Ex. 7. Put 10-15 questions to the text and ask your groupmates around. — КиберПедия 

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Историки об Елизавете Петровне: Елизавета попала между двумя встречными культурными течениями, воспитывалась среди новых европейских веяний и преданий...

Ex. 7. Put 10-15 questions to the text and ask your groupmates around.

2021-10-05 43
Ex. 7. Put 10-15 questions to the text and ask your groupmates around. 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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Ex. 8. Using any additional information make a short report about any famous person of the USA.




Ex. 1. Write a list of words which are associated with Ireland in your minds.

Ex. 2. Guess why Ireland is called the Emerald Island.



Ex. 3 Read the text and fill in the gaps with the sentences given below.



The Island of Ireland is situated in the extreme north-west of the Continent of Europe between 51.5 and 55.5 degrees north latitude and 5.5 and 10.5 degrees west longitude. Its total area is 84,421 square kilometers, of which the Republic covers 70,282 square kilometers and Northern Ireland 14,139 square kilometers. The flat central plain, with many boglands and lakes, is bisected by the River Shannon, the longest river in either Ireland or Britain, running for nearly 450 km. Ireland has some 300 lakes, large and small. _____________ In the Republic, the largest lakes are Lough Corrib, Lough Derg, and Lough Ree.

Since Ireland is an island, with no part more than 112 km from the sea, the climate is temperate and equable. Temperatures are fairly uniform over the whole country. The coldest months are January and February, with average air temperatures of between 4˚C and 7˚C, while the warmest are July and August, when the average air temperature goes around 15˚C.

Ireland has a total population of around five million people. Over three and a half million people live in the Republic, while Northern Ireland has slightly over one and a half million inhabitants. Before the 1840s potato famine, the population was eight million. ______________

In the first two decades after Ireland achieved independence in 1922, the institutions of the State were consolidated and a tradition of political stability was established. The Constitution of 1937 and the Republic of Ireland Act 1948 severed Ireland’s last formal links with Britain. Ireland remained neutral during the Second World War and does not belong to any military alliance.

The national flag is a tricolour of green, white and orange. The harp has been regarded as the official symbol of Ireland since medieval times. ______________Systems of government in both parts of Ireland have many similarities with those elsewhere in Western Europe.

Ireland is a parliamentary democracy. Its law is based on common law and legislation enacted by Parliament under the Constitution. Regulations of the European Communities have the force of law in Ireland.

The Constitution of Ireland sets out the form of government and defines the powers and functions of the President, both Houses of the National Parliament and the Government. It also defines the structure and powers of the Courts and outlines the fundamental rights of citizens.

The President is the Head of State. _____________The President has no executive functions. A President may only serve for two terms. The current President, Mary McAleese, was elected for the second time for a seven year term in 2004.


1. The heraldic harp is used by the Government, its agencies and its representatives at home and abroad.

2. Where there is more than one candidate for the office, the people elect the President by direct vote.

3. By far the largest is Lough Neagh in Northern Ireland, which covers 400 sq km, making it the biggest lake in Ireland and Britain.

4. So, the present population is the highest on record since 1871.



Ex. 4. Answer the following questions:


1. Where is Ireland situated?

2. What are the coldest and the warmest months in Ireland?

3. When did Ireland achieve its independence?

4. What kind of state is Ireland?

5. What is the Head of State?


Ex. 5. Discuss with you partner if these statements are true or false. If they are false, correct them.


1. The Island of Ireland is situated in the extreme north-east of the Continent of Europe.

2. The climate in Ireland is temperate and equable.

3. Ireland has a total population of more than five million people.

4. The Constitution of 1948 and the Republic of Ireland Act 1937severed Ireland’s last formal links with Britain.

5. Ireland remained neutral during the Second World War.

6. Regulations of the European Communities don’t have the force of law in   Ireland.



Ex. 6. Give the English equivalents for the following words and expressions:


pасполагаться, умеренный, средняя температура воздуха, голод, достичь независимости, политическая стабильность, оставаться нейтральным, принадлежать к военному альянсу, иметь много общего, основные права граждан.





Ex. 7.  Compare Ireland with its nearest neighbour Great Britain according to the following plan:

1. Total area.

2. Climate.

3. Population.

4. Political order.






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