Ticket№3 Positive and negative motivators for becoming a counselor. — КиберПедия 

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Ticket№3 Positive and negative motivators for becoming a counselor.

2017-05-22 335
Ticket№3 Positive and negative motivators for becoming a counselor. 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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Who should become a consultant? Why are you interested in learning what makes a good consultant? Most likely, you are interested in this topic because you are considering a career that requires a certain level of counseling skills. People choose professions that involve consultation on a number of reasons. Most of the time, people want to help others. However, other motives may be present.

Let's think about the following questions: 1) What are your reasons for wanting to become a consultant on the basis of the information sources that provided you with the understanding that consultation and the role of the doctor? 2) You base your desire to become a advisor on the appeal of moving towards a potentially promising career, and without going into the moment unsatisfactory career choice? 3) Do you see yourself in personal characteristics that suggest you have the opportunity to be a qualified doctor?

According to Linda Seligman, if you can answer yes to these three questions about your desire to become a consultant, you're probably on the right track.

In contrast, consider the following motivators: 1) Do you have a need for power and control, which can be made to advise others on how to live a more interesting life. 2) Do you believe that by becoming a consultant to help you solve your own problems. 3) You should be important to other people, which can be executed through to become a counselor. 4) Your current job does not allow you to interact with other people, and you think, becoming an advisor change.

You probably have the right motivation, to become a consultant, if you know what to advise, treat it as an opportunity to a successful career, and you can see the personal characteristics in yourself that can make you a good psychologist. Effective councilors have certain characteristics, and these characteristics are associated with the success of its customers.

It is important to develop effective microskills. Microskills basic fundamental tools involved in developing effective consultative relationships and enabling environment for change. You're probably wrong motivation to become a consultant, if you like the idea of ​​giving advice to others looking for a career as a counselor, to feel important, or make a career in opposition to the current profession without an understanding of what counseling.

Personality adviser are as (or even more) important as the specific knowledge, skills. If consultants do not understand their (and their clients), personal values, poorly represent their ethical and legal responsibilities, they may be harmful to their clients, in spite of the best intentions. In this regard, relevant is the study of personality traits that reflect incompetence psychologists. Future psychologists often come to college with the aim to understand their difficulties, and this leads to further problems in the profession.

Some students, who are attracted by the consultant profession, as it turns out, do have serious personal and adaptation problems. Guy 1987 gives examples of unhealthy motivations choice counseling profession: 1) Emotional distress. Some people may choose a profession consultant because they themselves are suffering from unhealed trauma. 2) The imitation of someone else. People who live event someone else's life, not his own. 3) Loneliness and isolation. People who do not have friends, can try to find them in the counseling practice. 4) Desire for power. People can try to overcome the feeling of fear and helplessness in his own life through the understanding of power over others. 5) The need for love. A person can suffer from narcissism and pretentiousness, and to believe that all problems can be solved with the help of expressions of love and affection. 6) The replacement of discontent. People may persist unexpunged feeling of extreme irritation, and they can try to give vent to their thoughts and feelings in the deviant behavior of their clients.

Designated motives tend to be in the future psychologists unconscious, but personal therapy affects the working of the qualities that reduce efficiency, which further reduces the risk of harm to the client.

But in training programs in the Russian personal therapy, as part of the training of future psychologists, psychotherapists or even more, is not included in their training. In our opinion, this is an important omission, because many psychologists after graduation and receiving a specialist diploma (BA, MA) begin to practice in the field of psychological counseling (psychotherapy). In foreign psychology and psychotherapy specialist description of the person subject of many studies. Personality Consultant psychologist examines almost all theoretical systems as an essential and necessary condition for a professional activity. Foster (Foster, 1996) and Guy (Guy, 1987) have developed a number of positive factors which encourage a person to choose a profession consultant and contribute to its suitability. But this list is not definitive. Based on data Foster (Foster, 1996) and Guy (Guy, 1987), our quality have been developed, which reflects the low level of professionalism of the consulting psychologist.

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