Часть 6. Бета-тестирование и сервис для абонентов — КиберПедия 

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Часть 6. Бета-тестирование и сервис для абонентов

2021-12-07 37
Часть 6. Бета-тестирование и сервис для абонентов 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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В силу особенностей архитектуры сети и наклонения плоскости орбиты в 53°, при неполной группировке наибольшая плотность спутников и, соответственно, условия для сервиса находится южнее 53-ой параллели. По данным SpaceX именно там и начнется предоставление услуг.


Рис. Зона, в которой будет проводится бета-тестирование сервиса Starlink.


14 июня 2020 года на сайте www.starlink.com началась «запись на бета-тестирование».

Принимались заявки от всех желающих, так что я честно указал свой российский индекс 101000, свой емейл хххх.ru и получил сообщение, что меня также посчитали


From: Starlink

Thank you for your interest in Starlink!

Starlink is designed to deliver high speed broadband internet to locations where access has been unreliable, expensive, or completely unavailable. Private beta testing is expected to begin later this summer, followed by public beta testing, starting with higher latitudes.

If you provided us with your zip code, you will be notified via email if beta testing opportunities become available in your area. In the meantime, we will continue to share with you updates about general service availability and upcoming Starlink launches.


1 июля 2020 года на закрытой части сайта были опубликованы правила проведения бета-тестирования


Starlink Beta Services Terms ( Effective as of July 1, 2020)

Thank you for volunteering to participate in SpaceX’s Starlink Beta Program («Beta Program»). Below you will find important rules for your participation. SpaceX will provide you with a «Starlink Kit» (the Starlink dish, wifi router, power supply and mounts) and internet services. By accepting Starlink internet services and the Starlink Kit («Starlink Services»), you agree to be bound by and comply with these terms and conditions under the Beta Program.


Confidentiality and No Social Media

You are being provided early access to the Starlink Services. The Starlink Services and details like internet speeds, uptime, coverage, and other performance specifications are confidential and proprietary to SpaceX. You may NOT discuss your participation in the Beta Program online or with those outside of your household, unless they are SpaceX employees.

You must not share anything on social media about the Starlink Services or the Beta Program. This applies not only to public forums, but also to private accounts and restricted groups. Do not provide access or information about Starlink Services to the media or allow third-parties to take pictures of any part of the Starlink Kit.


Your Responsibility as a Beta Tester

You agree to dedicate an average of 30 minutes to 1 hour per day testing the Starlink Services and providing feedback on a periodic basis. Feedback requests from SpaceX will come in the form of surveys, phone calls, emails, and other means. Not participating can result in termination of your Beta Program participation and you must return your Starlink Kit.


Nominal Fee to Test Online Ordering Process

As part of the Beta Program’s online ordering process, SpaceX will ask you to input your credit or debit card information and your card will be charged a small amount in order to test SpaceX’s ordering and billing systems. For example, at the initial sign-up you will be charged approximately $3.00 total and thereafter, a reoccurring charge of approximately $2.00 per month during the duration of the Beta Program.


This nominal charge is NOT a fee for the Starlink Kit or internet services, but is exclusively being requested to allow SpaceX to test its ordering and billing systems. SpaceX is temporarily loaning you the Starlink Kit and providing the internet services free of charge.

If you do not want to provide your credit or debit card information, please do not participate in the Beta Program.


Starlink Kit

The Starlink Kit has not been authorized as required by the rules of the Federal Communications Commission and may not be offered for sale or lease, or sold or leased, until authorization is obtained. The Starlink Kit is being provided to you for the purposes of evaluating performance and determining customer acceptability during the Kit’s pre-production state.

Title to, and ownership of the equipment in the Starlink Kit remains with SpaceX. You may not loan, transfer, sell, give away, tamper with, or alter the Starlink Kit unless you obtain approval from SpaceX. Software copies installed on the Starlink Kit are made available for use as installed and never sold. SpaceX reserves all rights and interests to Starlink Services and its intellectual property provided to you.


If any equipment in the Starlink Kit is stolen, damaged, or compromised, please report it promptly to Customer Support by signing into your Starlink Account.



You are responsible for installing the Starlink Kit. Do not allow third-parties, or those not associated with SpaceX, to access or install the Starlink Kit unless you obtain approval form SpaceX. Do not install the Starlink Kit at your home if you do not have the authority to do so. It is your responsibility to ensure compliance with all applicable zoning, ordinances, covenants, conditions, restrictions, lease obligations and landlord/owner approvals related to the installation location. For example, if your apartment building or condo prohibits installs on its roof, or in common spaces, or only allows installs on private balconies, or does not allow penetrative installs (drilling holes through a roof or walls), you are responsible for understanding and following such rules. If you cannot install the Starlink Kit without breaking the rules, do not install it.


Use good judgment in installing the Starlink Services, and do not take unnecessary risks. If you cannot safely install the Starlink Kit, do not install it.

Except as arises from intentional misconduct or gross negligence, SpaceX shall not have any liability for any losses resulting from the Starlink Services, Starlink Kit or any installation, repair, or other associated services including, without limitation, damage to your property, or loss of software, data, or other information from your devices. Should use of the Starlink Services require any construction or alteration to your property, SpaceX is not obliged to restore your property to the same physical state as prior to delivery of Services. If you require a roof mount installation, you acknowledge the potential risks associated with this type of installation, including, without limitation, with respect to any warranty that applies to your roof or roof membrane.


Please review SpaceX’s Privacy Policy to understand how we treat personal information we collect from you. In addition to the information listed in our Privacy Policy, we will be collecting information through our survey questions, and certain data for the purpose of measuring performance, including the following:


· A record of time when the dish is active and transmitting

· Amount of data the dish uses per moment of time

· Equipment link performance and network health

· Equipment unit telemetry

· Dish GPS orientation and obstruction telemetry


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