Morgoth as the ultimate egregor of Midgard — КиберПедия 

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Morgoth as the ultimate egregor of Midgard

2021-11-24 35
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A system of certain complexity may have a different degree of consciousness. If it is a parasitic system, it will hide the presence of its consciousness, and therefore interests - the seizure of the observer resources. The parasitic system (EGREGOR) cannot provide the benefits of the quality that the complex consciousness produces itself. In Midgar, ordinary consciousnesses form the final egregor - morgot. The basis of the existence of an egregor - synergy, the transition of quantity in quality. Morgot is 1 parasitic part of the consciousness of the observer 2 Super German, the ultimate egregor Midgard, formed by simple consciousnesses. The basis of the existence of an egregor - synergy, the transition of quantity in quality. In fact, 99% of people are zombies (trolls) of such a finite egregor. His task to hide the true picture of the world with any ways: from intimidation through many of its structures before the introduction of falsely support information. He would not need to influence the Brain Roosevelt, to be in front of him to, for example, discredit Tesla. All Crox and Tesla discreditors are already part of it, although they are confident that they acted for both their own will. All Avraamizm, international socialism, which are struggling with Arabiamism, and other many - Izsa (but not all) - this is its numerous parts with which he realizes distortion. All provisions should be perceived as unequal alvam, parts of the Mary Mary system and nothing more. A very small percentage of consciousness is able to perceive information. For their retention and directed the impact of morgot. If Tolkina Morgot Mara sits on the northern throne, then this means that all important information processes are held in the north, and Morgoth itself is a local maximum, that is, Midgard's maximum. The throne is the north that is always on top of the card. Indeed, nothing happens in Africa. In Alvheim, Morgoth can not be. Valara, that is, the elements, parts of the planetary consciousness of the conditional planet (peace, plan) Alvheim did not fight with Morgoth at home, and did not allow him to themselves. Imagine civilization identical to the present. In it, part of the population concludes that the development without recognizing the role of the observer, the self-recognition of consciousness and laws from this, the priority of the laws of ether (quantum) over the laws of the substance, the use of magicians, including through the visual appeal to the equilibrium light, it is impossible to move on. There is no progress without complication of consciousness. Such a part of people goes into more complex option - Alvheim. At the same time, a disaster occurs in Midgard. Who is the proviscial element of Midgard will blame in this? Alvov, but not as they have themselves. Were with the washing, but remained at all without anything. During this period, the final egregor Midgard (Element) - Morgot (Mara) is formed on the basis of synergies - Morgot (Mara), he interferes in the understanding of the essence and its distribution. The formation helps the availability of communications of the Internet type. Part of the ALVS due to empathy, attachments temporarily remained in Midgard. Such an egregor will try to displace them. It can not cause harm to them, but people who support Alvov can. Such alves face the consequences of their freezing between Midgard (Olheim) and Alvheim (Mandos Curse). Such events fall into the memory of the prostitory element and are transmitted through the millennium, since then the highest point of the development of Midgard (as a consciousness of a certain complexity and an option arising from this). It is clear that everything is mixed there, but some common motive remains. He falls at the time of all future idea of ​​the world to a new increase in mass consciousness again to the level when it can be understood what it is. For these ideas, a significant imprint imposes, Egregor Morgoth, which existed in the period of developed civilization in the era of telecommunication networks and to the collapse of this civilization. In Tolkuin, this may mean the will of the Morgot, which is in such a world, although it is no longer it my catastrophe. The next time it will appear only during the period of the new creation of information communications and an increase in the amount of information, when the principles of old morgot will be collected again and refuse to personality. Sauron can act a strongly simplified egregor of the semi-conscious element after the catastrophe. Such a subject is not needed by the consciousness of the Earth, nor Midgard. On Earth, he confesses with the environment and it does not forget this, and in Alvfham, such stupidity is simply not needed. It can be said that morgots destroy two set of valars. Such systems hides a certain degree of consciousness and at the same time attributes self-recognition.


Midgard's end karmic permissibility


 The liberation of billions of animals of animals from the Middgard's oppression in terms of karma is much more important than the preservation of parasitic and meaningless humanity. What is at least the bottom of daily chickens and his excuse. Such a gadyushnik cannot be justified. Simplification of thinking and symbols of Tolkien.



Vedism and its distortion


From the correspondence of Tolkien, it can be concluded that it was familiar with part of the works of Max Muller, which is unknown to the general public for various reasons. Tolkien was also familiar with those elements of the sameness, which became widely known only during the Internet. The degeneration of knowledge and consciousness in Tolkien is expressed by refund on the fact that everything written is the interpretation of people that Alvi said them. Tolkien complained that he could not reveal all his vision of the past due to religious fanatics, and should be resorted to symbols and metaphors in the Middle Ages. For example, at the time of the death of Tolkien in Northern Ireland, there was a war on the Avraamic Soil. For Ariius, the abstract worldview is natural, complex thinking, the ability to distinguish the main and secondary, to conduct reasoning to the end with thousands of elements in the chain of reasoning, and not simplification in the form of theism and personal God-tyrana. Especially in its most simplified non-Russian forms - Abrahamic slave religions with binarism of thinking. Using the language of Tolkien, the Morgot Agent (Mary) can be called conditional rewritten Christians "Aristotle". It is on the "Aristotelian" (binary) logic relies with Christianity. Binary consciousness prevents the perception of three and more states of any phenomenon at the entrance to consciousness, and prescribes only one state at the exit of consciousness. This applies to any mental operation. In addition, it packs different information into one output package, resulting in chimeras, For example, dragons and forcibly simplifies complex. From here there is a Christian scoomium in the form of a binary choice "from God or from the Devil." The activities of the conditional Sauron are nothing compared to the Christian Church: fires of the Inquisition, the destruction of books, monuments of Aryan civilization, braking progress. Islam destroyed the University of Nalandes in India and Buddha statues in Afghanistan. If the Greeks have already had toys for children on a steam engine, and only economic entry prevented their introduction, then during the Christianity of progress was not at all. The body of man and illness was not studied, the opening of the corpses were forbidden, there was an antisanitarian circle, and the planet was necessarily flat, etc. Medieval plague is a direct wine of Christianity. She claimed to 2/3 of the Aryan population of Europe. Is it not the meaning of the adoption of Christianity? Signs of slavery in Abrahamian religions: 1 Formation of a tolerant attitude to the word Slave with the principal reluctance of refusal. Sheep houses of Israel (GIO) - Sheep is a property and payment of the 2 bet on faith, that is, a unreasonable acceptance of facts, for the purposes of parasitic management, instead of a bet on evidence 3, the denial of rationality and knowledge. "Knowledge will increase the grief." Burning books and recent plane land. For comparison, the Buddha offered to check his words, and not believe the word. 4 Bet for fear during life. Inquisition. 