Упражнение 2. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Past Simple. — КиберПедия 

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Упражнение 2. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Past Simple.

2017-05-22 1407
Упражнение 2. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Past Simple. 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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1. Alice (to have) a sister.
2. Her sister’s name (to be) Ann.
3. Ann (to be) a student.
4. She (to get) up at seven o'clock.
5. She (to go) to the institute in the morning.
6. Jane (to be) fond of sports.
7. She (to do) her morning exercises every day.
8. For breakfast she (to have) two eggs, a sandwich and a cup of tea.
9. After breakfast she (to go) to the institute.
10. Sometimes she (to take) a bus.
11. It (to take) her an hour and a half to do her homework.
12. She (to speak) English well.
13. Her friends usually (to call) her at about 8 o’clock.
14. Ann (to take) a shower before going to bed.
15. She (to go) to bed at 11 p. m.

Упражнение 3. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Past Simple.

1. My working day (to begin) at six o'clock.
2. I (to get) up, (to switch) on the TV and (to brush) my teeth.
3. It (to take) me about twenty minutes.
4. I (to have) breakfast at seven o’clock.
5. I (to leave) home at half past seven.
6. I (to take) a bus to the institute.
7. It usually (to take) me about fifteen minutes to get there.
8. Classes (to begin) at eight.
9. We usually (to have) four classes a day.
10. I (to have) lunch at about 2 o’clock.

Упражнение 4. Используйте слова в скобках для образования предложений в Past Simple. Обратите внимание, в какой форме должно стоять предложение (утвердительной, вопросительной или отрицательной).

1) They _____ football at the institute. (to play)
2) She _____ emails. (not / to write)
3) ____ you____ English? (to speak)
4) My mother ____ fish. (not / to like)
5) ____ Ann ____ any friends? (to have)
6) His brother _____ in an office. (to work)
7) She ___ very fast. (cannot / to read)
8) ____ they ____ the flowers every 3 days? (to water)
9) His wife _____ a motorbike. (not / to ride)
10) ____ Elizabeth_____ coffee? (to drink)

Упражнение 5. Вставьте глагол “to be” в требуемой форме Past Simple.

1. I... a student.
2. My father... not a shop-assistant, he... a scientist.
3.... your aunt a nurse? - Yes, she....
4.... they at home? - No, they... not. They... at school.
5.... you an engineer? - Yes, I....
6.... your friend a photographer? No, she... not a photographer, she... a student.
7.... your brothers at school? - Yes, they....
8.... this her watch? - Yes, it....
9. Max... an office-worker.
10. We... late, sorry!

Упражнение 6. Переведите на английский язык:

1. Она была занята. (to be busy)
2. Я не был занят.
3. Вы были заняты?
4. Они были дома? (to be at home)
5. Его не было дома.
6. Я не знал.
7. Они знали?
8. Она не знала.
9. Кто знал?
10. Никто не знал.
11. Он читал английские книги? (to read English books)
12. Они никогда не читали. (never / to read)
13. У неё была квартира? (to have a flat)
14. У него ничего не было.
15. Кто это был?

There is There are

Вставьте is или are.

  1. There _____ two cups of tea on the table.
  2. There _____ some milk in the cup.
  3. There _____ an orange in the salad.
  4. There _____ six balls in the box.
  5. There _____ some cheese on the plate.
  6. There ______ a blue chair at the door.
  7. There _____ five chicks and a hen on the farm.
  8. There _____ a table and nine desks in the classroom.
  9. There _____ a big window to the left of the door.
  10. There _____ three rooms in our country house.
  11. _____ there three cups on the coffee-table?
  12. ____ there a carpet on the floor?
  13. There _____ no cats in the sitting room.
  14. There_____ a cat on the table.
  15. There_____ 3 dogs in the box
  16. There _____4 hens in the house.
  17. There _____ a pot on the table.
  18. _____ there a bathroom near the kitchen?
  19. _____ there four rooms in the house?
  20. _____ there a kitchen under your bedroom?

Write the sentences in your exercise-book.

1. the living-room / There's / in / a sofa

2. in / isn't / the kitchen / There / a mirror /

3. the bedroom / there / in / Are / beds / two /?

4. Are / wardrobes / the hall / there / in / two /?

5. a lamp / there / Is / room / your / in /?

Переведите предложения.

  1. Рядом с отелем есть чистый пляж.
  2. На диване три кошки.
  3. В холодильнике есть бутылка молока.
  4. В корзине нет клубники.
  5. На автобусной остановке есть люди?
  6. В твоей сумке есть зеркало?
  7. В этом парке нет туалета.
  8. В нашем саду много цветов.
  9. Под столом зеленый мяч.
  10. За дверью никого нет.

Some any a an

Exercise 1. Write in a, an, some or any.

1. Is there _____ milk in the crystal glass?

— No, there isn't _____ milk in the crystal glass

There's _____ juice in the crystal glass.

2. — Are there_____ sausages on the round plate?

-There aren't _____ sausages on the round plate.

There are _____ sandwiches on the round plate.

3. -Is there_____ glass on the wooden table?

— No, there isn't _____ glass on the wooden table.

There's _____ cup on the wooden table.


Exercise 2. Write in a, an, some, any.

  1. There's ______angel on the top.
  2. There are ______ornaments on the tree.
  3. Are there ______lights on the tree?
  4. There isn't ______Christmas tree in the house.
  5. There's ______ jam on the wooden table.
  6. Is there ______bread in the basket?
  7. There aren't ______ vegetables in the fridge.


Exercise 3. Complete the sentences with some/any/no.

  1. There is _______ tea in the crystal glass, but it is very hot.
  2. There is _______ fresh milk in the fridge. I can't make porridge.
  3. Are there ________ tasty apples in the bag?
  4. There isn't _______ jam on the round plate.
  5. There are _______ bananas on the wooden table. They are yellow.
  6. There is ________ butter on the plate.
  7. There is ________ cheese on the table, but there’re ____________ cheese sandwiches.
  8. There isn't _________ sausage on the table.
  9. There are ____________ potatoes in the bag.
  10. There aren't ______________ bananas on the table, but there are ________ cucumbers there.

11. A Complete using some/any/a/an:


13. 1. There's airport next to the city.

14. 2. There are beautiful gardens, but there aren't fountains.

15. 3. There are postcards on this table for you.

16. 4. Are there parents in that party?

17. 5. There isn't shopping centre in this little town.

18. 6. Is there office near here?

19. 7. There are good books that you should read.

20. 8. Is there orange in the fridge?

21. 9. Are there chocolates in the kitchen?

22. 10. There aren't cookies left, sorry!

23. 11. There's house next to the river. Some friends live there.

24. 12. Are there armchairs in your house?

There was there were

there was / there were (1)

Choose the correct answer.


1 There was were a ghost in the house.

2 How many people there were were there at the party?

3 There weren't wasn't a swimming pool at the hotel.

4 There weren't any some children in the restaurant.

5 There were was only six guests at the hotel.

6 Was Were there any good shops?

Present Continuous

Complete the sentences

1. His dad and brother ________(cycle) to the shops.

2. We __________ (not travel) in Japan.

3. I __________ (sunbathe) on the beach.

4. She __________ (not watch) TV.

5. They __________ (not swim) in the sea.

6. Sue __________ (stay) at home today.

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