About protection of honor and dignity, compensation of moral harm — КиберПедия 

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About protection of honor and dignity, compensation of moral harm

2021-05-27 27
About protection of honor and dignity, compensation of moral harm 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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I, a living woman is a living citizen of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics T. A. Pestryakov (Live Tatiana Born, the name change in the Russian Federation) announce this irrefutable fact (copies identical to the original attached), as the abolition of status for me missing, because status live confirmed in the chamber of notaries, which has the highest legal force in the international space.

I appeal to the court on the fact of the absence of non-existent neither in time nor in space citizenship of the Russian Federation.

Employees of the Federal migration service issued me a living woman – a living citizen of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, by misleading and by signing a hidden contract / agreement, a passport and visa form of the Russian Federation, which can not provide any document about my citizenship of the Russian Federation. The UFMS for it now face criminal liability for false non-existent neither in time nor in space of citizenship of the Russian Federation in respect of a living Citizen of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, and also for the illegal manufacture and use of an official seal, under article of the criminal code, for the use of the relevant stamp, the revocation of the license of a manufacturer of seals with a special license, and the punishment of the manufacturer and using an official stamp from 100 min. salaries and up to 2 years of imprisonment. This crime also applies to judges who put a 38 mm stamp on their decisions and a 31 mm stamp in their passport. The crime also includes entering incomplete data in the passport and visa form of the Russian Federation under Federal law–62 "On citizenship of the Russian Federation" article 41.2 article 4 PP. (a, g), making passport and visa form to Russia obviously insignificant, as a material breach of FZ-53 "On the Russian language" and design of the passport and visa form, Russian big letters against me live women – live of the citizen of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics by misrepresentation, suddenly made me an individual that does not correspond to the article 68 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation (project Charter, TRUST Yeltsin Ordinance No. 2296 - ceased to exist with 25.06.2020 year, copies of the documents attached) as well as FZ-53 "On the Russian language". I read it carefully and made sure that large letters are not made out by real people, but only by companies.

Then I looked at my passport and visa form passport of the Russian Federation and saw how I was issued by a hidden contract and forgery, without explaining to me the whole essence of what was happening. Then I looked at the agreement "On the avoidance of double taxation with the United States" article 3, which has the highest legal force over the Constitution of the Russian Federation (draft, Charter, trust Yeltsin bn Decree No. 2296 - ceased to exist from 25.06.2020) and was also convinced. what was the person and the firm that has the same position and the units in this case, were violated my rights by status live birth status live women – live of the citizen of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics.

Violation of article 68 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation (Charter, project – Yeltsin's trust B. N. Decree No. 2296 - ceased to exist from 25.06.2020, copies of documents are attached), law 1948-1 of 28.11.1991 "On citizenship of the RSFSR", this is the law of the RSFSR, a subject of law of the RSFSR, which entered into force in the Russian Federation, i.e. February 06, 1992. (The Russian Federation was formed by Yeltsin on December 26, 1991).

Could it be?

And at that time there was and still is the Constitution of the RSFSR of 1978. It turns out that the Constitution of the RSFSR, the law of the RSFSR, and the citizenship of the Russian Federation, "automatically" given if on February 06, 1992 lived 1 year on the territory of the RSFSR.

This is a direct violation of the Declaration of human rights article 15, the law 1948-1 itself, which is not applicable to you, as well as international law: the "option period" equal to 1 year.

I would like to inform you that on February 21, 1991, I received the original passport of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics GOST 1974, IV-SB No. 602603, issued 129 the police Department of the city of Moscow, which, at this time, has the highest legal status, the status of indefinite and acting in time and space without restrictions of anyone.

Output! Law 1418-1 "On citizenship of the RSFSR" has the status of null and void and it is impossible to apply this law to living residents – living citizens of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. According to law 5242 of the RSFSR, registration is disputed, since non-authorized Management companies/organizations of housing and communal services, housing management, municipalities were engaged in registration and issuing visa stamps that were not authorized to do so. This could only be done by the Executive authorities. Municipalities under law 5242 of the RSFSR could not do this or even store information. And all of us living residents – living citizens of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics were registered (previously called "propiska") by house management, Management companies/housing and utilities organizations, which did not have the right not only to do this, but even to store such information. They could only request information from the Executive authorities in order to carry out business activities.

In 2016, Dmitry Medvedev introduced amendments to this law 5242 of the RSFSR and allowed firms, Management companies/housing and utilities organizations, municipalities, MFC, ERC to register and store any information.

