Verbs followed by gerunds and infinitives — КиберПедия 

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Verbs followed by gerunds and infinitives

2022-10-04 32
Verbs followed by gerunds and infinitives 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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advise                            love                                 mean

begin                                      prefer                            * be afraid  

continue                                regret                            * be ashamed

forget                                  remember

hate                                        start

like                                         try


11. Translate the sentences into Russian:

1) I like travelling.

2) He likes to travel around Europe.

3) She hates gardening.

4) I hate to make silly mistakes.

5) She loves going to operas.

6) I love to go to operas.

7) Barbara prefers walking to driving to work.

8) Alex prefers to walk to work.

9) It started raining.

10) It started to snow.


Answer these questions about likes and dislikes.

1) Why do you play tennis every day? (enjoy).

2) Why does your brother never go to the theatre? (not like).

3) Why does Walter take so many photographs? (like).

4) Why do you always wear jeans? (love).

5) Why does Ann watch television so often? (enjoy).

6) Why do you never fly? (hate).

7) Why do you always stay alone in your cottage over the weekend? (enjoy).

8) Why do you never drive a car? (dislike).

9) Why don’t you work in the evenings? (hate).

10) Why don’t you live in this place? (not like).

11) Why does Ann always cook for the whole family but never wash up?(love, hate).

12) Why have you enrolled on a dancing course? (love)

Some verbs can take either the infinitive or the gerund with a difference in meaning

try to do (make an attempt / effort) try doing (make an experiment to find out if a new method works) Many people try to keep fit. To keep fit he tried jogging.
regret to do (feel sorry about having to say something negative) regret doing (feel sorry about something that has already happened) I regret to inform you that you have failed your exams. I regret losing the job.
remember to do (the remembering occurs before the action) remember doing (the remembering occurs after the action) He always remembers to pay the bills. He remembers paying the bills.
forget to do (the result of forgetting is that the action doesn’t take place) forget doing (the action is forgotten after it takes place) I forgot to post the letter. I forgot posting the letter.
stop to do (stop for the purpose of accomplishing a task) stop doing (interrupt an action in progress) He stopped to buy a newspaper. He stopped buying newspapers.
mean to do (intend to do something) mean doing (involve doing something) I meant to get up early. Getting this job means getting up early.
continue to do (finish doing something and move to something different) continue doing (continue doing the same thing) On graduating from High school, he continued to study at Oxford. He continued studying biology though his mother objected.
*to be afraid to do (not to have courage to do something) to be afraid of doing (to be afraid that what is referred to by gerund may happen) I am afraid to fly. I am afraid of flying.
*to be ashamed to do (to feel ashamed because one will have to do something) to be ashamed of doing (to feel ashamed because of something one has already done) I am ashamed to borrow money. I am ashamed of borrowing money again

13. Complete the sentences with the correct form, gerund or infinitive:

1) I’ll never forget … (meet) Jane for the first time.

2) I won’t take the job if it means … (move) to Scotland.

3) I tried … (open) the door but it was locked.

4) I really regret … (be) so rude to her.

5) I prefer … (stay) in to … (go) there.

6) We stopped … (have) a cup of tea.

7) I couldn’t open the door so I tried … (use) a different key.

8) I remember … (go) to the massage.

9) He is ashamed … (not be shortlisted) again.

10) She means … (start) a new life.

14. Translate the sentences into English:

1) Она попробовала работать в ночную смену, но мужу это не понравилось.

2) С сожалением вынужден сказать вам, что вы уволены.

3) Не забудьте прийти вовремя, директор не любит, когда опаздывают.

4) Я забыл отправить ей рождественскую открытку.

5) Я забыл, что отправил ей рождественскую посылку.

6) Она остановилась, чтобы поприветствовать начальника своего отдела.

7) Она перестала приветствовать начальника своего отдела за его грубость.

8) Мне стыдно, что я понизил вам зарплату.

9) Ему было стыдно навещать дочь без подарков, но в тот момент он сильно нуждался в деньгах.

10) Я собираюсь попросить повышения зарплаты.



Pattern 6. · I am looking forward to seeing you today. Я с нетерпением жду встречи с тобой. · He objected to her studying abroad. Он возражал против того, чтобы она училась за границей.
Герундий в функции предложного дополнения переводится отглагольным существительным или придаточным предложением.  


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