Part 1: oceanic crust 1. Comprehension 1. 1 vocabulary — КиберПедия 

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Part 1: oceanic crust 1. Comprehension 1. 1 vocabulary

2021-06-02 31
Part 1: oceanic crust 1. Comprehension 1. 1 vocabulary 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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Pay attention to the pronunciation of the geographical terms and especially to the pronunciation of numbers

Pacific Ocean         Marianas Trench

Mid-Atlantic Ridge Arctic Ocean
Atlantic Ocean       Ascension Island

Mt. Everest            Indian Ocean

97 per cent                           7.5 per cent

71 per cent                           8.5 per cent

12,400 ft. (feet) ≈ 3 700 m 650 ft. ≈ 200 m 11,500 ft. = 3 450 m 3,300 ft. 1000 m 10,000 ft. = 3000 m 37,000 mi. (miles) 60 000 km 35,840 ft. = 10 752 m 3300 ft. - 33 hundred feet


Pay attention to the bold terms and expressions in the text

continental shelf континентальный (материковый) шельф continental slope континентальный (материковый) склон submarine canyon подводное ущелье (каньон) continental rise континентальное (материковое) подножие submarine plateau подводное плато abyssal plain абиссальная равнина seamount морская гора spreading ridge спрединговый (срединно-океанический) хребет trench желоб island arc островная дуга trough впадина, мульда guyot гайот continental side континентальная сторона, склон
to strip off обнажать
sheath оболочка, покров
plateau плато
peak вершина горы, пик
to submerge погружать
rim край
to descend опускаться; нисходить
slope склон; крыло складки
cleft трещина; расселина
turbid мутный
surroundings окружение; среда
mountain chain горная цепь
tableland плоскогорье, плато

Read the text «The Ocean Floor». Pay attention to the diagram. Fulfill the exercises after the text. (R.P – 8.1.1)

Oceans and their seas hold 97% of all surface water, and cover some 71% of

the Earth to an average depth of 12,400 ft. (3700 m). Stripping off this watery

sheath would reveal valleys, plateaus, peaks and plains. We show ten

features of the ocean floor.

Continental shelf - a continent’s true but submerged and gently sloping rim,

descending to an average depth of 650 ft. (200 m). Continental shelves

occupy about 7.5% of the ocean floor.

Continental slope - a relatively steep slope descending from the continental

shelf. Such slopes occupy about 8.5% of the ocean floor.

Submarine canyon - a deep cleft in the continental slope, cut by turbid river

water flowing out to the sea.

Continental rise - a gentle slope below the continental slope.

Submarine plateau - a high seafloor tableland.

Abyssal plain - a sediment-covered deep-sea plain about 11,500-18,000ft

(3450-5400 m) below sea level.

Seamount - a submarine volcano 3300ft. (1000 m) or more above its

surroundings. Guyots are flat-topped seamounts that were once volcanic


Spreading ridge - a submarine mountain chain generally 10,000 ft. (3000 m)

above the abyssal plain. A huge system of such ridges extends more than

37,000 ft. (60000 m) through the oceans. The Mid-Atlantic Ridge surfaces in

places as volcanic islands such as Iceland and Ascension Island.

Trench - a deep, steep-sided trough in an abyssal plain. At 35,840 ft. (10752

m) below sea level (deep enough to drown Mt. Everest). The Pacific’s

Marianas Trench is the deepest part of any ocean.

Island arc - a curved row of volcanic islands, usually on the continental side

of a trench.

(Lambert “The Field Guide to Geology” 1988, Cambridge University Press)

Fig. 42 Ocean floor


Fig. 43 Ocean areas and depths

Match the English term with the Russian one.

1. submarine canyon             a. край

2. seamount                           b. островная дуга

3. sheath                                c. впадина; прогиб

4. peak                                   d. склон

5. rim                                     e. спрединговый хребет

6. trench                                f. покров

7. island arc                           g. мутный

8. trough                                h. подводное ущелье

9. slope                                  i. морская гора


10. cleft                                  j. вершина горы

11. spreading ridge                k. желоб

12. turbid                               l. трещина

Match the terms with the definitions.

