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Teaching is a very difficult job of great responsibility and specific nature. There is awide variety|vəˈraɪətɪ| разнообразие of work in teaching. A good teacher is not only a communicator of knowledge but a model of competence. He forms attitudes to his subject and attitudes to learning, becoming himself a symbol of education process |ˈprəʊses| процесс, a person who is learning as well as teaching. While communicating with children a teacher studies them closely to discover their interests, their strengths |streŋθs| and weaknesses |ˈwiːknəsɪz|, their needs and abilities. Thus a good teacher always regards capacities |kəˈpæsɪtɪz| вместимость, емкость, мощность, способность his pupils have, trying to temper his teachingmethods to children’s abilities and aptitudes. He builds his work upon what he learns about his children.

An environment |ɪnˈvaɪrənm(ə)nt| окружающая среда should be created to stimulate children, to develop their abilities and satisfy their interests. “Climate |ˈklaɪmət| ” of a classroom depends on the nature of personal relationships and between a teacher and his pupils. These relationships should be based on respect for a person. So a primary condition of creating a good atmosphere in class is that everyone in it respects everybody else.

It is a purpose of education to liquidate |ˈlɪkwɪdeɪt| ликвидировать, уничтожать ignorance. But it is also the function of education to help children live in the community, to prepare them for real life situations. Social development must be paid just as much attention to as intellectual development. School becomes a place of work and play, of living and learning. A teacher takes an active part in shaping |ˈʃeɪpɪŋ| приспосабливать the child’s character, fostering |ˈfɒstərɪŋ| поощрять honesty, kindness |ˈkaɪn(d)nəs| доброта, cooperation and respect for ideals.

Quintilian, the prominent Roman school master, wrote in his “Institutes |ˈɪnstɪtjuːts| Oratory |ˈɒrət(ə)rɪ| ораторское искусство ” published about 95 AD the following about a teacher and his work: “Let him adopt |əˈdɒpt| принимать, перенимать a parental |pəˈrentəl| родительский, отцовский attitude to his pupils. Let him be free from vice |vaɪs| порок, зло- несущественный недостаток, слабость himself. Let him be strict but not austere |ɒˈstɪə| строгий, суровый, king but not too familiar: for austerity |ɒˈsterɪtɪ| строгостьwill make him unpopular, while familiarity |fəmɪlɪˈærɪtɪ| знакомство breeds |briːdz| порода, поколение, потомство, племя, размножаться contempt |kənˈtem(p)t| презрение. He must control his temper without shutting | ˈʃʌ t ɪ ŋ| закрытый, запертый his eyes to faults requiring correction. His instruction must be free from affection, his industry great, his demands on class continuous, but not extravagant | ɪ k ˈ str æ v əɡ (ə)nt| расточительный. He must be ready to answer questions and to put them unasked to those who sit silent. In praising | ˈ pre ɪ z ɪ ŋ| the answers of his pupils he must be neither | ˈ na ɪ ð ə | ни один, никто grudging | ˈɡ r ʌ d ʒɪ ŋ | скупой nor over-generous | ˈ d ʒ en(ə)r ə s|. In correcting faults, he must avoid sarcasm | ˈ s ɑː k æ z(ə)m| and above all abuse | əˈ bju ː z|  оскорблять, ругать; поносить to discourage |d ɪ s ˈ k ʌ r ɪ d ʒ отговаривать, обескураживать, расхолаживать, отбивать охоту, отсоветовать | industry. ”

A good teacher is alive to the possibility of improving the contents and method of histeaching, and therefore keeps abreast |əˈbrest| рядом, в ряд, на уровне of new developments, gives them adequate |ˈædɪkwət| адекватный trial |ˈtraɪəl| суд испытание, and absorbs |əbˈzɔːbz| поглощать whatever elements are suited to his own situation. He himself is able through |θruː| his own discoveries |dɪˈskʌvərɪz| to contribute |kənˈtrɪbjuːt| способствовать to the body of knowledge upon which educational progress depends.

