Mannerism (Late Renaissance) — КиберПедия 

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Mannerism (Late Renaissance)

2021-12-11 49
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Direction in painting of the 16th century. The style is the opposite of the Renaissance. The name comes from the word "manner". The characteristic traits are long bodies, exaggerated gestures, strong emotions and contrasting colours. The representatives of this trend are Giorgio Vasari, El Greco.


Pompous, luxurious [9] painting style of 16-18 centuries in Europe. It is distinguished by the brightness of colors, attention to detail and decoration. Peter Paul Rubens, Michele Angelo Merigi da Caravaggio.

Rococo (Late Baroque)

A more refined and intimate continuation of the Baroque style of the 16th century. Representatives: Nicolas Pineau, Jean-Antoine Watteau.


The style inherent in European culture of the 17-19th centuries. From the point of view of classicism, the picture should be built on strict canons. The style of classicism is the heir to antiquity and the Renaissance. The main representatives of this style are Rafael, Nicolas Poussin.


A 19th century style. The name of the style comes from the word "empire". It is a continuation of the development of classicism in its majesty, luxury and sophistication. The main representative is Jacques-Louis David.


The style of the 19th century, which was preceded by classicism. Emotionality, individuality, expressiveness of images. It was distinguished by the image of such emotions as horror, awe. It tells about folk traditions, legends, national history. Representatives: Francisco Goya, Karl Bryullov, Eugene Delacroix, Ivan Aivazovsky.


19th century painting style. A stylized simplified image leading to primitive forms resembling [10] primitive drawings. A striking representative is Niko Pirosmani.


Style 19-20 centuries. Basically and truthfully reflects [11] objective reality, without excessive emotionality. Often depicted people during work. Artists: Ilya Repin, Ivan Shishkin, Alexei Savrasov, Édouard Manet.


Style 19-20 centuries. Harmonious color combination of geometric shapes, aimed at achieving a variety of associations. Representatives: Pablo Picasso, Vasiliy Kandinsky.


The style of the 19-20 centuries. The style of painting in the open air. It is performed in a characteristic manner overflowing of light, the technique of a small smear, the movement transmitted by the master. The name was given to the style by Monet’s “Impression”. The main representatives of this style are Pierre-Auguste Renoir, Claude Monet, Edgar Degas.


20th century style. An exaggerated image of emotions for a greater effect on the viewer. Among the representatives of this style is Amedeo Modigliani, Edvard Munch.


The avant-garde style of the 20th century. It is characterized by broken (cubic) lines, a certain combination of objects simultaneously considered from several points of view. The founder of this style is Pablo Picasso.


The style of the 19-20 centuries. It is the antithesis of conservative images of realism. The shocking, plastic style of painting represents [12] original paintings reflecting the artist’s inner world [13]. Representatives: Pablo Picasso, Henri Matisse.

Pop Art

20th century style. An ironic image of banal, often vulgar, objects. Commonly used in marketing and advertising. A prominent representative of this trend is Andy Warhol.


The direction of 19-20 centuries. Spirituality, dreams, myths and legends. Symbols, often ambiguous, characterize this style. It is the forerunner of expressionism and surrealism. Representatives: Mikhail Vrubel, Apollinary Vasnetsov, Mikhail Nesterov.


20th century style. Allusions, a mixture of spaces of reality and sleep, unusual collages. It impresses the subconscious. A great contribution to this style was made by Salvador Dalí, René Magritte.


An experimental trend in contemporary art, which reflects antisocial behavior in violation of generally accepted moral, ethical principles. The representative of the style – Michael Shemyakin.


What exactly is meant by style in art? This is a kind of ideological and artistic unity, thanks to which artists give preference [14] to certain topics and special visual means. They remain individual, but looking at a particular canvas, it is already possible to almost accurately determine the era and style.

Домашнее задание.

Задание 1.

Пройдите по ссылке  на Google-документ с совместным редактированием и проиллюстрируйте информацию прочитанного текста соответствующими произведениями живописи (по 1 на каждый стиль). Напишите автора произведения, название и, по возможности, год создания. Опишите картину, пользуясь шаблоном в Приложении в этом файле.

Первое описание уже начато, можно его продолжить. Много информации в Wiki, в том числе на английском языке (правильный перевод названия картин и прочих имен собственных). Не забудьте подписать, кто выполнил работу.

