Features of the creative personality and its significance in the rocket and space industry — КиберПедия 

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Features of the creative personality and its significance in the rocket and space industry

2021-06-24 30
Features of the creative personality and its significance in the rocket and space industry 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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Bobrov A.N.1, Bushueva V.V.1, Bushuev N.N.1

1 Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Moscow, Russian Federation


[email protected], [email protected], [email protected]



The socio-psychological factors necessary for the emergence of discoveries, innovations, and inventions are briefly analyzed. Special attention is paid to the analysis of the influence of the creative personality, which is clearly shown in the achievements of the rocket and space field.


Any new discoveries in science and inventions in technology are significantly associated with three conditions [1]. First, any scientific and technical achievement depends on the general level of development of science and technology as a whole, that is, it must be prepared by all the previous course of knowledge development. Secondly, the cultural environment and social conditions are the second factor in the emergence of innovations. Third, the psychological conditions that embody the creative personality of a scientist or inventor who is able to grasp the need for a particular discovery, invention and realize it.

The interaction of these three factors has a specific historical in nature and can vary significantly. The discrepancy between these three factors allows us to explain the appearance of both premature discoveries and their delay. The appearance of premature discoveries and inventions in all historical periods has been associated with a creative personality. So narodovolets Nikolai Ivanovich Kibalchich, who carried out the manufacture of explosive devices and was executed for an attempt on the tsar in 1881, thirty years before Tsiolkovsky proposed the idea of space flights using a solid-fuel jet engine.

The importance of social factors in various spheres of activity is ambiguous. In some cases, social conditions are a hindering factor, in others-activate a particular area. It should also be noted that social conditions do not yet guarantee the appearance of discoveries in science, inventions in technology.

The absence of a social order can delay the appearance of certain scientific discoveries or inventions for significant periods. So it is well known what efforts S. P. Korolev, S. V. Chelomey, and V. P. Glushko had to expend in order to realize their plans for the exploration of outer space.

On the other hand, social order, especially in wartime, can significantly accelerate the emergence of new technology and discoveries in science. Social determination (the system of social relations, culture, historical worldview) is the driving force, gives impetus to the appearance of certain creative results.

An important characteristic of a creative person is purposefulness, perseverance in achieving goals. And here it is appropriate to quote the textbook motto of Julius Caesar: "I came, I saw, I won". As practice shows, many talented individuals come to science, even try to see (new patterns, opportunities for the implementation of technical ideas) and stop there, that is, they can no longer win (translate what they see into meaningful results), they lack perseverance, perseverance, and perhaps they do not want to. However, perseverance can also have a downside. Even the most outstanding personalities, whose talent is beyond doubt: A. N. Tupolev, S. P. Korolev, V. P. Glushko, S. V. Chelomey, M. K. Yangel, trying to implement their ideas, used all the resources available to them, pushing other competing ideas out of their way.

The creative personality is the freedom of the human spirit. And this shows such traits as curiosity, originality, unconventional thinking, the ability to link together seemingly disparate facts, resourcefulness, flexibility, and much more.

So, the above-mentioned features of the creative personality, this is not a complete list of all the features inherent in creative personalities, and they can not be reproduced. Each scientist, inventor approaches the problem in his own way, and this is due to the integrity of the individual. And here the emotional sphere, its positions, and the temperament of a person are also essential in creativity.

In modern conditions of scientific and technological progress, information technologies play an important role in activating the search for new ideas and solutions, which significantly enhance the effectiveness of the creative personality.

In foreign practice, when analyzing the creative personality, its activity, the main attention is paid to motivation [2]. There is a clear correlation between three factors: first, the performance of the most creative individuals; second, the presence of obstacles and various inhibiting factors for creativity; and third, the motivation for creativity (individual energy initiative).

The fact is that creative people, as a rule, are very sensitive to the conditions, to the environment, which creates a certain inhibition, stiffness, which does not contribute to the process of generating ideas, putting forward bold projects. However, the opposite trend may also occur if the creative work is accompanied by a strong motivation of the performer. An individual who theoretically has great creative abilities, but with weak motivation, being placed in a fettering environment, will not create anything. Conversely, an individual who has a strong motivation and is placed in the same conditions is resistant to obstacles and gives high rates of imagination, creation, and initiative. Therefore, when organizing creative work, you should focus on individuals with the greatest motivation for creativity.

The current stage of development of science and technology requires the involvement of large teams of researchers and developers to obtain significant results. Collective forms of creative activity may require other optimal features of the creative individuals within the group, which will ensure its maximum effectiveness.

But, of course, we should not absolutize the meaning of this or that feature of the creative personality. As the history of science and technology shows, a significant number of discoveries in science and inventions in technology were carried out by individuals who are far from the so-called "ideal" [3].




[1]. I.S. Potapcev, V.V. Bushueva, N. N. Bushuev Analysis of main factors influencing the emergence of inventions and discoveries in science and technology // SCIENCE and EDUCATION. SCIENTIFIC PERIODICAL OF THE BAUMAN MSTU electronic scientific and technical journal, 2014, # 04, April/ - pp. 442-455 URL: http://engineering-science.ru/issue/704606.html

[2]. Aznar Cr. La creativite dans l’ertrepise. Paris, 1971. С. 185.

[3]. Vinogradova, Tatiana Romanovna. Men who changed the world / T.R. Vinogradovа. - Moscow: ACT, 2015.- 352 р.


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