The Needs of The Earth for Divine Remedy — КиберПедия 

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The Needs of The Earth for Divine Remedy

2022-07-07 24
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As a full and legitimate Member of the Society of One Heaven, The Earth has called
upon fellow Member being Unique Collective Awareness and Our Sun to provide
Divine Remedy through the Society of One Heaven as to its need for remedy.

Our Earth depends upon the Sun for the sustainment of life. Yet life on Earth
depends upon the wise custodianship of Homo Sapien Sapiens to protect and
respect life.

The reality remains that without a system to protect the Earth from asteroids,
large meteorites and comets, the Earth will be struck again with disastrous
consequences for higher order life.

As Divine Remedy and Agreement to our Earth

As a Living Entity, Our Earth is entitled to do what it chooses to do to the race
Homo Sapiens, whether it to be our benefit or harm. By this sacred Covenant and
in respect to Our Earth being the third full and valid member of the Society of One
Heaven and upon Our Earth being party and in full agreement to the terms of this
most sacred Covenant and treaty, the Society shall make it a sacred and solemn
task for all Members of the Society to see that the environment of the Earth is
healed by the second Great Conclave and that the Earth has a living partner in the
form of the living planet Mars having oceans and conditions to support life by the
third Great Conclave of One Heaven.

Instrument of Authority

In recognition of our united pledge to the Covenant and the proposition of a United
Heaven, we do hereby bestow our authority including all instruments of power, all
claims of authority unto the holy Covenant of One Heaven and to the proper
authority and structure of the United States of Spirits.

That from this point on, when the leadership of One Heaven or its designated
representatives on Earth speak, they do so with the authority and the
transference of authority of official Ambassadors to the validity of this Covenant
and treaty as the highest of all ecclesiastical law and international law.

Conditions of Treaty

Let no living entity, man or woman, soul or form claim this agreement and solemn
oath otherwise:

(i) That we recognize the full authority, power and legitimacy of the Covenant
of One Heaven; and

(ii) That we recognize the full authority, power and legitimacy of the the Earth
being a living singular entity having legal personality and status through the
first historic recognition of the Earth as the third Member of the Society
having the Unique Key 000000-000000-000003; and

(iii) That further honor and recognition of the power and authority of The
Earth, this Treaty shall appoint the Earth as the third and final permanent
Member to the Supreme Council of Twelve (12) Great Spirits as Executive
Government of the Society of One Heaven; and

(iv) In Accordance with Article 5 of this sacred Covenant, the Society shall
dedicate all necessary resources to ensure the protection of all Life on Earth;

(v) The Earth shall refrain from any and all acts that may bring harm or loss of
life to Homo Sapiens and if such conditions may place greater risk shall make
all necessary agreement with other life and awareness under its controls to
ensure the safety of life on Earth including earthquake, climate shift,
volcanoes, storms and tsunami and other risks; and

(vi) The Earth, by virtue of official and valid membership of the Society of One
Heaven and by this Treaty gives full power and authority of representation
and ambassadorship to the Officers of One Heaven and associated Societies
as defined by this sacred Covenant and associated covenants; and

(vii) Any claim by any other party as to represent any power or authority of
the Earth shall be null and void ab initio upon the ratification of this treaty.
Furthermore, the publication of any claim of authority to represent the Sun by
any other officer of any other society shall be considered a crime and injury
against The Earth, this Covenant and the Society itself; and

(viii) We who enact this blessed Covenant and treaty do pledge our complete
selves to the goals and objectives of peace in Heaven, the solar system and
on Earth.

So as it is above, it shall be below.

Ratification of Treaty

By Agreement of the Highest Contracting Parties, This Treaty and Covenant shall
be Ratified throughout all Heaven, spiritual dimensions and the Universe by the
Day of Agreement and Understanding and shall be Ratified by any remaining
temporal forces residing in or upon the conquered and occupied land, sea and
atmosphere of the Society of One Heaven by the Day of Judgment:

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