The concept of personal development of a citizen of the Russian Federation in the conditions of a network society and the digital economy — КиберПедия 

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The concept of personal development of a citizen of the Russian Federation in the conditions of a network society and the digital economy

2022-02-10 29
The concept of personal development of a citizen of the Russian Federation in the conditions of a network society and the digital economy 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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Alexander M. Kondakov

Dr. Sci. (Pedagogics), Corresponding member of the Russian Academy of education, doctor of ces, Professor, General Director of Mobile e-education, head of the expert group "Methodology of education development for training personnel for the digital economy" of the Federal project "Personnel for the digital economy" of The national project "Digital economy of the Russian Federation" (Moscow, Russia); [email protected]

Igor S. Sergeev – Dr. Sci. (Pedagogics), leading researcher at the research center for professional education and qualification systems of the Federal Institute for education development, RANEPA (Moscow, Russia); [email protected]


Abstract. The article presents the first attempt in the last quarter of a century to build a systematic scientific and methodological basis for the process of socialization and personal development in the Russian education system, adequate to the modern stage of civilizational development. The main ideas of the concept are pedagogical support of the network socialization of the individual in the system of broad social partnership; taking into account the convergent nature of the modern environment of personal development; the balance of the "past" and "future" in the education system; a combination of continuity and openness; the balance of human-centered and socio-centered values. The following basic principles are designated: social orientation of education, social partnership, personal activity, inclusiveness. The basic tool for implementing the concept is the portrait of a citizen of Russia in 2035, developed based on the Constitution of the Russian Federation, other legislative acts, documents of the strategic development of the Russian Federation. The expected result of the implementation of the concept is the formation of a complex of socio-pedagogical, socio-psychological, organizational and network prerequisites necessary for the formation of a civil society in the Russian Federation based on the values of patriotism, solidarity, and development.

Keywords. Personal development, education, values, network society, convergence, digital educational environment, social partnership, students with special educational needs.



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11. Strategiya razvitiya vospitaniya v Rossijskoj Federacii...

12. Strategiya razvitiya vospitaniya v Rossijskoj Federacii...

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19. Strategiya razvitiya vospitaniya v Rossijskoj Federacii...

20. Strategiya razvitiya vospitaniya v Rossijskoj Federacii...


[1] См. приложение (Словарь новых понятий).

[2] См. приложение (Словарь новых понятий). В данном случае, сближение принципов, подходов, ожидаемых результатов, форм и методов, с одной стороны, процесса социального воспитания как формирования личности, с другой – процесса педагогической поддержки развития и самоопределения личности.

[3] Профессиональное воспитание – процесс формирования индивидуального стиля профессиональной деятельности человека, освоения профессионально значимых аспектов коммуникации, норм профессиональной и корпоративной этики, происходящий в контексте реальной профессиональной деятельности и связанный с процессами профессиональной идентификации и профессиональной адаптации личности.

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