From the moment I was misled, namely after the issuance of the passport and visa form of the passport of the Russian Federation after July 1, 2002, I began to be considered for the company, humiliating my honor and dignity, under hidden contracts and agreements, considering just a thing in the Corporation of the Russian Federation, trying all this time to harm me, a living woman - a living Citizen of the Union of Soviet Socialist republics, the irreparable mental and physical harm, falling under the GENOCIDE, effectively forcing me and forcing a violent way to put me in a mask and gloves that diminishes my status as a living woman and the living of a citizen of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, and also falls under article of the criminal code of the RSFSR, article 64 of the RSFSR criminal code "high Treason" under articles of the criminal code: art. 282 ukrf "humiliation of human honor and dignity", setting up a medical or scientific experiment without my consent 357 UKRF, extortion, forcing to make a deal (buy a mask) 163 UKRF, article 286 UKRF abuse of official authority – discrimination. This morally humiliates me, and discrimination is strictly prohibited by law on any grounds (EDHR article 14). Responsibility for such a crime 136 UKRF "Violation of equality of human rights and freedoms", art. 286 UKRF "Arbitrariness", art. 330 UKRF "Refusal of services to the consumer" is not allowed, art. 426 UKRF item 1 "an Entrepreneur does not have the right to refuse service and give preference to one person over another" in relation to a public contract, since no border demarcation has been carried out since August 1, 1975 after the Helsinki conference and after the final act of the CSCE, and the UN Charter, which belongs to me by right, as the primary founder since 1945, namely, as a living Citizen of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, has not changed. This legal FACT was also confirmed by the Russian leader himself, Russian President Vladimir Putin, during his speech at the 75th session of the UN General Assembly, where he stated the role of the UN Charter of the organization as the main source of international law. The text of his speech was published on the Kremlin's website on Tuesday, September 22, 2020 (the 75th session of the UN General Assembly opened on September 15 in new York in a video message from all countries of the world). The "Russian leader" stated the following: "In 1945, Nazism was crushed, the ideology of aggression and hatred was crushed. And the experience and spirit of Alliance (...) allowed us to build a post-war world order. Its absolute Foundation was the UN Charter, which remains to this day the main source of international law," the Russian leader said. In addition, I, a living woman and a living citizen of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, as well as all living citizens of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (the full List is attached to the minutes of the people's Assembly and living wills written in my own mind and firm memory), are the rightholders, heirs, founders of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics and all its assets, namely, about 75 trillion dollars only in bills issued for 880 tons of gold of the state Bank of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. Legal FACT - the basis for the existence of a Certificate of certification of the fact under the law of freedom of will, the existence of the state Of Power of RUSSIA, the community of power of light of Russia from 25.06.2020 from 00:00:01 - proved and no one could refute it.

I would also like to inform you that I have become aware that the Russian Federation – RF entity is registered in London. When I checked, it turned out that according to the register D-U-N-S © Number 531298725 - this commercial structure has a General Director – the DEFENDANT - Dmitry Medvedev.

The Russian Federation has the status of a commercial management company that administers a territory, living people - living Citizens of the Union of Soviet Socialist republics, the rights of the Russian Federation and rights of the USSR on the basis of a secret and illegal orders from the President of the Russian Federation, although all structures of the so-called "state RF" are commercial entities.

And since this is a commercial organization, only the head of this organization can represent interests without a POWER of attorney. All other employees must have a power Of attorney from the Manager. And if any employee has power of attorney and requires me living women – a living citizen of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, the implementation of some sort of requirements on behalf of the Russian Federation or Russia, it is considered even by the laws of the Russian Federation criminal offence, namely:

arbitrariness (article 330 of the criminal code),

the assignment of powers (article 288 of the criminal code),

the seizure of power and changing the constitutional order (article 278 of the criminal code),

extortion (article 161 of the criminal code),

fraud misrepresentation (article 159 of the criminal code),

robbery (article 161 of the criminal code),

treason with the funding of foreign organizations or their representatives in activities directed against the security of the Russian Federation (article 275 of the criminal code),

and the laws of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, article 64 of the RSFSR criminal code.

Moreover, a commercial organization must and must enter into contracts for the provision of certain services that are prescribed in the main type of activity. The traffic police, the FSB, and the Ministry of internal Affairs of the Russian Federation have types of activities in the unified state register.

