Technological Institute of Service — КиберПедия 

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Technological Institute of Service

2021-06-02 35
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The South-Russian State University of Economics and Service was one of the leading state universities in the South Federal District. It was founded in 1969 in the south of Russia to train specialists for the most rapidly developing branches of economy, service, light industry, engineering and small business. The dynamic development of the University resulted in the formation of its branches.

The Stavropol branch of the University is one of the major state higher educational establishments in our city. The history of the Institute goes back to 1999 when a branch of the South-Russian State University of Economics and Service was founded in Stavropol. Our branch rapidly grew and in a short period of time it developed into one of the largest institutions of higher education of the city.

The South-Russian State University of Economics and Service was reorganized in 2013 and our Institute became the branch of the Don State Technical University. DSTU holds a specific place in the educational park of the southern region.

Today the Stavropol Technological Institute of Service is the center of science, culture and education in the South of Russia. The merit of the Institute is that our graduates get the uniform European diploma supplement of the established sample. This supplement to the diploma is a tool of realization of the Bologna process – process of creation of the European Higher Education Area. It guarantees a successful career of the graduates throughout the European space.

At present there are some faculties at the Institute which allow to prepare specialists in widely required fields of humane activity. Students can choose any form of training: there are day and correspondence departments. The course of study usually lasts 4 – 6 years. The academic year is divided into two terms. Students take exams at the end of each semester. If the results of the examinations are good students get grants. Twice a year they have vacations – two weeks in winter and two months in summer. Students attend lectures, have seminars, classes and consultations on different subjects. They combine their studies with extra-curricular occupation and can do any sport and any recreational activity.

There is a large computer centre and a library at the disposal of students. It provides them with textbooks and literature on special subjects. A lot of students carry out research work in comfortable classes, which are equipped with up-to-date computer science and devices.

On the whole more than a half of the teaching staff of the Institute has scientific degrees. Experienced personnel, including Senior Lecturers and Professors work here. The teaching staff participates in regional, All-Russian and international scientific conferences.

Many students of the Institute are also engaged in scientific work. The themes of the students’ research reflect the wide range of their interests. At the end of the course of study the undergraduates are sent to various plants, design offices, banks and companies to get some practical know-how. Moreover our students have an opportunity to work on probation abroad.

Every year a lot of graduates receive diplomas of higher education and start working in different branches of science, economy and production. Some of them enter postgraduate courses to get more specialized study and to defend a thesis on a chosen scientific problem.



South-Russian State University           Южно-Российский

of Economics and Service                      государственный университет

экономики и сервиса

South Federal District                           Южный федеральный округ

to train specialists                                           готовить специалистов

branch                                                   филиал

major                                                     главный

state                                                       государственный

higher educational establishment           высшее учебное заведение

rapidly                                                   стремительно

to grow (grеw)                                       расти

to develop into                                      превращаться в

Don State Technical University             Донской государственный технический университет

merit                                                      достоинство

graduates                                               выпускники

certificate of the European standard      сертификат европейского образца

tool of realization                                  инструмент реализации

Bologna process                                    Болонский процесс

to guarantee                                                    гарантировать

successful                                              успешный, удачный

career                                                              карьера

throughout the European space                      во всем Европейском пространстве

supplement                                            приложение, дополнение

at present                                               в настоящее время

to allow                                                 позволять

widely required                                      широко востребованный

field                                                       область, сфера

humane activity                                     деятельность людей

form of training                                     форма обучения

day department                                     дневное отделение

correspondence department                   заочное отделение

to study                                                 учиться

course of study                                      курс обучения

to last                                                         длиться

to divide into                                         делиться на

term / semester                                      семестр

to take exams                                        сдавать экзамены

to get grants                                                получать стипендии

twice                                                      дважды

vacations                                               каникулы

to attend                                                посещать

classes                                                   занятия

to combine                                             сочетать, совмещать

extra-curricular occupation                   внеаудиторная деятельность

any                                                        любой (в утвердит. пред.)

