Election of the leadership of One Heaven — КиберПедия 

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Election of the leadership of One Heaven

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By the power and authority of this Covenant and the Covenant of One-Faith-Of-
God, the Society of One-Faith-Of-God in conjunction with One-Islam and One-Spirit-
Tribe shall be granted the right of electing the leadership of One Heaven at a
Great Conclave once every one hundred and twenty eight (128) years.

Thus, there can be no question by any Earthly body that when the representatives
of One-Faith-Of-God speak for One Heaven, they do so with the full authority of
this Covenant.

133.5 The binding of this document to the Covenant of One
Faith Of God

Where the Covenant of One-Faith-Of-God is stated as being joined to this
document, it shall be recognized that the Covenant of One Heaven and One-Faith-
Of-God are one. Similarly, where it is stated in this document that One-Faith-Of-
God is granted certain powers, it shall be so.

Article 134 - One Spirit Tribe

Society of One Spirit Tribe

By the power and authority of this Covenant, the Society of One-Spirit-Tribe is
granted by Sacred Covenant the right to represent the interests of One Heaven
on Earth.

The Sacred Covenant of One-Spirit-Tribe also known as Pactum De Singularis
Spiritus shall be regarded as a Supremely sacred and valuable object, to be held
with great veneration.

By authority of the Sacred Covenant of One-Spirit-Tribe, what is bound by the
Maitreya shall also be recognized in One Heaven. Similarly, what is stated in the
Covenant of One Heaven shall be recognized by the Maitreya and One-Spirit-Tribe
on Earth. In this way, both Heaven and Earth shall be bound together and shall
never again be separated.

Grants and Presents to One Spirit Tribe

Be it known to all those future and present that We, the Trustees of One Heaven,
with full authority and supreme sacred rights granted by the Divine Creator, united
Heaven and Hell, all lesser deities, all angels, all demons and all higher order
spirits hereby Give, Grant and Convey these Presents to the Society of One Spirit

(i) The use of the sacred Divine office of Maitreya, including all its powers to
represent One Heaven on Earth; and

(ii) The use of the sacred sacraments and powers granted by One Heaven
bestowed to ordained Ministers; and

(iii) The use of the sacred Divine Canons of Law also known as Astrum Iuris Divini
Canonum, including the Ucadian Codes of Law, the Ucadian patents, the Ucadian
models, the Ucadian language and knowledge systems for the creation, function
and administration of One Spirit Tribe.

One Spirit Tribe Trust and Personality

By the power and authority of this Covenant and the Covenant of One-Spirit-Tribe,
the Society of One-Spirit-Tribe in conjunction with One-Islam and One-Faith-Of-God
shall be granted the right of electing the leadership of One Heaven at a Great
Conclave once every one hundred and twenty eight (128) years.

Thus, there can be no question by any Earthly body that when the representatives
of One-Spirit-Tribe speak for One Heaven, they do so with the full authority of this

Election of the leadership of One Heaven

By the power and authority of this Covenant and the Covenant of One-Spirit-Tribe,
the Society of One-Spirit-Tribe in conjunction with One-Islam and One-Faith-Of-God
shall be granted the right of electing the leadership of One Heaven at a Great
Conclave once every one hundred and twenty eight (128) years.

Thus, there can be no question by any Earthly body that when the representatives
of One-Spirit-Tribe speak for One Heaven, they do so with the full authority of this

134.5 The binding of this document to the Covenant of One
Spirit Tribe

Where the Covenant of One-Spirit-Tribe is stated as being joined to this document,
it shall be recognized that the Covenant of One Heaven and One-Spirit-Tribe are
one. Similarly, where it is stated in this document that One-Spirit-Tribe is granted
certain powers, it shall be so.

Article 135 - The Patriarch


The procedures concerning the function of the office of the Patriarch, the execution
of duty, the inauguration into office, events relating to the vacancy of office and
the death of current and previous office holders shall be defined by this article of
the Covenant and any amendments passed according to the rules of this
Covenant and the Covenant of One-Faith-Of-God.

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