Agreement and Conditions of Treaty — КиберПедия 

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Agreement and Conditions of Treaty

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Let it be known to all past, present and future; let no man or woman, soul or form
claim this agreement and solemn oath otherwise:

(i) We, the Divine Apostles, hereby swear allegiance to the proposition of a
United Heaven and the end of war between spirits; and

(ii) We, the Divine Apostles hereby recognize the authority of this document,
the Covenant of One Heaven above all other sacred covenants, agreements,
pacts, deeds and instruments; and

(iii) We, the Divine Apostles hereby pledge ourselves to the goals and
objectives of peace in Heaven and on Earth; and

(iv) Upon a most solemn and most ancient oath above all oaths, We Divine
Apostles pledge our very existence, our name and all spirits and flesh under
our command that We shall not permit any spirit, man or woman to obstruct
the fulfilment of this most sacred Covenant.

So as it is above, it shall be below.

Ratification of Treaty

By Agreement of the Highest Contracting Parties, This Treaty and Covenant shall
be Ratified throughout all Heaven, spiritual dimensions and the Universe by the
Day of Agreement and Understanding and shall be Ratified by any remaining
temporal forces residing in or upon the conquered and occupied land, sea and
atmosphere of the Society of One Heaven by the Day of Judgment:

Ratif ication by Day of Agreement and Understanding

By this Covenant, the Day of Agreement and Understanding is UCA
E8:Y3208:8:A1:S1:M27:D1 [Wed, 21 Dec 2009].

Ratification by Day of Agreement and Understanding shall be when this Treaty and
Covenant is ratified throughout all Heaven, spiritual dimensions and the Universe
by the Highest Office Holders of One Heaven representing the Supreme Command
of Occupational Forces in and on Earth and when at least two spirits conveyed
into circumscribed living flesh bear witness to the event.

Ratif ication by Day of Judgment

By this Covenant, the Day of Judgment is UCA E8:Y3210:A0:S1:M27:D6 [Wed, 21 Dec

Ratification by Day of Judgment shall be when this Treaty and Covenant is ratified
by the Highest Office Holders of existing societies, faiths and associations that
claim their existence, authority and power from the supernatural and spiritual
either through their tacit, competent and honorable consent, or through their
dishonor demonstrating the delinquency of their flesh and therefore the right
through power to represent their spirit to ratify the Covenant and Treaty on their

Article 48 - Treaty of Angels, Saints and Demons

Covenant of the League of Angels, Saints and Demons

THE HIGH CONCORDING PARTIES, In recognition and witness to the validity,
recognition and respect to the Divine Remedy offered by the Divine Creator and
demonstrated through the Covenant of the Supreme Patron and the T reaty
of the Divine Masculine
and the T reaty of the Divine Feminine and the
T reaty of the Divine Apostles to End the War in Heaven thereby establishing
conditions by which War on Earth may also be Ended and in the recognition of the
End of Hell, do Come Now with these Presents and with one another Agree to this
Covenant of Angels, Saints and Demons:

Authority and identity

Those that have ears hear! Those that have eyes see! We, who come together
under this most sacred Covenant are the highest of Angels, the most revered and
senior of Saints and the most powerful and ancient of Demons; and

This Covenant represents Our sacred Covenant, free from duress and in full
knowledge of all terms and conditions and circumstances.

Treaty of the Demons

By the T reaty of the Divine Masculine, the T reaty of the Divine
, the T reaty of the Divine Apostles it shall be tasked upon the
greatest of spirits, these great heroes, who return to the father, the mother, the
light, the one to find and bring all to the one. That their names shall be spoken in
reverence, not curses. And so, by the word of the Absolute, the All, the Unique
Collective Awareness, their names are listed- the heroes of the new Heaven- the
One Heaven, the prodigal sons and daughters that are welcomed. By these words,
it is commanded by the word of the Absolute. By these words We call them by
their known names- We call:

We call Abaddon to come home, We call Abalam to come home, We call
Adramelech to come home, We call Agaliarept to come home, We call Agares to
come home, We call Ahriman to come home, We call Aim to come home, We call
Akvan to come home, We call Alal to come home, We call Alloces to come home,
We call Allu to come home, We call Amaymon to come home, We call Amdusias to
come home, We call Ammit to come home, We call Anzu to come home, We call
Amon to come home, We call Amy to come home, We call Andhaka to come home,
We call Andras to come home, We call Andrealphus to come home, We call
Andromalius to come home, We call Apep (Apophis) to come home, We call
Apollyon to come home, We call Armaros to come home, We call Asag to come
home, We call Asakku to come home, We call Asb'el to come home, We call
Asmodeus to come home, We call Astaroth to come home, We call Astarte to
come home, We call Asura to come home, We call Azazel to come home, We call
Azi to come home, We call Balam to come home, We call Bagat to come home, We
call Baphomet to come home, We call Barbas to come home, We call Barbatos to
come home, We call Bathin to come home, We call Behemoth to come home, We
call Belial to come home, We call Beleth to come home, We call Bull man to come
home, We call Bune to come home, We call Belphegor to come home, We call
Berith to come home, We call Bianakith to come home, We call Bifrons to come