recreational activity                               развлечение

at the disposal                                       в распоряжении

to provide with                                      обеспечивать

to carry out                                            проводить

research work                                        научно-исследовательская работа

various                                                  различный

workshop                                              мастерская

to equip                                                 оснащать

up-to-date                                              современный

device                                                    прибор, устройство

computer science                                   вычислительная техника

on the whole                                          в целом

teaching staff                                         профессорско-преподавательский состав

scientific degree                                     научная степень

experienced                                            опытный

personnel                                               штат, персонал

including                                                включая

Senior Lecturer                                      доцент

to participate                                         принимать участие

All-Russian                                            Всероссийский

international                                                    международный

to be engaged                                         быть вовлеченным

theme                                                              тема

to reflect                                                отражать

wide range of interests                           широкий круг интересов

undergraduates                                      студенты

various                                                  различный

plant                                                      предприятие

design office                                           конструкторское бюро

moreover                                               более того

to have an opportunity                          иметь возможность

to work on probation                            проходить стажировку

abroad                                                   за рубежом

to receive diplomas                                получать дипломы

different branches of science             различные отрасли науки

to enter                                                  поступать

postgraduate courses                             аспирантура

to defend a thesis                                   защитить диссертацию

chosen scientific problem                           избранная научная проблема

2. Найдите в правой колонке русские эквиваленты английских слов:

state                                                       наука

to found                                                 проходить стажировку

to grow rapidly                                      занятия

merit                                                      в распоряжении

at present                                               достоинство

to last                                                              участвовать

to take exams                                        гарантировать

if                                                            длиться

moreover                                               конструкторское бюро

to get grants                                                    защитить диссертацию

twice a year                                           инструмент реализации

classes                                                   стремительно расти

at the disposal                                       в настоящее время

to provide (with)                                   сдавать экзамены

to carry out research work                    преподавательский состав

up-to-date devices                                           современные приборы

teaching staff                                         проводить исследовательскую


to participate                                         иметь возможность

Senior Lecturer                                      более того

tool of realization                                  основывать

to guarantee                                               обеспечивать

design office                                           доцент

science                                                   государственный

to defend a thesis                                   получать стипендии

to have an opportunity                          если

to work on probation                            дважды в год



1. Переведите текст и отработайте его чтение:


Higher education plays an important part in the life of any country as it provides the country with highly-qualified specialists for its further development and progress. Today the role of universities in the system of higher education becomes determining as they give training in fundamental humanities and natural sciences. Young people will be the specialists of tomorrow in the society with new technology. Their qualification will determine the scientific and technological progress of the country.

Unified State Exam is an exam in this country. It is in fact a series of exams every student must pass after graduation from school to enter a university or a professional college. Since 2009 USE is the only form of graduation examinations in schools and the main form of preliminary examinations in universities. A student can take USE in Russian language, mathematics, foreign languages (English, German, French, Spanish), physics, chemistry, biology, geography, literature, history, basics of social sciences and computing science. USE in Russian language and mathematics are obligatory; that means that every student needs to get the necessary results in these subjects to enter any Russian university or get a high school diploma.

Specialized secondary and higher education is available for everyone according to his abilities. Every citizen can get free education in state institutions if he passes the entrance examinations successfully. One of the necessary qualifications for higher school is complete secondary education. Entrance examinations differ depending on the choice of a higher school. People can get a higher education through the full-time, evening and correspondent courses. Those who study well receive scholarships.

Along with state higher schools many non-state higher institutions have been opened in different cities. Thousands of young people who for some reason couldn’t enter any of the state educational establishments have an opportunity to continue their studies and to get higher education. Tuition in non-state institutes is not free of charge, it is rather expensive.

The academic year in this country’s higher schools usually lasts 9 months and is divided into two terms. The first- and second-year students study fundamental sciences. At the third year students begin to study specialized subjects. The students attend lectures and practical classes and have every opportunity to develop their talents and gifts.

A good feature of our education is that theory is accompanied by practical training. Students begin to work at the university’s well-equipped laboratories and in senior years at various plants, design offices and research institutes of this country.

Students get a bachelor’s degree after four years of study. Then they may go on with their studies and in a year or two of further study and research may get a master’s degree. Some higher educational institutions offer a post-graduate course. If a person finishes a post-graduate course and writes a thesis, he receives the candidate degree, and later may get the doctoral degree.