1. seamount                       a. a gently sloping rim

2. island arc                       b. relatively steep slope descending from the

continental slope

3. abyssal plain                 c. a deep cleft in the continental slope

4. continental rise              d. a gentle slope below the continental slope

5. submarine plateau         e. a high seafloor tableland

6. submarine canyon         f. a sediment covered plain

7. spreading ridge              g. a submarine volcano

8. continental shelf            h. a submarine mountain chain

9. trench                            i. a deep trough in an abyssal plain

10. continental slope         j. a curved row of volcanic islands


DETAILED READING: Sea-floor spreading

Read the following text and fulfill the after-reading tasks. (R.P – 8.1.2,

8.1.3, 8.1.4)

Scarcely any ocean floor is more than 200 million years old. That long ago a single mighty ocean incorporating the Pacific surrounded one landmass. The land developed splits which widened into basins. The Arctic, Atlantic, and the Indian Oceans were created in this way.

Sea floor is always being made and destroyed by a process called sea-floor spreading. Growth occurs where crust is thinned by molten rock rising from the mantle beneath, or tugged apart by older, thicker crust sinking in the mantle elsewhere. Stretching splits vast chunks of oceanic crust, but the gaps are plugged by molten rock that wells up from below. Basalt sticking to the edges of such rifts formed the Mid-Atlantic Ridge and other vast underwater mountain chains called spreading ridges. Each widens by up to 10 in. (25 cm) a year.

Scientists believe the detailed process goes like this. First, molten rock wells up from deep down in the upper mantle region called the asthenosphere. The upwelling molten mass partly melts the rocks around it to make the oceanic crust. Gravity pulls the ridge flanks down and sideways. The resulting tension opens two main cracks along the ridge. Between these cracks the ridge’s middle sinks to form a central rift valley. Molten rock wells up through main and lesser cracks, then cools and hardens to become new ocean floor. Injections of fresh molten rock keep this spreading outwards from the central rift.

As upwelling continues, the rifting process is repeated. In time, rows of parallel ridges creep outward from their starting point, gradually sinking down to form the ocean’s abyssal plains.

Meanwhile great cracks called transform faults cut across the central ridge at right angles, offsetting short, straight sections. (Lambert “The Field Guide to Geology” 1988, Cambridge University Press)


to incorporate (to include/ to be part of)


a split

to create (to become)

to thin (away)

to occur (to happen)

growth (development)

molten (rock)

to rise from beneath (below)

to be tugged apart




to plug

to well up

to stick

spreading (ridge)



rift (valley)


creep (outward)

transform fault


to subside


to sink



трещина, раскол

образовывать; создавать



рост (развитие)

расплавленная (порода)


тянуть с усилием (натяжение)

растягивать (растяжение)

кусок; глыба

зазор, промежуток, разрыв




спрединговый (хребет)

склон, фланг


рифт, рифтовая долина

внедрение, инъекция

сползание, оползание породы

трансформный разлом

смещение, сдвиг

оседать; опускаться

напряжение, растяжение

опускаться; погружаться

After - reading tasks.

3.1.1. Look through the text and pick out the terms, which have the
following definition.

1. to include / to be part of

2. stress that pulls a solid body apart

3. to fill up

4. a lump

5. insertion of sedimentary material into a crack

6. horizontal normal separation

7. downward movement

8. part of the continental crust above sea level

9. oceanic crust forms along the Mid-oceanic ridge and spreads out laterally

10. subsurface water is transported toward the surface

DISCUSSION (R.P – 8.1.5)