Many employees of these organizations cannot realize that they are accomplices of an organized criminal group and violate all the laws of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics and their regulations of the Russian Federation or Russia. Today, our country is under external influence, because the occupation is secret and at first glance it is not visible. Judging by the flag, the tricolor is the flag of a foreign commercial merchant ship of the Russian Federation, which is flying over the Kremlin, on the coats of Arms of the spec.communications of Russia, over the service of bailiffs and the tax service. In fact, this is an ordinary international foreign mafia of commercial corporations. Everything is set against the living inhabitants – the living Citizens of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, and judging by the actions of the international community, hatred has turned into a state of international terrorism and GENOCIDE at the same time. The main weapon of external enemies today is the dissemination of false information discrediting the honor and dignity of living residents - living Citizens of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, as well as the dissemination of false information about the absence of such a subject of law as the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics de jure and de facto. At the same time, the Defendants themselves, I repeat, spread the following information that Russian President Vladimir Putin, during his speech at the 75th session of the UN General Assembly, stated the role of the organization's Charter as the main source of international law. The UN Charter defines a superpower country as the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, a living Citizen, which I am to this day. There is no other subject of law in the UN Charter. This legally significant FACT is IRREFUTABLE neither in time nor in space.

I declare exclusively a peaceful informational way to protect the honor and dignity of a living woman – a living citizen of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, as well as all living citizens of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (the list is attached).for the sake of the memory of our ancestors, who knew and were sure that we were worthy descendants when they gave their lives for us. So we will be worthy of them at all times.


Since the Defendants mentioned above in the text were distributed untrue information, such as information about the legal death of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics by falsifying hidden agreements and contracts

The Respondent -1: Medvedev, Dmitry Anatolyevich,

The defendant -2: the government of the Russian Federation in full strength: Respondent -3: Yeltsin, Boris Nikolayevich,

Respondent -4: Mikhail Gorbachev Respondent -5: Queen Elizabeth II

Respondent -6: Putin Vladimir Vladimirovich,

they violated my personal non-property rights. And now the protection of my honor and dignity of a living woman – a living Citizen of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, as well as all living residents – living Citizens of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics is possible, both by recognition of false information and by compensation for moral damage caused.

The actions of the defendants caused global irreparable moral harm, which was expressed in the moral suffering of illegal and unauthorized deprivation of the right of a living woman - a living citizen of the Union of Soviet socialist Republics, as well as all living residents – living Citizens of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics.

The amount of compensation for non-pecuniary damage is the return of all property belonging to and all share the right kind by the right people, according to the law/ principle of blood, by right of the soil/land by right of my ancestral property, which is calculated by all assets of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics from the moment of my birth, alive at the present time, namely 21 March 1971-present 06.10.2020 year, gold bills of roubles of the sample 1961 on the basis of a public contract the Constitution of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics 1918- 1936 article 6, as well as on the basis of birth certificates, upon the birth of our parents.

Based on the above, on the basis of the UN Charter V Chapter 23 article "Security Council", the CSCE act of August 1, 1975 Helsinki, guided by articles 151, 152, 1100 of The civil code of the Russian Federation, articles 131-132 of The civil procedure code of the Russian Federation,


1. Recognize the information about the legal and actual death of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics distributed through the media, radio and television, since 1991, as DEFENDANTS, namely:

The Respondent -1: Medvedev, Dmitry Anatolyevich,

The defendant -2: the government of the Russian Federation in full strength:

Respondent -3: Yeltsin, Boris Nikolayevich,

The Defendant -4: Gorbachev, Mikhail Sergeevich

Respondent -5: Queen Elizabeth II

Respondent -6: Putin Vladimir Vladimirovich,


untrue, discrediting the honor and dignity of a living woman – a living citizen of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics Tatyana Anatolyevna Pestryakova (Tatiana Born alive, name change), as well as all living citizens of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (list attached).


2. Collect from

The Respondent -1: Medvedev, Dmitry Anatolyevich,

Defendant -2: the government of the Russian Federation in full strength:

Defendant -3: Yeltsin, Boris Nikolayevich,

Respondent -4: Gorbachev, Mikhail Sergeevich

Respondent -5: Queen Elizabeth II

Respondent -6: Putin Vladimir Vladimirovich,

compensation of the caused moral harm at a rate that is the return of all property belonging to and all share the right kind by the right people, according to the law/ principle of blood, by right of the soil/land by right of my ancestral property, which is calculated by all assets of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics from the moment of my birth, alive at the present time, namely 21 March 1971-present 06.10.2020 year, gold bills of roubles of the sample 1961 on the basis of a public contract the Constitution of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics 1918- 1936 article 6, as well as on the basis of birth certificates, upon the birth of our parents, as well as on the basis OF the trust Country Power RUS from 25.06.2020 from 00:00:01, which has an irrefutable fact (copies attached).



On the basis of article 414 of the CCP of the Russian Federation citizens of the Union can refuse to recognize the decision of the court, as in relation to the Soviet Union, we can call the Russian Federation by a foreign state.

