Read the article and look up the meaning of the underlined words in the dictionary. — КиберПедия 

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Read the article and look up the meaning of the underlined words in the dictionary.

2021-06-02 28
Read the article and look up the meaning of the underlined words in the dictionary. 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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Read the article and look up the meaning of the underlined words in the dictionary.

Tokyo and Seoul explore free-trade pact

Japan and South Korea will take a significant step this week towards signing a bilateral free-trade agreement (FTA), an important concession for two Asian neighbors that have seen their relations worsened as the result of disagreements over their wartime history.

A spokesman for the Japan's prime minister said yesterday that the decision to try to forge an FTA would be announced during the prime minister's visit to South Korea this week, during which he will meet the country's President.

«The prime minister will point out that relations between the two have overcome some difficulties and will seek to transform the bilateral relationship so that it is more forward-looking», a spokesman said.

The decision forms part of Japan's policy of seeking individual FTAs with its trading partners and follows a similar agreement signed last year with Singapore. Negotiations are also under way for an FTA with Mexico.

During his visit the prime minister is also expected to discuss relations with North Korea and other issues of mutual interest.

Give Russian equivalents of the following words and phrases.

To point out; a bilateral agreement; a concession; to be under way; to forge (an agreement/a policy); problems of mutual interest; negotiations; the prime minister is expected to discuss; to take a significant step towards/to.

Give English equivalents of the following words and phrases. Reproduce the sentences from the article with them.

Ожидается, что премьер министр обсудит; уступка; проходить (о переговорах); двустороннее соглашение; добиваться соглашения; подчеркивать; вопросы, представляющие взаимный интерес; значительно продвинуться вперед, переговоры.

Read the article again and answer the questions.

1. What significant event is expected in bilateral relations of Japan and South Korea?

2. What decision is to be announced during the prime minister's visit to South Korea?

3. What will the prime minister point out during his visit?

4. What is Japan's foreign policy line in this respect?

5. What other issues is the prime minister going to discuss?


Read the article and look up the meaning of the underlined words in the dictionary.

Montenegro and Serbia agree to remain together

The European Union's foreign policy chief yesterday pulled off a significant diplomatic success after persuading the two Yugoslav republics of Serbia and Montenegro to stay together in a new union rather than opt for independence.

The agreement, forged after 12 hours of intense negotiations between Montenegrin and Serbian leaders in Belgrade, strengthens the EU's role in «preventive» diplomacy as it takes on g reater responsibility and security in the Balkans.

The deal, effectively keeping Montenegro within the federation, but with equal powers with Serbia, prevents further fragmentation of the Western Balkans. The region is slowly returning to stability after three brutal wars that claimed hundreds of thousands of lives during the

Under the arrangements, after a constitution comes into force Serbia and Montenegro will be organized under one parliament, president, council of ministers and court.

The council will be responsible for foreign affairs, defense, international economic relations, internal economic relations and protection of human and minority rights. The economic systems of both republics will be eventually harmonized with EU rules.

Give Russian equivalents of the following words and phrases.

To opt for independence; to take on responsibility; to come into force; to protect minority rights; to pull off a success; to claim hundreds of thousands of lives; under the arrangements; to strengthen.

Give English equivalents of the following words and phrases. Reproduce the sentences from the article with them.

Осуществлять/добиваться успеха; выбирать независимость; вступить в силу; защищать права меньшинств; брать на себя ответственность; унести сотни тысяч жизней; в соответствии с договоренностями; укреплять.

Questions for discussion.

1. Why do you think the success of persuading the two countries to stay together was called significant?

2. Do you agree that both republics would benefit from it?

3. What is «preventive diplomacy»? Can you think of other examples of preventive diplomacy?

4. Why do you think this agreement is so important? What does it prevent?





Questions for discussion.

1. Why do you think the relations between Moscow, Washington and Beijing are of crucial importance for the moment?

2. Do you think the states will continue to play this important role in international relations in the future? In what way could their roles change?

3. What are the prospects for Russian-US relations? How do you see the future relations of these two states?

4. Do you think Russia and China will be able to avoid conflicts in the future and preserve friendly relations?


Questions for discussion.

1. What can the widening gap between the military capabilities of the United States and those of its European partners lead to?

2. To what extent do you think Japanese experts' concerns are justified?

3. What is your assessment of the idea that the world order should serve US interests based on US military and economic primacy?

4. Should Japan redefine the constitution and embark on a military build up?

5. Do you see eye to eye with those who believe that growing Chinese power may challenge US and Japanese security? If yes, how should both US and Japan react to it?

6. What do you think is meant by the following statement: «To the extent that US allies neglect to maintain the capacity for basic collective military defense, they are forgetting or ignoring the lessons of history»?

7. Do you support the approach that the United States is still the indispensable nation?




Section A


Read the article and look up the meaning of the underlined words in the dictionary.

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