5 Bet for fear after death. Hell. 6 Disprizesimity is offense and punishment. Eternal flour in hell. 7 Full discrepancy with reality. For example, flat land. For comparison, the land round is a round, there are atoms, multiverse, etc. 8 Easy and binarimsm. God and the devil. 9 Masochism. The slave should not receive pleasure from life. 10 Bet on the unattainable future. Paradise. Deception, not to give resources here and now. 11 West power. "Any power from God (Yahweh)." 12 Anti-detective. It is significant that the ultimate consciousness considers a miracle in India carved temples like Kajuraho, and an infestation element of the Taj Mahal. Signs of noble race: 1 Intellect 2 Ability to magic 3 External beauty 4 Achievements of material and intangible in culture. Intangible residues of elven culture is a Varism. Vedic culture has a full description of the world, which is based on rationality and experience. It relies on the worldview, assuming that the consciousness (observer) is the self-satisfaction and the root cause of all phenomena, and it means that it is possible to manage the phenomena as a consequence. The observer does not have a different owner besides him. With regard to the southern, Indian Vediasis, there are two main approaches that describe why the Vedia is called Varism: 1 Since Vedia contains a description of the world, which relies on evidence and rational arguments of 2 knowledge-revelations, these gods. The same object can be considered 1 as a certain initial principle 2 as a reasonable creature. The second approach when simplifying thinking begins to describe the initial reality as a primitive God-personality, which is a matter of the most insignificant aspects of human life. This is the manifestation of infantilism and inability to abstract, complex thinking. It is clear that today Southern Varism won such positions in the West because of the first approach, as the reduction of superscons to the God-Tiran (Yahweh) is not interested in anyone. For many researchers, the periods of Indian philosophy are divided into the Vedic, classical and period of Hinduism. Ideas of Karma, Maya, Moksha, etc., according to this approach, develop already in the classical period: from simple to complex. According to another approach, these concepts emerged earlier than those Vedas who describe the human gods. The main source of Vedic Concepts are not the Vedas themselves, but Upanishads. The classic period can be called Upanishadsky. Then, according to the second approach, the chronology of Indian philosophy is as follows: 1 Upanishad (abstract) 2 Vedisy in the sense that the texts describe the gods 3 of the Hinduism. In the records belonging to Sankhya's school (not to be confused with the school of Tibetan Buddhism), this approach is developing dated 14 centuries: from the abstract principle, the thought was to simplify, that is, the human gods. It turns out that when Aria came to India, about 3000 - 4000 years ago, they had an abstract level of the description of the universe. This concept reported to them the old Alvi before the final departure. The legacy of the Alvov lasted in a constant form of about 2,000 years, was brought in India, and then it was partly simplified as it happened in Europe. The term in 2000 coincides with the information entropy of any ideas in history. A number of details of the Arievic worldware says that they were collected during the technological civilization. For example, some descriptions of aircraft belong to the use of only real level, and identical to airplanes and helicopters. Others are already based on tehnology - Vimana. Tolkina in drafts can be read about rockets in Numen. If the magic flashes are flashed physiologically, then people (in Tolkien people are only three noble tribes) it is necessary to specifically support its exercises and social tools. Social tools include a ban on the study of Veda Nararii and a ban on mixing with them. Naaria in India was recorded in the narrate castes. These are the most leaflets at Rowling. In the early records of Buddhist philosophers, the same story is reproduced, and Buddhism is positioned by them as the restoration of the knowledge of Ariyev before its simplification. In Greek Buddhism, some authors pointed out that Buddhism is the restoration of knowledge that got from some "older parents", that is, the Alvov. In all the auction traditions, that is, not recognizing the authority of the Vedas, you can trace the same claims. The provision is quite often in the opinion of some researchers, we reduce the monizum - first-being. Traces of monism remained in Greek and northern mythologies. These gods as the northern God of IMIR or the Ellinsky god Kronos come from Ginnungapa (Rus. Zong) and chaos, respectively, that is, the Ether-Consciousness. Other evidence is the "Buddha Viking" in the lotus position, which is not found in one, but in dozens of copies. Moreover, in both cultures there are simultaneous perception of these principles as conventions (as consciousness) and as material objects - substances. The development of MONISM was actively engaged in ancient Greek philosophers, however, the idea and identity of the first-exclusion of consciousness after the editors of Christianizers for a long time was lost. In the 19th century it was believed that the averaged representations of Plato, Aristotle, Xenocrat and a number of other Greek philosophers said that the stars consist of a substance that differs from three elements. According to these ideas, the stars consist of the fourth or fifth element - ether. This substance influenced the psyche of man, and the spirit consisted of it. Such a view is presented in the translations of Wilhelm Murbeksky, which is considered to be direct access to the sources of Greek philosophers when the plunder of Constantinople. After his death, Henry Beit argued that some of the texts were simply invented, and some of the sources were subjected to intentional distortion at the direction of the Church. For example, there were problems with translations in medicine and engineering, so some of them had a mention of the astral. In addition, Christians actively developed the idea of ​​four elements that had nothing to do with the aggregate states of the substance. They applied the same approach with regard to Indian views with their translation. This model of fine distortion works much better than a direct ban or destruction of primary sources. All primary sources are not destroyed. Transfers Ficino suggest that the Greeks believed that the substance consists of four forms that are identical to the current aggregate standing. An example with a metal, which may have solid, liquid, gaseous (evaporation), and smelting luminosity was understood as the fourth state - plasma. Stars and Spirit in this approach are plasma-ether. There is also an example of the fire of the candle fire, the lights of the stars and the spirit long before the Crox. According to many researchers, the true teachings of prominent Greek philosophers could be replaced, and their works are attributed to the so-called pseudo-philosopams. For example, a pseudo-Aristotle and Pseudo-Platon are known. German historian Mannhardt believed that There is only 30% of the ancient Greek thought unchanged to modernity. "If we are talking about the history of early Greek philosophy, about the overall course of its development, about its character, subject, methods - yes, it should be rewritten. First of all, to abandon the false category of "Church" and pass it into the archive of science after Flogiston and Aristotelian