The influence of the successful teacher extends |ɪkˈstendz| продлить, распространять beyond |bɪˈjɒnd| за, вне his classroom in yet another way – through the help which he can give to inexperienced colleagues ɪnɪkˈspɪərɪənst| |ˈkɒliːɡz| who may at first find difficulty in translating educational theory into classroom practice.In return he isquick to appreciate |əˈpriːʃɪeɪt| ценить, оценивать the value |ˈvæljuː| ценить, оценивать of contacts |ˈkɒntækts| контакт, связь with younger teachers trained in advanced methods.

To be a good teacher, one needs some gifts of a good actor. You must be able to holdthe attention and interest of your audience; you must be a clever speaker with a good, strong, pleasing voice which is fully under your control; and you must be able to act what you are teaching in order to make its meaning clear. Watch a good teacher, you will see that he does not sit motionless |ˈməʊʃ(ə)nləs| неподвижный before his class; he stands the whole time he is teaching, he walks about, using his arms, hands and fingers to help him in his explanation, and his face to express feelings.

But unlike an actor a teacher can’t learn his art by heart, he must invent it as he goes along. articulate and be emotional. during the explanation of any material

Indeed |ɪnˈdiːd| действительно, teaching is an exacting ɪgˈzæktɪŋ job, but those who are well equippe d|kwɪpt| острота, саркастическое замечание for it will have a happy and satisfying life.


Carrot and stick motivation is a motivational approach that involves offering a “ carrot ”(a reward—for good behavior) and a “ stick ” (a negative consequence for poor behavior). It motivates staff by creating actionable goals and desirable rewards for employees who are able to alter their behavior and performance. It is a simple and effective form of feedback for employees. The carrot and stick theory can be applied effectively in the workplace with a reward and consequence system as motivational tools for staff members. Using the carrot and stick approach in the workplace can be an effective for

I have very kind parents. I'm allowed absolutely everything.




1. Phonetic drill: variety|vəˈraɪətɪ| разнообразие, competence |ˈkɒmpɪt(ə)ns| компетенция, компетентность, liquidate|ˈlɪkwɪdeɪt| ликвидировать, austere|ɒˈstɪə| строгий, austerity |ɒˈsterɪtɪ| строгость, colleagues|ˈkɒliːɡz|, grudging|ˈɡrʌdʒɪŋ|скупой, sarcasm |ˈsɑːkæz(ə)m|, abuse|əˈbjuːz|  оскорблять, ругать.


2. Give English equivalents:


Ø большое разнообразие чего-либо (метров, учебных предметов, профессий, интересов, возможностей); wide variety

Ø главное условие (задача, требование), начальная школа, учитель начальных классов); a primary condition

Ø интеллектуальное/ умственное развитие (способности, потенциал, среда [background], элита); intellectual development

Ø фамильярность порождает презрение; familiarity |fəmɪlɪˈærɪtɪ| знакомство breeds |briːdz| порода, поколение, потомство, племя, размножаться contempt |kənˈtem(p)t|

Ø закрывать глаза на недостатки (ошибки, разногласия, беспорядок);to shut

Ø завышенные/ непомерные требования (цены), сумасбродное поведение, расточительный человек;extravagant

Ø хвалить ответы (студентов, работу, умения);to stimulate In praising |ˈpreɪzɪŋ| the answers

Ø содержание и методы обучения; temper without shutting |ˈʃʌtɪŋ| закрытый, запертый his eyes to faults requiring correction

Ø идти в ногу со временем, быть в курсе новейших достижений; keeps abreast |əˈbrest| рядом, в ряд, на уровне of the time, new developments

Ø поддерживать внимание и интерес аудитории; able to hold the attention and interest of your audience

Ø сидеть неподвижно; not sit motionless

Ø в отличие от актера (от моих родственников, других детей, от своих родителей, от остальных персонажей). But unlike an actor

3. Explain what is meant by:

- to adopt a parental attitude to smb; учитель teachers sometimes have to take the role of the “parents” and even “friends” because our students often need comfort, help and advice in everyday life though they may seem very independent and sure of themselves.

- continuous demands on class; the teacher must be demanding. and its requirements for all students should be the same

- to contribute to the body of knowledge; The teacher must constantly perfect himself to be an authority for students in order to carry out one’s pedagogical mission. "A teacher teaches while he teaches himself

- to translate educational theory into classroom practice; the practical experience and skills are more important than the theoretical ones. A higher educational teaching qualification does not make you a professional, in the true sense of the word. Having graduated from the University or possessing a Bachelor degree does not automatically guarantee that the service you provide, is a professional one.

