ДЛЯ магистрантов И АСПИРАНТОВ — КиберПедия 

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ДЛЯ магистрантов И АСПИРАНТОВ

2021-06-02 71
ДЛЯ магистрантов И АСПИРАНТОВ 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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ДЛЯ магистрантов И АСПИРАНТОВ


Под редакцией профессора Н.А.Голиковой


Утверждено советом университета

в качестве учебного пособия



ББК 81.2 Англ.

УДК 802.0



кандидат филологических наук, доцент Н.Е.Воскресенская

кандидат педагогических наук, доцент Л.В.Семенова



Захарова С.А., Колышкина Л.Л., Суринова Е.А.

Английский язык для магистрантов и аспирантов:учебное пособие / Под ред. проф. Н.А.Голиковой. – СПб: СПбГМТУ, 2013. – 82 с.



Учебное пособие предназначено для обучения речевой деятельности на английском языке магистрантов и аспирантов всех направлений подготовки.

Пособие состоит из четырех разделов: «Высшее и послевузовское образование», «Судостроение и международные морские организации», «Новые технологии. Проблемы и решения», «Умения и навыки, необходимые для научной карьеры».

Пособие направлено на развитие навыков чтения научно-технической литературы, написания научных статей, выступления с докладами, делового общения. Особое внимание уделяется текстам о современных достижениях в области кораблестроения, судового машиностроения и приборостроения. Выбор грамматических заданий обусловлен особенностями языка научно-технической литературы. В пособии также имеются лексические и коммуникативно-речевые упражнения, тематический словарь, диагностический тест, приложения. В состав приложений входят грамматические таблицы, словообразовательные модели, список наиболее употребительных сокращений и латинских выражений, рекомендации по составлению аннотации и реферата.



ББК 81.2 Англ.

УДК 802.0





Phonetic Symbols ………………………………………………... Placement Test …………………………………………………… Introduction. Academic and Technical English ………………….. Unit 1. Postgraduate Education. …………………………………. Basic verb forms. Tenses. Active and Passive Voice. Unit 2. Shipbuilding and World Marine Organizations. ………… The Infinitive. Objective and Subjective Infinitive Constructions. The Participle. Nominative Absolute Participle Construction. The Gerund. Unit 3. New Technologies. Problems and Solutions. ……………. Modal Verbs. Prepositions. Unit 4. Useful Skills for a Science Career. ……………………… Sequence of Tenses. Reported Speech. Conditionals. Appendix 1. The Plural of some Irregular Nouns from Latin and Greek ……………………………………………….. Appendix 2. Irregular Verbs …………………………………….. Appendix 3. Word-Building …………………………………….. Appendix 4. Abbreviations ……………………………………… Appendix 5. Popular Latin Phrases and their English Equivalents Appendix 6. Abstract and Summary Writing …………………….   4 4 7 9 26 43 60 74 74 76 78 79 79  





Согласные  Consonants

Гласные  Vowels

[b] [p] [v] [f] [k] [g] [s] [z] [d] [t] [G] [C]   but pen very fine cat go sit zero day ten jam child   [T] [D] [j] [m] [n] [r] [l] [Z] [S] [h] [w] [N]   think this yes my no red like television she he we song   [A] [e] [I] [x] [P] [u] [q]   [R] [J] [L] [H] [W] but pen sit cat dog put about, center car see four too girl [eI] [aI] [OI] [eq] [qV] [Iq] [uq] [aV] [aIq] [aVq] [eIq] [OIq] day my boy where no here poor now fire our chaos lawyer  



Choose the correct answer.

Basic Points

1. Is this book ______?                                                               a) yours       b) your        c) the yours

2. Who are ______ people over there?                                           a) that          b) –             c) those

3. Everybody ______ fine weather.                                                    a) likes         b) like              c) is liking

4. Is he ______ an examination now?                                                 a) taken        b) taking      c) takes

5. This is ______ winter for 20 years.                                                 a) the worse  b) worst       c) the worst

6. Is there ______ interesting in this article?                                        a) something b) anything   c) any

7. ______ help me?                                                                          a) Can you to b) Do you can c) Can you

8. It ______ again. It ______ all the time here in the winter.                 a) ’s raining, ’raining b) rains, ’s raining c) ’s raining, rains

9. Who _____ the window?                                                               a) open    b) opened          c) did open

10. What _____?                                                                               a) does she want b) does she wants    c) she wants

Intermediate Points

1. I _____ the university in 2005.                                                  a) have entered  b) was entered   c) entered

2. I knew that he _____ waiting for somebody.                               a) is   b) was     c) would

3. As soon as she came in, I knew I _____ her before.                          a) have seen  b) saw          c) had seen

4. I enjoy _____, but I wouldn’t like _____ it all my life.                     a) to teach, to do    b) teaching, doing   c) teaching, to do

5. I’m not sure what _____                                                                a) do they want?     b) do they want.     c) they want.