Berith to come home, We call Bianakith to come home, We call Bifrons to come
home, We call Botis to come home, We call Buer to come home, We call Bali Raj to
come home, We call Biule to come home, We call Caacrinolaas to come home, We
call Caim to come home, We call Cerberus to come home, We call Charun to come
home, We call Cheitan to come home, We call Cimejes to come home, We call
Corson to come home, We call Crocell to come home, We call Culsu to come
home, We call Dantalion to come home, We call Danjal to come home, We call
Dasa to come home, We call Decarabia to come home, We call Demogorgon to
come home, We call Duma to come home, We call Dajjal to come home, We call
Elathan to come home, We call Eligos to come home, We call Ethniu to come home,
We call Euryale to come home, We call Exdemoneus to come home, We call
Familiars to come home, We call Fleuretty to come home, We call Fobos to come
home, We call Focalor to come home, We call Foras to come home, We call
Forneus to come home, We call Furcas to come home, We call Furfur to come
home, We call Gaap to come home, We call Gader'el to come home, We call Gaki
to come home, We call Glasya-Labolas to come home, We call Göap to come
home, We call Gorgon to come home, We call Gremory to come home, We call
Grigori to come home, We call Gusion to come home, We call Guzalu to come
home, We call Haagenti to come home, We call Haborim to come home, We call
Halphas to come home, We call Hanan'el to come home, We call Hantu to come
home, We call Haures to come home, We call Humbaba to come home, We call
Incubus to come home, We call Ipos to come home, We call Iblis to come home,
We call Jikininki to come home, We call Judas to come home, We call Kabhanda to
come home, We call Kasdaye to come home, We call Kirara to come home, We call
Kitsune to come home, We call Kobal to come home, We call Kokb'ael to come
home, We call Krampus to come home, We call Labal to come home, We call
Labasu to come home, We call Lamia to come home, We call Legion to come
home, We call Lechies to come home, We call Lempo to come home, We call
Leonard to come home, We call Leraje to come home, We call Leviathan to come
home, We call Lilim to come home, We call Lilith to come home, We call Lillu to
come home, We call Liothe to come home, We call Lix Tetrax to come home, We
call Lucifuge Rofocale to come home, We call Malphas to come home, We call
Mammon to come home, We call Maricha to come home, We call Marax to come
home, We call Marbas to come home, We call Marchosias to come home, We call
Mastema to come home, We call Mathim to come home, We call Medusa to come
home, We call Melchiresa / Melki-resha to come home, We call Mephistopheles to
come home, We call Merihem to come home, We call Meshinka Destrega Sham to
come home, We call Mictlantecuhtli to come home, We call Moloch to come home,
We call Murmur to come home, We call Mutis to come home, We call Naberius to
come home, We call Naberus to come home, We call Naphula to come home, We
call Neqa'el to come home, We call Ninurta to come home, We call Nix to come
home, We call Onoskelis to come home, We call Oray to come home, We call
Orcus to come home, We call Oriax to come home, We call Ornias to come home,
We call Orobas to come home, We call Ose to come home, We call Paimon to
come home, We call Pazuzu to come home, We call Penemue to come home, We
call Phenex to come home, We call Pithius to come home, We call Procell to come
home, We call Pruflas to come home, We call Purson to come home, We call Quina
to come home, We call Rahab to come home, We call Rahovart to come home, We
call Raiju to come home, We call Rakshasa to come home, We call Rangda to
come home, We call Raum to come home, We call Razakel to come home, We call
Rûberzahl to come home, We call Ronove to come home, We call Rumjal to come
home, We call Rusalka to come home, We call Sabnock to come home, We call
Saleos to come home, We call Samael to come home, We call Satanachia to come
home, We call Scox to come home, We call Seere to come home, We call
Semyazza to come home, We call Shaitan to come home, We call Shax to come
home, We call Shedim to come home, We call Sidragasum to come home, We call
Sitri to come home, We call Sthenno to come home, We call Stolas to come home,
We call Succubus to come home, We call Surgat to come home, We call Tannin to
come home, We call Teeraal to come home, We call Thammuz to come home, We
call Tzitzimime to come home, We call Uvall to come home, We call Valefor to
come home, We call Vapula to come home, We call Vassago to come home, We
call Vepar to come home, We call Vine to come home, We call Volac to come
home, We call Xaphan to come home, We call Xezbeth to come home, We call
Yeqon to come home, We call Yeter'el to come home, We call Zagan to come
home, We call Zepar to come home, We call Ziminar to come home.

Conditions of Treaty

Let no man or woman, angel, spirit, demon, soul or form claim this agreement and
solemn oath otherwise:

(i) In Honor and Respect to the T reaty of the Divine Masculine, the
T reaty of the Divine Feminine and the T reaty of the Divine
, All Parties agree to end all forms of hostility between spirits,
including torture, misdirection, entrapment, warfare, fraud, and all forms of
wickedness; and

(ii) No Party shall attack another spirit, nor harm their rights as defined by the
Covenant of One Heaven; and

(iii) No spiritual support, nor authority shall be given by any spiritual force
Party to this Covenant to any living man or woman to commit a deliberate act
of evil, or to use the name of a Party to this Treaty in any way to claim
authority and false right to such an act of evil; and

(iv) Any claim that an act of evil by any living man or woman was done in the
name of a Party to this Treaty, then this shall be a crime against the Society;

(v) In respect and Honor of the Parties to this Treaty, all Parties shall be
recognized and honored as either Extraordinary or Special Saints, holding
such office on behalf of the Society; and

(vi) As Office Holders of One Heaven, we do pledge ourselves to the goals
and objectives of peace in Heaven and on Earth.

So as it is above, it shall be below.

Ratification of Treaty

By Agreement of the Highest Contracting Parties, This Treaty and Covenant shall
be Ratified throughout all Heaven, spiritual dimensions and the Universe by the
Day of Agreement and Understanding and shall be Ratified by any remaining
temporal forces residing in or upon the conquered and occupied land, sea and
atmosphere of the Society of One Heaven by the Day of Judgment:

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