lives on animals and bites them

fly noun

a common small insect with wings. Flies eat food, are often found near rubbish, and are responsible for spreading many diseases

fruit fly noun

a very small fly that eats decaying fruit

gadfly noun

a fly that bites cows and horses

glow-worm noun

a small insect without wings that produces light from its body at night

gnat noun

a very small flying insect that bites people but is not dangerous

grasshopper noun

a large insect with long back legs that moves by jumping and makes short high sounds

greenfly noun

a very small green insect that damages plants

honeybee noun

a flying insect with black and yellow stripes that makes honey and can sting. A honeybee is often simply called a bee.

hornet noun

a black and yellow flying insect that can sting you. It is a type of large wasp.

horsefly noun

a large flying insect that bites horses, cows, and other large animals

housefly noun

a very common flying insect that often lives in houses and is attracted by food

ladybird noun

British a small insect that has a round red or yellow body with small black spots on it

ladybug noun

American a ladybird

leech noun

a small soft creature that sticks to the skin of other animals in order to feed on their blood. Leeches were often used in the past as a type of medical treatment.

lice noun

small insects that live on people’s skin and in their hair. Lice is the plural of louse.

locust noun

a type of grasshopper that flies over wide areas in very large groups called swarms, often destroying crops

louse noun

a small insect that lives on the bodies of animals and people

maggot noun

a small soft creature with no arms or legs that later changes into a fly. Maggots are found in old meat and dead bodies.

mantis noun

a praying mantis

mayfly noun

a flying insect that lives near water and has a very short life

midge noun

a small fly that bites people and often lives near water


another spelling of millipede

millipede noun

an insect with a long thin body and many pairs of small legs

mite noun

a very small insect that lives in foods, on plants, or on animals

mosquito noun

a small flying insect that bites the skin of people and animals in order to feed on their blood. Some types of mosquito can spread a serious disease called malaria.

moth noun

a flying insect like a butterfly that flies mostly at night. The young form of some types of moth eat cloth

praying mantis noun

a large insect with long front legs

queen noun

biology a large female insect that can lay eggs

roach noun

American informal a cockroach

sand fly noun

a small fly that lives in warm regions of Asia, Africa, and southern Europe. It can spread disease when it bites.

scarab noun

a large black beetle insect with a hard skin that ancient Egyptians believed was holy

silkworm noun

a type of caterpillar that produces silk when it is young

silverfish noun

an insect with a grey or silver body that often causes damage to paper products or clothing

slug noun

a small creature with a soft body and no legs that moves very slowly. Slugs are similar to snails but they have no shell.

snail noun

a small animal that has a soft body, no legs, and a hard shell on its back. Snails move very slowly.

spider noun

a small creature with eight legs that usually weaves a web to catch insects

stick insect noun

a long thin insect that looks like a small stick

tarantula noun

a large poisonous spider that lives in Central and South America

termite noun

a small insect that eats wood and can damage buildings

tick noun

an insect that sucks your blood

tortoiseshell noun

a type of butterfly that is brown and orange

tsetse fly noun

a flying insect in Africa that bites people and animals in order to drink their blood. It can spread a serious disease called sleeping sickness.

wasp noun

a black and yellow flying insect that can sting you

weevil noun

an insect that eats plants and can destroy crops

woodlouse noun

a small grey insect that lives in places that are slightly wet

woodworm noun

a small insect that makes holes in wood

worm noun

a creature with a long soft body and no bones or legs


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