6. Six public holidays _____ in Great Britain.                                          a) celebrate       b) are celebrating    c) are celebrated

7. Some of the people _____ to the party can’t come.                           a) inviting    b) invited c) who invited

8. Mary’s English is excellent. She speaks _____.                                a) perfectly English b) English perfectly     c) English perfect

9. What about _____ to the cinema tonight?                                        a) go  b) to go        c) going

10. Определите какое слово является лишним:                                  a) risen b) blew c) drove d) did c) spoke f) saw g) knew


Devoted to a postgraduate


When you make investigation,

You collect much information;

Then you do a lot of thinking

(For the time keep off your drinking).

If you have much evidence,

Then you make a reference

To the data first obtained;

Some corrections should be made.

My advice: avoid confusion,

Controversy and diffusion,

Classifying all the factors

And arranging all the matters.

If you make them systematic,

They won't look so enigmatic,

Contradicting and confusing,

And surprising, and diffusing.

Give another thought to facts

And propose your concepts,

Analyze the consequence,

Always use the same sequence.

And you can’t be satisfied

Till the concept’s verified;

Running tests will prove it’s true,

The solution is brand new.

On comparing the information

You must make modifications

Or discard the theory,

If results do disagree.

When mistakes are all corrected,

The hypothesis is accepted,

Then it’s clear: you are wise

And deserve a special prize.

Author unknown



1. applicant n – кандидат, абитуриент

2. graduate from University – окончить университет

3. graduate n – выпускник вуза

4. undergraduate n – студент

5. postgraduate (student) n – магистрант, аспирант

6. Master / PhD student – магистрант / аспирант

7. enter university – поступить в университет

8. take a Master / PhD course – учиться в магистратуре / аспирантуре

9. correspondence/distance course – заочное обучение

10. department n – кафедра; факультет

11. scientific advisor – научный руководитель (диссертации)

12. course fee(s) / tuition fee(s) – плата за обучение

13. grant / scholarship n – стипендия

14. attend / miss a lecture, seminar, class, conference – посещать/ пропускать лекцию, семинар, занятие, конференцию

15. final exams / state finals – выпускные / государственные экзамены

16. qualification exams – экзамены для получения диплома / степени

Useful Phrases

1. get a place at university / be admitted to university / be enrolled at university – поступить в университет

2. do / study subjects at university / do a degree (in a field of science / engineering) – учиться в университете (в какой-либо области науки / техники)

3. study for a Bachelor of Arts / a Master of Science – учиться на степень бакалавра гуманитарных наук / магистра естественных наук

4. the first degree: an Engineering degree/ a Specialist degree; a Bachelor of Arts (a BA), a Bachelor of Science (a BSc) – степень / диплом инженера, специалиста; бакалавра гуманитарных наук, бакалавра естественных наук

5. the second degree – a Master degree (a MA, MSc, MEng) – степень / диплом магистра

6. give / deliver a lecture – читать лекцию

7. read / report a (scientific) paper / give a report – делать доклад

8. read technical information/literature – читать техническую лите­ратуру

9. look for / through thesis-related information – искать / просматри­вать литературу по теме диссертации

10. have / take / do // pass // fail an examination in a subject – сдавать// сдать // не сдать экзамен по предмету

11. a PhD (Doctor of Philosophy), the third degree in Russia or the highest degree in the UK – ученая степень кандидата наук (доктора фи­лософии), третья ученая степень в России или высшая в Британии

12. do research on / into some particular theme – проводить исследова­ние по какой-либо теме

13. complete and defend a graduation work / degree work / research / thesis / dissertation / qualification project – написать и защитить выпускную / дипломную работу / исследование / диссертацию / дипломный проект

14. to find / get / have a job in technical / industrial / scientific sectors – найти / получить / иметь работу в технической / промышленной / научной сфере

15. university degree in computer engineering – диплом инженера по вычислительной технике

16. award a degree – присуждать ученую степень

17. have / hold / have got a degree / diploma in physics from a University – иметь университетский диплом по физике

18. have academic qualifications – иметь диплом о высшем образо­вании

19. the first class diploma – диплом с отличием («красный»)

20. employ v – нанимать на работу

21. science and technology (engineering) – наука и техника

1.1   Match English phrases with their Russian equivalents.

1) look through 2) take exams 3) give a report 4) pass exams 5) fail exams 6) think over 7) applicant 8) do research 9) do a degree in physics 10) employ 11) attend a lecture 12) take notes a) обдумывать b) посещать лекцию c) проводить исследования d) не сдать экзамены e) изучать физику в университете f) конспектировать g) сдавать экзамены h) сделать доклад i) просматривать j) кандидат, абитуриент k) сдать экзамены l) нанимать на работу

1.2   Choose the correct option in each sentence.

1. I graduated from / finished University last year.

2. I’m studying for a Master diploma / degree.

3. We have to read a lot of special / specialist literature.

4. I hope I’ll be awarded / given a Master degree next year.

5. I am going to get married when I’ve done / made my course.

6. We are to take qualification / final exams in Philosophy and English in June.

7. I’d like to get a higher degree in / on science.

8. He asked for / applied to the university to take a further degree course involving both exams and research.

Language to use

1. I’d like to work – in the field of research….

– as a …

– as part of a team

and have      – a 9-5 job

– a lot of responsibility

– a rewarding job

2. When I complete my University Master course (programme), I will work….      – in industry

– as a…

– for…/with… (a company)

