Use the Sequence of Tenses (see the above exercises). — КиберПедия 

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Use the Sequence of Tenses (see the above exercises).

2022-02-11 58
Use the Sequence of Tenses (see the above exercises). 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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1. My father works on board a tanker. – They knew that my father … on board a tanker.

2. He is plotting the course. – I thought that he … the course.

3. They have already overhauled the engine. – I was sure that they … already … the engine.

4. A pilot will come on board soon. – I knew that a pilot … on board soon.

5. He kept watch on the bridge. – They believed that he … on the bridge.

6. I was busy with the documents. – He didn't think that I … busy with the documents.

7. The boat has just crossed the bay. – He didn't know that the boat … just … the bay.

8. There is some water in the tank. – He was sure that there … some water in the tank.

9. They will deliver the cargo in time. – I didn't believe that they … the cargo in time.

10. We are looking for the shelter. – He knew that we … the shelter.

11. They stowed all the cargo in the holds. – We didn't know that they … all the cargo in the holds.

12. The watch officer is taking the visitors round the ship. – I believed that the watch officer … the visitors round the ship.

Translate the following sentences from Russian into English.

1. Капитан знал, что в этом районе есть опасная подводная скала.

2. Мы не думали, что агент придет на судно в этом порту.

3. Я надеялся, что вы говорите на немецком языке.

4. Они были уверены, что груз был уже погружен на палубу.

5. Вахтенный помощник полагал, что другое судно уменьшит скорость.

6. Мы не знали, что мы будем сдавать экзамен в апреле.

7. Родители надеялись, что их сын усердно готовится к сессии.

8. Я думал, что вы уже обсудили эту проблему с инспектором.

9. Мы полагали, что наше судно пройдет через Кильский канал.

10. Старший помощник знал, что все люки задраены.

11. Он сказал капитану, что лоцман только что прибыл на борт.

12. Мы понимали, что выучили правила хорошо.

13. Они знали, что они будут искать и спасут этих моряков.

14. Капитан понимал, что судно накренится и перевернется.

15. Мы надеялись, что вахтенный помощник уже установил связь с бере-говой станцией.



Direct speech Indirect speech
The watch officer said: "I will take bearing of this object". Вахтенный помощник сказал: "Я возьму пеленг этого объекта". The watch officer said that he would take bearing of that object. Вахтенный помощник сказал, что он возьмет пеленг этого объекта.

При переводе прямой речи в косвенную речь необходимы следующие изменения:

Таблица 1

Direct speech Indirect speech
this → that
these → those
here → there
now → then
today → that day
this week → that week
this year → that year
yesterday → the day before
last week → a week before
ago → before
in → later
next → following
last → previous
tomorrow → the next day

Согласование времен также предполагает употребление в косвенной речи следующих изменений:

Таблица 2

Direct speech Indirect speech
am / is → was
are → were
don't / doesn't → didn't
didn't → had not
have / has → had
was / were → had been
will / won't → would / wouldn't
can / can't → could / couldn't
may → might

Особенности перевода прямой речи в косвенную речь также зависят от типа предложения.

1. Если прямая речьповествовательное предложение, то косвен-ная речь становится придаточным предложением с союзом that (союз that может отсутствовать). В словах автора said to somebody заменяют на told somebody, а said без последующего дополнения сохраняют. Употребление сказуемого в словах автора в прошедшем времени влечет за собой приме-нение правила согласования времен (Таблица 2). Также производятся изме-нения местоимений и т. д. (Таблица 1).

He said to us: " I have already plotted this course".

He told us that he had already plotted that course.


2. Если прямая речь представляет собой общий вопрос, то косвенная речь становится придаточным предложением с союзом if (whether). Кроме того, обратный порядок слов изменяется на прямой порядок слов.

He asked me: " Are you approaching the port?"

He asked me if we were approaching the port. (Он спросил меня, приближаемся ли мы к порту.)


3. Если прямая речь представляет собой специальный вопрос, то кос-венная речь становится придаточным предложением, в котором союзом будет являться вопросительное слово (when, where, why, who и т. д.). Обратный порядок слов изменяется на прямой порядок слов.

He asked me: " Where did they find the shelter?"

He asked me where they had found the shelter.


4. Если прямая речь выражена глаголом в повелительном наклоне-нии, то в косвенной речи этот глагол употребляется в форме инфинитива.
В словах автора said to somebody заменяют на asked somebody,если
в прямой речи присутствует вежливая просьба(please), в других случаях said to somebody заменяют на told somebody (ordered somebody).


a) He said to me: " Sign this document, please".

He asked me to sign that document.

b) He said to us: " Don't open the hatches".

He told us not to open the hatches.

He ordered us not to open the hatches.

Use Indirect Speech.


1. I said to them: "The visibility is only 500 metres now".

2. The captain said to him: "You will keep watch twice a day".

3. She said: "We are leaving this port tomorrow".

4. The inspector said to me: "I have checked all the papers today".

5. The agent said: "I ordered the provisions yesterday".

6. He said to me: "There are some dangerous rocks and reefs here".

7. The pilot said to the captain: "We must be careful in this narrow channel".

8. They said: "Fresh water is delivered regularly".

9. I said to the watch officer: "I saw something on the sea surface".

10. He said: "I am reducing the ship's speed in 10 minutes".

11. The master said: "We can communicate with this ship".

12. The chief engineer said: "The boiler was repaired".


1. He asked me: "Do you know the type of this vessel?"

2. They asked us: "Have you signed these documents?"

3. The captain asked them: "Did the boatswain tell you to do this work?"

4. The pilot asked me: "Are you on watch now?"

5. The passengers asked her: "Is the ship approaching the Spanish coast?"

6. The inspector asked him: "Did you see this log-book?"

7. I asked the agent: "Can you call a taxi now?"

8. She asked me: "Will you show me these declarations?"

9. The master asked the crewmembers: "Have you got any questions about the duties on board?"

10. I asked him: "Are you going to stay here long?"

11. The pilot asked the watch officer: "Do you know the weather forecast?"

12. She asked me: "Did you learn English at the University?"


1. The master asked me: "Where is the letter from the Shipping Company?"

2. I asked the pilot: "Who will relieve you?"

3. The watch officer asked the captain: "What are your orders now?"

4. The agent asked me: "When can I bring you these documents?"

5. The visitors asked the watch officer: "Where was the ship built?"

6. The customs officer asked us: "What cargo have you got in the holds?"

7. The inspector asked the captain: "When will you show me the life-saving appliances?"

8. The ship owner asked the master: "Why did you sign this paper?"

9. The radio officer asked me: "When will you be able to show these navigational warnings to the captain?"

10. He asked the dockers: "How can you load these containers?"

11. I asked the watch officer: "How many crewmembers are there on board?"

12. The chief engineer asked me: "Why have they delivered the new machinery today?"


1. The captain said to me: "Keep the present course!"

2. I said to him: "Be careful, please!"

3. The agent said to us: "Don't take any documents with you!"

4. They said to me: "Don't be late, please!"

5. I said to the watch officer: "Call the doctor as quick as possible, please!"

6. We said to him: "Show us the navigational equipment!"

7. The pilot said to the master: "Don't alter the course!"

8. The inspector said: "Mister Smith, sign this paper here, please!"

9. I said: "Nick, give me these books!"

10. She said to me: "Tell me the time of the ship's arrival, please!"

11. He said: "Mister Simpson, don't switch on any devices here!"

12. They said to him: "Study English!"

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