За столом сидят в ряд: Руслан, Людмила, Князь, Ратмир, Варлаф, Рогдай. — КиберПедия 

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За столом сидят в ряд: Руслан, Людмила, Князь, Ратмир, Варлаф, Рогдай.

2021-06-02 38
За столом сидят в ряд: Руслан, Людмила, Князь, Ратмир, Варлаф, Рогдай. 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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(Во время речи автора я включала презентацию с музыкой)



There is a green oak at the sea-side

And a golden chain’s around the tree

All days and nights a cat of science

is walking all around the chain

He does to the right and sings a ballad

He turns to the left and tells a story

There’re lots of wonders: a leshii crawling

A mermaid sitting on the tree

There are along the novel ways

The signs of unknown beasts of prey

There is a small hut on hen’s legs

Without any doors and windows

An evil witch's lone retreat;


The wood and valley full of visions

And at the dawn sea-waves streaming out

To a sandy and deserted coast

A troop of thirty lovely knights

Together with their martial uncle

Go lining out of the sea. There, weeping,
A princess sits locked in a cell,
And Grey Wolf serves her very well;
There, in a mortar, onward sweeping
All of itself, beneath the skies
The wicked Baba-Yaga flies;
There pines Koshchei and lusts for gold....
All breathes of Russ, the Russ of old


There once I was, and mead I drank

And saw the green oak at the sea
And the clever cat was 'neath the oak

His fairy tales he told to me
The one I liked do I recall
And here and now will share with all...




За столом сидят в ряд: Руслан, Людмила, Князь, Ратмир, Варлаф, Рогдай.



My Dear guests, doughty sons,
I’m holding this fete in honour of

My daughter and her chosen mate, Prince Ruslan,

these two are linking in a marriage,

and I’m drinking their health,


Руслан и Людмила встают, Князь благословляет их:

You, Ruslan, should promise me

You’ll protect my dear daughter

The princess Ludmila all your life!


Руслан: I really do, I promise

To defend her at the cost of my life!


Руслан, Людмила уходят. Вдруг поднимается ветер, из-за ширмы видны руки движениями притягивающие Людмилу к себе, она не в силах сопротивляться уходит за ними. Тут входят князь и гости.


Князь: Ludmila.... Where is Ludmila?


Руслан: She’s been taken by an unknown magic

I couldn’tsaveher…


Князь (обращаясь к гостям):

My children! Your merits past high hold I....

Free, I beg, my daughter from the clutches
Of evil. Go forth and save
My poor Ludmila, and you'll not rue it:
He who succeeds, shall have Ludmila for a bride
And half my fathers' kingdom beside!...
Who'll heed my plea?


Руслан: I!


Рогдай: I! We are leaving straightway,

And pray, believe us, our dear sire,
We'll ride around the world entire
And from your daughter parted
Not long will you be, never fear.


Князь провожает их помахав рукой: God bless you!

Все уходят


Встреча со старцем:

Руслан идет по полю. Встречается со старцем.



I welcome you, my knight! At last!
Here have I twenty long years passed
But now has come the blissful day
For which, foreseeing it, I waited.
To meet, we two, my son, were fated,
Now sit and listen to me, I pray....
Ludmila has from you been taken;
And you are now by hope forsaken.
Be brave; With evil you will meet.
The blows of fortune you defeat!

He who has wronged you, O my daring

Is old wicked wizard Chernomor.
You'll find him and you’ll end forever
The villain's rule; by your hand he
Will perish – so 'tis meant to be!


Руслан: I’m grateful for you

Be there for me, Father, in my need! Goodbye!"


Старец: Forgive your bride and love her, knight!

And follow my advice, Farewell (Goodluck)!




Руслан оказывается в незнакомом поле усеянном черепами, костями, щитами, мечами …

"O field, wide field, you bear the traces
Of slaughter. Who planted you to bones and why?
By whose fleet stallion were you trampled?

Встреча с громадной головой. (Предлагаем сделать голову богатыря на большом плакате в рост человека, за ним может скрываться и играть роль ученик-актер)


Голова: Back, you foolish fellow!
I jest not.. Come and get your due:
I gobble malaperts like you!

