To make air , water , or earth dirty or harmful to people , animals — КиберПедия 

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To make air , water , or earth dirty or harmful to people , animals

2021-06-02 28
To make air , water , or earth dirty or harmful to people , animals 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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Word (collocation, idiom) Transcription


Translation Example   1. Urban ˈəːb(ə)n

in, relating to, or characteristic of a town or city

городской The story I just heard has all the earmarks of an urban legend.   2. Rural ˈrʊər(ə)l

in, relating to, or characteristic of the countryside rather than the town

сельский She lives in a rural area.   3. Suburban səˈbəːb(ə)n

of or characteristic of a suburb

пригородный It's a ticket that was designed to appeal to suburban and small town voters.   4. Residential rɛzɪˈdɛnʃ(ə)l

designed for people to live in

жилой The land is currently zoned for residential use.   5. Smart smɑːt

clean, tidy, and well dressed

умный Youlooksmart   6. Inner-city  

the central part of a city where people live and where there are often problems because people are poor and there are few jobs and bad houses:

относящийся к бедному району The mayor is trying to attract new businesses to the inner city   7. Coastal ˈkəʊstl

of or near a coast.

береговой The coastal path is a popular route for walkers.   8. Up-and-coming ˌʌp(ə)nˈkʌmɪŋ

making good progress and likely to become successful.

предприимчивый The program showcases up-and-coming musicians.   9. A rush hour rʌʃ ˈaʊə

art of the day during which traffic congestion on roads and crowding on public transport is at its highest.

час-пик The rush hour traffic is murder   10. A detached house dɪˈtatʃhaʊs

is a free-standing residential building

отдельно стоящий дом We are live in a detached house in a suburb of a major city   11. To pollute pəˈluːt

To make air, water, or earth dirty or harmful to people, animals

загрязнять Car exhaust pollutes the air.   12. Light pollution lʌɪtpəˈluːʃ(ə)n

brightening of the night sky caused by street lights and other man-made sources

cветовое загрязнение There is a lot of pollution in the centre of Moscow   13. A wind farm wɪnd fɑːm

an area of land with a group of energy-producing windmills or wind turbines.

ветровая электростанция With a windbag like that, who needs a wind farm to meet our energy needs?   14. A cosmopolitan atmosphere ˌkɒzməˈpɒlɪt(ə)nˈatməsfɪə

A cosmopolitan place or society is full of people from many different countries and cultures

космополитическая среда       15. A crime rate krʌɪmreɪt

a count of crimes complied to assess the effectiveness of a crime control policy

оказатель /индекс, статистика/ преступности The crime rate is exceedingly high   16. To recycle riːˈsʌɪk(ə)l

to collect and treat used objects and materials that are ready to be thrown out in order to produce materials that can be used again:

рециркулировать We must recycle the cardboard boxes   17. A recycling point riːˈsaɪklɪŋpɔɪnt

o return to an earlier point in a countdown

Точкарециркуляции A number of municipalities have now set up recycling points (puntoslimpios) and promote waste upgrading, reuse and recycling   18. A friendly neighborhood ˈfrɛn(d)liˈneɪbərˌhʊd

Someone who lives in a particular place


постоянный житель, постоялец, проживающий, постоянно живущий   The hotel bar was only open to residents     28. A council |ˈkaʊns(ə)l|  

A group of people who are elected to control a town, city, or area


совет, совещание   The city council is considering a ban on smoking in restaurants.     29. Children misbehaving [ʹtʃıldrən]  

Kids behave so bad

Плохое поведение детей The children misbehaved all morning.     30. To tackle (noise pollution) [tu:] [ʹtæk(ə)l]  

Noise, such as that from traffic, that upsets people where they live or work and is considered to be unhealthy for them


Борьба с шумовым загрязнением An airport can generate noise pollution at most 24 hours in a given day.     31. A government priority [ʹgʌv(ə)mənt] [praıʹɒrıtı]  