ether. Return to a clear antique separation of two relatively independent (although interacting) traditions of Ionian naturalism and Italian spiritualism (idealism, mentalism). Recognize the authenticity of the ancient tradition about Pythagoreism Parmenide and Zenon, to understand that "what is there is" in the first part of Parmenide's poem is the cryptotheological concept of a superfluctural divine reality ("the invisible sun of the truth"), and Aletia itself is a practical manual for spiritual exercises of the Pythagorean Warrior and an ideal law-abiding citizen, to achieve atraxia (analogue of enlightenment), elimination of passion and fear. " Reducing the ALVS to the size of insects is the fear of a flawed psyche before the magnitude of the Alvov and the ability to achieve the same greatness. That is, the psychological technique of reducing some problem. Christians depicted a devil with sharp ears. Aliens UFO often have sharp ears. In this case, with the extraction of information from the Universe about Alvach, a simple consciousness distorts the image of Alves because of the fear of the ego before the knowledge of voidness (self-recognition), which the Alva knows well. Odinism speaks of 9 worlds. However, in Iceland in some sources it is said about 3 worlds: Alvheim, Olheim (Midgard) and Jotongheim. This state of consciousness in terms of complexity: those who know the self-recognition of consciousness, people and animal people. According to Midgard according to Haushofer, it is necessary to understand the world where the observer is currently. That is, Alvheim is also Midgard, and there are even more complex worlds. Jotunas are creatures with the level of intelligence Gorilla - snow people. Science does not hide, but does not advertise the so-called Billy monkeys - a possible product of mixing two different types, gorillas and chimpanzees. There are 6 worlds in Mahayan Cosmogony. They are often correlated with chakras, that is, the complexity of consciousness. In 1728, a fire occurred in Copenhagen, which burned down a significant part of the archives in the pagan Scandinavian culture. According to historians, the archives contained the mention of meditation from Scandinavians and a model of the type of consciousness - ether. The eye, which one gave for magical knowledge, is the closure of one eye to activate the perception of the uniformly distributed plasma light. Magic phenomena taking place on Tibet and Nepal and today are similar to those described in Tolkien, which means accessible to the observer in case of complication of consciousness. In India, and in general, European history repeated in Asia, when Verism began to simplify, and the proviscial element began to believe that the source of magic is not consciousness, but some items. These simplifications simultaneously coexist with normal, abstract interpretation. For example, a ring on the finger, which in the minds of Brahmin symbolized the self-recognition of consciousness, in the minds of Nerabin, has already turned into a ring on the finger, which for some reason makes invisible. But Brahmin became invisible not because of the ring, but from the understanding of the nature of consciousness and the world. According to Blavatsky passage in the Upanishades, where it is said that the gods feed people, means that the highest ego reaches its earthly experience through the lowest. But for a just conscious item, it will still be the gods that eat someone. Silmarillas are crystals, which schematically explains the self-recognition of consciousness and light of plasma. They refract light and make it equally allocated, that is, the plasma light, since photons on the air are distributed equally throughout its infinite volume. Today it is used in Tibetan practice Dzogchen. This also includes the so-called cunning made by the "magical" mirrors of China, which showed images with a dense light stream. There may also include the perception of plasma light, and may not be engaged. There are numerous monuments in Ireland, Rus, Scandinavia, which have pictures of circles - the symbol of the self-acting and plasma lights. In the Aryan languages, magic is often indicated by the word Circle, for example, in Slavic Cords. There are often stories about "Witches Rings": it is believed that in these places the elves or forest perfumes will lead round dances at night. There are many legends from different peoples about how the elves offered mortals to enter their dance and take part in the dance. At the same time, if a person refused, the avenine elves sent terrible diseases and misfortunes on him. Troy was located on the territory of the country of Lydia. There is some shepherd, and then the king of this country found a ring that makes his carrier invisible. Gig found him in a cave, where he lay a big skeleton. According to one of these data, we can go about the growth of three meters, and in other normal growth on modern standards, about 1.8 meters, which at that time seemed gigantic, especially for the Mediterranean region. Gig removed the ring from the skeleton's finger, and then found that it makes the carrier invisible. This is one of the sources of Tolkien. This ring was not one. In ancient Greece, the so-called transparent or invisible rings are described. As it turned out, they are made by analogy with the copper transparent mirrors of China, which can be bought today. The technology is that the metal surface is engraved by signs, then covered with amalgam, which is polished to shine. Engraving under it is invisible, but it is reflected in a special way with a dense light stream. According to the descriptions, some people could become invisible, putting on such a ring, and others are not. This was explained by moral qualities. The actual reason can be the fact that a simple consciousness that does not know the technology of manufacturing such a ring, it can cause a modified state of consciousness when it begins to perceive the world in the mode of equally distributed light of ether, and the body becomes invisible. The Alva could distribute such those who have problems with the understanding of the nature of things, to overcome too much dependence on the real level, the principle of "what I see - that is." The most skillfully performed ring had an inscription on the length of the entire rings. Some of them are stored in England and could become prototypes for Tolkien. The chain of the influence of the gendalf on the door in MAGIA is as follows: the light of the plasma of the gendalf - the metal is a response glow of the metal. It is known that radioactive metals themselves are glowing in the dark. Metal Moria Gate is made on the basis of a certain myfril, which was used in the armor, wider this semantics of hostilities. Radioactive uranium glows in the dark, its ore is lit in ultraviolet and an ultra-field, although the ultraviolet is part of the EM field. Uranus is used in the form of cores in combat shells, as it has a density three times higher than steel. At the beginning of the 20th century, England was found decorations, patterns on which could be made from uranium. Some of them had a spiral symbol. At the same time, neradoactive tungsten also shines in the EM field (the well-known thread of incandescent in the light bulb) and can also be used as the projectile cores. There are two types of luminescence: 1 The glow begins immediately and lasts only in the period during the exposure of the EM field - photoluminescence 2 The glow begins late starting the effect of the EM field and continues for some time - fluorescence. An example of a second mineral - fluorite. Gandalf had a crystal on the staff, which began glowing as a result of the chain of the Gendalf Plasma - EM - the Crystal - the crystal response. In any case, as with the "magic" mirrors of the European, the luminous uranium in the altered state of consciousness may not be introduced. Although there is a phenomenon of measurement in the north of Eurasia and America, when people enter the ISS under the influence of radiation. But here, as it turned out, this happens not in 100% of