What do you want? Make off! Adieu!
I'm going back to sleep.


Руслан: Not you!

I ride along and no grudge bear you,
But cross my path, and I won't spare you!

Голова: "Ho, knight, where to?
To flee is most unwise of you,
You'll break your neck! Come, my assailant,
Attack me, show me just how valiant
You are!

Битва Руслана с головой. Голова дует. Руслана относит ветром, но он перебарывает ветер приближается к голове и опрокидывает ее и находит под ней богатырский меч. Руслан хочет отрубитьголове уши.


Голова молит о пощаде:

You brought me to my senses, well.
I promise you, I will obey you,
But mercy, mercy, knight, I pray you!
Now that you’ve beaten me in fight

I say, you have the holy right

For the magic sword. For ever after
It shall be yours, Fate's kind to you.




(Людмила в замке Черномора). Две девушки в восточных костюмах держат платок на вытянутых руках, изображая собой навес. Перед ними по краям блюда с восточными сладостями. Под ним проходит Людмила и начинает свою речь.


Людмила: A captive, from my love torn, why
Should I not end it all and die?
Oh, villain, you torment me
Yet humour me: such is your whim,
But I... I scorn you and contempt
Your wily ways. This feast you sent me,
This gauzy tent wherein I sit,
These songs, a lovelorn heart's outpouring,
Which, for all that, are rather boring,-
In faith, I need them not a whit!

(Людмила одела шапку Черномора задом наперед и стала невидимой. Вышла в сад и гуляет.)

Людмила в саду Черномора отдыхает в беседке и слышит голос Руслана: My love! Ludmila!




Руслан с Черномором бьются мечами, затем Руслан ухитряется поймать его за бороду и они летают. Наконец карлик устает и говорит Руслану:


Prince, I'll do you ill
No more; in faith, I value highly
Young valour such as yours and will
Descend at once – on one condition...

Руслан: Be silent, dastardly magician!
I won’t agree With my beloved bride's tormentor,
Nor into any dealings enter
With you! This sword-'tis only meet
Will punish you, and this most sure!
All of your wiles will serve you poorly!
Fly to the stars, if you so choose,
And still your whiskers you will lose!

Черномор: Oh, knight!Have mercy, pray!
I've no breath left at all. Deliver
Me from this plight without delay.
I'm in your hands. Where'er you say
We will be flying.


Руслан: Aha, you shiver!
Well, then, admit you're overcome
By Russian strength! And, villain, come,
To my Ludmila quickly take me!




(Во время речи автора я включала презентацию с музыкой)



There is a green oak at the sea-side

And a golden chain’s around the tree

All days and nights a cat of science

is walking all around the chain

He does to the right and sings a ballad

He turns to the left and tells a story

There’re lots of wonders: a leshii crawling

A mermaid sitting on the tree

There are along the novel ways

The signs of unknown beasts of prey

There is a small hut on hen’s legs

Without any doors and windows

An evil witch's lone retreat;


The wood and valley full of visions

And at the dawn sea-waves streaming out

To a sandy and deserted coast

A troop of thirty lovely knights

Together with their martial uncle

Go lining out of the sea. There, weeping,
A princess sits locked in a cell,
And Grey Wolf serves her very well;
There, in a mortar, onward sweeping
All of itself, beneath the skies
The wicked Baba-Yaga flies;
There pines Koshchei and lusts for gold....
All breathes of Russ, the Russ of old


There once I was, and mead I drank

And saw the green oak at the sea
And the clever cat was 'neath the oak

His fairy tales he told to me
The one I liked do I recall
And here and now will share with all...




За столом сидят в ряд: Руслан, Людмила, Князь, Ратмир, Варлаф, Рогдай.



My Dear guests, doughty sons,
I’m holding this fete in honour of

My daughter and her chosen mate, Prince Ruslan,

these two are linking in a marriage,

and I’m drinking their health,


Руслан и Людмила встают, Князь благословляет их:

You, Ruslan, should promise me

You’ll protect my dear daughter

The princess Ludmila all your life!


Руслан: I really do, I promise

To defend her at the cost of my life!


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