3. I’m interested in – varied / interesting / challenging work

– helping people

– large salary / a well-paid job

– security

– a job useful to society / a creative job

– rapid promotion

4. My work will – involve a lot of traveling

– start early in the morning

5. Personal qualities which are important for my career are:

business-like, observant, initiative, decisive, responsible, energetic, critical, hard-working, flexible, well-educated …

6. Factors important for me in a job are the following: …

1.5 Idioms. Complete the sentences with idioms: jack-of-all-trades; bring home the bacon; in the same boat; follow in his footsteps.

1. My uncle is a pilot and I’d really like to ….

2. The man in that shop can do anything. He’s a ….

3. Everyone worries about finding a job when they leave school, but we’re all ….

4. I really admire my parents. They work very hard to ….

1.6   Read the advertisement and tell us why you chose to take the post graduate course at this University.


St.Petersburg State Marine Technical University is a well-known highly ranked institution providing education in a wide spectrum of marine-related sciences and also in up-to-date branches of general engineering, business and social studies.

It is offering BSc and MSc degree programmes in engineering as well as over 30 vocational courses leading to the degrees in Economics, Management, Sociology. With over five thousand full-time students the University is currently expanding a number of new courses and programmes within and beyond engineering. The high standards of teaching at the MTU are confirmed by accreditation of five engineering courses by the Institute of Marine Engineers (UK).

The students from eighteen countries are an integral part of our community and we invite new applicants to join our full-time and short-term courses covering sciences, engineering, language and social studies. MTU maintains effective collaboration with many overseas institutions, public organizations and companies participating in research programmes and international projects.



according to согласно чему-л.
at present в настоящее время
cover v зд. охватывать, составлять
design v проектировать; предназначать
device n устройство, прибор
develop v разрабатывать; развивать(ся)
environment n окружающая среда
establish v устанавливать, создавать
enterprise n предприятие, организация
investigate v исследовать
in honour of в честь кого-л.
meet requirements удовлетворять требованиям
naval adj военно-морской, морской
offer v предлагать
train v готовить (специалистов)

1.7   Learn to read the words.

techn o logy, res our ce, en vir onment, v eh icle, m an u fa cture, in it iative, sc ie nce, e nterprise, os cill at ion, engin eer, g ra duate, re cei ve, mech an ics, conc ern, rese ar ch, app ly, m ic roeco no mics, cont rol, id ea, h on our, f or eign, a cadem ic ian, car eer, de sign, c our se, mar in e, eq ui valent

1.8  Do you like history? Do you know the history of your University?

a) Read the following texts and make a list of the facts about your University which you didn’t know.

b) Give the names of scientific degrees and memorize them.

History of the University

The history of St. Petersburg State Marine Technical University goes back to 1902 when a special department for professional education in naval architecture was established in St. Petersburg Polytechnic Institute. The first twenty seven graduates of this department received the degree of naval engineers and were trained to “construct any ships and ship machines”.

In 1918 all the departments of the Polytechnic Institute grew into faculties and since that time instruction of naval engineers is continuous in Russia. In 1930 the Shipbuilding Faculty of the Polytechnic Institute gave birth to Leningrad Shipbuilding Institute which became the leading educational institution of marine engineering and ocean technology in the country. In 1992 it was renamed the Marine Technical University (MTU).

At present the MTU offers a wide range of undergraduate and postgraduate programs leading to degrees of a specialist, Bachelor of Science (BSc), Master of Science (MSc), candidate and doctoral degrees, equivalents to Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) and Doctor of Science (DSc). Normally a full-time course leading to a BSc degree takes four years, to a MSc – another two years; to PhD and DSc – additional three years.

Within the MTU there are many faculties. They are as follows: the Faculty of Shipbuilding and Ocean Technology, the Faculty of Marine Engineering and Automation, the Faculty of Designing Marine Devices, the Faculty of Economics and others.

The fields of studies offered by MTU to master students are: shipbuilding and ocean engineering, information science and computer engineering, and applied mechanics. Master degree holders can be employed in business, research and design agencies, educational institutions, etc.

PhD students have a wider range of disciplines to study.

1.9   Word formation. Can you work out the meaning of the words below? Prefixes in-, il-, ir-, im-  are negative.

illegal             immaterial    incomplete

illogical          immeasurable    inhuman

irregular         immobile          innavigable

irresponsible        impolite            inactive

irrational             impatient          invisible

irrelevant        imperfect      indecisive

irreplaceable   impersonal   insecure

1.10   Read the text and speak about the contribution in shipbuilding made by the University scientists.

Scientists and Ships

Beginning with 1902 when the Shipbuilding Department of the Polytechnic Institute was organized and later the scientists and professors of the Shipbuilding Institute began to create new programs and scientific directions to be studied and developed in the field of shipbuilding. Professor K.P.Boklevsky (1862-1928) was the first to found the theory of ship design. He also offered to apply aluminium in shipbuilding and to install diesels as power plants aboard the ships. The academician A.N.Krylov (1863-1945) developed the ship oscillation theory and together with admiral S.O.Makarov they calculated the first tables of unsinkability.