cases. The subject is as long as the observer considers it to be such. It is known that Jung believed that magic exists and is called synchroniron. He also conducted a correspondence to guy physicists. Syncronia occurs during neurosis, and neuroses there is a provision of something as infinitely strong, which cannot be overcome. That is, we are talking about the fact that the observer puts infinity to the phenomenon. By the way of the abstract Concepts and intersections of their information volume, infinity is self-recognition. By virtue of the same principle, an equilibrium plasma light = infinity = self-recognition. The subject of the relevant equilibrium light is plasma = infinity = self-recognition, then it can do magic with the help of it, and when he becomes the famous fellow nature of nature, then the infinity of him is a transcendent observer, although he does not know about it. Therefore, the transcendent observer of the 13th century could materialize a glass, having a ring with a luminous inscription, and the transcendent observer in the 20th century could no longer, since this subject is not endless for him. The awakened observer and in the 13th and in the 20th century could materialize a glass without any ring, since the source of magic is consciousness. He does not need an item with an equilibrium light - it can see the equilibrium light everywhere and always. Therefore, some psychics magic works only in 50% of cases, and they talk about the importance of the mood. If there are skeptics that knock down the observer, then the magic will not. The ancient Greeks knew that the stars, fire and consciousness were consistent from the same substance. They could only receive such information from civilization, which has already accumulated experimental data. This is evidenced by the fact of the name 4-5 state of the substance - Astral. Later, Christian intentional distortion consists of 1 in the unproduction of elements as a state of substance 2 non-substitution plasma. The same thing was done by relativists when they wanted to remove the ether and not recognize quantum laws. Later they recognized quantum laws, but did not recognize their action in Macromir. This is an endless to anyone an unnecessary trading shop. Christians also removed all the practices of the ancient Greeks, which are identical to Eastern meditation. However, the descriptions are preserved according to which the Scandinavians were engaged in meditations, that is, self-knowledge. In Greece, there was a meditation, which was called the epoch. Now Epoche is the principle of reasoning in philosophy, which means the suspension of all metaphysical statements - judgments about the existence of the subject outside the perceiving of his consciousness. The term first meets Aristotle and gets further development of Pyrrhon. However, Roman historians argue that it was the practice of observing darkness. It is believed that such a phenomenon as Greco-Buddhism arose at the beginning of our era. However, atlaskrit believed that the teaching like Buddhism existed in Greece a few thousand years before the similar ideas came from India. This is the essence of Greek Hellenism, that is, Elfism. If the plasma body was comprehended through meditation in India, then the Greeks who considered themselves the heirs of the Alvov were the same. Ancient Indians also knew about plasma. Swami Vivekananda argued that Max Muller was forced to remove all references to the Indian substance model, the concept of equivalent plasma. Higher practices of yogis in India are some of the image perception, such as the streets of the blurred light. At the same time, for some reason, references to atoms, vimans, the roundness of the planet, multi-dealed, etc. Another version states that Muller was based on censorship templates that William Jones laid before him. Jones got acquainted with the Indian concept of Montizm and Consciousness, but removed them by order of the Christian church. It caused damage to India itself, as modern Indian scientists refer to the works of European scientists. In addition, Abrahamic religions assigned monotheism, having completed it, so real monotheism is an understanding of the consciousness of its self-recognition, which means uniqueness, the secondaryness of everything observed in relation to it. The overall high level of knowledge, the extremely high levels of certain areas of knowledge, the high level of thinking in Greeks and Hindus does not correspond to the simple level of knowledge on substances, which is declared by the official history. Alvheim is Sansara from which it is not necessary to run away, hybrid Sansary and emptiness (self-recognition of consciousness). Submission of Sansary in the opinion of some researchers was devoted to the Northern Variam, which is not in South. In oneness as residual VoiceDifferent worlds (the variants of the multi-dealed level of complexity and at the same time the options for consciousness in terms of complexity) are associated with a certain world tree. That is, worlds are connected by ether consciousness, whose symbol of the neuron tree. A separate way to travel is the Rainbow Bridge - the realization of the iris, that is, the exit to the equilibrium plasma light as a result of the complication of consciousness. Runes may designate a symbolic scheme for implementing this. A typical modern example of pseududism is numerous fantasy with binary flawed division on good and evil. For example, these are star wars with a bright and dark side of the force that there is an explicit attempt on indivisible temperature. Distributed light = gray color = dark lover. There are also plasma swords - indirect recognition of the role of plasma and the impossibility of ownership of it without recognizing the role of the observer. There is no good and evil. There is an empathy as an american and compassion arising from empathy, but it is non-parasitic. If the one who needs help persistently does not want to be self-rendered - he is left alone. If he persistently interferes with a consciously - remove. That is, knowledge and ignorance, the reason and the consequence, which is talking about the world in the matrix. Thus, the mention of an equally distributed plasma light in the Greek philosophy of Christians was seized by 1 inappropriate for the contemplation of an equally distributed light 2, the creation of false entities - elements of the non-aggregative states of the substance. At the same time, the understanding of the Greeks came to us, which is the basis of the spirit (consciousness) and stars, the same substance is plasma. The illumination of the Indian Vedia was done the same. Sanskrit in Tolkina Language of southern Vedasma - Sanskrit. This language was interested in all philologists, including Tolkien. Iluvutar - Avatar Equalied Light Plasma, Lambengolmore - Langrim, Namo Mandos - Mantra Ohm Namo Bhagavat Vasudeva, Dakhaniviskhetil-Gong (name Tanikvetyil in Feanor) - Dhyanavishnugana - 1st place where Vishnu meditates 2 place where the sun is constantly, if under the name Vishnu understand Sunny bird crossing the Earth. Then it may be referred to in mind the former North Pole, that is, a coincidence with the Mountain measure (Mandara, for example Gunbjern) in Greenland, and where there is a polar day. In Greenland, there are mountain pyramids - from here "Crystal Towers", that is, the coating of ice and snow. Trees By virtue of the concept of system theory - fractality, the same phenomenon exist at many levels. Two trees - the relationship between minimal parts of consciousness - neurons, logical elements. From here Vajra, who meets in many of the gods: Indra, Zeus, Odin, etc. Two white wood symbolize two neurons that skip the signals, and therefore glow. However, no less dried tree of the Gondora has a real prototype. This is a reference to dry (lonely) wood that described the traveler Marco Polo. It is also described in the "Travels" of Sergey John Mandeville. Marko Polo describes a dry tree as having a white bark, the leaves, which are green on one side, and on the other white. A plan falls under this description. Platan often has a white bark, for example, Platan East (Chinara) and green - white colors from different sides of the sheet. The essence of the plane as other magic items is that at night he can introduce an observer into a state of consciousness, in which the perception mode of the equilibrium plasma light is activated, since the color of the plane is similar to it. The plasma creates a plane, but only the consciousness of the observer. The same phenomenon is observed in May-June, when the seeds of dandelions, poplars, etc. are observed. About 20% of these objects in the Pooh  