Задание 2.

 Интернет-поиск. По ссылке (если ссылка не открывается, это Wiki статья, она легко находится в поиске) можно посмотреть список самых дорогих в мире произведений живописи. Познакомьтесь с ними, а затем ответьте на вопросы.

Check out the List of Most Expensive Paintings online to learn more about the prices that have been paid for some paintings. If you had 300 million dollars, could you ever dream of spending it on a painting? Why or why not?


Задание 3.

Ответьте на вопросы. Затем прочитайте текст. Согласны ли вы с мнением, выраженным в нем? Свой ответ сформулируйте в письменном виде (от 5 до 10 предложений).

1. Why might art be so expensive?

2. What role does scarcity play in the price of art?

3. How much can famous paintings sell for at auction?

Do you like to draw pictures for your friends and family members? Many kids like to grab their colored pencils and a notebook when they're getting ready for a long ride in the car. Creating works of art is a great way to pass the time.


Not all works of art turn out[15] exactly like you intended them to, though. Perhaps a 5-year-old girl wanted to draw a picture of her dad wearing his new tennis shoes. She draws an oval for the head and then adds the shoes. Something doesn't look quite right, though. Oops! She forgot to draw the neck, chest, arms, and legs. The picture of Dad in his new tennis shoes ends up looking like a potato getting ready to go for a jog. But don't worry! We're sure her dad will love it anyway. "Jogging Potato" will probably get a spot[16] on the refrigerator alongside her other works of art.


The works of art you create for friends and family members are very valuable[17] to them because of the meaning behind them. One day when you're all grown up, your close ones and family members will treasure these mementos of your youth.


But what about those paintings that sell for huge prices at art auctions? What makes them so valuable? What is it about the works of Picasso, Monet, Kahlo, da Vinci and others that make them worth millions of dollars?


Economists would tell you that the price of art, like the price of most items, is largely based upon supply and demand[18]. When it comes to demand, no one really needs art. However, there are plenty of people who want beautiful artworks. With plenty of demand for artwork, it is the supply side that often leads to crazily expensive prices for art. Scarcity[19] plays a huge role. Many of the most famous artists are no longer living. That makes the pieces they painted extremely valuable.


But what about living artists? There are plenty of current pieces by living artists that are selling for extremely high prices. Well, supply and demand still play a role. Demand still exists and, even though the artist is still alive, it often takes lots of time to produce a single piece of artwork. So there is another factor that affects the price: each piece of art is unique. An artist won’t create multiple copies of the same piece of artwork. And if particular piece is in demand, there is only one available. This tends to drive the price up.


Art professionals also play a role in pricing. Artists, dealers, gallery owners, and museum curators help to create demand for artworks by promoting artists and their works. These professionals help to determine which art is valuable and which artists might be the next Picasso or Monet. In this way, they help to set the values of artworks expected to appreciate in value over time. So exactly how much can paintings sell for? Prices can vary from hundreds to over a hundred million dollars! At an art auction, The Scream, a famous painting by Edvard Munch, sold for about $120 million.


Задание 4 – по желанию.

Создайте любое произведение искусства (картину, открытку, поделку и т.п.), принесите на занятие и покажите однокурсникам, расскажите, как вы это делали. Вы можете подарить эту вещь кому-то из однокурсников.

Are you an artist at heart? Each one of us has the capability to create art deep within us. Whether it's a painting, a sculpture, or a greeting card, everyone has talents that can be expressed artistically. Take some time today to create an original work of art. It can be anything. Let your imagination run wild! When your work of art is complete, share it with a friend or family member. We bet they'll think it's priceless!


Самостоятельная внеаудиторная работа


When it comes to famous works of art, what museums come to mind? The Louvre in Paris might come to mind, since it's the home of the Mona Lisa, as well as many other famous works of art. Visit the site to take virtual tours of various exhibits.

Пройдите по ссылке и посетите виртуальный музей. Вы можете сами найти виртуальные туры в музей или галерею искусств.

Затем напишите и приготовьтесь рассказать в аудитории, где вы были и что увидели, что вас впечатлило, а что, может быть, не понравилось.



Describing a painting

  • the subject of a painting (what is depicted in it)
  • the composition (how space is arranged) and the colours
  • the details
  • the impression made by the picture

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