We’ll discuss the subject: «Plate tectonics in action». Pay attention to the words and expressions and pronunciation of some of the geographical names. Read the text, which will give you some necessary information. Use the earlier communicative formulas (Unit 7). Pay special attention to the questions, which will help you to underline what facts are more important. Use the diagrams – «Plate tectonics in action», «Tectonic plates». (R.P. 8.2.10, 8.2.11)

Geographical Names

Eurasian Plate           Indo-Australian Plate  Nazca Plate

African Plate             Pacific Plate                 South American Plate

Antarctic Plate          North American Plate


restless непрекращающийся, неугомонный
jigsaw puzzle картинка-головоломка, мозаика
abutting примыкающий, прилегающий
diverging расходящийся
colliding сталкивающийся
slab кусок, плита, блок
tectonic plate тектоническая плита
coupled to связанный / соединенный с
rigid устойчивый, твердый
to ride upon передвигаться / скользить по (поверхности)
convection current конвективный поток
to shift перемещать, сдвигать
margin -constructive -destructive -conservative passive -active   -граница -конструктивная -деструктивная -консервативная -пассивная -активная
lithosphere литосфера
zone -collision -subduction зона -столкновения -субдукции
spreading ridge спрединговый хребет
to dive down погружаться, нырять
to slide past скользить мимо
to spark off вызывать, порождать
boundary граница, поверхность раздела
permutation изменение
interlock смыкаться


Our planet’s solid surface is a restless jigsaw of abutting, diverging and colliding slabs called plates (lithospheric plates). How plates behave forms the subject known as plate tectonics.

Each plate involves a slab of oceanic crust, continental crust, or both, coupled to a slab of rigid upper mantle. Collectively these plates make up the lithosphere. This rides upon the asthenosphere, a dense, plastic layer of the mantle. Heat rising through this layer from the Earth’s core and lower mantle seemingly produces convection currents that shift the plates above.

Plate activities produce three main kinds of plate margins.

Constructive (divergent) margins are oceanic spreading ridges where new lithosphere is formed between two separating oceanic plates.

Destructive (convergent) margins are oceanic trenches where an oceanic plate dives down below a (less dense) continental plate.

Conservative (transform) margins are where two plates slide past each other and lithosphere is neither made nor lost.


Fig. 46 Mountain building

Mountain building is a complex process. Deep troughs of accumulated offshore sediment, volcanic rocks, bits of oceanic crust, and scrap s of foreign continents can all be swept against one continent and weld ed on as mountain ranges. Most of mountainous western North America consists of more than 50 suspect terrane s – mighty slabs of alien rock that independently rotated and migrated north along the western edge of North America.

Here are three major mountain-building processes. 1. Oceanic plate subduction below another oceanic plate – this process created the Aleutian Islands and other mountainous island arcs.

Island-arc orogeny

a. subducted oceanic crust

b. low outer island-arc of sediments squeez ed by subducting oceanic crust

c. inner island-arc of mountainous volcanoes produced by the “ bob bing up
of light, subducted, melted oceanic crust and sediments.

Cordilleran belt orogeny

a. island-arc (c) and continent (d) with offshore sediments (b) advance on
two plates, one subducting below the other.

b. collision squeezes and ruck s up sediments (b) between island-arc
volcanoes (c) and continent (d), producing a сordilleran mountain chain such
as the Andes.

c/d. the subduction zone is replaced by a new one.

Colliding continents

a. continents (d) advance on separate plates

b. collision rucks up marginal sediments (b) and the ocean shrink s.

c. the oceanic crust between is subducted and the two continents collide,
forming mountain ranges like the Alps / the Himalayas

(Lambert “The Field Guide to Geology” 1988, Cambridge University Press)



INFORMATIVE READING: How continents evolve You will read a passage, followed by questions about it. For each question, you need to select the one best answer A, B, C, or D to each question. Answer all the questions following the passage on the basis of what is stated/implied in the passage (R.P – 8.2.2, 8.2.4, 8.2.5, 8.2.6)

Close study of the rocks of continents reveals ancient cores with progressively younger rocks tacked on to their rims. Each core, or craton, originated as a microcontinent, possibly like this. Two converging, cooling,

horizontal currents in the mantle tugged on a tract of thin, early crustal rock then sank.