Plants are not, but are plasmoids or their polymeric residues. However, the fluff of dandelion, etc., provokes consciousness to activate the plasma regime. There is a feedback here. Irish legends say that Platan is the habitat of "Phoenix birds", that is, plasmoids. There are English sketch of 1340, depicting Alexander the Great near the are of the Sun and the Moon. There is a Ruan image of 1444, which depicts the tree of the Sun and the Moon, as well as a dried tree with a Phoenix bird sitting on it. Both images transmit features characteristic plane. Plasmoids in the Middle Ages due to the actions of the Inquisition were often designated as Phoenix Bird, which leaves feathers - polymer threads, which are formed during the passage of ball lightning through atmospheric gases. Similarly, in the industry of Midgard and today receive a number of polymers. In a number of sources of the Pali Canon, the Buddha reached enlightenment not under the sacred ficus, but under a plane number, which before the birth of the Buddha was brought from the north. The tree is described as having a white bark, green-white leaves. Platan is also considered a Vishnu tree. In Egypt, Platan was a symbol of the goddess of the sky, which wore the symbols of the Sun and the Moon: Consciousness and subconscious. In the hermetic fence, the symbol of the neuron, and the two trees establishing links between neurons long before the emergence of the term neuron in the West. Platanes are also symbols of Apollo and Hercules. On Icelandic sources of the tree of the world, Igdrasil had a white bark. Lympe Tolkina Lympa drink drink and become an alv. This story is similar to the smelling of Amitra in Hinduism. This is a kind of milk drink. We are talking about comprehending by an observer of the volatility of all things, which is accompanied by the activation of the perception of the equilibrium light of the plasma ether. With its dense manifestation, it really looks like milk. Its parts are a crucible (phosphate), completely banal bright dots visible through the eyes at night. Valinor - America or Greenland Under Valinor, a number of researchers understand or North America, or Greenland. Greenland has more reasons to be considered Valinor than America. Her relief under the snow coincides with Aman: all over the perimeter of the island of the Mountain - this can be viewed on the Internet at the request of Greenland without a glacier. And she really became hidden in some sense - snow. In addition, Tol-Eresa is understood by Iceland, who, together with Greenland, was called Tula. The tribe of Eskimos in Greenland is called Tula. Tol is 1 or an island 2 or Tula, and Eresaa is formed by shifting -r on-in and permutation of letters from Iceland. Tula is mysterious for antiquity and middle ages, the unattainable island described by the Greeks. In Greenland, the Old North Pole and Mount Merre (Tanikvetyl) was located, that is, an important point of the world, which, when reading this information, could not be interpreted by a simple consciousness (people who lived after the fall of Suron) otherwise as the highest mountain: if something or Someone is significant, then for a simple consciousness it is a mountain, king, etc. The land axis is a significant phenomenon, which means that there stands in its place. Greenland, together with the Bermuda Triangle, is the strongest abnormal zone on Earth. Greenland was combined with a curtail with the British Islands (Helobrarakse - the experiencing, according to which conditioned quantities were held). Ancient Tibetan Tradition (Bon Tradition) said that: "White Island (Greenland) is the only locality that avoided the common fate of all the mainland after catastrophe. It cannot be destroyed by either water, nor fire, for he is eternal earth. "The ancient Indian epic" Mahabharata "says: "In the north of the Milk Sea (Ice Ocean), there is a large island, known as the Swip of Moviz... - Country of Blessed, there PUP - the center of the world, around which the sun, the moon and stars rotate. The plane of the northern wall of Kailas looks not to the north, but has a deviation equal to 15 ° west of the northern direction. But, if in ancient times the northern wall looked at the measure, then lowering the perpendicular to the plane of the "reflector" and, extending it in the northern direction, we arrive at the territory of Greenland (the Great White Island). In Brahmansky clarifications, it is reported that two artificial trees were installed on the island as symbols of allocations, and the residents flew in the viman. According to the study of English scientists, Greenland over the past 15,000 years could be covered with a glacier several times, and after that it is cleaned. Pliny: "For these mountains, on the side of Aqualon (approx. - For Iceland, Tol-Erey), the happy people... which is called hyperborers, reaches very old years and glorified by wonderful legends... The sun shines there for six months (polar day), And this is only one day, when the sun is not hidden... From the spring equinox to the autumn, the luminaries go back there only once a year at the summer solstice, but they only come in winter... This country is all in the sun, with a fertile climate and deprived of any harmful wind. Houses for these residents are groves, forests. Death comes there only on the suggestion of life... You can not doubt the existence of this nation... "Pliny:" The people of this high, are still beautiful and staithe. And there are also features: ears like a wolf, the legs are long and widely the base of them, the sidelines' eyes... "Pindar:" Neither climb nor nobody forced the wonderful path to the gyperbeda. " Anaximen: "The mainland of this from the heraklovy pillars lies in 70 - 80 days of swimming north. But only the one whom will miss. " This is equivalent to swimming from the shores of Spain to Greenland in ancient ship. "... People live in their homes with a large territory. There are many pyramids and is unclear how they are made. At night there are two giant cypress. All the sky is highlighted by them, and this light is visible for a large distance from this wonderful land. " The pyramids in Greenland are and can be viewed on the Internet. Kiparisa - 1 Some Matobjects 2 Polar Lights. Greenland is one of the places on earth, where people are most often disappeared. The Government of Denmark is trying in every way to hide this information. Apollo attended his distant homeland every 19 years - Hyperboreu on a chariot, harmful swans (Vimana with plasma). Tolkina Galadriel floats on the boat-swan. Next to Greenland is the island of Elasmir. Silmarrylion speaks of heavenly swan with swan, that is, as in Indian epic, the "gods" of hyperbores moved on aircraft. Here is a fairy tale "Gus-Swans". If we assume that Tolkien considered information from the "information field", then the creators of the TPP Games were drawn from there, including Skyrim. For example, the tower of white gold in the imperial city, which himself stands on the island in the lake - this is a mountain of mode in the center of Hyperborea, as a mercator depicted. If the islands of Summers are considered to consider Greenland and Iceland in the south, then at the coup of the map Skyrim turns out to be in Scandinavia. American scientists concluded that in the coming years, Greenland can completely lose the glacial cover. At the same time, English scientists believe that Doggerland can be climbed on the surface above the sea level in the coming years. That