Of the peoples united in the USSR, and the abolition of the resolution of the Supreme Soviet of December 12, 1991. — КиберПедия 

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Of the peoples united in the USSR, and the abolition of the resolution of the Supreme Soviet of December 12, 1991.

2021-12-07 27
Of the peoples united in the USSR, and the abolition of the resolution of the Supreme Soviet of December 12, 1991. 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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Ms Wu: 143441, USSR / RSFSR village Putilkovo Street Upper House 79 A Coordinates: 1) 55.8620408, 37.3882123 - 2) 55.8614713, 37.3880407 - 3.) 55.8614997, 37, 3876481 4.) 55.8616814, 37.3876783 - 5.) 55.8616344, 37.3880246 - 6.) 55.8620412, 37.3881587

Secretary General of the Council of Europe Maria Pejcinovic Buric (Croatia) Avenue de l ' Europe F - 67075 Strasbourg Cedex Tel. +33 (0) 3 88 41 20 00

"WITHOUT DAMAGE" UCC 1-308 / U SS 1-207

I Live DevChina - Live zhenchiny - © Tatiana A.: Pestryakova:, the owner of the shared ownership USSR, Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, the owner of Passport USSR GOST 1974 - Original Series IV of - Security number 602603 issued 129 police station uu city Moscow February 21 1991 year also am a member of a public contract, the Constitution of the USSR 19 3 6 onwards and public agreement of the UN Charter V chapter 23 article "The Security Council" of the brothers to the Governing territory of the USSR / RSFSR - President P SMAIwer of the people, and at the same time notified the CEC of Russia,


and to the Chairman of the Government of Russia with the requirement to provide an economic opportunity in accordance with the P ROEKT OF THE CONSTITUTION of the Russian Federation of 12.12.1993, Art. 3 clause 1 clause 2, as one of the bearers of the sovereignty of the direct power of the people, and at the same time notified the CEC of Russia,

that I determined myself and began to exercise power directly.



Since 12.12.1993, since the referendum on the DRAFT CONSTITUTION of the Russian Federation of 12.12.1993, the bodies of " state " power and officials holding government positions, local government bodies and officials holding government positions have not provided economic assistance either to me, not to the entire population of the renewed USSR / Union of Soviet Socialist Republics for the realization of my inalienable rights, as well as the rights of the entire living population in violation of Article 33, this is the right to apply personally, as well as to send individual and collective appeals to state bodies and local self-government bodies (Art. 33 CONSTITUTION OF RUSSIAN FEDERATION). The right of citizens to appeal should be considered in organic connection with the right of citizens to freedom of opinion and speech, as well as to participate in the management of state affairs. FZ - 131


The one who owns, uses and disposes of public property is the one who orders quality in the life of citizens. In violation of Art. 1, Art. 2, article 3, clause 1.2 of the DRAFT CONSTITUTION of the Russian Federation. own, old- camping and dispose of public property only authorities ' public ' power and officials - persons occupying state positions of the USSR / RSFSR Ministers, local authorities and officials - persons holding public office, and not I, as a true st bearer of the sovereignty of power, and my living people - I, as a citizen of the Soviet Union, have never changed my STATUS by birth and to this day have not changed my citizenship of the USSR. From 12.12.1993 to the present, neither I nor the living people SO HAS NOT RECEIVED THE RIGHT TO FREE OWNERSHIP, USE AND DISPOSAL OF PUBLIC (MUNICIPAL) PROPERTY, as true founders by birth, on the basis of the USSR Constitution of 1936 FUNCTIONAL.

D olzhnostnye persons - persons occupying state positions of Ministers of the USSR / RSFSR, local governments and officials - persons holding public office do not fulfill their debt obligations of Russian Federation to live the Soviet n arodom of the Federal Law of 06.07.1996, № 87-FZ - On the procedure for establishing the debt value of a unit of par value of the target debt obligation of the Russian Federation


Consequence: 1) The absence in society of the school of formation of the citizen - the owner, who is the direct bearer of the sovereignty of power in the democratic Russian State.

2) The widespread disregard by all branches of government of my personal will and the will of the entire population, which is about the new state power and local self-government.

3) Lack of a regulatory framework in accordance with Art. 1.2,3,130,131,132,133. DRAFT TO THE ONSTITUTION of the Russian Federation of 12.12.1993, supported by economic mechanisms for the implementation of spiritual strength and the status of a citizen - the owner.

4) Rampant bureaucratic corruption in all branches of government, contract killings of citizens with a high civil position, hopeless suicide of the population, etc. are indicators of the complete absence of the very source of democracy - the power of the people.