5This squashed and thickened that patch of crust. Its base bulged down and melted, releasing light material that punched up through the crust above. Such rock resorting could have formed the first small slabs of continental crust. Later, sea-floor spreading swept island arcs and sediments against microcontinents as mobile belts – belts of deformed and buckled rock. Accretion of this kind formed full-blown continents. 10About 5% of today’s continental crust had formed by 3.5 billion years ago, half by 2.5 billion years ago, most by 0.5 billion years ago. Once formed, continents are not immutable – they can be reworked, but not destroyed. Coalescing produced the supercontinent Pangea about 300 million years ago. Rifting later broke it up. Earth’s crust splits open above “hot spots” – fixed plumes of molten rock rising in the mantle.

15A plume formed the volcanic Hawaiian Islands by punching through the thin oceanic Pacific Plate passing over it. Plumes raise domes in the thick, rigid continental crust. A dome is liable to split in three as cracks grow outward from its top. Where three cracks widen, oceanic rock wells up into the spreading gaps.

20The continent is split apart and a triple junction then separates three lithospheric plates. If spreading happens only in two cracks, two plates form. The third crack becomes an abandoned trough or rift. Nigera’s Benue Trough and Ethiopia’s Afar Depression are two such so-called aulacogens. (Lambert “The Field Guide to Geology” 1988, Cambridge University Press)

1. What is the main purpose of the passage?

(A) to show how first slabs formed the continental crust

(B) to show how continents evolved

(C) to show how the Earth’s crust split

(D) to show how mobile belts deformed

2. Where in the passage does the author state how the continental crust was

(A) Lines 3-7

(B) Lines 10-14

(C) Lines 7-11

(D) Lines 18-22

3. It can be inferred from the passage that the phrase “hot spots” refers to:

(A) ash flow

(B) lava flow

(C) cooled magma

(D) molten rocks

4. According to the passage, today’s continental crust was formed

(A) 2.5 billion years ago

(B) 0.5 billion years ago

(C) 3.5 billion years ago

(D) 300 billion years ago

5. According to the passage, full-blown continents were formed by

(A) accretion

(B) depression

(C) subduction

(D) separation

6. The author of the passage implies that the formed continents are

(A) stable

(B) progressive

(C) spreading

(D) immutable

7. What was the necessary conditions for the formation of Pangea?

(A) resorting

(B) subducting

(C) coalescing

(D) converging

8. According to the passage, plumes

(A) raise domes in the continental crust

(B) push molten rocks in the mantle

(C) split the continent apart

(D) deform the rocks



(R.P – 8.2.7, 8.2.8, 8.2.9)


Part 3 – main idea: check the student’s comprehension of the topic.

Part 4 – interpretive questions: requires the students to understand,


fault                               разрывное нарушение, дизъюнктивная

дислокация, разрыв, сброс;

faulting                          разрывообразование;

discernible                     видимый, заметный;

orientation                     ориентация;

displacement                 смещение;

adjunct to                      приложение, дополнение;

dip                                 наклон, падение;

fault plane                     плоскость разрывного нарушения,


strike                             простирание;

intersection                    пересечение;

azimuth                         азимут;

bearing                          простирание;

heave                             горизонтальная амплитуда смещения;

throw                            вертикальная амплитуда смещения;

oblique slip                   диагональное смещение;

hanging wall                  висячий блок (бок, крыло);

footwall                         лежачий блок (бок, крыло);

normal fault                   сброс;

reverse fault                   взброс;

strike-slip fault              сдвиг со смещением по простиранию;

thrust fault                     надвиг

transcurrent / tear fault  поперечный сдвиг;

