Checking that the other person has finished and responding to that — КиберПедия 

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Checking that the other person has finished and responding to that

2022-09-01 37
Checking that the other person has finished and responding to that 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
Заказать работу

So, is there anything else (that I can help you with) (today)?

(Okay then,) was there anything else (that you’d like to ask)?

No, that’s all (for now), thanks.

Actually, there is just one more thing….

Smoothly ending a phone call (giving reasons for finishing the call, etc)

Anyway, it’s been great to talk, but I’m afraid I have a meeting in a few minutes/ I’m afraid I… (so…)

I’d like to talk more about this but I’m afraid someone has just come in/ I’m afraid… (so…)

That seems to have covered everything, thanks.

That’s been really helpful, thanks.

Okay, I won’t keep you any longer, then.

Talking about the next contact between you/ Talking about the future

Can I call you back (a little) later?

Could you possibly call again (a little) later?

I’ll email you by the end of business today/ later (today)/ in the next couple of days/…

(I can’t hear you very well). Shall we hang up and try again?

I’ll check (…) and call you (right) back.

Could you (possibly) find out and call me back?

Please call again if you have any other questions/ problems/...

I look forward to your call.

Looking forward to hearing from you.

Speak to you then/ tomorrow/ soon/ later/… (, then).

See you then/ tomorrow/ soon/ on Monday/ there/… (, then).

Polite and/ or friendly language at the end of the call

Thanks for (all) your help.

Thanks for calling/ your call.

Sorry I couldn’t be more help.

Have a good evening/ day/ weekend/….

Bye (for now).

By: Alex Case | Audience: All | Category: Telephoning | Topic: General

First Published: 9th May. 2016 | Last Edited: 25th Jan. 2019




You can’t connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backwards. So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future. You have to trust in something - your gut, destiny, life, karma, whatever.

Steve Jobs

First let's look at what factors go into choosing a career:

Choosing a career involves 4 main stages:

• Self Awareness

• Opportunity Awareness

• Decision Making

• Taking Action

Sometimes these stages will overlap and sometimes you have to return to a previous stage.

Self Awareness. The first stage of Career Choice is Self Awareness. This involves looking at your SKILLS, VALUES, INTERESTS and PERSONALITY and analyzing where your strengths and weaknesses lie. This is important both in choosing the right career and also for success in applications and interviews where you will find many questions which test whether you have been through this process.

Opportunity Awareness. Once you have done some preliminary self-analysis, the

next stage is to gather information on the opportunities open to you.

Of course, the other important part in making decisions is discussing it with other

people. Friends, family and tutors can all play an important part here.

Taking Action. This is the final process of career planning. It involves:

- Finding out about the EMPLOYERS that offer the types of jobs you are interested in.


- Preparing APPLICATIONS and attending INTERVIEWS

Sometimes you may have to return to previous stages in the process, for example, if you are not able to get into your first choice career.


This is the most effective way of increasing your chances of getting a job. It covers:

- Learn how to identify & develop your employability skills and “sell” them to employers.

- Identify your interests, values & personal styles and find careers these relate to.

- Find out about a particular career.

- Decide which career options to pursue.

- Prepare a CV, learn how to make applications & interview skills

DEVELOP PERSONAL SKILLS. You should have lots of opportunities to use communication, negotiating and similar skills which are valuable ammunition for your CV.

DEVELOP YOUR COMPUTER SKILLS. Computing skills are important for

almost all jobs.

PREPARE A CV. This will be useful for vacation work applications and can also

be used as a basis for your final year applications.


FIND OUT ABOUT THE CAREERS OPEN TO YOU. Choosing a career, though, involves more than just finding out what is possible for you to do – you also need to think about what you want from your career and your skills, abilities and interests.

LEARN TO NETWORK. Networking will help you to get an inside view of careers through work shadowing and information interviews.


2. Read the text and discuss it:

Make the Most of Your Career

Part of enjoying your career is getting the absolute most out of it each and every day. Are you maximizing your potential? Are you taking every step possible to excel in your job? If not, then you need to get on track and work for your success. You only get out of your career what you put into it. Heed the advice below to make the most of your career.

1. Ask Plenty of Questions

There's a commonly held myth that asking questions is a sign of weakness. However, when directed at the most successful people in your industry, the exact opposite is true. Asking questions helps you expand your knowledge base, which will open you up to new and exciting opportunities. Asking questions also shows an inherent interest in your industry, proving that you're a diligent, thoughtful worker.

2. Take Off the Blinders

Successful people never have the attitude that certain tasks are outside of their job responsibilities. If you want to be a manager, then you need to know how every person in your department does their job. That means that you have to take off the blinders and be open to experiencing new things whenever you get the chance.

3. Go Back To School

Even the most successful CEOs and entrepreneurs make time to go to educational seminars and take classes at local colleges. In fact, many successful business professionals have multiple college degrees that apply directly to their line of work. While you do not have to pursue a Ph.D, you should at least explore educational opportunities that could potentially advance your career.

If you're a sales professional who deals with people all day, then enroll in some psychology courses to learn more about the human psyche and improve your sales techniques. Simply investing in your education will help you make the most out of your career.

4. Regularly Take On New Challenges

Does your company have a client that no one else wants to service? Then this is your chance to learn more about handling difficult customers. When you take on new challenges, you expand your resume and you often surprise yourself at how much you already know.

5. Become a Resource for Others

Part of feeling fulfilled in your career is being able to share what you know with others. If there are new people working for your company that seem to be struggling, then pull them aside, offer a hand, and help them reach success. Your personal career success is only complete when you're able to share that knowledge with others and help to influence a new generation of people in your field.