- he is quick to appreciate the value of contacts. when you interact with young teachers You’ll also explore different teaching methods. with younger teachers trained in advanced methods.

4. Give synonyms and situations: ignorance - unawareness · nescience · unfamiliarity · illiteracy · lack of knowledge · innocence · cluelessness · blindness, contempt - scorn · disrespect · insult · indignity · disesteem · irreverence · disdain · defiance · neglect · disregard · despise · despite, grudging - resentment · discontent · envy · displeasure · rancor · rancour · wickedness · malice · rage · bitterness · gall · malevolence · anger · grievance · insult · dislike · bad blood · antagonism · hostility · animus · animosity · antipathy · pity, to encourage - impel · motivate · incite · instigate · boost · foster · support · buoy · maintain · facilitate · help · assist · inspire · inspirit · provoke · stir · excite · arouse · spur · goad · cultivate · will encourage · nourish · reward · propel · move · given hope · pander · further · indulge · condone · spark · fire · advance, experienced - impel · motivate · incite · instigate · boost · foster · support · buoy · maintain · facilitate · help · assist · inspire · inspirit · provoke · stir · excite · arouse · spur · goad · cultivate · will encourage · nourish · reward · propel · move · given hope · pander · further · indulge · condone · spark · fire · advance, to sit motionless - (immobile, real, unmoving), to walk about - roam.

5. The following words are used in the text twice. Recall both contexts in every case:

- to temper; a temper; Thus a good teacher always regards capacities |kəˈpæsɪtɪz| вместимость, емкость, мощность, способность his pupils have, trying to temper his teaching methods to children’s abilities and aptitudes. He builds his work upon what he learns about his children. He must control his temper without shutting |ˈʃʌtɪŋ| закрытый, запертый his eyes to faults requiring correction. His instruction must be free from affection, his industry great, his demands on class continuous, but not extravagant |ɪkˈstrævəɡ(ə)nt| расточительный.

- to be free from smth; Let him be free from vice |vaɪs| порок, зло- несущественный недостаток, слабость himself. His instruction must be free from affection, his industry great, his demands on class continuous, but not extravagant |ɪkˈstrævəɡ(ə)nt| расточительный.

- industry; His instruction must be free from affection, his industry great, his demands on class continuous, but not extravagant |ɪkˈstrævəɡ(ə)nt| расточительный. In praising |ˈpreɪzɪŋ| the answers of his pupils he must be neither |ˈnaɪðə| ни один, никто grudging |ˈɡrʌdʒɪŋ|скупой nor over-generous |ˈdʒen(ə)rəs|. In correcting faults, he must avoid sarcasm |ˈsɑːkæz(ə)m| and above all abuse |əˈbjuːz|  оскорблять, ругать; поносить to discourage |dɪsˈkʌrɪdʒ отговаривать, обескураживать, расхолаживать, отбивать охоту, отсоветовать | industry. ”

- to control; control (n). He must control his temper without shutting |ˈʃʌtɪŋ| закрытый, запертый his eyes to faults requiring correction. you must be a clever speaker with a good, strong, pleasing voice which is fully under your control




Teaching is a very difficult job of great responsibility and specific nature. There is awide variety|vəˈraɪətɪ| разнообразие of work in teaching. A good teacher is not only a communicator of knowledge but a model of competence. He forms attitudes to his subject and attitudes to learning, becoming himself a symbol of education process |ˈprəʊses| процесс, a person who is learning as well as teaching. While communicating with children a teacher studies them closely to discover their interests, their strengths |streŋθs| and weaknesses |ˈwiːknəsɪz|, their needs and abilities. Thus a good teacher always regards capacities |kəˈpæsɪtɪz| вместимость, емкость, мощность, способность his pupils have, trying to temper his teachingmethods to children’s abilities and aptitudes. He builds his work upon what he learns about his children.

