The basic interpretations of political system in a modern political science — КиберПедия 

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The basic interpretations of political system in a modern political science

2017-05-20 401
The basic interpretations of political system in a modern political science 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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The term «political system» has been entered into political science in 1950-1960th Its use reflected accruing understanding of system character of a policy. Before for the description of imperious relations the concept «board type», and a bit later - «board system» was usually used. But their use reduced a policy to activity of the state structures, their allocation as the main subjects of imperious relations. Till the certain moment the similar explanation reflected a reality. However developments of a civil society, occurrence of the independent, independent person with its rights and freedom have led to that citizens began not only to submit, but also to influence the state, creating for this purpose the political organisations (parties, movements etc.). The power has ceased to be state monopoly, and imperious relations have got more difficult character as not state organisations began to participate in them. Comprehension of complexity and multidimensionality of imperious relations which already could not be reduced only to activity of the state structures, has led to necessity of revision dominating during this period institutional and бихевиористского approaches to a policy explanation. But there was also more important reason of introduction of the system approach in political science; namely - search of universal laws and mechanisms which would provide to a society stability and survival rate in the conditions of adverse environment.

The term "system" in new value the Austrian biologist L. Bertalanfi (1901-1972) began to use in 1920 for a designation of processes of an exchange of a cage with environment. It considered system as set of interdependent elements, as the integrity consisting from «the elements which are in interaction». Interdependence relations mean that, with change even one element of system all integrity changes. The system develops thanks to that reacts to signals from the outside and on requirements of the internal elements.

The concept of "system" on society consideration was transferred by T.Parsons who has presented a society as interaction of four subsystems which are in interdependence and interchange relations: economic, political, social and spiritual. Each of subsystems carries out certain functions, reacts to requirements which arrive from within or from the outside, and together they provide society ability to live as a whole.

So, for realisation of requirements of people in consumer goods the economic subsystem "answers". Definition of the collective purposes, mobilisation of resources on their achievement, decision-making make functions of a political subsystem. The social subsystem provides maintenance of the settled way of life, transfers to new members of a society of norm, a rule and value who become important factors of motivation of their behaviour. At last, society integration, an establishment and preservation of communications of solidarity between its elements is carried out by a spiritual subsystem

The theory of political system of D.Iston

In a political science it is considered to be the founder of the system approach the American political scientist D.Iston who defined a policy as «strong-willed distribution of values». In this context the political system represents the mechanism of formation and power functioning in a society concerning distribution of resources and values.

The system approach has allowed to define more accurately a policy place in life of a society and to reveal the mechanism of social changes in it. On the one hand, the policy appears as rather independent sphere, which basic purpose - distribution of resources and prompting to acceptance of this distribution as an obligatory society for the majority. On the other hand, the policy is a part of wider integrity - societies. It should react to the impulses arriving in system, to prevent the conflicts arising concerning distribution of values between individuals, groups.

Hence, believed D.Iston, «the system analysis of political life is based on concept of" the system shipped on Wednesday "and subject to influences from its party... Such analysis assumes that the system to survive, should have ability to react». Constantly maintaining relations with environment (which components the nature, economy, culture, social structure can act), the political system by means of regulating mechanisms develops responses to arriving impulses, adapts to external operating conditions.

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