Over the years, from 12.12.1993 to the present time, the DRAFT OF THE CONSTITUTION of the Russian Federation of 12.12.1993, I, Zhivaya DevChina - Zhivaya Zhenchina - © Tatyana: Anatolyevna: Pestryakova:, owner of the shared property of the Union of SSR, Union of Soviet Socialist Republics are parties to publicly of contract USSR Constitution 193 6 years and a public contract of the UN Charter V chapter 23 article "The Security Council" can not attest to the economic provision and improvement of the quality of my life, and the living of the Soviet people, authorities of the State authorities, even though I repeatedly asked and asked - About the receipt of budget funds directly, in accordance with Art. 1, Art. 2, Art. 3 clause 1.2 of the DRAFT CONSTITUTION of the Russian Federation of 12.12.1993, as the bearer of the sovereignty of the direct power of the people, who began to exercise power directly, to PROVIDE an economic basis for ensuring the quality of my life from the calculation laid down in the budget of the Russian Federation in the role of the Assignee of the USSR / RSFSR / Union of SSR on the basis of International treaties, for each citizen of the USSR / RSFSR, by transferring to MY PERSONAL ACCOUNT 40% OF 100% OF THE AMOUNT intended to ensure my quality of life, as well as all living Soviet people based on the DRAFT CONSTITUTION of the Russian Federation of 12.12.1993, based on the order of work of the State Duma on March 15, 1996. http://api.duma.gov.ru/api/transcriptFull/1996-03-15

1. On the draft resolution of the State Duma on deepening integration

Живу: 143441, СССР/РСФСР, село Путилково, улица Верхняя дом 79 А Координаты: 1.) 55,8620408, 37,3882123 - 2.) 55,8614713, 37,3880407 - 3.) 55,8614997, 37,3876481 4.) 55,8616814, 37,3876783 - 5.)55,8616344, 37,3880246 - 6.)55,8620412, 37,3881587

Генеральному секретарю Совета Европы Марии Пейчинович Бурич (Хорватия)                                 Avenue de l ’ Europe F — 67075 Strasbourg Cedex Тел. +33 (0)3 88 41 20 00

«БЕЗ УЩЕРБА» UCC 1-308/ U СС 1-207

Я, Живая ДевЧина – Живая ЖенЧина - © Татьяна: Анатольевна:Пестрякова:, владелица долевой собственности Союз ССР, Союз Советских Социалистических Республик, владелица Паспорта СССР ГОСТ 1974 года – ОРИГИНАЛ серия IV – СБ № 602603 выдан 129 отделением милиции города Москвы 21 февраля 1991 года, также являюсь участником публичного договора Конституции СССР 1936 года и публичного договора Устава ООН V глава 23 статья «Совет Безопасности» обратилась к Управляющим территорией СССР/РСФСР - Президенту Рссии

и к Председателю Правительства России с требованием предоставить экономическую возможность согласно ПРОЕКТУ КОНСТИТУЦИИ РФ от 12.12.1993 года ст. 3 п.1 п.2, как одной из носителей суверенитета непосредственной власти народа, и одновременно   уведомила ЦИК РОССИИ,

что я самоопределилась и приступила к осуществлению власти непосредственно.



С 12 12.1993 года, с момента проведённого референдума по ПРОЕКТУ КОНСТИТУЦИИ РФ от 12.12.1993 года, органы «государственной» власти и должностные лица замещающие государственные должности, органы местного самоуправления и должностные лица замещающие государственные должности, так и не оказали  экономического содействия ни мне, ни всему населению  обновлённого Союза ССР/Союз Советских Социалистических Республик для  реализации моих неотъемлемых прав, а также прав всего живого населения в нарушение ст.33 это Право обращаться лично, а также направлять индивидуальные и коллективные обращения в государственные органы и органы местного самоуправления (ст. 33 КОНСТИТУЦИИ РОССИЙСКОЙ ФЕДЕРАЦИИ). Право граждан на обращение следует рассматривать в органической связи с правом граждан на свободу мнений и слова, а также на участие в управлении делами государством.ФЗ - 131


Тот, кто владеет, пользуется и распоряжается общенародной собственностью, тот и заказывает качество жизни граждан. В нарушение ст.1, ст. 2, ст.3 п.1,2 ПРОЕКТА КОНСТИТУЦИИ РФ. владеют, пользуются и распоряжаются общенародной собственностью только органы «государственной» власти и должностные лица – ЛИЦА замещающие государственные должности Министров СССР/РСФСР, органы местного самоуправления и должностные лица – ЛИЦА замещающие государственные должности, а не Я, как истинная носительница суверенитета власти, и мой живой народ  – Я, как гражданка Советского Союза никогда не меняла своего СТАТУСА по жива рождению и по настоящее время не изменяла своего гражданства СССР. Начиная с 12.12.1993 года по настоящее время, ни я, ни живой народ              ТАК И НЕ ПОЛУЧИЛИ ПРАВО НА БЕЗВОЗМЕЗДНОЕ ВЛАДЕНИЕ, ПОЛЬЗОВАНИЕ И РАСПОРЯЖЕНИЕ ОБЩЕНАРОДНОЙ (МУНИЦИПАЛЬНОЙ) СОБСТВЕННОСТЬЮ, как истинные учредители по жива рождению, на основании Конституции СССР 1936 года – СТАТУС ДЕЙСТВУЮЩАЯ.