An environment |ɪnˈvaɪrənm(ə)nt| окружающая среда should be created to stimulate children, to develop their abilities and satisfy their interests. “Climate |ˈklaɪmət| ” of a classroom depends on the nature of personal relationships and between a teacher and his pupils. These relationships should be based on respect for a person. So a primary condition of creating a good atmosphere in class is that everyone in it respects everybody else.

It is a purpose of education to liquidate |ˈlɪkwɪdeɪt| ликвидировать, уничтожать ignorance. But it is also the function of education to help children live in the community, to prepare them for real life situations. Social development must be paid just as much attention to as intellectual development. School becomes a place of work and play, of living and learning. A teacher takes an active part in shaping |ˈʃeɪpɪŋ| приспосабливать the child’s character, fostering |ˈfɒstərɪŋ| поощрять honesty, kindness |ˈkaɪn(d)nəs| доброта, cooperation and respect for ideals.

Quintilian, the prominent Roman school master, wrote in his “Institutes |ˈɪnstɪtjuːts| Oratory |ˈɒrət(ə)rɪ| ораторское искусство ” published about 95 AD the following about a teacher and his work: “Let him adopt |əˈdɒpt| принимать, перенимать a parental |pəˈrentəl| родительский, отцовский attitude to his pupils. Let him be free from vice |vaɪs| порок, зло- несущественный недостаток, слабость himself. Let him be strict but not austere |ɒˈstɪə| строгий, суровый, king but not too familiar: for austerity |ɒˈsterɪtɪ| строгостьwill make him unpopular, while familiarity |fəmɪlɪˈærɪtɪ| знакомство breeds |briːdz| порода, поколение, потомство, племя, размножаться contempt |kənˈtem(p)t| презрение. He must control his temper without shutting | ˈʃʌ t ɪ ŋ| закрытый, запертый his eyes to faults requiring correction. His instruction must be free from affection, his industry great, his demands on class continuous, but not extravagant | ɪ k ˈ str æ v əɡ (ə)nt| расточительный. He must be ready to answer questions and to put them unasked to those who sit silent. In praising | ˈ pre ɪ z ɪ ŋ| the answers of his pupils he must be neither | ˈ na ɪ ð ə | ни один, никто grudging | ˈɡ r ʌ d ʒɪ ŋ | скупой nor over-generous | ˈ d ʒ en(ə)r ə s|. In correcting faults, he must avoid sarcasm | ˈ s ɑː k æ z(ə)m| and above all abuse | əˈ bju ː z|  оскорблять, ругать; поносить to discourage |d ɪ s ˈ k ʌ r ɪ d ʒ отговаривать, обескураживать, расхолаживать, отбивать охоту, отсоветовать | industry. ”

A good teacher is alive to the possibility of improving the contents and method of histeaching, and therefore keeps abreast |əˈbrest| рядом, в ряд, на уровне of new developments, gives them adequate |ˈædɪkwət| адекватный trial |ˈtraɪəl| суд испытание, and absorbs |əbˈzɔːbz| поглощать whatever elements are suited to his own situation. He himself is able through |θruː| his own discoveries |dɪˈskʌvərɪz| to contribute |kənˈtrɪbjuːt| способствовать to the body of knowledge upon which educational progress depends.

The influence of the successful teacher extends |ɪkˈstendz| продлить, распространять beyond |bɪˈjɒnd| за, вне his classroom in yet another way – through the help which he can give to inexperienced colleagues ɪnɪkˈspɪərɪənst| |ˈkɒliːɡz| who may at first find difficulty in translating educational theory into classroom practice.In return he isquick to appreciate |əˈpriːʃɪeɪt| ценить, оценивать the value |ˈvæljuː| ценить, оценивать of contacts |ˈkɒntækts| контакт, связь with younger teachers trained in advanced methods.

To be a good teacher, one needs some gifts of a good actor. You must be able to holdthe attention and interest of your audience; you must be a clever speaker with a good, strong, pleasing voice which is fully under your control; and you must be able to act what you are teaching in order to make its meaning clear. Watch a good teacher, you will see that he does not sit motionless |ˈməʊʃ(ə)nləs| неподвижный before his class; he stands the whole time he is teaching, he walks about, using his arms, hands and fingers to help him in his explanation, and his face to express feelings.