Only highly qualified specialists can solve the most complex problems facing our society. Knowledge, science and culture open the prospects for the future.



higher education                                                    высшее образование

to provide with                                                      обеспечивать

highly-qualified                                                      высококвалифицированный

further                                                               дальнейший

development                                                     развитие

determining                                                       определяющий

as                                                                       поскольку

humanities                                                              гуманитарные науки

science                                                               наука

society                                                               общество

to determine                                                      определять, решать

scientific and technological progress               научно-технический прогресс

Unified State Exam                                          Единый государственный экзамен

specialized secondary education                       среднее специальное образование

available                                                                 доступный

according to                                                      в соответствии с

ability                                                                способность

citizen                                                                гражданин

to get                                                                      получать

free (of charge)                                                      бесплатный

state                                                                        государственный

institution                                                               учреждение

if                                                                             если

entrance examinations                                       вступительные экзамены

successfully                                                       успешно

necessary                                                                необходимый

complete                                                                 полный

depending on                                                    в зависимости от

choice                                                                выбор

full-time courses                                                     дневное обучение

correspondent courses                                       заочное обучение

to study                                                                  изучать

to receive scholarships                                      получать стипендии

along with                                                              наряду с

non-state                                                                негосударственный

for some reason                                                      по какой-либо причине

to enter                                                                   поступать

any                                                                         любой (в утвердит. пред.)

opportunity                                                       возможность

to continue                                                             продолжать

tuition                                                                обучение

expensive                                                               дорогой

to last                                                           длиться

to divide into                                                    делить(ся) на

term                                                                        семестр

the first- year student                                        первокурсник

to attend                                                                 посещать

classes                                                               занятия

feature                                                               черта, особенность

to accompany                                                    сопровождать

practical training                                          практика

well-equipped                                                   хорошо оборудованный

senior years                                                  старшие курсы

various                                                               различный

plant                                                                       предприятие

design office                                                     конструкторское бюро

research institute                                               научно-исследовательский


higher educational institution                      высшее учебное заведение

to offer                                                                          предлагать

as well as                                                                так же как и

post-graduate course                                         аспирантура

thesis                                                                 диссертация

to receive                                                                получать

candidate degree                                                    степень кандидата наук

bachelor’s degree                                              степень бакалавра

to go on                                                                  продолжать

in a year or two                                                      через год или два

further study                                                     дальнейшее обучение

research                                                                  исследование

to solve                                                              решать

complex                                                                  сложный

facing our society                                              стоящие перед нашим обществом

knowledge                                                             знания

prospect                                                                  перспективы


2. Найдите в правой колонке русские эквиваленты английских слов:

further                                                   дорогостоящий

determining                                       наряду с

society                                                   исследование

abilities                                                  степень магистра

knowledge                                             предприятие

depending on                                         в зависимости от

choice                                                    знания

to receive scholarships                 получить высшее образование

along with                                              определяющий

to get higher education                получать стипендии

free of charge                                дальнейший

to last                                                продолжать

a post-graduate course                 общество

expensive                                     бесплатный

senior years                                       наука

plant                                             выбор

to go on                                        длиться

research                                        аспирантура

a master’s degree                     способности

science                                                   старшие курсы



1. Переведите текст и отработайте его чтение:


The most famous universities of Great Britain are Oxford and Cambridge, called “Oxbridge”. They are famous for their academic excellence.

Cambridge was founded at the beginning of the 12-th century. The University consists of 24 different colleges including 4 colleges for women. The head of the University is the chancellor who is elected for life. The teachers are commonly called «dons» and «tutors». Besides lectures teaching is carried out by tutorial system for which the Cambridge University is famous all over the world. This is a system of individual tuition.

Each student has a tutor who practically guides him through the whole course of studies. The tutor plans the student’s work and once a week the student goes to his tutor to discuss his work with him. The training course lasts 4 years. The academic year is divided into 3 terms. The students study natural and technical sciences, law, history, languages, geography and many other subjects.

Students must wear gowns at lectures, in the University library, in the street in the evening, for dinners in the colleges and for official visits. All the students must pay for their education, examinations, books, laboratories, university hostel, the use of libraries, etc. Very few students get grants. Not many children from the working class families are able to get higher education, as the cost is high. The cost of education depends on the college and speciality.

A distinctive feature of American universities is its two levels. The first level is Undergraduate School that lasts three or four years. The first two years (the freshman year and the sophomore year) are aimed at providing general education that is broadly-based studies in the humanities, social sciences, applied and natural sciences. In the spring of the sophomore year students choose an area of concentration. During the last two years (the junior and the senior years) the students (the undergraduates) major in one special subject, so they take the majority of courses in this one area. Juniors are usually engaged in independent work and seniors – in a year-long project. This undergraduate education culminates in a Bachelor’s degree.