In order for the court of the Russian Federation to conduct a trial of a citizen of the USSR it is necessary:

1) comply with the Federal law "on the status of judges",

2) in case of execution of point 1, have a power of attorney from the Supreme Judge of the Russian Federation, also corresponding to point 1, to conduct the court in respect of a person who is a citizen of another state.

In this case, the judge of the Russian FEDERATION must necessarily CONCLUDE A contract for the provision of services to a citizen of another state!

Subject to the foregoing, based on article 2, article 3, paragraph 2 of article 24 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation (project Charter, TRUST), article 8 code of civil procedure of the Russian Federation, to be confirmed the following facts in order that could place the hearing of the case on protection of honor and dignity and compensation of moral harm against living women – a living citizen of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics Tatiana Anatolievna Petrakovoj (Live Tatiana Born, the name change), as well as all living Citizens of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (list attached).

According to the Federal Constitutional Law item 1 of article 4 of the Federal law of 31.12.1996 No. 1, "On the judicial system of the Russian Federation": "Justice in the Russian Federation is carried out only by courts established in accordance with the Constitution of the Russian Federation and this Federal Constitutional law".

I draw Your attention that the use of the word "And" in this provision implies that legal court should be established in accordance with the Constitution and FKZ that has a great meaning of the word "OR" and the word "ONLY" excludes any other possibility of creation of the Federal court.

In accordance with article 17 "procedure for creating and abolishing courts "of the Federal law of 31.12.1996 No. 1," On the judicial system of the Russian Federation"; "... Federal courts are created and abolished only by Federal law".

In accordance with paragraph 1 of article 3 of "order of creation and abolition of courts of General jurisdiction"; the Federal constitutional law dated 07.02.2011 № 1 "On courts of General jurisdiction"; "Federal courts of General jurisdiction are created and abolished only by Federal law."

FZ from 01 July 2003 № 88 - FZ created all Moscow courts, FZ of 29 July 1998 133 - FZ created other courts of the Russian Federation.

The explanatory dictionary defines the meaning of the word "only" as: only; exclusively possible. Use in article 17 FKZ of 31.12 1996 No. 1 "On judicial system of the Russian Federation" and section 1 of article 3 of the constitutional law dated 07.02.2011 № 1 "On courts of General jurisdiction", the word "ONLY" excludes any other possibility of creation of the ORGANIZATION, except the Federal law of the Russian Federation.

Separately, I note that in accordance with the literal meaning of the articles of the constitutional law, justice in Russia can be accomplished only by a court established and created after the date of adoption of the Constitution of the Russian Federation and the Federal constitutional law (the adoption of the Constitution of the Russian Federation is not confirmed).

Thus, the ORGANIZATION does not meet the parameters defined for Federal courts of the Federal law of 31.12.2016 No. 1, "On the judicial system of the Russian Federation"; Federal law of 07.02.2011 No. 1, "On courts of General jurisdiction"; accordingly, it cannot be a judicial authority.

Also, in accordance with paragraph 3, article 48 of the civil code of the Russian Federation, "legal entities whose property their founders have real rights include state and municipal unitary enterprises, as well as institutions."

In accordance with paragraph 2. St. 48 of the civil code, "Legal entity must be registered in the register in one of the legal forms provided for by this code".

Thus, information about the COURT must be contained in the unified state register and must be reflected in an extract from the unified state register.

I, a living woman is a living citizen of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics T. A. Pestryakov (Live Tatiana Born, the name change), as well as all living Citizens of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (list attached), reserve the right IMMEDIATELY to appeal in case of refusal to the international Arbitration court, the criminal Tribunal of the HAGUE – the Netherlands, ECtHR, and to inform about this legal FACT in a variety of media sources, radio and television, as well as all international institutions to tackle global issue and return of all property. Also reserve the right to notify a categorical prohibition of a NEW WORLD ORDER in the NEW WORLD of Russia and the Country Power RUSSIA have legal status in all the earth/soil in the world too, as after the application of nature no one was able to challenge all unconditionally, irrevocably and meekly acknowledged the existence of the NEW WORLD Russia and the Country of the Power of RUSSIA on the territory of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics.

List of documents attached to the application (copies by the number of persons participating in the case):

1. copy of the statement of claim

2. Evidence confirming the fact of dissemination of information

Application date "06"October 2020

The applicant - plaintiff is a living woman – a living citizen of the Union of Soviet socialist Republics Tatyana Anatolyevna Pestryakova (Tatyana Born alive, name change), as well as all living citizens of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics

(list attached)

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