But unlike an actor a teacher can’t learn his art by heart, he must invent it as he goes along. articulate and be emotional. during the explanation of any material

Indeed |ɪnˈdiːd| действительно, teaching is an exacting ɪgˈzæktɪŋ job, but those who are well equippe d|kwɪpt| острота, саркастическое замечание for it will have a happy and satisfying life.


Carrot and stick motivation is a motivational approach that involves offering a “ carrot ”(a reward—for good behavior) and a “ stick ” (a negative consequence for poor behavior). It motivates staff by creating actionable goals and desirable rewards for employees who are able to alter their behavior and performance. It is a simple and effective form of feedback for employees. The carrot and stick theory can be applied effectively in the workplace with a reward and consequence system as motivational tools for staff members. Using the carrot and stick approach in the workplace can be an effective for

I have very kind parents. I'm allowed absolutely everything.




1. Phonetic drill: variety|vəˈraɪətɪ| разнообразие, competence |ˈkɒmpɪt(ə)ns| компетенция, компетентность, liquidate|ˈlɪkwɪdeɪt| ликвидировать, austere|ɒˈstɪə| строгий, austerity |ɒˈsterɪtɪ| строгость, colleagues|ˈkɒliːɡz|, grudging|ˈɡrʌdʒɪŋ|скупой, sarcasm |ˈsɑːkæz(ə)m|, abuse|əˈbjuːz|  оскорблять, ругать.


2. Give English equivalents:


Ø большое разнообразие чего-либо (метров, учебных предметов, профессий, интересов, возможностей); wide variety

Ø главное условие (задача, требование), начальная школа, учитель начальных классов); a primary condition

Ø интеллектуальное/ умственное развитие (способности, потенциал, среда [background], элита); intellectual development

Ø фамильярность порождает презрение; familiarity |fəmɪlɪˈærɪtɪ| знакомство breeds |briːdz| порода, поколение, потомство, племя, размножаться contempt |kənˈtem(p)t|

Ø закрывать глаза на недостатки (ошибки, разногласия, беспорядок);to shut

Ø завышенные/ непомерные требования (цены), сумасбродное поведение, расточительный человек;extravagant

Ø хвалить ответы (студентов, работу, умения);to stimulate In praising |ˈpreɪzɪŋ| the answers

Ø содержание и методы обучения; temper without shutting |ˈʃʌtɪŋ| закрытый, запертый his eyes to faults requiring correction

Ø идти в ногу со временем, быть в курсе новейших достижений; keeps abreast |əˈbrest| рядом, в ряд, на уровне of the time, new developments

Ø поддерживать внимание и интерес аудитории; able to hold the attention and interest of your audience

Ø сидеть неподвижно; not sit motionless

Ø в отличие от актера (от моих родственников, других детей, от своих родителей, от остальных персонажей). But unlike an actor

3. Explain what is meant by:

- to adopt a parental attitude to smb; учитель teachers sometimes have to take the role of the “parents” and even “friends” because our students often need comfort, help and advice in everyday life though they may seem very independent and sure of themselves.

- continuous demands on class; the teacher must be demanding. and its requirements for all students should be the same

- to contribute to the body of knowledge; The teacher must constantly perfect himself to be an authority for students in order to carry out one’s pedagogical mission. "A teacher teaches while he teaches himself

- to translate educational theory into classroom practice; the practical experience and skills are more important than the theoretical ones. A higher educational teaching qualification does not make you a professional, in the true sense of the word. Having graduated from the University or possessing a Bachelor degree does not automatically guarantee that the service you provide, is a professional one.

- he is quick to appreciate the value of contacts. when you interact with young teachers You’ll also explore different teaching methods. with younger teachers trained in advanced methods.

