Gathers and options can be labelled — КиберПедия 

Автоматическое растормаживание колес: Тормозные устройства колес предназначены для уменьше­ния длины пробега и улучшения маневрирования ВС при...

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Gathers and options can be labelled

2021-11-25 25
Gathers and options can be labelled 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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Gather points at any nested level can be labelled using brackets.

- (top)

Once labelled, gather points can be diverted to, or tested for in conditionals, just like knots and stitches. This means you can use previous decisions to alter later outcomes inside the weave, while still keeping all the advantages of a clear, reliable forward-flow.

Options can also be labelled, just like gather points, using brackets. Label brackets come before conditions in the line.

These addresses can be used in conditional tests, which can be useful for creating options unlocked by other options.

=== meet_guard ===

The guard frowns at you.


* (greet) [Greet him]


*  (get_out) 'Get out of my way[.'],' you tell the guard.


- 'Hmm,' replies the guard.


*  {greet}   'Having a nice day?' // only if you greeted him


* 'Hmm?'[] you reply.


*  {get_out} [Shove him aside]  // only if you threatened him

   You shove him sharply. He stares in reply, and draws his sword!

   -> fight_guard            // this route diverts out of the weave


-  'Mff,' the guard replies, and then offers you a paper bag. 'Toffee?'


Inside the same block of weave, you can simply use the label name; from outside the block you need a path, either to a different stitch within the same knot:

=== knot ===

= stitch_one

   - (gatherpoint) Some content.

= stitch_two

   *  {stitch_one.gatherpoint} Option

or pointing into another knot:

=== knot_one ===

-  (gather_one)

   * {knot_two.stitch_two.gather_two} Option


=== knot_two ===

= stitch_two

   - (gather_two)

          *  {knot_one.gather_one} Option

Advanced: all options can be labelled

In truth, all content in ink is a weave, even if there are no gathers in sight. That means you can label any option in the game with a bracket label, and then reference it using the addressing syntax. In particular, this means you can test which option a player took to reach a particular outcome.

=== fight_guard ===


= throw_something

*  (rock) [Throw rock at guard] -> throw

* (sand) [Throw sand at guard] -> throw


= throw

You hurl {throw_something.rock:a rock|a handful of sand} at the guard.

Advanced: Loops in a weave

Labelling allows us to create loops inside weaves. Here's a standard pattern for asking questions of an NPC.

- (opts)

   *  'Can I get a uniform from somewhere?'[] you ask the cheerful guard.

          'Sure. In the locker.' He grins. 'Don't think it'll fit you, though.'

   *  'Tell me about the security system.'

          'It's ancient,' the guard assures you. 'Old as coal.'

   *  'Are there dogs?'

          'Hundreds,' the guard answers, with a toothy grin. 'Hungry devils, too.'

   // We require the player to ask at least one question

   *  {loop} [Enough talking]

          -> done

- (loop)

   // loop a few times before the guard gets bored

   { -> opts | -> opts | }

   He scratches his head.

   'Well, can't stand around talking all day,' he declares.

- (done)

   You thank the guard, and move away.

Advanced: diverting to options

Options can also be diverted to: but the divert goes to the output of having chosen that choice, as though the choice had been chosen. So the content printed will ignore square bracketed text, and if the option is once-only, it will be marked as used up.

- (opts)

*  [Pull a face]

   You pull a face, and the soldier comes at you! -> shove


*  (shove) [Shove the guard aside] You shove the guard to one side, but he comes back swinging.


*  {shove} [Grapple and fight] -> fight_the_guard


- -> opts


1: Pull a face

2: Shove the guard aside


> 1

You pull a face, and the soldier comes at you! You shove the guard to one side, but he comes back swinging.


1: Grapple and fight



Advanced: Gathers directly after an option

The following is valid, and frequently useful.

*  "Are you quite well, Monsieur?"[] I asked.

   - - (quitewell) "Quite well," he replied.

*  "How did you do at the crossword, Monsieur?"[] I asked.

   -> quitewell

*  I said nothing[] and neither did my Master.

-  We feel into companionable silence once more.

Note the level 2 gather point directly below the first option: there's nothing to gather here, really, but it gives us a handy place to divert the second option to.

Part 3: Variables and Logic

So far we've made conditional text, and conditional choices, using tests based on what content the player has seen so far.

ink also supports variables, both temporary and global, storing numerical and content data, or even story flow commands. It is fully-featured in terms of logic, and contains a few additional structures to help keep the often complex logic of a branching story better organised.

Global Variables

Самая мощная переменная, и, возможно, самая полезная для истории, - это переменная для хранения некоторого уникального свойства о состоянии игры - от суммы денег в кармане главного героя до значения, представляющего состояние главного героя. разум.

Этот тип переменных называется «глобальным», потому что к нему можно получить доступ из любой точки истории - как установить, так и прочитать. (Традиционно, программирование пытается избежать такого рода вещей, поскольку позволяет одной части программы связываться с другой, не связанной частью. Но история - это история, а истории - о последствиях: то, что происходит в Вегасе, редко остается там.)

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