6. Have Goals that You Constantly Strive For

There's always a new height you can achieve and new goals you can reach in your career. The key is to identify those goals, and then put together a plan to achieve them.

Instead of coasting along in your job, you should always have short- and long-term goals to push your career forward.

7. Always Be Prepared for the Next Step

One day, you might look around your office and realize that you've completely maximized your potential with your current employer. Does that mean that you've maximized your career? No, it means that it's time for you to move on to that next step in your adventure. You should always keep your employment options open and never be afraid to take that next step in your personal development.

TASKS (topic “Career”)

1 Match the words with their Russian equivalents:

1 ambitious                                              a. Разработка и развитие

2 career plan                                            b. посещать собрания

3 sales and marketing                              c. управление

4 finance department                               d. опытный человек

5 management                                         e. амбициозный

6 personnel department                          f. старший по должности

7 production                                            g. общественные мероприятия

8 Research and development (R&D)      h. финансовый отдел

9 superior                                                 i. дополнительные навыки

10 attend meetings                                   j. план карьерного роста

11 social events                                       k. производство

12 experienced person                             l. отдел кадров

13 extra qualifications                            m. отдел продаж и маркетинга

2 Translate into English:

1 Он достаточно амбициозный, чтобы начать свой собственный бизнес.

2 Необходимо разработать надлежащий план карьерного роста для каждого нашего менеджера.

3 Команда в нашем российском представительстве занимается продажами и маркетингом, а наша продукция производится в Дании, Бразилии, Китае и в США.

4 В этом году он окончил экономический университет и собирается работать в отделе финансов.

5 Все важные решения в компании принимает руководство.

6 Производство материала шло быстро и продажи выросли.

7 По вопросам сверхурочной работы, вам нужно проконсультироваться с отделом кадров.

8 Научно-исследовательский отдел разрабатывает много новой продукции, основываясь на данных о предпочтении клиентов.

9 Мой нынешний начальник – очень хороший руководитель.

10 Многие сотрудники не любят посещать собрания компании, так как считают их неэффективными.

11 Многие компании тратят большие суммы денег на общественные мероприятия.

12 Даже самому опытному человеку иногда нужны советы и поддержка более опытного коллеги.

13 Если вы хотите улучшить свою карьеру, старайтесь в свободное время получить дополнительные навыки.


4 Fill in the gaps with the following words:

goals, ahead, move, bonus, making, work, retirement, taking, mistakes.

1 Some ambitious people plan their next career _________ as soon as they get their first job.

2 Our negotiators are ___________ very good progress in the talks with the Russian company.

3 Julia is ___________ some time off next month to visit her daughter in Germany.

4 Jim kept making terrible _________ at work. His boss said he was incompetent, and gave him a sack.

5 If you reach your sales targets every month, you will probably earn a ________.

6 Few people want to _________ anti-social hours even if they don’t have children.

7 Changing companies often is not a good idea if you want to get _______ in your


8 After working hard all her life, Maria decided to take early __________ and travel around the world.

9 A good tip is to create your own ________ and determine what skills you need to reach them.

5 Give the English equivalents:

1) краткосрочные/ долгосрочные цели; 2) значительно; 3) очерчивать, намечать; 4) принимать вызов; 5) достигать цели; 6) овладеть навыками; 7) расширять навыки; 8) заслуживать; 9) делегировать выполнение задач; 10) определять; 11) оценивать достижения; 12) преуспеть в карьере;13)mискать возможности; 14) брать отпуск; 15) составить список


1. My grandfather’s advice has always helped me to get ahead in my career.

2. Make a list of all advantages and disadvantages of this work.

 3. We will outline our proposal to the committee.

4. Break long-term goals down into several short-term goals.

5. The CEO should regularly evaluate progress achieved in sales.

6. Now you can delegate tasks to your employees, control the execution and promptly make changes if they become necessary.

7. It takes years to master a new language.

8. Tom has always looked for opportunities to broaden his skills.

9. Investigators are still trying to determine the cause of accident.

10. What goals does the company want to reach in the next two years?

11. The job is very difficult and there are many new challenges I need to accept.

12. She deserves a promotion because her work is excellent and she always reaches her monthly goals.

13. Only one parent can take time off from work to care for a sick child.

14. By building a new factory, we will significantly increase our profits and help local economy

6 Match the words with their Russian equivalents:

1 stuck in smth.                               a) войти в привычную колею

2 to prioritise                                  b) ответная реакция

3 to set objectives                           c) ключевой, решающий

4 to be good at smth.                      d) устанавливать приоритеты

5 feedback                             e) участвовать в чем-либо, заниматься чем-либо

6 to settle into a routine                 f) погрязнуть в чем-либо

7 a meeting of minds                     g) иметь способность к чему-либо

8 to be engaged in smth.                h) ставить цели

9 crucial                                              i) единство взглядов, взаимопонимание

8 Find English equivalents:

1 Во-первых, вам необходимо поставить цели и, когда вы сделаете это, вам нужно будет расставить приоритеты.

2 Ты погрязнешь в той же старой работе на всю свою жизнь.

3 Если вы регулярно будете оценивать свои достижения, у вас будет лучшее представление того, к чему у вас способности.

4 Это все связано с ответной реакцией, не так ли?

5 Если вы все время будете избегать риска, если вы войдете в привычную колею, вы никогда не продвинетесь в карьере.

6 Я уверен, что важно быть полностью сосредоточенным на задании, которое вы выполняете.


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