Professor S.I.Druzhinin (1872-1935) was at the head of materials strength school. The Russian school of acoustics was founded by prof. L.L.Myasnikov (1905-1972), who was the first to investigate ultrasound and infrasound oscillations. Professors S.N.Blagovetschensky (1903-1985) and V.P.Semyonov-Tyan-Shansky (1893-1973) greatly contributed to the theory of stability and unsinkability. Professor V.P.Vologdin (1883-1970) initiated the application of welding in shipbuilding. Prof. N.E.Putov (1890-1980) developed the theory of ship structure.

New scientific schools were founded by professors V.A.Vansheid (1890-1982) and A.A.Moiseev (1896-1979) in the fields of internal combustion engines and steam turbines respectively.

All these ideas and scientific directions were further developed at our laboratories and departments by the scientists and professors of the MTU, graduates of the University. Professors N.N.Gorokhov, P.A.Doroshenko, P.A.Istomin, A.V.Bronnikov and many others made their great contribution to the theory of shipbuilding and education of shipbuilders. Professors A.N.Kholodilin and A.L.Vasilyev published books about the history of our University.

Many graduates had successful careers – B.E.Butoma was Minister of Shipbuilding, E.V.Tovstykh and D.M.Rostovsev were Rectors of the University; L.A.Maslov, D.S.Skobov, V.A.Postnov, V.N.Kvasnikov – prorectors; B.I.Shtafinsky, V.V.Rozhdestvensky, I.B.Ikonnikov, B.V.Rakitsky and others were deans of the faculties.

About thirty vessels were named in honour of the scientists and professors of the Shipbuilding Institute – MTU. Among them there are the motorship “Akademik Krylov” (1937) and the research vessel “Akademik Krylov” (1982), the tanker “I.Bubnov” (1975), the motorships “Akademik Pozdyunin” (1984), “Professor Papkovich” (1985), “Professor Tovstykh” (1985) and others.

1.11   Project. Collect information about your department and write about it. Use the helping hints below.

Being accurate is veryimportant in academic and professional writing. Check your project for:

· sentence length. Are your sentences too long or short?

· word order, linking words;

· words left out, e.g. articles, prepositions, and auxiliary verbs;

· using tenses.

Grammar: Active Voice

Tenses Simple Continuous Perfect
Present   regularly I write Я пишу now I am writing Я пишу by now I have written Я написал
Past yesterday I wrote Я писал yesterday + at I was writing Я писал yesterday + by I had written Я написал
Future tomorrow I will write Я буду писать tomorrow + at I will be writing Я буду писать tomorrow + by I will have written Я напишу
Future-in -the-Past She said she would write Она сказала, что напишет She said she would be writing Она сказала, что будет писать She said she would have written Она сказала, что напишет  



1.13   Practice Active Tenses and speak on:

1. what you do regularly as a post-graduate student;

2. how you are working at your thesis now/this month;

3. what you did for your thesis last month;

4. what you have already done for your thesis;

5. what you are planning (going) to do for your thesis in the near future;

6. what you will do after taking the post-graduate course;

7. how long you have been working at your thesis;

8. how you are getting prepared to your qualifying examinations for а Master degree.


Grammar: Passive Voice

Be+V3 Simple Continuous Perfect
Present regularly I am invited Меня приглашают now I am being invited Меня приглашают by now I have been invited Меня пригласили
Past yesterday I was invited Меня пригласили/я был приглашен yesterday + at I was being invited Меня приглашали yesterday + by I had been invited Меня пригласили
Future tomorrow I will be invited Меня пригласят tomorrow + by I will have been invited Меня пригласят
Future-in -the-Past She said I would be invited Она сказала, что я буду приглашен/ меня пригласят She said I would have been invited Она сказала, что я буду приглашен/ меня пригласят

Passive Song

Once a problem is raised, information is obtained,

And the boss is consulted now and then.

An approach is proposed, all the factors are supposed,

And the ways are considered again.

When a theory’s suggested, all deductions are tested,

And the model is then modified.

Wrong ones are discarded, right ones are regarded,

The solution is proved to be right.

Then a thesis is written, mind that copying’s forbidden,

You present it to the Academic Board.

If it’s not modified then and agreed to be relied on,

You are given a degree or award.