Должностные лица – ЛИЦА замещающие государственные должности Министров СССР/РСФСР, органы местного самоуправления и должностные лица – ЛИЦА замещающие государственные должности НЕ ВЫПОЛНИЛИ СВОИ ДОЛГОВЫЕ ОБЯЗАТЕЛЬСТВА РОССИЙСКОЙ ФЕДЕРАЦИИ перед живым Советским народом по Федеральному закону             от 06.07.1996 г. № 87-ФЗ - О порядке установления долговой стоимости единицы номинала целевого долгового обязательства Российской Федерации


Следствие:                                                                                                                                                                               1) Отсутствие в социуме школы формирования гражданина – хозяина, являющегося непосредственным носителем суверенитета власти в демократическом Российском Государстве.

2) Повсеместное игнорирование всеми ветвями власти моего личного волеизъявления и волеизъявления всего населения, являющегося основой Государственной власти и местного самоуправление.

3) Отсутствие нормативно-правовой базы, соответствующей ст.1.2,3,130,131,132,133. ПРОЕКТУ КОНСТИТУЦИИ РФ от 12.12.1993года, подкреплённой экономическими механизмами реализации духовной силы и статуса гражданина – хозяина.

4) Разгул чиновничьей коррупции во всех ветвях власти, заказные убийства граждан с высокой Гражданской позицией, безысходный суицид населения и т.д.- это показатели полного отсутствия самого источника демократии – власти народа.

За эти годы, начиная с 12.12.1993 года и по настоящее время действия ПРОЕКТА КОНСТИТУЦИИ РФ от 12.12.1993 года, Я, Живая ДевЧина – Живая ЖенЧина - © Татьяна: Анатольевна:Пестрякова:, владелица долевой собственности Союз ССР, Союз Советских Социалистических Республик, являюсь участником публичного договора Конституции СССР 1936 года и публичного договора Устава ООН V глава 23 статья «Совет Безопасности» не могу засвидетельствовать экономическое обеспечение и улучшение качества моей жизни, а также живых советских людей,   органами Государственной власти, хотя я неоднократно обращалась и просила - О получении бюджетных средств непосредственно, согласно ст.1, ст. 2, ст. 3 п.1,2 ПРОЕКТА КОНСТИТУЦИИ РФ от 12.12.1993 года., как носитель суверенитета непосредственной власти народа, приступившему к осуществлению власти непосредственно, для ОБЕСПЕЧЕНИЯ экономической основы обеспечения качества моей жизни из расчёта, заложенного в бюджет РФ в роли Правопреемника СССР/РСФСР/Союз ССР на основании Международных договоров, на каждого гражданина СССР/РСФСР, путем перечисления НА МОЙ ЛИЧНЫЙ РАСЧЁТНЫЙ СЧЁТ 40 % ОТ 100 % СУММЫ, предназначенной на обеспечение моего качества жизни, а также всех живых советских людей исходя из ПРОЕКТА КОНСТИТУЦИИ РФ от 12.12.1993 года, исходя из порядка работы Государственной Думы на 15 марта 1996 года. http://api.duma.gov.ru/api/transcriptFull/1996-03-15


1. О проекте постановления Государственной Думы об углублении интеграции  

Ms Wu: 143441, USSR / RSFSR village Putilkovo Street Upper House 79 A Coordinates: 1) 55.8620408, 37.3882123 - 2) 55.8614713, 37.3880407 - 3.) 55.8614997, 37, 3876481 4.) 55.8616814, 37.3876783 - 5.) 55.8616344, 37.3880246 - 6.) 55.8620412, 37.3881587

Secretary General of the Council of Europe Maria Pejcinovic Buric (Croatia) Avenue de l ' Europe F - 67075 Strasbourg Cedex Tel. +33 (0) 3 88 41 20 00

"WITHOUT DAMAGE" UCC 1-308 / U SS 1-207

I Live DevChina - Live zhenchiny - © Tatiana A.: Pestryakova:, the owner of the shared ownership USSR, Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, the owner of Passport USSR GOST 1974 - Original Series IV of - Security number 602603 issued 129 police station uu city Moscow February 21 1991 year also am a member of a public contract, the Constitution of the USSR 19 3 6 onwards and public agreement of the UN Charter V chapter 23 article "The Security Council" of the brothers to the Governing territory of the USSR / RSFSR - President P SMAIwer of the people, and at the same time notified the CEC of Russia,


and to the Chairman of the Government of Russia with the requirement to provide an economic opportunity in accordance with the P ROEKT OF THE CONSTITUTION of the Russian Federation of 12.12.1993, Art. 3 clause 1 clause 2, as one of the bearers of the sovereignty of the direct power of the people, and at the same time notified the CEC of Russia,

that I determined myself and began to exercise power directly.



