All previous curses, bindings, hereby dissolved — КиберПедия 

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All previous curses, bindings, hereby dissolved

2022-07-07 26
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Any and all spells, curses, bindings and spiritual constraints prior to the Day of
Divine Protest and Dishonor are hereby dissolved by authority of the Divine

Creator, with any remainder returned to those men, women, higher order beings,
officials, aggregates, persons or entities that first issued them, or still claim
succession from those responsible.

Therefore, from the Day of Divine Protest and Dishonor, no spell, curse, binding or
spiritual constraint previously issued may be said to have any supernatural or
legal effect and any claim of control, right derived from such spells, curses and
bindings shall be hereby null and void.

Any curse or spell knowingly and deliberately issued by any official of a society
that denies the authority of the Covenant of One Heaven after the Day of Divine
Protest and Dishonor shall be immediately and fully personally liable for the debt,
spiritual binding, accounting of the curse or spell they issued with the intended
effect of such acts against another null and void.

Article 115 - Great Conclave

The Great Conclave

The procedures concerning the function of the Great Conclave every one hundred
and twenty eight (128) years shall be defined by this article.

115.2 Protocols and standards of the Great Conclave of One

By this Covenant, the Supreme Council of One-Faith, One-Spirit-Tribe and One-
Islam are authorized to forge a formal set of protocols and standards regarding
the function of the Great Conclave which relates to the detailed definition and
requirements of operational procedure and function necessitated by the
institution. These shall be known as the Protocols and Standards of the
Great Conclave of One Heaven

These standards themselves must embody and be consistent with the specific
articles of this Covenant and in turn must be approved by a majority vote of all
delegates attending the first Great Conclave.

In terms of the major subject matter dealt with by the Protocols and Standards of
the Great Conclave of One Heaven, the following areas must specifically provide
detail and procedures consistent with the Covenant.

(i) Opening ceremony

That a formal set of procedures exist for opening ceremony of the Great Conclave
including the welcome entrance and blessings of the Maitreya, the Messiah and
the Imam Mahdi.

(ii) Voting sessions

That a formal set of procedures exist for the various sessions of voting including
methods to resolve dead-locks during the process to ensure no matters are
permitted to be unresolved.

(iii) Length of a Great Conclave

That the length of a Great Conclave may not exceed forty (40) days.

115.3 The Powers of the One Heaven Supreme Court conferred
upon judgments and rulings during Great Conclave

In Accordance with Article 56 of this most sacred Covenant, the powers and
authority of the One Heaven Supreme Court shall be vested in the Great Conclave
for a maximum of forty (40) days every one hundred and twenty eight years.

Therefore any and all judgments and rulings determined by the Great Conclave
shall carry the full weight and authority of the One Heaven Supreme Court in
accordance with the article of this Covenant.

Article 116 - Public Record

Public Record

The procedures concerning the function of the Great Ledger and Public Record
shall be defined by this article.

Valid Ledger Entry

Once a valid entry has been entered into the Great Ledger and Public Record
according to the rules defined by this sacred Covenant, it can never be removed.

A record having not been entered correctly according to the rules of this sacred
Covenant shall be considered invalid ab initio- from the beginning, even if the
number has been issued and published and shall be considered never to have
been entered into the Public Record.

Furthermore, any valid Ledger entry granted to an existing juridic person prior to
the Day of Redemption that subsequently demonstrates deliberate and evil
behaviour contrary to the principles of this sacred covenant within the first seven
(7) years of being granted a valid Ledger entry shall have their membership
number declared invalid ab initio and stripped from the Public Record.

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