A Bachelor’s degree is a background for a higher degree that is awarded after further study, usually involving research. There are two levels of higher degrees: the Master’s degree and Doctor’s degree usually called the Ph.D. They can be obtained in Graduate School, which is the second level of university education. To obtain the Master’s degree a graduate student should work for two or sometimes three years. During this time he takes courses, passes exams, does some laboratory research guided by a professor, masters a foreign language, and submits a thesis (though a thesis is not always required).

The highest degree in the American graduate school is the research doctorate, or Doctor of Philosophy. This name is invariable for all specialities. If a graduate student is accepted into the Ph.D. program, he takes two or three years of advanced studies in his field of interest, passes the exams and does independent research, which culminates in a written dissertation. The dissertation must be an original contribution to knowledge. The candidate for Ph.D. should defend the conclusions of his dissertation before a panel of experts who finally decide whether he deserves the degree.



academic excellence                               великолепное качество обучения

chancellor                                              канцлер

tutor                                                      наставник, руководитель

teaching                                                 обучение

to carry out                                       проводить

tutorial system                                       наставническая система

tuition                                                    обучение

to guide                                                  руководить

course of studies /training course          курс обучения

to last                                                    длиться, продолжаться

academic year                                        учебный год

to divide into                                         делиться на

term                                                       семестр

law                                                         право

to wear gowns                                       носить мантии

hostel                                                     общежитие

to get grants                                           получать стипендии

to get higher education                 получать высшее образование

cost                                                        стоимость, цена

to depend on                                          зависеть от

distinctive feature                        отличительная черта

level                                                       уровень, ступень

Undergraduate School                           (первая ступень высшего


freshman                                                первокурсник

sophomore                                   второкурсник

to be aimed at                                        иметь своей целью

humanities                                             гуманитарные науки

applied                                                  прикладной

concentration                                         (зд.) специализация

junior years                                  младшие курсы

senior years                                            старшие курсы

to major in                                             специализироваться в

to be engaged in                                     заниматься (чем-либо)

year-long project                          курсовая работа

to culminate                                               завершаться (чем-либо)

Bachelor’s degree                         степень бакалавра

background                                       основа

further                                                   дальнейший

research                                                 исследование

Master’s degree                                     степень магистра

Doctor’s degree                                     степень доктора

to obtain                                                получать, достигать

Graduate School                                    (вторая ступень высшего


to master                                               овладевать

to submit a thesis                              предоставлять диссертацию

though                                                   хотя

to require                                               требовать

invariable                                               неизменный

to accept                                                принимать

advanced                                               продвинутый, повышенного


field                                                       сфера, область

to pass exams                                        сдавать экзамены

contribution                                                вклад

knowledge                                             знания

to defend                                                защищать

conclusion                                             вывод

panel of experts                                     совет экспертов/специалистов

to decide                                                решать

to deserve                                              заслуживать

degree                                                    степень


2. Найдите в правой колонке русские эквиваленты английских слов:

to wear gowns                                       обучение

hostel                                                          проводить

to be aimed at                                        второкурсник

training course                                       носить мантии

sophomore                                            иметь своей целью

the head of the University                     совет экспертов / специалистов

chancellor                                              поскольку

to carry out                                       общежитие

tutor                                                      первокурсник

tuition                                                    неизменный

panel of experts                                     (первая ступень высшего


cost                                                        курс обучения

freshman                                                предоставлять диссертацию

that is                                                         вывод

a year-long project                                      глава университета

concentration                                         стоимость, цена

junior                                                          выпускник

senior                                                          специализироваться в

as                                                           курсовая работа

to major in                                             старший

to be engaged in                                     заниматься (чем-либо)

to culminate in                                       (вторая ступень высшего


to award                                                вклад

contribution                                           вручать, присуждать

to accept                                                специализация

to defend                                                то есть

conclusion                                             принимать

invariable                                               защищать

graduate (student)                                       младший

to submit a thesis                              наставник

Undergraduate School                      канцлер

Graduate School                                    завершаться (чем-либо)


1. Переведите текст и отработайте его чтение:


The Russian Federation is one of the largest countries in the world. It occupies about 17 million square km. The country is washed by 12 seas. There are a lot of rivers, lakes, forests and mountains there.

Russia is very rich in mineral resources such as oil, coal, gas, gold, diamonds, tin, lead and iron. It has the largest oil and gas resources, concentrated in Siberia and the Far East. Oil and gas exports continue to be the main source of hard currency.

