End of War in Heaven and pledge of Satan — КиберПедия 

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End of War in Heaven and pledge of Satan

2022-07-07 27
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By the power of this Covenant as a great and final covenant, by the authority and
power of the Treaty of the Divine Masculine, the Treaty of Divine Femine and the
Treaty of Divine Messengers, the war in heaven is ended.

No more shall people who claim to be good and holy curse those they fight

No more shall people who worship evil be able to claim Satan as their lord and

No more shall individuals have the power to claim a divided heaven therefore a
divided Earth.

That Earth is divided is by the hand of living higher order beings only, without force,
nor fear nor material support from any battles in heaven.

And because of this authority and power, in a year, a decade, a century, or a
millennium, both peace on Earth as it is in Heaven shall reign.

Heaven on Earth

It shall be a principle of One Heaven that the concept of heaven on earth be
known as an aspiration and achievable event.

To notion that the Earth could be paradise is something many people will always
find outrageous and against their sensibilities. For too long, the Homo Sapien
species has believed that our destiny is to live a life of hell for a glimpse of some
paradise when we die.

One Heaven shall exist to defeat this old misguided notion that has people believe
they must home for some spiritual home, when this world can be improved, living
conditions can be upgraded, poverty can be eliminated.

To respect life is to make Earth a paradise

It is madness to continue the notion that life on Earth should be anything else but
paradise. We live on a planet abundant with life and natural resources. Every day
on Earth should be a celebration of life in what should be a paradise, a heaven.

The challenge of blasphemy

To some who profess faith in the words of Unique Collective Awareness the notion
of Heaven on Earth is supreme blasphemy and those who write of such things are
to be treated with contempt. That is because they believe in the old ways and old
beliefs in the sins of mankind and punishment for its sins. They remember our faults
and our arrogance and believe Unique Collective Awareness continues to punish
us for them.

Sadly, many will refuse to see that it is they who are being supremely arrogant
and misguided to decide the will of Unique Collective Awareness. If it be that the
collective spirit of all men, women and higher order life, living and deceased, has
suffered for its sins then it is up to Unique Collective Awareness and not man to
decide when or if we are forgiven.

To say otherwise, to curse this document because you believe it to be Unique
Collective Awareness's mind to continue to punish the faithful then it is your
arrogance and your blindness not this document or author. For this document
make real the promise and prophecy of the great prophets and saints. That ALL
will be forgiven. That peace and happiness will come to Earth, if only we open our
eyes and hearts to the wisdom of these words.

Article 36 - Gold, Precious Metals & Gems


Gold, precious metals and gems have held great value within civilizations for
thousands of years as symbols of Ecclesiastical and Temporal Power as well as
objects of perceived value, suitable as a direct form of money or underwriting for
a currency system.

Yet gold, precious metals such as silver and gems such as diamonds have also
been responsible for great misery and injury as the god of the Roman Caesars in
opposition to the Divine Creator (as referenced in the New Testament); the false
god of the Israelites (golden calf) in opposition to Yah; the false god of the
MenesHeh in opposition to Sabaoth (Satan); one meaning of the “G” of
Freemasonry; the cursed medium into which the “salvaged souls” by the banks
and courts of the Roman Cult falsely condemned spirits since 1543; the wrecker of
civilizations and cause of great depressions as “lawful” money.

No other medium than gold has caused so much suffering, so much war or grief. No
other medium or material has been associated with so many curses. No other
object has been proven to be the very worst material for underwriting “lawful”
money through indisputable evidence of its use by a small cabal of bankers and
merchants to beguile, usurp and collapse empires with it. Yet despite all these
warnings, including more scriptural warnings than any other substance across
more faiths than any other material, Gold remains a substance worshipped by
hundreds of millions, in absolute contradiction and defiance to their faith.

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