Since 12.12.1993, since the referendum on the DRAFT CONSTITUTION of the Russian Federation of 12.12.1993, the bodies of " state " power and officials holding government positions, local government bodies and officials holding government positions have not provided economic assistance either to me, not to the entire population of the renewed USSR / Union of Soviet Socialist Republics for the realization of my inalienable rights, as well as the rights of the entire living population in violation of Article 33, this is the right to apply personally, as well as to send individual and collective appeals to state bodies and local self-government bodies (Art. 33 CONSTITUTION OF RUSSIAN FEDERATION). The right of citizens to appeal should be considered in organic connection with the right of citizens to freedom of opinion and speech, as well as to participate in the management of state affairs. FZ - 131


The one who owns, uses and disposes of public property is the one who orders quality in the life of citizens. In violation of Art. 1, Art. 2, article 3, clause 1.2 of the DRAFT CONSTITUTION of the Russian Federation. own, old- camping and dispose of public property only authorities ' public ' power and officials - persons occupying state positions of the USSR / RSFSR Ministers, local authorities and officials - persons holding public office, and not I, as a true st bearer of the sovereignty of power, and my living people - I, as a citizen of the Soviet Union, have never changed my STATUS by birth and to this day have not changed my citizenship of the USSR. From 12.12.1993 to the present, neither I nor the living people SO HAS NOT RECEIVED THE RIGHT TO FREE OWNERSHIP, USE AND DISPOSAL OF PUBLIC (MUNICIPAL) PROPERTY, as true founders by birth, on the basis of the USSR Constitution of 1936 FUNCTIONAL.

D olzhnostnye persons - persons occupying state positions of Ministers of the USSR / RSFSR, local governments and officials - persons holding public office do not fulfill their debt obligations of Russian Federation to live the Soviet n arodom of the Federal Law of 06.07.1996, № 87-FZ - On the procedure for establishing the debt value of a unit of par value of the target debt obligation of the Russian Federation


Consequence: 1) The absence in society of the school of formation of the citizen - the owner, who is the direct bearer of the sovereignty of power in the democratic Russian State.

2) The widespread disregard by all branches of government of my personal will and the will of the entire population, which is about the new state power and local self-government.

3) Lack of a regulatory framework in accordance with Art. 1.2,3,130,131,132,133. DRAFT TO THE ONSTITUTION of the Russian Federation of 12.12.1993, supported by economic mechanisms for the implementation of spiritual strength and the status of a citizen - the owner.

4) Rampant bureaucratic corruption in all branches of government, contract killings of citizens with a high civil position, hopeless suicide of the population, etc. are indicators of the complete absence of the very source of democracy - the power of the people.

Over the years, from 12.12.1993 to the present time, the DRAFT OF THE CONSTITUTION of the Russian Federation of 12.12.1993, I, Zhivaya DevChina - Zhivaya Zhenchina - © Tatyana: Anatolyevna: Pestryakova:, owner of the shared property of the Union of SSR, Union of Soviet Socialist Republics are parties to publicly of contract USSR Constitution 193 6 years and a public contract of the UN Charter V chapter 23 article "The Security Council" can not attest to the economic provision and improvement of the quality of my life, and the living of the Soviet people, authorities of the State authorities, even though I repeatedly asked and asked - About the receipt of budget funds directly, in accordance with Art. 1, Art. 2, Art. 3 clause 1.2 of the DRAFT CONSTITUTION of the Russian Federation of 12.12.1993, as the bearer of the sovereignty of the direct power of the people, who began to exercise power directly, to PROVIDE an economic basis for ensuring the quality of my life from the calculation laid down in the budget of the Russian Federation in the role of the Assignee of the USSR / RSFSR / Union of SSR on the basis of International treaties, for each citizen of the USSR / RSFSR, by transferring to MY PERSONAL ACCOUNT 40% OF 100% OF THE AMOUNT intended to ensure my quality of life, as well as all living Soviet people based on the DRAFT CONSTITUTION of the Russian Federation of 12.12.1993, based on the order of work of the State Duma on March 15, 1996. http://api.duma.gov.ru/api/transcriptFull/1996-03-15

1. On the draft resolution of the State Duma on deepening integration

of the peoples united in the USSR, and the abolition of the resolution of the Supreme Soviet of December 12, 1991.

2. On the draft resolution of the State Duma on the legal force for

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