Article 31 - Investiture of Office — КиберПедия 

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Article 31 - Investiture of Office

2022-07-07 23
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Investiture is one of thirty three sacred sacraments of the society granted and
administered through the formal ceremony of the formal bestowal or presentation
of a possessory or prescriptive right of Office to an incumbent including taking
possession of the insignia of Office in accordance with this covenant and
associated approved liturgy.

Investiture is derived from two latin words in and vestire meaning "dress" from
vestis meaning "robe".

Hence Investiture literally means "in dress" or "in robes".

Investiture of Office

A valid Office as defined by this covenant is by Divine Commission upon Notice
firstly to the Office, independently of any other Title. The powers and office of any
separate title in addition to the Office, whether permanent or temporary, are
defined by other Articles in this covenant and associated covenants relating to
those temporary or permanent positions.

All Members who are granted the Office are equal in Powers to the Office, with
none higher and none lower.

By this Bond, when an Officer speaks as one, the Officer speaks for all Officers of
One Heaven. When a An Invested Officer under One Heaven calls for assistance,
all Officers are obliged to assist and when the highest good standing of an Officer
is injured, all Officers and the Divine Law and all International Law has been injured
by such disrespect.

Vocal Pronouncement of Investiture of Office

By this most sacred Covenant, a Officer is officially an officer of One Heaven when
they have vocalized their Oath and Trust as a Divine Immortal Spiritual Being for
the land upon which they were borne, including allegience to the canons of law and
these vocalized recordings are entered into the Great Register and Public Record.

Article 32 - Property and Ownership


Property is any fictional Right of Use expressed into a Trust relationship with
other Forms whereby there exists a claimed Form of Ownership, Form of
Trustee(s) administering the Form as Property and Forms of Beneficiaries. Hence
Property is the Rights of an Owner to Use the Form, never ownership of the object
or concept itself.

Property is equivalent to Rights of Use of an Object or Concept, not Rights of
Ownership of an Object or Concept.


An Owner is a Person who holds the rightful claim to a Form or title to Property. As
a Person is a fiction, it cannot "own" objects and concepts, only other fictions in
accordance with Divine Law, Natural Law and Positive Law.

Except for the Divine Creator, by Divine Law and Natural Law objects and concepts
cannot "own" one another only themselves. Therefore, the Divine Creator, also
known as Unique Collective Awareness, is the only true "owner" of objects and

When original Form owing its existence to the rightful claim of ownership of the
Divine Creator is lawfully conveyed into Trust this is called Realty, or Real Property
representing the highest Right of Use above all other claims of right and title.

In accordance with the will of the Divine Creator, this sacred Deed and the seven
(7) sacred pronouncements of Ucadia, all objects, concepts and all awareness is
hereby lawfully expressed and granted into the Trust administered by the Society
of One Heaven for the benefit of all men, women, higher order beings, animals and
life forms living and deceased now and forever more.

In accordance with this sacred Deed and Covenant, any and all claims of
ownership, conveyance, Trust that are not in accord with this sacred Deed and the
will of the Divine Creator are henceforth null, void from the beginning, consistent
with the notice of unlawful conveyance.

Title of Ownership

A T itle is a fiction term applying to a collection of legal Rights to Property and
another name for the Deed or certificate that proves such a claim.

As Title relates to Property and Property always relates to a Trust or an Estate of
a Testamentary Trust, the Rights defined in Title are defined by limits of Rights
conveyed into the Trust.

Two main forms of Title exist, Legal Title and Equitable Title.

Legal Title refers to Rights of Ownership, usually held by the Trustee, Executor or
Administrator of the Trust.

Equitable Title refers to the Rights of Use, usually held by the Beneficiary,

Equitable Title refers to the Rights of Use, usually held by the Beneficiary,
Leaseholder, Tenant of Property of the Trust. While the word "Owner" is used with
Equitable Title, it merely refers to the Title and not the Property of the Trust.

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