1.14 Translate the sentences.

a) 1. ‘To be or not to be?’ This question could be answered due to high mental ability of sophisticated computers. 2. In future, superintelligent machines will be allowed to do only the work useful to mankind but not dangerous for it. 3. Much attention is given nowadays to moral aspects of Artificial Intelligence. 4. Computer industry has been greatly influenced by universal social and economic progress. 5. The negative consequences of technological progress ought not to be neglected. 6. The lecture was accompanied by the demonstration of a scientific film. 7. What languages are you taught at the University?

b) 1. The speaker wasn’t listened to at all. 2. His latest paper is still being spoken of. 3. The theory is often referred to. 4. The problem should be immediately dealt with. 5. This specialist was sent for to help us in our work. 6. The lecture was followed by an experiment. 7. She was spoken to about this matter yesterday. 8. Our life is more and more influenced by science. 9. The e-mail was answered immediately. 10. All the questions asked were answered in detail. 11. The choice of the hull form is influenced by service considerations.

Notes:   influence – влиять на

              follow – следовать за

              answer – отвечать на

1.15   Practice Passive Tenses and write:

1. what should be done to become a post-graduate student (make a decision, pass entrance examinations, choose a higher school/ faculty/ department/ advisor/ theme/ name of the thesis…);

2. what is now being done for the thesis (collect material; carry out experiments; look through/read scientific literature; discuss/think over theme/problems/aspects; attend seminars/conferences);

3. what has already been done.

1.16   Answer the questions:

1. Why did you decide to take a post-graduate course?

2. What was the topic of your diploma research?

3. What higher school did you graduate from?

4. What’s the theme of your thesis?

5. How important and topical is it?

6. How new is the theme?

7. How much and what has already been done on the theme by previous researchers?

8. Are you working now?

9. How do you manage to combine work and post-graduate study?

10. Is your thesis theoretical or experimental?

11. What about spare time: have you got it? How do you spend it?

12. Have you ever taken part in scientific seminars and conferences?

13. Have you published your own scientific papers? What are they about?

Grammar: There is   and   It is.

1.17   Study the models and learn some fixed expressions.

There is  still time / no point in waiting / nothing we can do / a problem / no time like the present.

It is  too late / not my fault / time to go / a nuisance / a priority.

1.18 Complete the sentences with there or it and the form of the verb be:

1. …… too late, …… nothing we can do about it now.

2. …… not my fault. …… proper ways to do things and you didn’t follow the procedure.

3. …… problems when the news gets out. …… not the right way to introduce an important change in the way we work.

4. …… time to go. If we leave now, …… time to call in at Head Office on the way to the airport.

5. …… a vacancy in the Accounts Department. …… for someone to control the accounts of the dozen or so major clients.

6. …… a nuisance but …… nothing we can do on our part. We’ll just have to wait.

7. …… gate 57, …… still time for the duty-free shop!

8. …… problems with the fax machine which we need to get fixed and …… urgent. – Right, I’ll ring straight away. …… no time like the present.

9. We’ve run out of headed paper. – I think …… a couple of boxes in the stationary cupboard.

10. …… only a couple of days before the deadline, so …… a top priority.

11. …… no point in worrying about it. …… too late.

1.19   Word formation. Complete the sentences with adjectives ending in - ful or - less.

1. Smoking is … (harm) to one’s health. 2. I thought it would hurt when the doctor gave me the injection but it was actually quite … (pain). 3. Ted is a very … (care) driver; he has got into many accidents. 4. Don’t be afraid of our dog – he’s … (harm). 5. The woman was very … (help); when I asked her for directions she told me exactly how to get there. 6. It is … (doubt) that he’ll pass the exam as he hasn’t revised at all. 7. The … (care) secretary typed all the letters without making any mistakes. 8. Jamie is a … (thought) person who always remembers my birthday. 9. Her … (thought) remarks hurt my feelings.

1.20  Read the text, translate it and make a summary. See Appendix 6 for tips.


Conversational functions

Language styles

Neutral Informal Formal   GREETINGS Hello! Morning! Afternoon! Evening! How are you? – I’m fine, thank you. Jim! Good to see you again! How very nice to see you again! ‘Hi, Cathy! How are you?’ ‘Fine, thanks, and you?’   Hi! How are things? Good morning, Mr/Mrs/Miss …! Good morning, ladies and gentlemen! Good afternoon, everybody! Good evening!     SAYING GOODBYE Goodbye! Hope to see you again. Have a good time!   Bye! Bye-bye! See you later / soon/tomorrow. Keep in touch. Take care! Goodbye, gentlemen. I look forward to seeing you soon.   INTRODUCING This is …, our new colleague. Hello, my name is …. I’m from …. Mary, I’d like you to meet …. Have you ever met …? By the way, do you know each other? Hello, I’m …. Hi, I’m …. Hello, this is…. Alex, meet Jane. Oh, look, here’s Vicky. Vicky – Mary, Mary – Vicky.   May I introduce myself? First let me introduce myself. Allow me to introduce myself. My name is …. I’d like to introduce Mr Brown to you. He is ….   ANSWERING AN INTRODUCTION I’m very pleased to meet you. Pleased / Glad to meet you. Nice to meet you. Good to meet you. How do you do. – How do you do. I’m delighted to meet you.
1.24 Read and act out: 1 ‘Let me introduce you to Mr. Walter. He is a businessman from Chicago. Mr. Walter, this is my old friend, Mike Jones.’ ‘How do you do.’ ‘How do you do.’ 2 ‘It’s a long time since I saw you last. How’s everybody at home?’ ‘Fine, thank you. And how are things with you?’ ‘Not so good, I’m afraid.’ ‘Why? What’s the matter?’   3 ‘I’m afraid it is time to leave.’ ‘See you tomorrow, then.’ 4 ‘Excuse me, I must be going. It’s been nice seeing you.’ ‘Best regards to everybody at home.’ 5 ‘It’s been nice seeing you.’ ‘Glad to have met you, too. Hope to see you again soon.’ 6 ‘Thank you for a wonderful evening. It’s been a pleasure.’ ‘The pleasure was mine.’