right-lateral strike-slip   правосторонний сдвиг;
fault (dextral)

left-lateral strike-slip fault левосторонний сдвиг; (sinistral)

obliquity                        скос, наклон;

triaxial stress field         пространственное (трёхмерное) поле



vary (v)-variable (adj)-variation (n)

oblique (adj)-obliquity (n)

fault (n)-faulting (n)

orient (v)-orientated (adj)-orientation (n)

scheme (n)-schematical (ly) (adj)


to move up – двигаться вверх;

to move down – двигаться вниз;

to move laterally over – двигаться по (направлению);

to move to – превращаться в; переходить к

to slide by – скользить;

to observe – замечать, наблюдать;

to be measured by – измерять(ся);

regardless of – независимо от;

to facilitate – способствовать;

(dip) at an angle – (падать) под углом в;

perpendicular to – перпендикулярно к;

to bear upon – опираться;

to emerge – возникать, выявляться, выясняться;

to result in – приводить к;

to involve in – включать в себя, возводить в степень;

to be responsible for – ответственный;

to orient along – ориентировать по, располагать вдоль.

Fig. 50 Fault anatomy

The hanging wall of a fault is located above the fault surface and bears upon it. The footwall of a fault is beneath the fault. It occupies the position beneath the fault regardless of whether the hanging wall has moved up or down.

Compression is usually responsible for reverse faulting where the hanging wall is moved up relative to the footwall. A reverse fault that dips 30 or less becomes a thrust fault.

Strike-slip faults occur where crustal blocks slide laterally by each other along nearly vertical zones of movement.


1. Match the English term with the Russian variant. (TEXT: Fault

1. fault                                            a. сдвиг

2. normal fault                         b. простирание

3. reverse fault                         c. висячий блок

4. throw                               d. косой, наклонный

5. heave                                          e. сброс

6. hanging wall                      f. наклон, падение

7. footwall                                     g. взброс

8. dip                   h. горизонтальная амплитуда смещения

9. strike                                    i. лежачий блок


10. strike-slip fault j. вертикальная амплитуда смещения

11. oblique                             k. разлом, разрыв


2. Re-read the text “Fault terminology”. Look at the diagram (anatomy of a fault). Label the letters and give an explanation. (R.P –

Fig. 52 Fault types

6. Here are six definitions. Read the definition, then name the term and give its translation (R.P –,

1. horizontal block raised between two normal faults

2. a long, narrow block sunk between two parallel faults

3. one block drops / rises against the other

4. horizontal shearing along a vertical fault plane

5. an uplifted, tilted block

6. one block is forced up and over another



1. What is another term for splits formed in stressed rocks?

2. What is a joint?

3. How do joints form?

4. Where do joints occur?

5. What are faults?

6. What explains the weakness in the Earth’s crust?

7. What does block faulting create?

8. How many types of faults are there?

9. What are the main types of faults?

10.When does a normal fault occur?

11.How is a reverse fault formed?

12.What forces create reverse faults?

13.What is an example of a tear fault?

14.What is the difference between graben and horst?


fold (n) – folding (n)                     складка –

curve (n) – curvature (n)               кривая – кривизна;

associate (v) – association (n)       ассоциировать – ассоциация.


to drape over – ниспадать складками;

to precede – предшествовать;

to manifest – проявляться, становиться явным;

adjacent to – смежный, расположенный рядом;

to converge upon – стремиться к пределу;

to associate with – связывать с, ассоциировать с.

Fig. 53 Fold terminology

Fig. 54 Folding structure




The topic of our discussion- Faulting and Folding. There are two groups. Each group discusses the following monitoring packet. The monitoring packet- consists of 4 parts. (R.P. –,,

Part 1 - checks vocabulary by means of reading comprehension

Part 2- detail reading; questions that ask for specific details (using


Part 3- main idea: checks the student's comprehension of the topic

Part 4- interpretive questions; requires the students to understand, analyze

And infer from the text.