is, Valinor and Belerind will be available to the physical inspection. Mithrandire. Known Aryan God Mithra. A number of sources indicate that Mithra came to Europe from Hyperborea during the formation of Egypt. He saw his task in the union of people. One of the interpretations named after Mitra is friendship. In some Scandinavian sources, one and his grandfather IMIR mixed up. Imyir himself is called Metroi. In Buddhism, the last Buddha is a Maitreya, which is the Lord of the World and the one-classman Manve. Tolkien wrote that Gandalf (Elf with the Staff) could be avatar Manva. Morgot Mara - Valimar talk about evil as ignorance, good as knowledge taking place from the same consciousness. One of the great Mahatm in theosophy - Moria. Belgrade - Minas Tyrit. Coincidence by name and territory. If you consider the territory of England per Shire, and the Moscow region for the transducer of Transduil, then MORDOR is a P-shaped carpathians. The initial name Belgrade Celtic Singidunum, where - Sing - Circle, - Dun - Fortress, that is, a round fortress. Inhabited by sinders - prototype of Sindarov. There is also a plane alley - a white meditative tree. Then the remnants of the Gondora was Greece, which called himself an ellose, and the people of Hellen. Eregion - Hungary. In the north eastern part there is a place of mining of uranium - Moria. Tanikvetyl In this approach, the Earth's energy point, such as the former North Pole in Greenland, can be understood in this approach. In a simple consciousness, such a place is a necessarily mountain. Mahabharata mentions that in the north there is the island of Svet Moviz (literally a light island), and in other versions of Dhani Svet, where some blissful people live. Tolkien as a philologist was engaged in phoned shifts in the names. Dhani Svet is easily turning into a tanicvetyl. Dha on Sanskrit - put, pull, that is, the stop. The center of the island is a mountain of mode, which is the center of the world. In Brahmansky interpretations, the real existence of the mountain measure is recognized, however, it is indicated that it does not represent anything special. This mountain is not particularly high, the gods do not live on it, and it is not right at the point of rotation of the Earth, but not far from it. Another point of view says that the measure of one of the regions of this country is still. A more accurate name of the mountain - Mandara. Other significant vertices of the region are listed: Sachya, Shuktukybam, Mahendra, Malaya, Rickshabam, Paryatra and Windhya. Mount Gunbrian in Greenland may well be a measure - Tanikvetyl. In Tolkina, this mountain is the highest, as is the mountain measure in a number of Indian works. "For thirty-three thousand Yojan (spread) Golden Mount Mere, Queen Mountains. Here (located) gardens of the gods. " That is, approximately 4 million kilometers. This is a point after which the minimum registered gravity of the Earth falls. From the pole of the Earth, one of the power lines going straight. Annex 1 Interpretation of Tolkien characters Era Iluvator - Ether - Plasma. From here the Illuminati, that is, the luminaries. Iluvatar - Avatar Plasma. Light from bodies of alvov. The body can really glow plasma, which can be seen in some photos. Do not wait for a very bright glow, as it will not exceed the luminosity of stars. In cities it is not visible due to light pollution, like the stars themselves. Sign of Alva - possession of magic, including accompanying the possession of the vision of equilibrium light, that is, plasma. Here, the expressions "reach their hands to the stars", that is, to the plasma, make a desire for a falling star, that is, originally a ball lightning, which is plasma. Era Illuvator as a personality is a simplified version of bringing information to a simple consciousness. The second music of Ainur is life in Alvheim. Valar Tree Fractal Down: 1 Neurons or Logic Elements Ether-Consciousness 2 The ability to see the plasma of trees (Elma lights, coronary discharge), including gigantic Platanov-secular 3 Trees-monuments in Greenland or Alvheim. Flame of the Illuvator - 1 Self-acceptance = Infinity 2 Equally distributed light category, unpaired by the parasitic simplicity of morgot level. Valinor - Alvheim, Mediterranean - Olheim (Midgard). These are two different states of consciousness, characterized by complexity. Accordingly, these are two different variants of the multivalented largely with the distinguished laws of physics. "For not the land of Manvel gives immortality to its inhabitants, but those who live in it are immortal consecrate (they are mounted due to the complexity of consciousness, a deep understanding of the world)." The impossibility of staying a simple consciousness in Valinor is the literal inability to endure a simple consciousness of complex information that is inseparable from energy. "And you just would soon fit and burned down like a moth in the all-living flame." Numen's campaign to Valinor - attempts to penetrate Alvheim without complication of consciousness. Speaks about simplifying consciousness, and a consequently more problematic world, which such consciousness begins to collect around him, including the catastrophe. Simplicity -Hell stealing. Melkor's distortion is the main tool of Melkor. To counteract, it is necessary to be able to distinguish between true and false information. Distortion is one of the key Vedic categories appealing to rational thinking, provability, a solid picture of the world. Awakening is an understanding of all causal relationships of the Universe. Understanding such concepts as infinity and self-recognition of consciousness. Lake Kui. Fractal concept. Lake awakening - ether, which is similar to water. Geographically - Lake Svetloyar. Elf - Arias who have reached awakening. Earendil - Venus, Lucifer, Prometheus, that is, the carrier knowledge. The doctrine is the light, and the failure is dark, that is, twig. Valars - the subsystems of the Alvhaim planetary consciousness, but not Midgard. Alva Consciousness can really communicate both with planetary consciousness as a whole and individual subsystems. Manve - 1 Information 2 Air Alvhaima. Elbert - 1 plasma as such 2 Alvheim air plasma. Silmarillas - decoration-reminders of the self-recognition of consciousness and equally distributed light. Hike elves in Valina - awakening. Straight Path to West - 1 Awakening 2 Geographically anomaly Bermuda Triangle - Greenland. Noldor departure from Valinor - the desire of the part of old elves to be some time in Midgard due to old affection. That is, this simplification of consciousness, which has already reached a complex level. Carries inevitable problems - the curse of Mandos. At the same time, the collective egregor of ordinary consciousness is Melkor Olheim (Midgard) will try to squeeze the elves in Alvhaim. In this sense, Melkor in Midgard never disappeared. Melkore was conventionally expelled outside the Alvhaim, where he could get temporarily until the newly freezed alves hung between two versions of reality. Prototype: "Someone, Ogigiya, is far away in the sea... and three other islands that are from it and from each other at an equal distance lie on. On one of them, according to the stories of local residents, Zeus sharpened Kronos, and next to the oldest briaria, which carries the guard, guarding the islands and the sea, referred to as the Sea of ​​Kronos. Great Mainland, the ring surrounding the Great Sea is not far from other islands. " The Battle of Belerianda is the most key clashes dependent in Midgard Alvov with the spirit of ignorance. Morgot Mara is not interested in the elves elphiized by some other number of arions. Belerind Geographically - Doggerland. The countries of the elves in the Mediterranean are the settlements of the Alves of the period in Midgard, or the place of transition to Midgard. If the Alvi lived some time among the arions, they lived apart and perceived as gods. These places were isolated from ordinary consciousness magic. Beren and Luteien fractally down 1 The ability of the Aria to become an alv of 2 infusion of blood