Eligibility for election an Ascended Master — КиберПедия 

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Eligibility for election an Ascended Master

2022-07-07 21
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Only individuals recognized as having the status of an Elder, through previous
election to such a position, or having been officially Blessed as an Elder by one or
more of the great faiths at least twelve (12) months before a General Conclave or
Great Conclave are eligible for election to an Ascended Master.

Historic records claiming a man, woman or higher order being to be an Ascended
Master is ineligible criteria to justify the qualification of a man, woman or higher
order being to such a position as a potential candidate.

Term of Ascended Master Spirit

The Ascended Master Spirit shall hold their Office during the term of sixty four (64)
years and be elected by the three great religions during Regional and Local
Election proceedings for Heaven known as a General Conclave. What is bound on
Earth shall be bound in Heaven.

All members of One Heaven in a region may vote for the election of the Ascended
Master Spirit through Open and public recorded ballot. It shall be upon the divine
intervention of the leaders of the great wisdom orders of the three great religions
to nominate a call to recast the leadership of ascended masters. This can only
occur once every sixty four (64) years.

Protocols and standards of the Office of Ascended Master

By this Covenant, the Great Conclave are authorized to forge a formal set of
protocols and standards regarding the Office of the Ascended Master which
relates to the detailed definition and requirements of operational procedure and
function necessitated by such a high office.

These standards themselves must embody and be consistent with the specific

articles of this Covenant and in turn must be approved by a vote of the Great
Conclave. The standards shall be known as the Protocols and standards of
the Of f ice of Ascended Master

In terms of the major subject matter dealt with by the Protocols and Standards of
the Office of the Ascended Master, the following areas must specifically provide
detail and procedures consistent with the Covenant.

(i) Ascended Master inauguration

That a formal set of procedures exist for the inauguration of the Ascended Master
befitting such high office. That these procedures incorporate the disclosure of the
official seal of office as well as the oath of office.

(ii) Grand Ascended Master

That a formal set of procedures exist for the proper recognition and respect
bestowed to an Ascended Master that reaches such tenure of office to be
warranted a Grand Ascended Master, including the naming of an official day of
respect within the calendar of One-Faith, One-Islam or One-Spirit-Tribe, proper
memorials and events befitting such an occasion.

Article 71 - Collective Board

Collective Board

The Collective Board of Directors shall be a board of individuals selected by the
Ascended Master Spirit to head the permanent statutory authorities and uphold
the laws regarding the critical systems of One Heaven in the region. The tenure of
a Director shall be at the sole discretion of the Ascended Master Spirit.

Given the importance of each system within our society functioning to its optimum,
the position of a Regional Director should reflect the very best of the community
with the knowledge, experience and respect relating to the system they manage.

Because of the importance and honour of such positions, regional directors shall
also be collectively known as "the Esteemed ".

Article 72 - Celebration


The celebrations and ceremonies of the regional collective shall be help and kept
in trust by the executive and board of the collective.

Article 73 - Ceremony


By this Covenant there shall be formed ceremonies which shall be recognized as
collective sacred objects in themselves. These shall define ceremonies that are
performed by the living in respect of those that have passed and ceremonies
performed by those that have passed for the living.

VIII Objects (Local Collective)

Article 74 - Local Collective

Local Collective

Knowing the history of ones community, knowing who lives in the community, who
has passed on, who is there to help is part of the fabric of a healthy society. The
care is taken towards community knowledge and communities becomes isolated
and sad environments.

One Heaven recognizes that it has a part to play in the preservation and respect
for local knowledge by ensuring local knowledge management systems are in
place for the proper maintenance and management of local information.

As men and women, we prefer to live in close communities, of families and friends.
Of relatives and ancestors. This is a local collective.

Typically local collectives will be encouraged to be up to five to ten thousand
souls. Beyond such a size, the level of interaction quality can be less.

Article 75 - Board

Local Board

The Executive Power of the local collective community shall be vested in a Local
Executive comprising an Elder Spirit and the Local Board of Directors (Local

Legislative power

All legislative powers of a local community shall be vested in an Board which shall
consist of all souls that are members of such a collective.

Board sessions

Board sessions shall be as required. They shall be to the knowledge only of
heaven and the universe.

Power of the Board

Vested by this Covenant, the Board shall have the power to review all planning of
the Elder.

The Board shall have the power to commission a Local Commission of
Investigation with the power to call any individual registered member of One
Heaven within the community and any information held by the Local Executive to

A Local Commission of Investigation must be called by the Board when a call to
discipline one or more members is made.

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