Russia is a state with developed industry and agriculture. Russia has undergone significant changes since the collapse of the Soviet Union, moving from a centrally-planned economy to a free market system. The leading branches of industry are machine-building, air-craft, automobile, defence, electronic, engineering, chemicals, textile and food.

The capital of the country is Moscow. It is the largest economic, political and industrial centre of the country. It is one of the oldest Russian cities.

Russia is a presidential republic. The head of the state is the President. He determines the basic domestic and foreign policy, is the commander-in-chief of the armed forces. The President makes treaties, enforces laws, appoints ministers.

The government consists of three branches: legislative, executive and judicial. The President controls each of them.

The legislative power belongs to the Federal Assembly. It consists of two chambers: the Council of Federation and the State Duma. Each chamber is headed by the Speaker.

The executive power belongs to the Government, or the Cabinet of Ministers. The government is headed by the Prime Minister.

The judicial power is represented by the system of courts. It consists of the Constitutional Court, the Supreme Court and the regional courts.

The Russian Federation has a multi-party system. That is there are some political parties in the country, the dominant one is United Russia party.

Russia has rich cultural traditions. The contribution of Russian writers, composers, artists to the world culture is really great. Everybody in the world knows Pushkin, Tolstoy, Chaikovsky, Rublev and others. They are the pride of the whole mankind. There are a lot of beautiful museums, monuments and ancient buildings that attract the tourists from all over the world.


to occupy                                     занимать

rich                                               богатый

such as                                         такой как

oil                                                 нефть

coal                                              уголь

gold                                              золото

diamond                                       алмаз, бриллиант

tin                                           олово

lead                                              свинец

iron                                              железо

Siberia                                          Сибирь

the Far East                                  Дальний Восток

hard currency                               конвертируемая валюта

state                                             государство

industry                                       промышленность

agriculture                                    сельское хозяйство

to undergo                                    претерпевать

significant                                    значительный, существенный

collapse                                        распад, развал, крах

the Soviet Union                     Советский Союз

leading branches of industry      ведущие отрасли промышленности

machine-building                     машиностроение

air-craft                                        самолетостроение

defence                                         оборона

head of the state                           глава государства

domestic policy                            внутренняя политика

foreign policy                               внешняя политика

commander-in-chief                     главнокомандующий

armed forces                                вооруженные силы

to make treaties                            заключать договора

to enforce laws                             издавать указы

to appoint                                    назначать

government                             правительство

to consist of                                      состоять из

branch                                          ветвь

legislative                                     законодательный

executive                                      исполнительный

judicial                                         судебный

to belong to                        принадлежать

the Federal Assembly                   Федеральное Собрание

chamber                                       палата

the Council of Federation             Совет Федераций

the State Duma                            государственная Дума

to represent                         представлять

court                                            суд

the Constitutional Court              Конституционный Суд

the Supreme Court                       Верховный Суд

contribution                                  вклад

pride                                            гордость

whole                                                весь, целый

mankind                                       человечество

monument                                    памятник

ancient                                         древний, античный

to attract                                      привлекать

from all over the world            со всего мира

2. Найдите в правой колонке русские эквиваленты английских слов:

to occupy                                     значительный, существенный

rich                                               алмазы, бриллианты

mineral resources                    нефть

oil                                                 древний

coal                                              свинец

gold                                              государство

diamonds                                     главнокомандующий

tin                                                вклад

lead                                              уголь

iron                                              золото

state                                             правительство

collapse                                        железо

government                         распад, крах

to consist of                                  привлекать

to represent                         занимать (территорию)

court                                            состоять из

commander-in-chief                     богатый

significant                                    представлять

contribution                                      олово

ancient                                         минеральные ресурсы

to attract                                      суд


1. Переведите текст и отработайте его чтение:


The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is situated on the British Isles. It consists of four parts: England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland. England, Wales and Scotland occupy the territory of Great Britain. Northern Ireland is situated in the northern part of Ireland.

Great Britain is a highly developed industrial country. It is known as one of the world’s largest producers and exporters of iron and steel products, machinery and electronics, chemicals and textile, aircraft and navigation equipment. One of the chief industries is shipbuilding.

Great Britain is a country with old cultural traditions and customs. The most famous educational centres are Oxford and Cambridge universities. They are intellectual centres of Europe. The education is not free, it is very expensive.

The United Kingdom is a parliamentary monarchy. This means that the pow

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