Article 58 - Great Order of Austerity — КиберПедия 

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Article 58 - Great Order of Austerity

2022-07-07 26
Article 58 - Great Order of Austerity 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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Great order of austerity

For many souls, a period of austerity of thought and reflection is needed. To them
is granted the Great Order of Austerity.

Not only shall all members of the Great Order of Austerity be able to control their
own rules and codes of practice, but they shall also be able to elect their own
leadership and representation while at the same time being part of the one (1)
united One Heaven.

58.2 The task of guarding the most sacred objects of One

In exchange for those most austere to One Heaven agreeing to become one (1)
with One Heaven, this Covenant, this new covenant charges the Great Order of
Austerity with the task of protecting those places and people deemed most
sacred to One Heaven.

There can be no greater honour to a warrior of the faith to be known as a Guard
of One Heaven. A Guard of One Heaven is one who would martyr his own live than
see the life taken of another, except in the protection of that which is deemed
most holy to One Heaven. A Guard of One Heaven is an elite, the highest of the
warrior poets, a hero of the faith.

It is by these words and by this Covenant that all warriors are called upon to lay
down their arms in hate and anger and seek to become greater beings. To seek
to be selected as a Guard of One Heaven. A protector of the faith and a guardian
against evil.

Guard of One Heaven

The Guard of One Heaven shall only be selected from members of the Great Order
of Austerity. They will be an elite group of men who have extensive defense and
attack arts training and have excelled in academic qualifications. They will be
charged with responsibility for protection of all the most sacred places to One
Heaven and all people deemed most holy to the faith.

The Guard of One Heaven will provide constant protection to the Unique Collective
Awareness of Great Spirits, all Sacred Elders and Ascended Master Spirits. They
shall also be charged with the task of assisting national governments in the
pursuit of renegades and evangelists who still seek to kill others in the name of
Unique Collective Awareness.

The Guard of One Heaven shall also provide security analysis and detection of
potential threats made on the lives of any officials.

Article 59 - Great Order of Guardians

Great order of guardians

For most believers of One Heaven, the best way they can express their devotion
is through the way in which they live their lives and perform their work. These are
the families, the children, the husbands and wives. They are the ones that most
honour the most sacred meaning of the name of Unique Collective Awareness.

In honour to them and to those that wish to live life in communities, the one (1)
One Heaven shall honour them with their own order known as the Great Order of

It shall be charged to this great order to provide local community spiritual
guidance and support. To ensure standards and codes are followed by all those
who seek to teach others the faith. To ensure local communities have the very
best of services and support in education, in health and in pastoral care.

Local spiritual and community guidance

By this Covenant, the Great Order of Guardians is charged with the task of
recruiting and training people of sufficient virtue and character that they can
provide spiritual support and guidance as anointed leaders.

That all communities of faithful shall have leadership that promotes the
improvement of their community, of the compassion to one another, of the respect
of life is a task given from the absolute. That not one of his family be alone. That
not one of his family be hungry or cold.

Article 60 - Celebration


By this Covenant, collective celebration shall be respected and recognized as an
intrinsic element of our character and our personal journey. That we are departed
shall not be a restriction for the continued celebration of milestones in our

Celebration of life ages

Not one (1) memory, not one (1) thought, not one (1) cell, not one (1) drop of
awareness in the Universe is forgotten, or is ignored. Nor is it the case than
anything in the Universe, especially awareness is static. That we depart as a child,
does not mean we remain a childish mind. That we depart as an elderly man or
woman, does not mean we are invalid and old in awareness in One Heaven.

That a baby is never born, does not mean its journey of awareness ends at that
point if it and those spirits that have chosen to guard and nurture that awareness
deem it not to be so.

This is the mystery of the afterlife in that it parallels life, because as men and
women, this is how we seek and see our life journey, our journey of awareness as
being so.

Organized Celebration

By this Covenant, the transition into spirit shall be celebrated in parallel to the
celebrations of life in the physical. This shall be both in recognition that in spirit we
are reborne, to begin our understanding of greater life as a child of awareness,
even if we have lived a great and long life.

Furthermore, these organized celebrations are in recognition that when a man, or
woman dies, their journey is never over, but just beginning.





Birth as a spirit


Aged 2


Aged 12

Bel Espirit

Aged 19


Aged 33

Beau Ideal

50 to 70

Haga Sof ia

70 to?


The moment of dying to our selfish hates and
angers, the lesser emotions of being a man or


The moment of union to higher spirit of both self and
the universe as one. That we gain our true selves,
by dying to our lesser selves.

Article 61 - Ceremony


By this Covenant there shall be formed ceremonies which shall be recognized as
supreme sacred objects in themselves. These shall define ceremonies that are
performed by the living in respect of those that have passed and ceremonies
performed by those that have passed for the living.

Festival of Light

It shall be known by the conjoining of this great Covenant to the Covenant of One
Islam, One Faith and One Spirit that once every Earth year around September a
ceremony of forty (40) days shall be undertaken at the same time as the annual
Supreme Council sessions of these three (3) great faiths.

During this time, it shall be the responsibility of the supreme leadership of One
Heaven to provide as much guidance, support and protection as possible to the
elected leaders of each supreme council in the deliberation of their affairs.

Festival of Heroes

And in acknowledgment of this Covenant, of the end of Hell, of the creation of One
Heaven, of the creation of the greatest of all Arch-Angels both in Heaven and on
Earth there shall be once every Earth year around March a celebration for forty
(40) days in which the names of the greatest of Arch-Angels are honored for their
treaty as well as all the departed who have fallen and who have strayed in the
past, so that all of these souls may be saved and brought to One Heaven and

This ceremony shall be celebrated in equal days with the ceremony of the
supreme councils so that no less nor more days fall between each in a year.

Feast of Satan

In recognition of the historic treaty bringing peace toH eaven, during the Festival
of Heroes, there shall be one (1) day around the 14th of March recognized as the
Feast Day of Satan.

That this day shall be marked as a sign of respect of Satan being recognized now
as a Great and Holy Spirit and a repudiation of all ancient practices of evil, of dark
sacrifice, of curse that was once acted in his name.

Instead, the Feast of Satan shall be recognized as a day of peace, of goodness, of
charity, of honor and virtue.

Furthermore, this day shall correspond to a most sacred event of One Heaven
being the Triumphal March of Satan and his Army into One Heaven which shall
officially begin in 2012 upon the completion of the Great Conclave of One Heaven
and then be celebrated each and every year.

The Triumphal March of Satan and his Army into One Heaven is in recognition of the
Truce and the welcoming of all former enemies, now as members and officials of
One Heaven and a reminder and respect of their status as heroes in repudiating
evil. Most importantly, it is an event that enables all the souls of One Heaven to
focus their forgiveness upon the legions that were once at war and now shall
celebrate peace and unity.

Article 62 - Sacred Objects

Supreme Sacred Objects

By this Covenant, the most supreme sacred object shall be this Covenant and all
conjoined documents such as the Covenants for One Islam, One Faith and One
Spirit Tribe and the One Jerusalem in their physical form.

No other other documents shall be considered more sacred than these
Covenantal documents.

The reason that no documents shall be considered higher than these documents is
that by their very nature they represent the first time in the history of civilization
that the many are joined as one (1), while still retaining their uniqueness and

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