4. Give synonyms and situations: ignorance - unawareness · nescience · unfamiliarity · illiteracy · lack of knowledge · innocence · cluelessness · blindness, contempt - scorn · disrespect · insult · indignity · disesteem · irreverence · disdain · defiance · neglect · disregard · despise · despite, grudging - resentment · discontent · envy · displeasure · rancor · rancour · wickedness · malice · rage · bitterness · gall · malevolence · anger · grievance · insult · dislike · bad blood · antagonism · hostility · animus · animosity · antipathy · pity, to encourage - impel · motivate · incite · instigate · boost · foster · support · buoy · maintain · facilitate · help · assist · inspire · inspirit · provoke · stir · excite · arouse · spur · goad · cultivate · will encourage · nourish · reward · propel · move · given hope · pander · further · indulge · condone · spark · fire · advance, experienced - impel · motivate · incite · instigate · boost · foster · support · buoy · maintain · facilitate · help · assist · inspire · inspirit · provoke · stir · excite · arouse · spur · goad · cultivate · will encourage · nourish · reward · propel · move · given hope · pander · further · indulge · condone · spark · fire · advance, to sit motionless - (immobile, real, unmoving), to walk about - roam.

5. The following words are used in the text twice. Recall both contexts in every case:

- to temper; a temper; Thus a good teacher always regards capacities |kəˈpæsɪtɪz| вместимость, емкость, мощность, способность his pupils have, trying to temper his teaching methods to children’s abilities and aptitudes. He builds his work upon what he learns about his children. He must control his temper without shutting |ˈʃʌtɪŋ| закрытый, запертый his eyes to faults requiring correction. His instruction must be free from affection, his industry great, his demands on class continuous, but not extravagant |ɪkˈstrævəɡ(ə)nt| расточительный.

- to be free from smth; Let him be free from vice |vaɪs| порок, зло- несущественный недостаток, слабость himself. His instruction must be free from affection, his industry great, his demands on class continuous, but not extravagant |ɪkˈstrævəɡ(ə)nt| расточительный.

- industry; His instruction must be free from affection, his industry great, his demands on class continuous, but not extravagant |ɪkˈstrævəɡ(ə)nt| расточительный. In praising |ˈpreɪzɪŋ| the answers of his pupils he must be neither |ˈnaɪðə| ни один, никто grudging |ˈɡrʌdʒɪŋ|скупой nor over-generous |ˈdʒen(ə)rəs|. In correcting faults, he must avoid sarcasm |ˈsɑːkæz(ə)m| and above all abuse |əˈbjuːz|  оскорблять, ругать; поносить to discourage |dɪsˈkʌrɪdʒ отговаривать, обескураживать, расхолаживать, отбивать охоту, отсоветовать | industry. ”

- to control; control (n). He must control his temper without shutting |ˈʃʌtɪŋ| закрытый, запертый his eyes to faults requiring correction. you must be a clever speaker with a good, strong, pleasing voice which is fully under your control




1) Comment on and develop the following statements:

v ‘Climate of a classroom’ depends on the nature of personal relationships between a teacher and his pupils. Mutual respect of the teacher and the pupils is necessary if one wants to create a good and fruitful atmosphere at the lesson.

v It is also the function of education to help children live in the community.

v A teacher takes an active part in shaping the child’s character and fosters respect for ideals.

Knowledge of basic intellectual skills such as reading, writing, verbal expression, quantitative and other cognitive abilities, education teaches language well how people communicate with each other according to positions in society.

2. Cultural achievements of ones society.


Opportunities to acquire social and vocational abilities which are necessary in order to make one a social, useful and economically productive member of the society.

3. Gender roles as perceived as suitable roles by the society.

Educational systems socialize students to become members of society, to play meaningful roles in the complex network of independent positions.

4. Education helps in shaping values and attitudes to the needs of the contemporary society.

Education widens the mental horizons of pupils and teaches them new ways of looking at themselves and their society.

5. Education offers young people opportunities for intellectual, emotional and social growth. Thus education can be influential in promoting new values and stimulating adaptation to changing conditions.

6. Informally and especially through social clubs, the school enables the child to learn a number of other social roles and skills which are also important for his/her overall development as a member of society. For example,

Education teaches the laws, traditions and norms of the community, the rights that individuals will enjoy and the responsibilities that they will undertake.

7. Education teaches how one is to behave toward his/her playmates and adults.

8. Education teaches how to share things and ideas.

9. Education teaches how to compete responsibly.

10. Schooling teaches how to cooperate

11. Schooling instills the community's pattern of respect; thus how to relate to others well and obey rules.



v A good teacher is alive to the possibility of improving the content and method of his teaching.

2) Teacher’s work is manifold. Which aspect (component) do you consider to be of primary importance? Explain why.  


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