1. as early as – еще с (какого-то времени)

2. auxiliary machinery – вспомогательные механизмы

3. cargo handling – обработка груза

4. emergency towing system – аварийная буксировочная система

5. framing (longitudinal, transverse) – набор корпуса судна (продольный, поперечный)

6. hatchcover n – крышка люка

7. high tensible steel – сталь с высоким сопротивлением разрыву

8. installation n – установка

9. legislation n – законодательство

10. maintenance n – техническая эксплуатация, обслуживание

11. marine auxiliary engine – судовой вспомогательный двигатель

12. no longer – больше не

13. outfit item – деталь / предмет оборудования, оснастки

14. owing to – благодаря 

15. range from… to… – колебаться / быть в пределах от… до…

16. scantling n – набор судна

17. survey n – инспектирование, осмотр, освидетельствование

18. TEU – twenty feet equivalent unit – 20-футовый контейнер

19. tow v – буксировать

2.1 Match the words and expressions in columns A and B.

A     1) auxiliary engine 2) outfit item 3) cargo handling 4) freighter 5) framing 6) hatchcover 7) towing system B   a) буксировочная система b) деталь оснастки c) крышка люка d) набор корпуса судна e) грузовое судно f) вспомогательный двигатель g) грузообработка

2.2 Learn the types of ships and add new ones.

1. ferry n – паром

2. cruise ship – круизное судно

3. bulk-carrier – балкер, навалочник, судно для перевозки навалочных грузов

4. ro-ro ship (roll-on / roll-off ship) – трейлерное судно (накатное судно, судно с горизонтальным способом погрузки и выгрузки)

5. towboat n, tugboat n – буксир, буксировочное судно

6. freighter n – грузовое судно

2.3  Translate the following expressions.

1) owing to, as early as, as well as, as well, although, no longer, such as, while, regarding, because of, as for, in order to, compared to/with

2) prevent accidents, ship design process, ship operation, offer programs, structural item, corrosion problems, are required, cost-effective, various cargoes, meet the needs, types of ships, develop programs, the size of tankers, marine engine, derive from, result in, result from

2.4  Read, translate and retell the text.


Like the famous international insurance market, Lloyd’s of London, Lloyd’s Register owes its name and foundation to the 17th century coffee house in London frequented by merchants, marine underwriters, and others, all associated with shipping. The coffee house owner, Edward Lloyd, helped them to exchange information by circulating a printed sheet of all news he heard. In 1760, the Register Society was formed by the customers of the coffee house who assembled the Register of Shipping, the first known register of its type.

The society printed the first Register of Ships in 1764 in order to give both underwriters and merchants an idea of the condition of the vessels they insured and chartered: ship hulls were graded by letters (A being the best), and ship’s fittings (masts, rigging, and other equipment) were graded by numbers (1 being the best). Thus the best classification was “A1”, from which the expression A1, or A1 at Lloyd’s, is derived, first appeared in the 1775-76 edition of the Register.

The Lloyd’s Register Group is a maritime classification society and independent risk management organization providing risk assessment and management systems classification. Historically, as Lloyd’s Register of Shipping, it was a specifically maritime organization. During the late 20th century, it diversified into other industries including oil and gas, processing industries, nuclear and rail. The Register, with information on all sea-going, self-propelled merchant ships of 100 gross tons or greater, is published annually. A vessel remains registered with Lloyd’s until it is sunk, wrecked, hulked, or scrapped.

Lloyd’s Register provides quality assurance and certification for ships, offshore structures and shore-based installations such as power stations and railway infrastructure. However, Lloyd’s Register is known best for the classification and certification of ships, and inspects and approves important components and accessories, including life-saving appliances, marine pollution prevention, fire protection, navigation, radio communication equipment, deck gear, cables and anchors.

Lloyd’s Rules for ships are derived from principles of Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering, and govern safety and operational standards for numerous merchant, military and privately-owned vessels all around the world. Lloyd’s Rules govern a number of topics including:

· Materials used for construction of vessel.

· Ship structural requirements and minimum scantlings, dependent upon ship type.

· Operation and maintenance of main and auxiliary machinery.

· Operation and maintenance of emergency and control systems.