The main that government should concider

Приоритет правительства Their purpose is to elevate AIDS to the top of government priorities.     32. A hamlet [ʹhæmlıt]  

A very small village


деревушка, деревня, селение   Hamletassumedanticdisposition     33. Global warming [ʹgləʋb(ə)l] [ʹwɔ:mıŋ]  

An increase in the temperature of the air around the world because of pollution


Глобальное потепление Global warming will affect all of us.     34. Fossil fuel [ʹfɒs(ə)l] [fjʋəl]  

A fuel such as coal or oil that is obtained from under the ground


ископаемое топливо   We combust coal and other fossil fuels     35. Deforestation |ˌdiːfɒrɪˈsteɪʃ(ə)n|  

A process in which all the trees in a large area are cut down


вырубка леса   Deforestation undermines this important carbon sink function     36. Endangered species     [ınʹdeındʒəd] [ʹspi:ʃi:z]




Word (collocation, idiom) Transcription


Translation Example   1. Urban ˈəːb(ə)n

in, relating to, or characteristic of a town or city

городской The story I just heard has all the earmarks of an urban legend.   2. Rural ˈrʊər(ə)l

in, relating to, or characteristic of the countryside rather than the town

сельский She lives in a rural area.   3. Suburban səˈbəːb(ə)n

of or characteristic of a suburb

пригородный It's a ticket that was designed to appeal to suburban and small town voters.   4. Residential rɛzɪˈdɛnʃ(ə)l

designed for people to live in

жилой The land is currently zoned for residential use.   5. Smart smɑːt

clean, tidy, and well dressed

умный Youlooksmart   6. Inner-city  

the central part of a city where people live and where there are often problems because people are poor and there are few jobs and bad houses:

относящийся к бедному району The mayor is trying to attract new businesses to the inner city   7. Coastal ˈkəʊstl

of or near a coast.

береговой The coastal path is a popular route for walkers.   8. Up-and-coming ˌʌp(ə)nˈkʌmɪŋ

making good progress and likely to become successful.

предприимчивый The program showcases up-and-coming musicians.   9. A rush hour rʌʃ ˈaʊə

art of the day during which traffic congestion on roads and crowding on public transport is at its highest.

час-пик The rush hour traffic is murder   10. A detached house dɪˈtatʃhaʊs

is a free-standing residential building

отдельно стоящий дом We are live in a detached house in a suburb of a major city   11. To pollute pəˈluːt

to make air, water, or earth dirty or harmful to people, animals

загрязнять Car exhaust pollutes the air.   12. Light pollution lʌɪtpəˈluːʃ(ə)n

brightening of the night sky caused by street lights and other man-made sources

cветовое загрязнение There is a lot of pollution in the centre of Moscow   13. A wind farm wɪnd fɑːm

an area of land with a group of energy-producing windmills or wind turbines.

ветровая электростанция With a windbag like that, who needs a wind farm to meet our energy needs?   14. A cosmopolitan atmosphere ˌkɒzməˈpɒlɪt(ə)nˈatməsfɪə

A cosmopolitan place or society is full of people from many different countries and cultures

космополитическая среда       15. A crime rate krʌɪmreɪt

a count of crimes complied to assess the effectiveness of a crime control policy

оказатель /индекс, статистика/ преступности The crime rate is exceedingly high   16. To recycle riːˈsʌɪk(ə)l

to collect and treat used objects and materials that are ready to be thrown out in order to produce materials that can be used again:

рециркулировать We must recycle the cardboard boxes   17. A recycling point riːˈsaɪklɪŋpɔɪnt

o return to an earlier point in a countdown

Точкарециркуляции A number of municipalities have now set up recycling points (puntoslimpios) and promote waste upgrading, reuse and recycling   18. A friendly neighborhood ˈfrɛn(d)liˈneɪbərˌhʊd

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