The Divine Feminine deities party to the Treaty — КиберПедия 

История развития хранилищ для нефти: Первые склады нефти появились в XVII веке. Они представляли собой землянные ямы-амбара глубиной 4…5 м...

Наброски и зарисовки растений, плодов, цветов: Освоить конструктивное построение структуры дерева через зарисовки отдельных деревьев, группы деревьев...

The Divine Feminine deities party to the Treaty

2022-07-07 44
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Let it be known to all past, present and future, we here named come freely
together for the first time in the history of civilization and the existence of the
homo sapien species to obsignate this most sacred Treaty and Covenant; and

We are known as Amaterasu-o-mi-kami, We are known as Anat, We are known as
Antu, We are known as Aphrodite, We are known as Artemis, We are known as
Asherah, We are known as Ashtoreth, We are known as Astarte, We are known as
Atargatis, We are known as Athena, We are known as Bastet, We are known as
Bes, We are known as Brigit, We are known as Ceres, We are known as
Chalchiuhtlicue, We are known as Cihuacoatl, We are known as Cipactli, We are
known as Coatlicue, We are known as Coventina, We are known as Cybil, We are
known as Danu, We are known as Demeter, We are known as Disani, We are
known as Durga, We are known as Eileithyia, We are known as Epona, We are
known as Ereskigal, We are known as Fjorgyn, We are known as Freyja, We are
known as Frigg, We are known as Gaia, We are known as Hathor, We are known
as Hebat, We are known as Hekate, We are known as Hera, We are known as
Hestia, We are known as Hsi Wang Mu, We are known as Idunn, We are known as
Inana, We are known as Ishtar, We are known as Isis, We are known as Juno, We
are known as Kali, We are known as Kuan Yin, We are known as Kybele, We are
known as Laksmi, We are known as Leto, We are known as Ma, We are known as
Maia, We are known as Mary, We are known as Mari, We are known as Matres, We
are known as Maya, We are known as Minerva, We are known as Morgan, We are
known as Nammu, We are known as Neith, We are known as Nerthus, We are
known as Ninhursaga, We are known as Parvati, We are known as Persephone, We
are known as Pistis, We are known as Prthivi, We are known as Rhea, We are
known as Sakhmet, We are known as Sarasvati, We are known as Sati, We are
known as Semele, We are known as Sibyl, We are known as Siti, We are known as
Tara, We are known as Taweret, We are known as Tiamat, We are known as Tin
Hau, We are known as Venus, We are known as Vesta; and

46.3 Gift, Grant and Conveyance of Rights, Powers and Symbols
of Authority

In recognition of our united, solemn unbreakable oath and binding to the Covenant
and the proposition of a United Heaven, let it be known to all past, present and
future that we have hereby given, granted and conveyed all our powers, all our
customs, all our rights and property, all our symbols and instruments of power, all
sacred objects, texts, scriptures and sanctuaries and all claims of authority to the

highest holy Covenant of One Heaven and to the proper authority and structure of
the United States of Spirits. Therefore:

(i) From this moment, when the leadership of One Heaven or its designated
representatives on Earth speak or promulgate one or more instruments, they do
so with the highest valid authority and the complete conveyance of all rights,
property, uses, customs, symbols, and powers of authority of the collective Divine
Feminine; and

(ii) Any and all spiritual or temporal bodies that publicly or privately claim authority
from or allegience to one or more Divine Feminine deities henceforth automatically
derives any and all authority solely from the Society of One Heaven and its valid
designates and any existing sacred oaths, pledges and vows are carried over to
respecting and obeying the highest holy Covenant of One Heaven; and

(iii) Any and all spiritual or temporal bodies that publicly or privately claim
authority from or allegience to one or more Divine Feminine deities are solemly
bound by their sacred oaths, pledges and vows to honor and respect any and all
instruments legitimately promulgated under the Seal of the Society of One Heaven
or a valid designate; and

(iv) Any and all spiritual or temporal bodies that publicly or privately claim
authority from or allegience to one or more Divine Feminine deities are solemly
bound by the laws of property, trusts and ownership to obey any order, deed,
command, edict, direction, request promulgated by the Society of One Heaven
concerning any and all property administered on behalf of the Society of One
Heaven by the spiritual or temporal body and its officers; and

(v) Any claim or claims contrary to the above mentioned clauses are hereby null
and void from the beginning, having no force of law.

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