Part 1 Fill in the gaps Part 1 Fill in the gaps
1. Fault is ________  in the Earth's crust with visible movement. 2. Faulting often accompanies ________  . 3. The stress patterns for faulting and folding depend on the type of _______ involved. 4. ____________  is the principle deformational stress involved in normal faulting. 5. Compression is responsible for  ________  . 1. Fold is a deformation of strata formed by forces, such as  and ___  . 2. Faulting precedes or follows  . 3. ___________  is the locus of maximum curvature of a fold. 4. Inflection occurs where _________  changes to _____________  . 5. A fold is ___________  when its shape and mirror image are identical.

6. In reverse (thrust) faults intermediate principal stress remains ______  . 7. Strike-slip faults occur when blocks slide ________________  . 8. Fault consists of two ________  . 9. The hanging wall of a fault is located  the fault surface. 10. The footwall of a fault is located  the fault. 6. Limbs ________  upon the inflection line synclines and ___________  from it in anticlines. 7. Folds usually form in association with _________  . 8. _________  is a fold with upward convexity. 9. _________  is a concave upward. 10. The locus of all hinge lines is  .
Part 2 Answer the following questions using different diagrams: Part 2 Answer the following questions using different diagrams:
1. What is the difference between the hanging wall and footwall? 2. There are two main types of faulting-normal and reverse. Draw diagrams and explain the similarity and difference between them. 3. What affects the type of strike-slip fault? 4. What are the synonyms for right\ left lateral faults? 5. What factor (s) connect(s) all the types of faults together? 1. How are folds formed? 2. What main factors effect the classification of folds? 3. There are two main types of folds. Draw diagrams and explain the similarity and difference between them. 4. When is a fold symmetrical or asymmetrical? 5. Draw a diagram showing the principal stresses involved in a fold.

Part 3 Give a short explanation. Part 3 Give a short explanation.
Deformation is a structural  term, explaining such things as faulting and folding. Deformation is a structural term, explaining such things as faulting and folding.
Part 4 Discuss and try to prove this statement: Part 4 Discuss and try to prove this statement:
Deformation (faulting / folding) is an important process in oil exploration Deformation (faulting / folding) is an important process in oil exploration.





abyssal plane абиссальная равнина
axial plane осевая плоскость (складки)
basement block основание
bearing простирание
belt зона, пояс
block-faulting глыбовые дислокации
brittle хрупкий
coalescing объединение, слияние
compression сжатие
concave (concavity) вогнутый (вогнутость)
continental crust континентальная кора
continental drift дрейф континентов
continental plateau континентальное плато
continental rise континентальная подножие
continental shelf континентальный шельф

continental slope континентальный склон
convergent boundary граница схождения
convex (convexity) выпуклый (выпуклость)
curvature кривизна, линия изгиба
dip наклон, падение
divergent boundary дивергентная граница
dome купол, свод
downthrow сброс
drape собирать в складки
fault разрывное нарушение, дизъюнктивная дислокация, разрыв, сброс
fault plane плоскость  разрывного  нарушения, сместитель
feature особенность
fold складка
folding складчатость, складкообразование
footwall лежачий блок (бок, крыло)
fracture трещина, разлом
graben грабен
hade угол, образуемый плоскостью разрыва с вертикалью
hanging wall висячий блок (бок, крыло)
heave горизонтальная амплитуда смещения
hinge point шарнирная точка
hinge surface осевая плоскость
horst горст
inflection point точка перегиба
intersection пересечение
island arc островная дуга
joint трещина отдельности
left-lateral strike-slip fault (sinistral) левосторонний сдвиг
limb (flank) крыло складки
locus местоположение
marginal sediment прибрежный осадок
mobile belt подвижный пояс
monocline моноклиналь
mountain chain горная цепь
nappe тектонический покров
normal fault сброс