Specific editions of the rules are available to provide merchant ships, naval ships, trimarans, special purpose vessels and offshore structures. A ship is known to be in class if it meets all the minimum requirements of Lloyd’s Rules, and such a status affects the possibility of a ship getting insurance. Class can be withdrawn from a ship if it is in violation of any regulations and does not maintain the minimum requirements specified by the company. Any alteration to the vessel, whether it is a structure or machinery, must be approved by Lloyd’s Register before it is implemented.

Ships are inspected on a regular basis by a team of Lloyd’s Register surveyors, one of the most important inspections being a ship’s annual Load Line Survey. Such a survey includes an inspection of the hull to make sure that the load line has not been altered. Numerous other inspections such as the condition of hatch and door seals, safety barriers and guard rails are also performed. Upon completion the ship is allowed to be operated for another year, and is issued a Load Line Certificate.

Notes: charter – фрахтовать

deck gear – палубные устройства

insurance market – рынок страхования

marine underwriter – морской страховщик

hulked ship – старый, не годный к плаванию корабль

hatch and door seal – уплотнение люка и двери

Load Line Survey – проверка грузовой марки

quality assurance – гарантия качества

2.8  Did you know about this interesting fact?


In 1898, a book was published in the USA called The Wreck of the Titan. It told the story of a huge ocean liner, the Titan, which its builders called unsinkable. On its maiden voyage from England to New York, in April, it hit an iceberg and sank. There were not enough lifeboats on the ship and many passengers got drowned. Fourteen years later, on the 15th of April, 1912, the unsinkable Titanic sank on its maiden voyage from England to New York after hitting an iceberg. There were not enough lifeboats and half the passengers died.

Note: maiden voyage – первое плавание






The scientists

Our students

These people

want would like











To do

  Ib expect believe know consider и другие   II let make do   III see hear feel notice watch do doing   Ia Ib II III

I would like him to speak at the conference (чтобы он выступил).

We believe music to be of great importance (что музыка важна).

They made us answer all the questions (заставили нас ответить).

He often heard Mary play the piano (слышал, как Мэри играет).

2.10 Translate the sentences.

1. The laboratory workers watched the scientist carry out his experiment. 2. We know all metals to be good conductors. 3. The engineer made us repair the motor at once. 4. We suppose hydrogen to be raw material of the universe. 5. We know physical changes to be caused by heat. 6. One may assume the information to be correct. 7. He believed the results of this test to have been plotted in the diagram. 8. The students watched the assistant preparing the equipment. 9. She would like all the experiments to be finished tomorrow.

Translate the sentences.

a) 1. The survey vessel is reported to have been built in St. Petersburg. 2. Accommodations for passengers are known to be situated mostly amidships. 3. The building of nuclear icebreaker fleet is expected to result in rapid development of natural resources in the North. 4. This ship is likely to be built next year. 5. The Boltzmann expressions for the transition probabilities are shown to have been applied under conditions for which they are not valid. 6. The present era, which is distinguished by the utilization of metals in enormous quantities, may be said to have begun in 1860. 7. The atmosphere has been proved to extend several hundred kilometers above the earth. 8. The error does not seem to be serious from an engineering point of view.

b) Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790) is acknowledged to be the founder of the theory of atmospheric electricity. At the time when theories to explain electricity were neither complete nor well founded the lightning was proved by him to be an electrical phenomenon. He was not the first to think of it but he was the first to prove it. His theory of electricity still appears to hold good. He is acknowledged to have invented a means of protection against the disastrous effects of lightning – the lighting rod. Franklin’s theory at first seemed to be misunderstood both in his country and abroad. It is known to have been severely attacked by the leader of French scientists abbé Nollet.

Franklin is recognized to have been a great public figure, who did as much as he could for the good of his country. He is known to have been the editor of one of the newspapers enjoying a great popularity with his countrymen. He is sure to be one of the broadest as well as one of the most creative minds of his time.

2.12  Read the text and write a summary (see Appendix 6).


For centuries the people around the Baltic Sea have been trading and exchanging ideas. Cultures have met and contacts have been made between individuals. Through the enlargement of the European Union to the Central and Eastern European countries, the perspectives for both eastern and western regions look now better with growing economies and developing democratic institutions. The general objective of the founded Baltic Sea Commission is to develop further partnership between regional authorities and to manage the challenges and opportunities presented in the Baltic Sea Area. Through dialogue and partnership it will seek to promote common interests, especially in relation to the European Union, the national governments and the Baltic Sea organizations.

The island and coastal regions of the Baltic Sea Area have about 50 million people in nine national states. The differences in annual GDP per capita are among the largest for neighboring regions in Europe. The fifty years of East-West division resulted in poor development of infrastructural links for the demands of the modern trade and travel. The coastal and island regions hold a key position in the now emerging infrastructure. As the Baltic Sea Area is gateways to the rest of Europe and the World, it has suffered more than other regions from the earlier division. So it is necessary to support the reconstruction and construction of infrastructure in the regions. Key areas obviously are harbours, railway links, roads, airports and telecommunications. The administrative infrastructure, such as efficient border and customs services, should not be forgotten in these efforts. Although we are looking at the same sea, we are still peoples with diverse needs.

