Effect of entry into Great Register of One Heaven — КиберПедия 

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Effect of entry into Great Register of One Heaven

2022-07-07 24
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When an instrument is registered into the Public Record and Great Register of
One Heaven is possesses life and soul.

Therefore when an authenticated abstract of this instrument is issued, the spiritual
instrument is connected always as the true spiritual original.

34.8 A Juridic Person or instrument not entered into the Great
Ledger and Public Record has no existence

By the power and authority of this sacred Covenant, a claimed juridic person or
instrument that is unable to demonstrate a legitimate Unique Ledger Key is devoid
of legitimate legal existence, nor possessing any rights whatsoever, nor any legal
standing whatsoever by any means.

Neither the age of an instrument, its veneration of the highest or most sacred
object nor established legal precedence shall stand against the power and
authority of the law of the Great Ledger and Public Record.

No juridic person on accepting and consenting to Remedy through the Act of
Redemption and therefore obligation under this sacred Covenant shall be denied
entry into the Great Ledger and Public Record of One Heaven.

However, all claimed corporations having refused Divine Remedy upon the Day of
Judgment and then the Day of Redemption shall be forever denied entry into the
Great Ledger and Public Record of One Heaven and therefore shall be considered
ab initio as dead, devoid of existence, a shell, having no rights, nor prior valid
claims, a defendant, a debtor and unable to demonstrate in any court valid legal
personality by being denied the valid existence of any soul.

On this fact alone, the Society permits through due notarial process that all
possible action is taken to issue any required Notices of Divine Marque and
Reprisal against any juridic person from the Day of Redemption onwards that
does not possess a valid ledger entry in the Great Ledger and Public Record of
One Heaven.

Article 35 - Heaven


Most living men and women believe in the existence of some kind of Heaven and

Throughout documented history for at least six thousand years is evidence of a
fundamental belief by different cultures some kind of afterlife or "heaven" for
certain people under types of conditions.

This most sacred Covenant is the fulfillment and true demonstration of this most
ancient belief.

Unified heaven

It is revealed through the wisdom of the absolute, that we shall see the day now
where heaven of man is united. That the days of end are the days of beginning.

You now reveal to us the meaning of end days. That to live one dies, one dies to
live. That to live, we must die to the old ways. That to live we must change our
ways, to kill those thoughts and actions that no longer give you honour or respect.

It is through your will and yours alone that heaven shall be united. We are but your
servants who are thankful of such compassion and love.

The Day of Judgment

We now see that it is your decision to now reveal to us the meaning of the Day of
Judgment. That the day has come and is now here. That all souls, living and passed
must now decide- to be united as one, or to remain divided and weak, to be
prisoners to the past, to past covenants and misguided ways?

That it is to the judgment of each individual soul to make their choice. That a new
covenant has come that makes clear that wisdom and compassion shall now
prevail. No more blood in his name. No more revenge is his name.

To those that still preach hatred and blood after this Day of Judgment then they
have been judged. To those that would do harm to those who stand firm by the
truth of this document then they have been judged. To those that would still kill
themselves and others in the name of Unique Collective Awareness then they have
been judged.

They have tricked themselves in to an eternity in hell. For they have judged
themselves to be separate to the great unity of Heaven. To theirs goes great
sorry and agony of an age of isolation.

You defile the name of Unique Collective Awareness in your claims. No man or
woman should seek to die in the name of Unique Collective Awareness to harm
others. You have been tricked. You have been deceived. The way of truth is to live
life for Unique Collective Awareness.

Stand in front of their swords my people for I give you far greater weapons, they
are the power of ideas. Of ideas of unity, of ideas of compassion. Let them tear at
your skin. Do not fear, for a united heaven awaits all those that stand true to the
new covenant.

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