oblique slip диагональное смещение
obliquity скос, наклон
oceanic crust океаническая кора
orogen ороген, горно-складчатое сооружение
orogenesis орогенез, горообразование
overfold опрокинутая складка
peak пик
pericline периклиналь
plain равнина
plate tectonics тектоника литосферных плит
pressure давление
reverse fault взброс
right-lateral strike-slip fault (dextral) правосторонний сдвиг
rim край
seal закупорка
seamount подводная гора
sheath оболочка, покров
spreading ridge спрединговый (срединно-океанический) хребет
strain деформация, механическое напряжение
strain rate интенсивность деформации
stress давление, напряжение
stress point точка нагрузки
strike простирание
strike-slip(fault) сдвиг
subduction zone зона субдукции
submarine canyon подводное ущелье
submarine plateau подводное плато
supercontinent Pangea суперконтинент Пангея
surroundings окружение, среда
syncline синклиналь
tableland плоскогорье, плато
tear fault поперечный сдвиг
temperature температура
tension напряжение, растяжение
throw вертикальная амплитуда смещения
thrusting образование надвигов
tilt block наклонный блок

transform boundary трансформная граница
trench желоб, впадина
triaxial stress field пространственное (трехмерное) поле напряжений
trough впадина, мульда
upthrow взброс
valley долина


abandoned покинутый, оставленный
accretion аккреция, разрастание, приращение
alien внешний, чуждый
belt пояс, зона
bit кусочек, частица
cleft расселина, трещина
core центр, ядро, внутренняя часть
current поток
curved изогнутый, кривой
descending нисходящий,        спускающийся, падающий
flat-topped с плоской вершиной
full-blown развитой,                   созревший, распустившийся
gentle пологий (о склоне), слабый
immutable неизменный, постоянный
intervening промежуточный, переходный
junction соединение, объединение
liable подверженный, склонный к чему-либо, вероятный
notably исключительно, особенно, заметно
patch очаг, небольшой участок земли, обломок
plume столб магмы, плюм
range ряд, линия, цепь, область распространения
rigid твердый, жесткий, неподвижный
row ряд, последовательность
ruck масса, множество, груда, кипа
scrap остаток, обломок

shrink уменьшение, сокращение
slab плита, пластина
steep крутой
terrane террейн
to buckle уступать давлению
to bulge down провисать, выдаваться вниз
to converge сходиться, встречаться
to disrupt раздробить, разбить, разрушить
to diverge расходиться
to grow outward выходить наружу
to hold держать, содержать в себе, вмещать
to make up составлять, собирать
to occupy занимать
to punch through пробиваться сквозь
to punch up пробиваться из глубины на поверхность
to resort прибегнуть к помощи, силе
to rotate вращать(ся)
to slope клониться, иметь наклон, опускаться или подниматься наклонно
to split apart разбиваться, раскалываться
to split open открываться, раскрываться
to squeeze сжимать, сдавливать, стискивать
to strip off сдирать, соскабливать
to suspect подозревать, не внушать доверия
to sweep сметать, сносить
to tack on добавлять, присоединять
to tug on натягивать
to weld cваривать(ся), спаивать(ся)
tract полоса, участок, пространство, период времени
triple тройное соединение
to drape over ниспадать складками
to precede предшествовать
to manifest проявляться, становиться явным
adjacent to смежный, расположенный рядом
to converge upon стремиться к пределу
to associate with связывать с, ассоциировать с
to move up двигаться вверх
to move down двигаться вниз

to move laterally over двигаться по (направлению)
to move to переходить к
to slide by скользить
to observe in замечать, наблюдать
to be measured by измеряться
regardless of независимо от
to facilitate способствовать
at an angle под углом
perpendicular to перпендикулярно
to bear upon опираться
to emerge возникать, выясняться
to result from являться результатом чего-либо
to result in приводить к
to involve включать в себя, вызывать
to be responsible for быть ответственным за
to orient along ориентироваться по, располагаться вдоль




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