Преимущества конституционной монархии . — КиберПедия 

Архитектура электронного правительства: Единая архитектура – это методологический подход при создании системы управления государства, который строится...

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Преимущества конституционной монархии .

2022-02-10 51
Преимущества конституционной монархии . 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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Briefly, the Benefits of Constitutional Monarchy:

Does it surprise you that "among the 10 richest countries of the world, 7 are monarchies." The "per capita income of the 45 monarchies [throughout the world] average $17,000, to compare with the [the rest of the world who] average $7,200 world per capital income." (www.maldivesroyal family.com/remy.shtml) Most of the richest nations of the world have monarchs as heads of state, and many of the most democratic, non-oppressive, liberty loving nations on earth are monarchies. It is also interesting that statistics concerning Commonwealth nations show that "Decolonization has worked best when independent countries have adopted, retained and recognized monarchy." (December 2006 issue www. almanach.be/newsletter/mail2.html). Such governments provide more stability, unity and prosperity, and, above all, protect the most sacred and beautiful freedoms, rights and liberties that all mankind should enjoy in rich abundance... In the 18 October 2003 weekly newsletter of the Almanach de Bruxelles, it stated: Among the 10 richest countries (GDP per capita) of the world, 7 are monarchies, that among the 30 richest countries more than half (18) are monarchies: countries that have the British Queen as head of state, former dependencies or even colonies, are ranking very nicely 3rd (Bermuda), 5th (Cayman), 10th (Canada), etc… The 2010 Corruption Perception Index (CPI) researched by Transparency International shows that constitutional monarchies dominate the top 10 least corrupt nations on earth... The richest Asian country, Japan, is a monarchy, the two richest Middle East countries, the United Arab Emirates and Qatar, are monarchies as in the Pacific continent: Australia and New Zealand (www.almanach.be/search/n/news newsletter1.html).

Criticism: Constitutional monarchies are undemocratic. Did you know: That the seven oldest continuous democracies are the United Kingdom, the United States, Switzerland, Sweden, New Zealand, Canada and Australia? Five of them have British origins and five of them are constitutional monarchies. That the most free, tolerant and stable societies in the world today tend to be constitutional monarchies - including The Netherlands, Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and the United Kingdom?" That of the 24 advanced economies in the Organization For Economic Cooperation and Development, half are constitutional monarchies." (www.norepublic.com.au/acm_cm_benefits.htm).

Criticism: Monarchies are extravagant and a waste of money. To the contrary, monarchies are generally less expensive, so much so that they represent a great bargain saving millions for more important matters. The point is, monarchy is cost effective. When the cost of monarchs and presidents are compared, it becomes even more clear what is in the best interests of most nations. (See expenses of presidents and expenses of monarchies at: www.put.com/~monarchy/archiveindex.html) This is especially obvious when one considers the hundreds and millions of dollars spent on winning elections---money that might have been used for really important things like hospitals, schools, care for the elderly, defense and other important but neglected services. Criticism: Isn't democracy the best kind of government one could ever hope for? Actually, true democracy doesn't really exist. Charles Coulombe, a well-known Catholic philosopher, political thinker and writer, said, " No regime is, can be, or ever has been democratic!" (www.angelfire.com/in3/theodore/opinion/articles/coulombe/monfaq.html) There never has been a "pure" democracy, which is good, because "pure" democracy really amounts to mob rule, rather than the rule of law. "By its [very] nature and practice every democratic action is a mob imposing its will on others. The philosophy of democracy is; might makes right." That is, majority rule. Benjamin Franklin declared that, "Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch."Erik von Kuehnelt-Leddihn reminds us that, "Fifty-one percent of a nation can establish a totalitarian regime, suppress minorities and still remain democratic." (http://freedomkeys.com/vigil.htm). ADVANTAGES (www.nobility-royalty.com).



Проблема гастарбайтера.

По этой теме нами составлялась интеллект-карта. Первоначально это была своеобразная матрица (или контурная карта) предрассудков и стереотипов. В эту карту мы можем вносить те смыслы, которые переводят стереотип в проблему, делают из замкнутой (и всё время копирующей себя) системы открытую. На наш взгляд, это важно, поскольку в социальной коммуникации российского общества есть, помимо нехватки финализируемых смыслов, избыток «вращающихся», «зависших» смыслов (прерывающих диалог).

Из «Информатики»: Что такое «Теория разбитых окон»? Канадский социолог Малкольм Гладуэлл в книге «Переломный момент» пишет: «"Разбитые окна" – это детище криминалистов Уилсона и Келлинга. Они утверждали, что преступность – это неизбежный результат отсутствия порядка. Если окно разбито и не застеклено, то проходящие мимо думают, что всем наплевать и никто ни за что не отвечает. Вскоре будут разбиты и другие окна, а чувство безнаказанности распространится на всю улицу, посылая сигнал всей округе. Сигнал, призывающий к более серьезным преступлениям». («Теория разбитых окон» в разделе «Уличная культура»).


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