The Baltic Sea Commission has two fundamental objectives:

– to utilize strategic positions and resources of its Member Regions in order to contribute to the integration and progress of the whole Baltic Sea Area;

– to co-operate among themselves in order to achieve the goals so that all peripheral and maritime regions have the opportunity to develop their own culture and values and at the same time offer their inhabitants a safe and rich life.

Note: GDP (gross domestic product) per capita – валовый национальный продукт на человека

Present Participle

  Active Passive Simple building being built Perfect having built having been built

Past Participle

constructed, built

The Functions of the Gerund


Подлежащее Handling the cargo is made by cranes, derrics, etc. Обработка груза производится кранами, стрелами и др.
Дополнение Special equipment is used for handling the cargo. Для обработки груза используется специальное оборудование.
Обстоятельство By handling the cargo quickly we can save the ship’s time in the port. Посредством быстрой обработки (быстрой обработкой) груза мы можем экономить время стоянки судна в порту. The vessel is loaded without using any cranes. Это судно загружается без использования кранов.  
Определение Their method of handling the cargo is the most modern one. Их способ обработки грузов является самым современным. You can find every kind of handling machinery in the new port of Ilyichovsk. В новом порту Ильичёвск вы можете увидеть все виды погрузо-разгрузочного оборудования.

Science Jokes

Murphy’s laws:

If everything seems to be going well, you have obviously overlooked something.

If you make a great discovery today, you will find a major error in your methods tomorrow.



Language styles

Conversation functions Neutral Informal Formal     STARTING A CONVERSATION WITH A STRANGER Excuse me, …? Excuse me asking, but …? Lovely/ Nice weather, isn’t it? Terrible/ Horrible weather, isn’t it? Hello! Are you a friend of …? A nice party, isn’t it? Warm/ Cold/ Hot etc., isn’t it? Forgive me for asking, but …? Do excuse me, but …? I beg your pardon, but aren’t you Lady Carrington?


  ATTRACTING SOMEONE’S ATTENTION Excuse me! Sorry to trouble you, but …? Hey, Cathy! I say, …. Sorry, but …. Look here!   May I have your attention (for a moment), please? Er, I wonder if I/ we could make a start?
    CHECKING UNDERSTANDING   Excuse me, does that mean …? I’m sorry, I’m not sure I understand. Do you mean …?   Sorry, I am not quite with you/ with what you’ve just said. You mean …. If I’ve got you right, then …? So what you are saying is …. Right? If I understand you correctly, …. Would I be correct saying that …? Do you mean that …?

2.2 1 Act out the dialogue:

Hostess: Mrs Jackson, I’d like to introduce my Russian friend, Mr Petrov.

Mrs J.: How do you do?

Mr P.: How do you do?

Mrs J.: I hear you’ve come to study English. Do you find it difficult?

Mr P.: Well, I do, rather. It’s quite different from what we learned in our textbooks. I understand the radio and TV all right, but I don’t always understand people in the street.

Mrs J.: Yes, that’s difficult, at first. And how do you find the life in England?

Mr P.: Very interesting. I like it on the whole, although there are some things I find rather strange.

Mrs J.: Don’t worry, you’ll soon get used to it.





1. achievement n – достижение

2. advance n – прогресс, продвижение

3. advantage n – преимущество

4. approach n – метод, подход

5. concern n – дело, озабоченность

6. conventional a – стандартный, типичный

7. customer n – заказчик, клиент

8. deal with – иметь дело с чем-л., касаться чего-л.

9. deliver v – поставлять, передавать

10. development n – разработка; развитие

11. enable v – давать возможность

12. ensure v – обеспечивать, гарантировать

13. evaluate v – оценивать, определять

14. feature n – характеристика, черта, особенность

15. improve v – улучшать, усовершенствовать

16. increase v – увеличивать(ся)

17. investigate v – исследовать, изучать

18. launch v – спускать, запускать, выпускать

19. prove v – доказывать; оказываться

20. range from… to… – колебаться в пределах от… до…

21. reduce v – уменьшать(ся), сокращать(ся)

22. solution n – решение

23. solve a problem – решать задачу

24. solve an issue – решать вопрос, проблему

25. suitable a – соответствующий, пригодный

26. target n – цель

27. upgrade v – усовершенствовать, улучшать

3.1 Discuss the future of the world ocean for mankind. Then read and explain why the role of the ocean will increase.

Speculation and deduction

1. Must, may, might, could + Simple Infinitive express more (must) or less (may, might, could) probability of action in the present. a) He must be English – he speaks English so perfectly (должно быть/вероятно). I’m sure. b) She can’t be Italian. Her surname is Johnson. (не может быть) I’m sure.  Note: can’t is negative of must. c) Quick! Answer the phone. It may/might/could be my colleague (возможно; я не уверен).
2. Must, may, might, could + Perfect Infinitive express more (must) or less (may, might, could) probability of action in the past. a) Similar results may/might/could have been obtained by other researchers (возможно, были получены). b) They must have publis
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