alone in Ariyev, which is useful to many generations later and with the result that now part of Ariyev can become Alvami 3 quite a real story in which some elf and Aria seized from a wild tribe (orcs, very simple consciousness) Silmarill is a reminder of the elves, and then it was published among Ariis for their training. In this sense, the morgot caused damage. For elf, it was a simple story, for the aria is complex, because he did not own magic. It can be seen that today her genus was not interrupted. Torus, Turin is an element to attract the attention of a simple consciousness. Typical combat sagas. Turin - forbidden due to nonsense and at the same time the need for will to victory over ignorance. Sauron - 1 The aspect of the morgot, the private element of nonsense 2 conflict ("war of the gods") of the elves remaining in Olheim (Midgard) about the policy of not \ intervention in the affairs of the Aryev Europe. Training Alvami Ariyev is an attempt to reach part of the Arius as a state of consciousness before the Alvov. Faanora Star - 8 Eltimate Star, which means chaos, as 4 The ultimate star in Midgard means order. Chaos = uncertainty = infinity = self-recognition due to the identity of abstract concepts. Dagora-Dagoratt - is happening now, and maybe several thousand years. This is the maximum possible reproduction of false-support (distorted) information, which is possible only in the information society, as it is necessary to distribute it channels: media, Internet, etc. and opposition to this. Angband - depression due to the north climate, when most of the year is cold. Sacrifice of Sauron Morgot in Numenore - Terractees, PE due to stupidity. MORDOR - 1 state of consciousness and reality from it 2 Geographically Midgard - Carpathians. Lot-Lorien - Geographically Midgard Kiev, Doriat - Geographically Bru-on-Boyne, Principality of Syndarov Tranduyl - Geographically Moscow, Dale - Geographically Petersburg (to Peter Til). Wise - understand all causal relationships, including invisible simple consciousness. "Do not climb wise. You will not understand, but you will not turn problems. " Magic cannot be studied by 50%, but only 100%. Dragon is a product of simple thinking. At the entrance to consciousness all two types of phenomenon are allocated and no more, and at all one at all. In addition, many phenomena at the entrance packs into one information package and hybrids arise - chimeras. Dragon - Reptile. Dinosaurs became birds, which 1 love shiny items 2 have a third eye for an orientation in a magnetic field 3. Able to speak 4 Able to let the plasmoids (orbs) that are able to set fire to things. The dragon comes from the snake, which symbolizes a long event, dangerous for a person, as well as a vicious circle. For example, a kidney disease that caused the lesion of the liver, and the lesion of the liver in turn, the new defeat of the kidneys in the Middle Ages was denoted by the dragon, initially a snake type of typoros. A simple consciousness packs in one pack of reptile, a bird and a dangerous phenomenon, as a result of which the dragon appears. Deficiency and limited magical artifacts (trees, sylmarilli, etc.) - reception to keep the attention of the simple consciousness. Appendix 2 Equally Distributed Plasma Light = Magic Attention! Articles on Wikipedia are now quickly rewritten! The names of the articles will drive in search engines. Video on YouTube is marked by YouTube. Part of articles in foreign languages. Links sites are not skipped. 1 In 2016, about $ 200 million was allocated for the propaganda of Einstein's theory in the United States, and $ 10 million on quantum physics (Ether laws) informs. For the formation of a common theory of the US Congress, in the 90s hired an independent group of scientists who came to the conclusions that the Early Telegia group. Theses of the theory of ether were partially repeated, which were formulated at the end of the 19th century - the beginning of the 20th century in more than 60 scientific works. By 1920, they were all seized from libraries. That is, in the century, nothing has changed, and the picture of the world in this description is more or less established. For example, only the effects of the EM field are used now, but no quarks, leptons and another 3000-4000 allegedly existing particles in everyday life can be seen. 1 "Thus, the mention of an equally distributed light of plasma in the Greek philosophy of Christians was seized by 1 inappropriate for the contemplation of equally distributed light 2, the creation of false entities - elements as non-aggregative substances. At the same time, the understanding of the Greeks came to us, which is the basis of the spirit (consciousness) and stars, the same substance is plasma. The illumination of the Indian Vedia was done the same. " 1 plasma, (setdren. - Astral) projection. "Under plasma or astral (Astra - a star, consisting of plasma), the projection is understood by the perception of peace in the mode of equally distributed light, which overlaps the light of the light bulb or the sun, reflected from the chairs, tables, etc. The source of equally distributed light is the active form of the ether - plasma. Plasma creates a substance. Equally distributed light is part of the observer consciousness. At the time of the appeal to an equally distributed light, the observer is aware of the self-recognition of consciousness and all arising from this effect can control the real level (magic). Appeal to an equally distributed light implies an understanding of the illusion of the world, the possibility of all, the uniqueness of the observer as a manager of the surrounding reality. It was in this form that plasma information was given by the latest exhausting senior arias - Alvami younger about 6,000 years ago. " 1 Principles for the selection of information Carno (early 19th century), according to which the ban was imposed on the collection and generalization of information on paranormal effects. They determined the appearance of science for two centuries ahead (Nicolas Léonard Sadi Carnot) 1 false official science methods (instructions for combating official science collusion) 1 Multi-dealer travel is trying to imagine both apophia and hallucinations. Shadow Methods of CBB RAS RF (FALSE Commission on Combating Legguing RAS, official science never recognizes these facts. It has been proven that there were electricity in the pyramids) 1 END OF SCIENCE (book End of science, braking and slowing for scientific and technological progress) 1 attacks on quantum physics in the 20th century. Einstein - home icon of objectivists (Albert Einstein and quantum mechanics) 1 Experiments of Nikola Tesla - Crox Ulima. Plasma Active form of ether, existing simultaneously at the level of the ether, fields and substances, which generates a substance. Plasma behavior depends on the observer, which means there is its consciousness. (Nikola Tesla and Vedas, YouTube Tesla and Circle. Plasmoids. Ultraviolet Reasonable Essences. Forbidden experiments with mirrors) 1 In 2018, German scientists found out that 8 out of 10 videos on YouTube, where telecinez is shown, genuine. It is also found that neural networks in the processing of photographs in social networks specifically rub the orbs (phosphates, crucible), that is, a plasma. 1 Shutting the results of the Tesla from official science by taking attention towards technical devices. 1 Plasmoids are considered as particles. Electron - plasmoid. Star and black holes - Plasmoids. There are black ball lightning - mini black holes. (Plasmoid Phenomena P. O. Box 13050 Chicago, Illinois 60613 March 8, 1995) 1 report group Vestiode, USA. Ball lightning are particles. The behavior of ball lightning - plasmoids depends on the observer. For example, they are observed alone, but there are no others. (YouTube Mikhail Gerstein. Geomantia, earthly lights and Ufology) 1 orches (plasmoids) (orby - plasmoid creatures, Orbs, plasmoids - paranormal plasmoid objects.) 1 Plasmoids can act with the causes of accidents and other accidents. Plasmoids and plasma are found in abnormal zones, that is, the locations of the energy of the Earth. Plasma is presented there as a Maevo, fog often green, lights (death road or abnormal roads on the roads) 1 The notion of the Etoplasma from the beginning of the 20th century (Etoplasm). Extoplasmable blow - the cause of death Helen Duncan. 1 "This is not the ether of the battlefield - this is our material world is an obstellite for Ether." N. Tesla. One gram of ether is much more energetic than gram of substance. At the same time, Poincare, and not Einstein brought that mass = energy 1 The strong effect of the Bifeld - Brown (anti-gravity) is implemented only in the presence of plasma 1 There are about 40 experiments on plasma ether, which official science does not say (the facts proving the existence of the ester lattice) 1 Michelson-Morley experiment was carried out with violations that are described and ignored by official science 1 ball lightning killed a group of Dyatlov. All other explanations - eye removal (recognition of the nature of fiery balls, as the key to the mortgage of the death of the group Dyatlov) 1 There are about 400 (!) Hypotheses about ball lightning. Of course, most for the removal of the eyes (hypothesis about ball lightning Full list, what a ball lightning and where it takes) 1 Riddown of desires (magic, that is, the displacement between the Multi-Lesseed options) with a "falling star", that is, the plasma, "reach the hands to the stars", that is, before plasma. Alva (Ancient Aria) glowed by astral light, that is plasma (What is an ELF?) 1 2006 report on plasmoids in England. The behavior of plasmoids depends on the observer, in particular the behavior of pilots of aircraft. (YouTube - Mikhail Gerstein. Ball lightning, UFOs and atmospheric plasma) 1 Complaints that plasmoids may worsen well-being or killing (Plasmoid is part of the psyche of the person himself, but the control is not established above it) (Orbs or Plasmoids) 1 Ghosts are an uniformly distributed light of plasma, the projection of the observer consciousness (a moving ghost or plasmoid was filmed on Astrakhan Street) 1 Bird Phoenix - Ball Lightning. Feathers Phoenix birds are polymeric formations after ball lightning. So-called angel hair. (Hair Angel, Gloomy Mystery Heaven?) 1 astral. Comes from the word Star, which is plasma. In yoga, a thin body is 4 or 5 elements. No elements, but there are 4 state of matter, that is, plasma. (Wikipedia Element (philosophy) 1 In anomalous zones, ball lightning are observed. 95% of the UFO look like ball lightning - plasma (dark loss) (Yutub A.B. Petukhov. Statistics of reports on UFO according to Ufoseti.) 1 yoga consider the highest point of comprehension the opportunity to see the balls of light, that is, plasmoids. Tigle. (Tsa-Lung-Tigle) 1 in cinema, games, cartoons All magic and super technologies (technicality, working only at the observer) are shown not as light, but as a substantial light - plasma. For example, a flying ball from the magic wand. That is, the preparation of the population and its unofficial informing. V. I. Lenin - Of all the arts for us the most important Is a movie (YouTube All scenes with a spell of a kedaur Avad in the film Harry Potter) 1 99% of matter in the universe - plasma. At the same time, 95% of matter in the universe - dark matter and dark energy, that is, something that has supervised, not only associated with a mass, properties. Obviously, plasma is this very matter. 90% of the Universe unknown - Of course, this is impossible without an observer. 1 Multifier plasma shape on Earth: clouds, dust, fog, smoke, air (as partially ionized) 1 Antigravitational platform Grebenikova. According to engineers, the key in anti-gravity in Grebennikova is the creation of plasma with cellular structures. In itself, the creation of an EM field cannot give antigravity. Grebennikov noted that insects are peculiar not only anti-gravity, but also teleportation 1 Ants attachments have the ability to teleportation. Especially the uterus. In this case, teleportation does not occur in the presence of an external observer. However, at the time of disappearance, plasmoids of blue in diameter were floated from the uterus chamber in diameter. 1 According to the beliefs of the Celts, the light of the Sun is capable of materializing things. The sun is a star, which means plasma. Addressing to it can lead to such a phenomenon. Report for the US Government: Quantum laws operate in macromir 1 Experiments under the project Star Gate to the United States. Quantum laws operate in macromir ("Stargate" and UFOs: the CIA has declassified a 50-year-old archive) 1 Generalization of medieval observations about flying balls in the presence of which items materialized, levitation was observed, etc. The behavior of the balls depended on the observer. 1 People watched quantum laws in the substance always. The sudden disappearance of things that cannot be found rationally-real explanation, and their subsequent appearance, the sudden appearance of people. These events are often accompanied by a mooring, that is, plasma. (YouTube - emotions in magic (audio record 22.05.2017) 1 study of Australian astrophysics. Black holes that can be plasma, gave rise to the first matter after a large explosion (black hole "shot" by plasma on the ground) 1 Theory of relativity. Large objects, including black holes, the star possess strange phenomena. The observer is represented as located in a particular place. But finding in different places is the assessment of the observer itself at its discretion. 1 Ninel Kulagin. Kulagina could create a plasma (secret of the telekinease Ninel Kulaginina, why KGB studied the ability of the extrasens of Ninel Kulagina) 1 hides the phenomenon of dust plasma, as it shows the variety of plasma at the real level. Some plasma species give rise to others. Any uncertain visual phenomenon - plasma. The plasma is any visual nebula, given its informational definition as uncertainty. Plasma are cloud, dust, fog, smoke, transparent air, etc. The dust of the plasma becomes a light plasma. 1 At night, the air is visible as a totality of glowing points - the light plasma. 1 The classification of plasma in the media is limited only to the temperature criterion. The fact is not mentioned that the dust plasma goes into non-impossible. That is, the plasma is a supervised phenomenon. It is clearly visible when the volcanic eruption. 1 Vajra - universal tool of the gods. Nepal is described as a pair with luminous balls - plasma (The Vajra: An Ancient Weapon Of The Gods) 1 Fairi - People who own plasma (YouTube Scariest Things Caught On Dashcam In Real Life 2019 (Mysterious Creatures & Scary Stories On Tape) 1 With nuclear explosions, teleportation effects were observed. USA (YouTube - Must See!! Famous UFO Sighting During An Atomic Explosion Crossroads Baker) 1 propaganda company CBL RF RF russian against ball lightning, Kulagin, the theory of plasma-plasma Tesla - Crox (example of a customized material from CBB RF RAS exist if there is a ball lightning? Or is it myth? - Choice 1 Most of the Archives of Tesla are disappeared, and was published insignificant technical information, but not fundamental to the structure of the Universe (Discovery. Tesla declassified archives) 1 Articles about plasma and ball lightning Some of the most rewritten in Wikipedia dtforceyo5xwxfl7.onion showthread.php? Tid = 243) 1 Potter - the last beastral attempt to fasten the protoalva in Midgard 1 The decision on the introduction of CF and IR-Filters, in the smartphones, was taken in Boston in 2002 with the "purpose of avoiding incomprehensible objects". Photos of the 19th century and the 20th century were made without such filters. 1 Former Facebook Programmers argue that the social network uses user data processing to remove images of orb (plasmoids). 1 The declassified Documents of the CIA say that the further development of science is impossible, and the development of technogenics is possible 1 The equality of mass and energy is not removed by Einstein, but Poincare. 1 In the 20th century, about 300

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